Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 297 Pink Letterhead

Chapter 297 Pink Letterhead (Two in One)

At night, after eight o'clock.

Mr. Ye was still busy arranging the arrangements, and on the other side, the three sisters Su Ning were still shopping.

The streets were brightly lit, and the number of pedestrians coming and going did not decrease.

"Almost? Go home."

Su Ning has been shopping all afternoon and is a little tired.

"No, no, no."

Su Ling shook her head and said, "Brother-in-law said, we have to wait for him to call before we let you go."

Su Ning was speechless for a while, what is Ye Feng doing?Still not allowed to go home?

"Sister, let's go ahead and buy a cup of milk tea."

Su Qing next to her looked around, there was a milk tea shop under the commercial building in front, and it seemed that the business was good.

"Let's go, sister, let's go drink and have a rest."

Su Ling pulled her sister to the door of this store, but unexpectedly, she met Su Qi at the door of this big commercial building.

"Seventh brother?"

Su Ling was taken aback, and Su Qi who was in a hurry was also taken aback, unexpectedly meeting them here, "Sister Ning, Lingling Qingqing, are you shopping?"

Su Qi greeted with a smile.

"What are you doing here? Are you here to go shopping with the little demon?" Su Ning said with a teasing smile.

Su Qi smiled awkwardly, "No, I'm here to do something, you go shopping first, I'll go first." After saying a word, Su Qi hurriedly slipped away.

"This guy, I don't know what he's up to." Su Ning shook her head helplessly.

"Whatever, let's go get a drink." Su Ling was heartless.


In fact, not only Su Qi, but even Su Li, Su Ke, and even Tao Xiaoyao who are off work are running around at this time, visiting various commercial buildings and buildings in the imperial capital, as long as your floor is relatively high , they all appear.

As for what they were doing, few people knew.

And the busiest one is probably Mei Pu. Ever since he received Ye Feng's call in the afternoon, he hasn't been idle for a while, and he hasn't even had a drink of saliva.

"I'll go! Comrade police, we distribute them for free. Is this also called illegal operation?"

In a certain square, Mei Pu was arguing with a city manager.

"Although you are not for profit, your subordinates have set up stalls illegally, which has seriously disturbed public order." The city manager said, "Brother, it's this evening, and we've gotten to know each other well, and you understand nonsense, so pay the fine." .”


"Come on, pay it, how much have you paid, is it still short?"


Meipu almost vomited blood, I'm damn it!It's okay if the city management didn't say anything, but when he mentioned it, the fat man's mentality collapsed.

Just an hour ago, Fatty hired [-] people and set up street stalls in dozens of large squares in the imperial capital to distribute things for free. In less than an hour, he has already been fined tens of thousands!
Is this fucker reimbursed?
This is still a small amount of money, and the fat man doesn't even want to mention it. The key is, will someone reimburse me for the money I bought?
He has spent millions here and there!

These millions are not a matter of 100 million 200 million, but Nima 700 million!

700 million!
In just one afternoon, even if it is a strong wind, it will have to blow for a while, right?
The most irritating thing is that someone Ye of yours is celebrating your daughter-in-law's birthday, so it's fine for him to run errands, but he still has to spend money?
The fat man took a deep breath and honestly paid a fine.He decided that Ye must pay the price in a few days!


08: 30.

nine o'clock.

09: 30.

As time passed, the temperature became lower and lower.

Finally, Mr. Ye is done!
"Hello? Brother-in-law? Okay? Okay."

The sister-in-law hid in the toilet and answered Ye Feng's phone call, and happily called her sister home after she went out.



Su Ning and her two younger sisters are back.

Standing outside, looking at the dark room, Su Ning said strangely: "Ye Feng isn't at home? Why don't you turn on the lights?" Normally, the lights are brightly lit, but why should you be able to see the light in the window? What's wrong today? What about pitch black?

"No way?" Su Ling was also a little puzzled, "Brother-in-law should be at home."

"This guy……"

Su Ning whispered something while walking towards the house.

"Brother-in-law must have prepared a surprise for you!"

Sister-in-law Su Ling jumped ahead and opened the door for her sister.

The door opened, and immediately, the three sisters were all stunned, standing at the door blankly, looking at everything in front of them.

The lights in the room were not turned on, only the dim fluorescent lights, reflecting a purple starry sky, the roof and the walls were all shining with stars, and the tubular wind chimes tied from the roof were softly playing ethereal and soft music.The floor is covered with petals, like a sea of ​​flowers, a flower path composed of exquisite gift flowers of various colors leads to the stairs.On the gift flowers beside this flower road, each flower is inlaid with a small glowing strawberry-shaped lamp, just like fireflies dotted among the flowers, colorful and dreamy.


After a full minute, the two sisters-in-law, Su Ling and Su Qing, burst into shocking screams.They knew that Ye Feng was preparing a surprise for her sister, but no one expected that the surprise would be so shocking!

Not to mention Su Ning, although she guessed what Ye Feng must be up to, she never expected that this would be the first thing she saw after returning home.

