Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 295 Hmph!Naughty!

Chapter 295 Hmph!Naughty!

The two finished their lunch, which was considered breakfast.

Su Ning didn't plan to go out either. It was rare for them to be alone at home today. Although Su Ning didn't say anything, she still cherished the opportunity to be alone with Ye Feng.

Su Ningwo was watching the series on the sofa. Although there was nothing special, the ordinary time was the most real.

"Hey, Professor Ye Da, it's been time for you to wash the dishes for an episode of the TV series, haven't you finished?"

The big baby looked at the kitchen, I really don't know what this guy is doing, how can he be so slow.

"OK OK."

Ye Feng took off the outer ring, wiped his hands and came out, wobbling his ass and sat beside Ningning.

"What are you doing? So slow?" Ningning looked at Ye Feng strangely.

Ye Feng said casually: "Cleaned up the kitchen, it's too dirty."

The big baby raised his eyebrows, a little surprised, this big lazy guy will take the initiative to clean up the kitchen?It's not easy!

Su Ning squinted at Ye Feng and smiled, expressing her appreciation to him.

Ye Feng also smiled, not blushing or heartbeat, tidy up the kitchen?That's really overthinking.

Just now he called the fat man in the kitchen, told him something (not to be known by Ning Ning), and smoked a cigarette by the way.

The two of them just sat on the sofa and watched TV. The big baby watched it with great interest, but Ye Feng looked at it like chewing wax!Moreover, he couldn't calm down at all right now. Looking at his daughter-in-law's posture, is he going to stay at home and watch TV for a day?Don't plan to go out for a stroll?

Usually, Ye Feng would be very happy that Ningning could stay with her at home, but not today!

The big baby has been staying at home, how will Ye Feng's plan be implemented?

How to arrange the scene at night?
How to surprise the big baby?
This won't work, the wife must be paid for!
After thinking about it, Ye took out his mobile phone and prepared to send a text message to his sister-in-law Su Ling.

"I know how to play with my mobile phone all day..."

Only then did Ye take out the mobile phone, the big baby next to him muttered something, and gave him a beautiful big white eye, Ye Feng smiled shyly, "Go online and read the news." Then he opened the phone Edit box for SMS.

"Bring me the phone and let me have a look." Su Ning said suddenly.

Ye Feng's expression froze, and he looked at Su Ning, right?My wife, do you want to check your phone now?Fortunately, the text message has not been sent yet, Ye Feng quickly deleted it and handed it to Su Ning.

Su Ning took Ye Feng's cell phone and leaned against Ye Feng's side, her legs curled up, like a kitten, she lowered her head and began to fiddle with it.

Ye Feng touched his chin, isn't that fair?I have to look at Big Baby's phone too!



"Where's your phone?"

Su Ning didn't even look at him, and threw her cell phone into his arms.

Ye Feng picked it up, the phone still had a password, "Password?"

"Girls birthday."

Ye Feng entered Yiyi's birthday, and it opened. The screen showed a photo of Su Ning holding the baby. In the photo, two beautiful girls, one big and one small, were smiling happily, and their big eyes became a line.Ye Feng flipped through it casually, but there was actually nothing interesting to look at, just looking at various software such as Koukou, WeChat, etc., to see who Ning Ning usually chatted with, and to see what they were talking about.However, Su Ning has very few friends, and the conversations are basically about work.

And he found that unlike other stars, Ningning has several WeChat IDs. She only has one, and they are all acquaintances. After all, her manager is her cousin, so there is no need to contact outsiders.

After flipping through it, Ye Feng felt that it was meaningless.Then I opened the photo album again to see if there are any interesting photos in it, maybe there are...


Opening the phone's photo album, Mr. Ye almost didn't suffer internal injuries!

There are a lot of interesting photos!

But these photos are all his own!

This was obviously taken by Su Ning while he was asleep!And it is uglier than one!There is no normal one!

Some with open mouths, some with crooked necks, some with messy hair, and what's more, some are drooling?Is the old man drooling while sleeping? P's!Definitely p!It can't be me!
"Su! Ning!"

This is for Ye Fengqi, he raised his arms and hugged the big baby who didn't know what was going on next to him into his arms.


The big baby screamed at first, then turned his head and stared at Ye Feng angrily, and said coquettishly, "What are you doing!" But someone Ye put the phone in front of the big baby, "Please explain to me what is this?" ?ah?"

Looking at his mobile phone, the big baby immediately lost all anger, and could only stick out his little tongue at Ye Feng mischievously, "I just think it's fun, besides, it's not ugly."


Listening to Su Ning's words, Ye Fengqi didn't know what to say, so it's not ugly?Now the two are reversed, it's Su Ningqi and Ye Feng's turn!

"I won't watch it." Ye Feng angrily threw Su Ning's phone aside, and pushed the big baby Ning Ning out of his arms!snort!I, Ye, don't want to hug you anymore!You bad woman!

"You are so stingy!"

The big baby turned his pretty face away, expressing that he didn't want to deal with this cheapskate anymore.

Ye Feng was so angry that he almost exploded, I, am I stingy?This logic simply refreshed him!

