Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 296 Prelude

Chapter 296 Prelude
In the end, baby Ningning still went shopping.There was no other way, Ye Feng almost drove her out with a feather duster, it was impossible not to go.

As soon as the big baby left, Ye Feng immediately started to act.

It's almost four o'clock, and it will be dark after five o'clock in winter. If you don't hurry up, it will be too late!
He didn't want to waste even a minute, time was too tight, but... he still had to smoke a cigarette first.

After smoking a cigarette, Mr. Ye really started to act.

What he wants to do is simple and simple, but complicated and complicated.

The idea is simple, to decorate the home and create a dreamy and romantic atmosphere.Materials and so on, I bought them last time I went shopping.The rest is decoration.

He wants to decorate the whole villa by himself, so he said that the villa is not big, but it will take some time.

Looking for help?

Forget it, it makes sense to do it yourself.


Everything is in Su Ling's house, but fortunately Su Ling's villa is next door.There was no one at home, someone Ye climbed over the wall and entered.Last time they went shopping and bought too many things, which were piled up in the corner of the living room. Su Ling was lazier than Ye Feng, and he didn't say to clean them up.

"This little sister..."

Ye Feng shook his head speechlessly, and didn't bother to complain about her, so just do it.

First find the starry sky wallpaper I bought that day, wallpaper, wallpaper... Damn!After searching for 10 minutes, Ye couldn't find it. Looking at the pile of things, where can he find them?
This made Ye Fengqi angry. He wanted to get angry, but he didn't know where to go.Forget it, keep looking.


Mr. Ye shuttled back and forth between the two villas. Fortunately, he was nimble and quick at work.The home has gradually changed its appearance. The originally empty walls have been completely covered with fluorescent starry sky wallpapers, and even the roof is fully pasted.Moreover, there are strings of luminous crystal wind chimes hanging on the roof. As long as the air moves a little, the delicate wind chimes will blink playfully like stars all over the sky.

Starting from the door, Ye Feng also carefully laid out a "flower road" - a road composed of gift flowers of various colors, blue enchantress, pink beauty, golden fire sea, etc., all the way through the stairs, leading to the second floor.In the middle of the "flower road", Su Ning's favorite purple lavender is also covered.In the hall, the TV sofa and the like had been moved to the corner by Ye Feng long ago, and on the vacant floor, Ye Feng used candles to place a peach heart, even the candle itself was heart-shaped.Around this heart-shaped flame, there are shells and conch shells of various colors, and their surfaces are also covered with fluorescent powder.

And in the hug, Ye Feng is even more ingenious, every three steps,...

The sky has gradually darkened, and Ye Feng's speed is getting faster and faster.

He still has a lot of things left unfinished.

"Huh? Brother-in-law?"

When Ye Feng came out of Su Ling's house for the nth time carrying things, he met two people by chance.

Su Qi and Peach Fairy.

"It's you two again?"

Ye Feng laughed. He found that he could meet Su Qi on the road every time, and most importantly, he would meet the two of them together every time. You said they were fine, but I don't believe it anyway.

Su Qi blinked and smiled ambiguously. The Tao Xiaoyao next to him didn't respond, and said lightly: "Ye Feng, after a while, there will be a game competition, do you want to participate?"

"That's right, brother-in-law, I came here today just to talk to you about this matter." Su Qi said happily, "This competition, but..."

"Go, go, play on the side, I won't go, I don't have time, don't waste my time, don't you see I'm busy."

When he heard about the competition, Ye Feng didn't bother to talk to him. He hasn't played games for several days recently, and he doesn't want to participate in any ghost game competitions.

"Ye Feng, you..."

Tao Xiaoyao frowned, a little speechless, Ye Feng was really blind for a world master's account.

Su Qi also twitched the corners of his mouth, but he was a little strange, "Brother-in-law, what are you doing? Moving? My sister kicked you out of the house?" Seeing the pile of boxes Ye Feng was holding, Su Qi said : "Brother-in-law, don't be afraid, I will tell Dad when I get back, and let Dad fix my sister."

"What are you talking about?"

Ye Feng rolled his eyes as he walked towards his house, you look down on your brother-in-law too much, am I the one who can be kicked out?Moreover.Who do you think your sister is?How could such a lovely, gentle, beautiful, generous and intelligent woman do such a thing?