Su Ning was stunned, and stood at the door blankly, not daring to take a step inside.

It was Su Ling who pushed her sister, and Su Ning came back to her senses.

Walking into the room mechanically, walking in the room carefully arranged by Ye Feng, and walking on the flower path laid by Ye Feng little by little, Su Ning's eyes were filled with disbelief and surprise.Joy and shock were intertwined in Su Ning's heart at this moment.

Walking into the hall, Su Ning's gaze was attracted again.

On the floor of the hall, the sofas and the like were gone, replaced by candles all over the floor, and the slightly beating candles were arranged in a big heart shape.In the light of the fire, Su Ning could vaguely see that even the candle was in the shape of a red heart.

Living in such a room, looking up at the stars all over the sky, and looking down at the fragrant sea of ​​flowers, Su Ning's heart was melted by the sweetness.

"Dong dong ding ding..."

The wind chime on the roof was singing softly, and Su Ning turned around gently, as if standing in a fairy tale, everything was so unrealistic.

"Ningning, come up quickly, I'll wait for you on the roof."

Ye Feng's voice came from above.

Su Ning raised her head and glanced up the stairs, followed the direction of the voice, stepped on the soft lavender, and walked slowly towards the stairs along the flower path designed by Ye Feng.Su Ning walked carefully, afraid of trampling on every petal, afraid of disturbing this dream, and afraid of... spoiling the surprise Ye Feng gave her.

However, when Ningning came to the stairs, the stairs she was familiar with had already changed.Both sides of the stairs are covered with shining small lights, reflecting colorful lights, and the balloons on the stairs are very obvious.

Big balloons, a long strip, more than a dozen, are all blocked in the middle of the stairs.

Su Ning cautiously walked against the wall, for fear of breaking the balloon, but just when Ning Ning stepped on the first flight of stairs, she suddenly remembered the sound of music, and the girl in front of the big baby Ning Ning Hitting the balloon, there was also a "bang", and it exploded inexplicably.


The sudden explosion frightened the big baby, but looking at the streamers sprayed out of the balloon, the big baby was very angry and funny, smiling sweetly.

The ribbon fell on the big baby, and the big baby looked around a few times. Where is the sound of music coming from?
Oh, it turns out that there is a mystery under the balloon, a small stereo.

There came a tune that she had never heard before.

There is actually a letter on the ground?

Ningning looked at the pink envelope in surprise, bent down and gently picked it up in her hand.Just as Ningning opened the envelope, Ye Feng's magnetic voice suddenly came out from the stereo.

"Pink letterhead, full of my thoughts..." (Xu Song, "Pink Letterhead")
Listening to Ye Feng's low-pitched singing, Big Baby's hands that opened the envelope trembled slightly.

"Unknowingly, I have loved you for a hundred days, I really want to continue, I really want to last forever..."

The soft singing seems to be telling the most beautiful love.

The sweetest smile appeared on the corner of the big baby's mouth, and the pink letter paper in his hand had also been torn apart. Spreading out the pink letter paper, there were only three short sentences.

"The Brightest Star,"

"I can't beat it either,"

"You look back in a blink of an eye."

Looking at the love letter in her hand and listening to the love song behind her, Su Ning felt so clearly for the first time what is the romance of love.It is so charming that Su Ning was fascinated for a moment.

The big baby held this pink letter paper and pressed it to his chest, with a silly and sweet smile on his face, and his beautiful eyes were shining brightly.

Standing there for a while, Ning Ning carefully packed the letter, walked up two knots, and met a big balloon again.The big baby bent down and touched it cutely, but it didn't explode.

Is there something in here too?

Big Baby thought.

I took another step up, didn't touch the balloon, and it blew up by itself.

This time, what was sprayed out was not ribbons, but fragrant petals, and the rain of flowers all over the sky made the smile on the big baby's face even stronger.The song kept singing, and the big baby was like a little girl, happily circling on the spot, looking up at the roses all over the sky with joy, waiting for all the petals to fall, the big baby looked down at the steps.

Sure enough, it was another pink letter.

"If you were in my dream,"

"I will,"

"I can't sleep forever."

Su Ning pursed her lips, feeling her heartbeat, her pretty face blushed, looking at the love letter in her hand, her heart was also full of affection.

The song is still going on, and the big baby is moving forward sweetly.

Inside each balloon, there will be such a pink love letter.

"This life and the afterlife,"

"If it weren't for death,"

"Never die."


"There is heavy snow in December in the north,"

"There are four seasons like spring in the south,"

"You have joy in your eyes that I can't hide."


"So you are me,"

"In the wanton years,"

"The only one who dare not be reckless."


Song after song, sentence after sentence, bit by bit, bit by bit, into the heart.

After walking up two stairs, the big baby has harvested more than ten love letters, more than ten pink love letters.

She never thought that it would take so long for her to walk from the first floor to the second floor, as if a century had passed, the time was very long, but it seemed very short.

The rest of life is long, but short.

Hold these envelopes neatly in your arms, for fear that they will get a little wrinkled.

The second floor.

The big baby had a happy smile on his face, but his eyes were already full of tears.