Mr. Ye didn't want to deal with the big baby Ningning anymore, and deliberately moved his butt to the outside, to stay away from this bad woman, in order to express his dissatisfaction.

However, Ningning didn't even look at him, she nestled aside and continued to fiddle with Ye Feng's phone.

After a while, Su Ning returned the phone to Ye Feng with a smile.

Smiling so happily?
Someone Ye raised his eyebrows, he felt that his daughter-in-law must have done nothing good.

"What are you doing again?"

Ye Feng asked warily.

Ning Ning restrained her smile, "No reason."

Ye didn't believe it, so he picked up his mobile phone and opened it.

Uh, okay.

What caught my eye was a photo of the big baby, not a photo, but a photo I took with my mobile phone.It looks like it was taken in summer, you can see the upper body, it's a beautiful photo.

In the background photo, Ye Feng used the baby girl's before, but Su Ning, a mother, is jealous of her own girl?

But this is not over yet, Ye Feng looked at other things.

Su Ning replaced all the chat backgrounds and various application backgrounds with her own photos. Of course, most of them were photos of their mother and daughter, but there were still some of Su Ning's own.


On Ye Feng's phone, no matter what you do now, whether you are listening to music or surfing the Internet, you can definitely see the big baby!In an instant, in Ye Feng's mobile phone, baby Ningning's status overwhelmed little baby Yiyi for the first time!
By the way, listening to the songs...Ye Feng turned on his own player and took a look, well, as expected, they are all songs of the big baby!All the songs since her debut have been downloaded to Ye Feng's phone by Ningning.

Looking at the photo album again, it is also occupied by Ningning, not to mention the various portraits, there are also many leisure and home photos, the most are the photos of the mother and daughter.

Ye Feng couldn't laugh or cry when he looked at his phone which had been redecorated!

Childish is not childish!

There is no way, now Ningning is really getting more and more mischievous, and she is becoming more and more like a child.

"I want you to be able to see me when you play with your phone." The big baby said with a smile, "Don't delete it, do you understand?"

Seeing his daughter-in-law like this, Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, leaned over, pinched her little nose lightly, and said with a smile: "Got it."

"You let me go... you want to be bitten again, right?"

Ning Ning hummed dissatisfied, and opened her mouth to scare Ye Feng.

Ye Feng smiled, and hastily withdrew his mischievous hand.

The two played on the sofa for a while, and the TV drama started again, Ning Ning stopped playing with Ye Feng, and went to watch TV again.

Just in time, Mr. Ye had another chance to send text messages to his sister-in-law.


Suddenly, Su Ning's cell phone rang.

The big baby who was watching TV touched the phone and saw that it was Su Ling, "Hello?"

Ye Feng leaned on the sofa and asked casually, "Who is it?"


Su Ning answered casually, then called to the phone, "Going shopping?"

When the person next to Ye heard it, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, this sister-in-law is sometimes very reliable, and the call came within less than a minute after the text message was sent, which is very efficient.

Su Ning was a little hesitant, her younger sister asked her to go shopping, she was a little tangled, shopping, the temptation to baby Ning Ning is quite strong, how could she have time to go shopping, either for work or with a baby, There is no time for myself at all.

However, she didn't really want to go out today, so she was finally alone with this bastard, so it's too bad to leave him like this.

"Ye Feng, why don't we go shopping? It's almost Chinese New Year, I'll buy you two clothes."

"Er..., I won't go, you guys go, I may have to write something later."


Su Ning was a little disappointed, and said to the phone: "You and Qingqing go, I'm a little tired today." Between shopping and accompanying Ye Feng, baby Ning Ning still chose Ye Feng.

Hearing that Ningning would not go, someone Ye immediately became anxious, "Don't, you've been asleep for a long time, you should go out for a walk, it's good for your health."

Su Ning raised her eyebrows, glanced at Ye Feng, first said a few words to Su Ling, hung up the phone, and then looked at Ye Feng suspiciously, "You want me to go out so much? What do you want?" Ye The wind is so abnormal, Su Ning can see it at a glance.What kind of virtue is Ye Feng in ordinary times, can she not know?
Someone Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and forcefully explained: "Ahem, I didn't think about it. Isn't it for your own good?" He found that Su Ning was really too smart, and he wanted to hide ordinary things. She is too difficult.As long as Ye Feng is a little abnormal, she can find it.

Su Ning glanced at him, "Really?"


"to be frank."

"This is the truth!"

"Ha ha."

Su Ning sneered, and stopped asking, just staring at Ye Feng.

After 3 minutes, Ye couldn't bear it anymore.

"Well, to be honest, I asked Su Ling to call you."


"can not say."

This is Ye Feng's bottom line!
Absolutely can't say!
"Oh, you can go shopping with Lingling, I can't do anything bad."

Anyway, Su Ning saw it, and Ye Feng also saw it, so he simply went straight to the bar, anyway, just pay Su Ning.

Su Ning frowned and looked at Ye Feng, not knowing what kind of medicine he was selling in the gourd.

"Go, go, I'll get you the bag."

Ye Feng is very considerate.

(End of this chapter)

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