Su Qi and Tao Xiaoyao also followed Ye Feng slowly, "Then what are you doing?" Su Qi also helped push the big iron gate of the villa.

"Get something."

Ye Feng said something casually, without going into details.

"Hey, slow down, I'll open the door for you." It was inconvenient for Ye Feng to hold things, Su Qi hurriedly helped Ye Feng open the half-hidden door, and asked curiously while pushing the door: "Brother-in-law, what are you doing?" What is it... I, I wipe it!"

After pushing open the door, Su Qi didn't finish his sentence, and was immediately shocked by the scene in front of him!

Did Nima go to the wrong place?
This is your home?
Damn, I don't read enough, don't lie to me!


Looking at the room that was dressed up as Xingkonghai, even Tao Xiaoyao, who had always been arrogant, let out a cry of surprise.

No way, this is too dreamy!
The whole room is like a purple world, surrounded by stars, so dazzling that it is impossible to see.

Any girl who sees this scene will have to be moved!

This is just like in a fairy tale!
Ye Feng took off his shoes and went in barefoot, "Hey, you two don't come in, I prepared this for your sister, she must be the first to go in."

"Brother-in-law, you are worthy of being an artist, you are awesome!" Su Qi gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, and he admired it from the bottom of his heart.

At this time, Tao Xiaoyao next to him suddenly said, "I will celebrate my birthday next year, so you can figure it out."


Su Qi was directly confused, "Isn't it? This specification?"

"Hehe, I'm not as good as your sister?" Tao Xiaoyao sneered.

Su Qi wanted to cry, "It's not that you are not as good as my sister, it's that I am not as good as my brother-in-law!" He really wanted to cry, this shit can lie down.

"Okay, then I'll marry your brother-in-law." Tao Xiaoyao hugged her chest and raised her eyebrows and said, "Your Su family has always advocated excellent men..."

"Don't, don't, I promise it's definitely better than this!"

Su Qi's face turned green immediately, and he swore quickly.

Ye Feng went in for a while and then came out again, still on the phone, "Okay, he's here, I'll let him call you, um, okay, you can contact him, he is my brother-in-law, you should know him too .”

After hanging up the phone, Ye Feng asked Su Qi without seeing anyone else, "Do you have a Mei Pu phone number?"

"Uh, no, what's the matter?" Su Qi was taken aback.

"I'll give it to you, remember it, 1..."

Su Qi wrote it down, and Ye Feng patted Su Qi on the shoulder again and said: "Are you two okay? Have time, right? Then you call him and do what he said, as if I were helping my brother-in-law." I'm busy." Ye Feng looked very friendly.

"No, why are you busy?" Su Qi was at a loss, and he didn't understand what Ye Feng was talking about. I have time for everything, and I am also a player with millions of dollars every minute.

"You'll know when you call him. It's not a big deal, just a small favor. It will be soon." Ye Feng said with a smile: "Don't worry, it will be soon. When the work is over, brother-in-law will treat you two to a delicious meal later." of."

Su Qi didn't speak. Suddenly, Tao Xiaoyao next to him asked, "Are you going to the competition?"


Ye Feng's smile immediately froze on his face, he was quite a pain in the ass, how could the women he met be smarter than the other?ah?He just said to ask Su Qi to do a little favor, and this Tao Xiaoyao got involved in that bloody competition.

"All right, all right, I'll go." Ye Feng said helplessly, "If I have time, I'll definitely go, okay?"

Tao Xiaoyao smiled: "Sorry, we don't have time right now."

"No, no, I must have time!" Ye Feng was speechless.

Hearing this, Tao Xiaoyao smiled in satisfaction, Su Qi also smiled and said: "Alright, don't worry brother-in-law, no matter what happens, I will definitely take care of it for you clearly."

"Okay, let's go."

"Alright, see you brother-in-law."

Su Qi and Tao Xiaoyao left contentedly, and went to call Meipu.

As for Ye Feng, he continued to work on his own work. The arrangement now is still a bit far from what he imagined.

Countless gift boxes, a super big birthday cake, brown dog outfits, countless rainbow lights... Ye Feng carefully arranged them piece by piece.

It is rare to see no smog in today's imperial capital.

Unknowingly, the stars have covered the streets, and the bright moon hides behind the clouds, seeming to be secretly watching the busy Ye Feng from the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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