Chapter 294
In the end, Ningning still didn't kill them all, and felt sorry for Ye Feng, the pervert, and finally let him sleep next door.And he told him with special concern that if he couldn't fall asleep, he could solve it by himself.

Solve it yourself……

Of course Ye Feng can't solve it by himself!

I, Ye, have a wife!
And it's a super invincible and beautiful baby!

How can this kind of thing be solved by itself?
This is simply disrespect to Su Ning!

So, Ye chose not to solve it...

Ye Feng was next door, didn't sleep all night, didn't do anything, just meditated on the bed, recited Buddhist scriptures all night, from "Heart Sutra" to "Diamond Sutra", from "Great Compassion Mantra" to "Bodhi Mantra".But don't tell me, without the deliberate temptation of little devil Ning Ning, this thing is still very useful.


The next day, in the morning.

Oh no, it's noon.

Ye Feng got up in a daze. He didn't fall asleep until after six o'clock in the morning yesterday, but he slept until twelve o'clock, and his energy was not bad.

First smoke a wake-up cigarette, then get up and take a shower.

While brushing my teeth, I was thinking about what happened last night. Although I felt uncomfortable for most of the night in the end, I have to say, it was really exciting!
In fact, if you think about it carefully, buddy seems to be not a loss, right?

Although I have been educated, but this education, how should I say it, if I can do it again... Uh, someone Ye shuddered, forget it, let’s not come, this is exciting, but it’s exciting A little too much.It's better to work hard and strive to add a younger brother and sister to my precious girl as soon as possible. By then, don't you just want to look at it?

From this we can see Su Ning's wisdom. Not only did the two of them not quarrel, Su Ning even fulfilled her bet logically, and even educated Ye Feng severely, killing two birds with one stone!The most brilliant thing is that Ye Feng has been educated, not only has no temper at all, but even feels happy in his heart.

Su Ning achieved what she wanted, Ye Feng was even more happy, everyone was very happy, and the conflict between the two was resolved, it was the best of both worlds.Therefore, it is also a contradiction, but sometimes if you change the method, the result will be very different.


I looked around and saw no one.

Has Ning Ning woke up yet?
Ye Feng went up to the second floor again, pushed the door of Su Ning's bedroom, it was unlocked, Ye Feng pushed the door and went in.

Sure enough, the big baby was still curled up and asleep like a kitten.

Ning Ning curled up, half of her face was covered by the quilt, her hair was scattered on the pillow behind her.Ye Feng stood beside the bed and smiled unconsciously, squatted down, supported the edge of the bed, stretched out his hand and pulled the quilt down a little bit, revealing his pretty face.

A pair of eyes are tightly closed, the long eyelashes still move from time to time, and the small ruddy mouth moves a few times, did you dream of eating delicious food?Big baby is cute, isn't it?

With a smirk on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, he stretched out his hand and gently pinched Ning Ning's tall little nose.


The big baby closed his eyes and groaned, stretched out his hand and waved it indiscriminately.


Ye Feng couldn't help laughing while watching.

Slowly, the big baby opened his eyes, pouted, and looked dissatisfied at the hateful guy pinching his nose, "What are you doing~" Ning Ning rubbed her eyes and muttered vaguely.

Apparently, he hasn't woken up yet.

Ye Feng smiled and let go of his hand, "Are you awake?"

Su Ning pouted her lips, and said dissatisfiedly: "Childish ghost."

"Get up soon, the sun is drying your ass." Ye Feng squatted beside the bed, rubbing Su Ning's soft and pretty face with a smile, changing various shapes at will.

"Is it fun?" Su Ning stared at the childish ghost speechlessly.

"It's fun."

Ye Feng said as a matter of course, it's really fun, although the big baby's pretty face has less flesh, but it's still very soft, it's very comfortable to rub, and it feels great.

Facing Ye Feng's uprightness, the big baby rolled his eyes in anger, took Ye Feng's dishonest hand, opened his small mouth, and took a bite unceremoniously.

"Ah~ don't, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts! I was wrong, I was wrong, I can't do it, my hand is broken, I'm going to die, let go quickly."

Someone Ye exclaimed exaggeratedly, this is not bitten, this is the posture of being amputated.

"Fuck you."

Ning Ning pushed Ye Feng's hand away in disgust, how much force did she use, could she not know?He was not willing to use his strength at all, how could he be so painful.Hmph, childish ghost!

"Okay, okay, get up, I'll cook."

Ye Feng smiled and stood up.

Ning Ning wrinkled her nose towards Ye Feng, and said angrily: "If I have wrinkles, it will be all your fault!"

"Ningning is so beautiful, how can she have wrinkles? Besides, I'm an old doctor of Chinese medicine, even if you want to have them, I won't allow them." Ye said in a stern voice.

"Really?" Su Ning's eyes lit up, women, when they hear this, there is no one who will not be moved.

"Really." Ye Feng fondled the big baby's head, "Get up quickly."

Ye Feng's action made baby Ningning feel a little obedient, it seems that this guy is just coaxing girls like this?Could it be that my status in his heart has already caught up with that of a precious girl?Su Ning knew that Ye Feng's doting on her precious daughter was simply lawless, which made her, a mother, jealous.

bah bah bah!

My sister is not his daughter!His daughter is that little heartless Yiyi!Thinking of Yiyi, a precious girl, Ning Ning wanted to get angry, this little heartless one had been completely captured by her father.Baby Ning Ning is in a lot of pain. My baby girl is robbing her husband, and her broken husband is even robbing her daughter. These days, I really can't live it. This family doesn't have one heart with me!snort!It's all bad silver!

"What are you thinking? Fell asleep again?" Ye Feng pinched the big baby's little nose again.

The big baby slapped his hand off angrily, "Go out, I want to get dressed."


Ye Feng smiled mischievously, pulled a long tone, and walked out the door leisurely.

Oops, it turns out that my wife is not wearing anything under her clothes. If I knew it, I would have just peeked at it just now. It's a loss.

"Close the door!"

"Know it."

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, and closed the door.Wasn't baby Ningning very powerful last night?Now you know you are cowardly?I have to say that my wife is getting cuter and cuter now.When it's cold, it's like an iceberg of ten thousand years, a look can freeze you to death.When outside, she is even more queenly, with such a strong aura that you dare not approach her.But when she gets home, when she takes off those disguises, she can be charming and enchanting, but also cute and cute.Damn, where can I find this kind of wife!

No wonder Yiyi was so eccentric at such a young age, she definitely inherited her mother's genes.

After Su Ning got up and washed up, Ye Feng had already prepared lunch.Of course, both of them just got up, and lunch was relatively light.

After dinner, Su Ning didn't intend to go out, probably because the preparations for the birthday party had already been completed.Ye Feng didn't ask, but tomorrow is Ning Ning's birthday, so I think I'm almost ready.But Ye Feng's mind is not on tomorrow, because he has already prepared enough for tomorrow, and what he thinks about now is today's matter.

To be precise, tonight.

Ye Feng doesn't need to think about how many people will come for his birthday tomorrow, they will definitely be indispensable.But what's the point of so many people?So he wanted to give Ningning a birthday just for the two of them, how meaningful it is.

So, tonight, someone Ye prepared a big one.

(End of this chapter)

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