The corridor on the second floor is covered with gifts.

In the entire corridor, there are gifts all over the floor, countless things.

"Ningning, come up first."

From the top of the building, Ye Feng called softly.


The big baby pursed her lips, and responded from her nasal cavity. She dared not speak now, for fear that she would cry out if she couldn't help it.

Really, for many years, she has never been so moved like today.

How much effort did he spend on this dreamy arrangement?

How much thought did he put into this love letter in his arms?
She didn't know, but she knew that it was just a birthday.

Holding the love letter in his arms, he walked up to the top of the building step by step.


Gently push open the door on the top of the building, and the cold winter wind blows through. In the eyes, there is a carefully arranged "tree", which is full of small lanterns, shining beautiful neon lights.And under the tree, there is a "dog", a standing "dog".

"Dear baby Ningning, happy birthday!"

Ye Feng, who was wearing a brown dog suit, stood under the tree, shaking his head, waving his hands, and said loudly with a smile on his face.

Seeing Ye Feng like this, finally, Su Ning couldn't bear it anymore, the tears in her eyes flowed down like a flood that opened the gate.

She is a dog.

He dressed up as a dog.

Su Ning cried.

Standing there motionless, letting the tears wet her pretty face, she also looked at Ye Feng and her him without blinking.

This is the second time Ye Feng sees Su Ning crying.

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled lightly, and walked up to the big baby like a duck (the reason for wearing a dog outfit), Ye Feng gently wiped the tears on the big baby's face.

"Little fool, why cry, what's the good..."

Ye Feng spoke softly, but before he finished speaking, Ning Ning hugged him.

The pink love letters were scattered all over the place.

But Ning Ning didn't want to care about it anymore. At this moment, she just wanted to hug this man, hug him tightly, and bury her tears in his heart.

Ye Feng smiled softly, stretched out his dog's paw, and patted Ningning's back lightly, without saying a word.

say what?
Nothing to say.

There is no need to say anything.

Isn't all of this the best expression?
His heart, her tears.

What else do you need?
In the chest, the big baby was sobbing.

The cold wind on a winter night blows up the scattered love letters, flying around like pink snow, silently telling the most touching love in the world.

After a long, long time, the big baby raised his head, looked at Ye Feng with a beautiful face raised in makeup, and asked with a choked voice, "Why are you so kind to me..."

The voice was very small, but Ye Feng could hear it clearly.

Ye Feng smiled lightly, staring at the big baby in his arms, moved his lips lightly, "Do you need a reason?"

The big baby hugged Ye Feng's waist tightly, looked up at him, and looked into his clear and doting eyes.

pursed lips.

I don't know words.

"Okay, little cat, come on, have a smile."

Ye Feng rubbed the big baby's face lovingly with his furry paws. Even though she was wearing makeup, she was still beautiful.

"You are the little cat."

The big baby smiled through his tears, and stretched out his hands to rub Ye Feng's face, there was a little beard around his mouth, and his hands were prickly.However, the big baby smiled sweetly, the sweetness in his eyes.


The big baby suddenly found that all his love letters had been dropped, he screamed, let go of Ye Feng quickly, squatted on the ground anxiously picking up these pink love letters.

Ye Feng smiled softly, "Don't pick it up, it's just some paper."

"No!" The big baby said anxiously: "One piece must not be missing!"

Seeing the anxious look of the big baby, Ye Feng felt very warm in his heart.

Suddenly, Ye Feng bent down and picked up Ning Ning who was squatting on the ground, and hugged her sideways in his arms.

The big baby looked at Ye Feng in astonishment.

Ye Feng stared at Su Ning, and said softly: "No matter how good it is, it can't compare to you and me, never leave."

"Let these go with the wind, we don't need to remember. Because, I will always be there."

"I was born before you, and I will die after you. Your whole life is a love letter written by me."

"Is this not enough?"

Ye Feng whispered softly, like the breeze by the river in spring, so warm and gentle, gradually blowing into Su Ning's heart.

Su Ning stared blankly at Ye Feng, and the two looked at each other. She had never felt that Ye Feng was so exciting to her.

I was born before you and died after you.Your whole life is a love letter written by me.

This is enough.

Ye Feng had never talked to Su Ning face to face, but once she did, Su Ning found that she had no ability to resist at all.His contemptuous voice, his clear eyes, are so heart-pounding.

The affectionate Ye Feng, in Su Ning's eyes, is simply perfect.

Ye Feng gently put Su Ning down, took out the envelopes in her hand, and gently sprinkled them into the distance, letting them float in the wind.

The big baby looked dazed, but there was no reluctance in his heart.

Yeah, we don't need memories.


At this time, a firework suddenly burst into the sky.

Ye Feng looked at the fireworks and laughed, holding Su Ning's little hand, "Come here, Ning Ning."


"come over."

Ye Feng pulled Su Ning to the big tree covered with neon lights.Ye Feng took out the lighter and handed it to Su Ning, beckoning to her.

The big baby took the lighter suspiciously, but still didn't quite understand what Ye Feng meant.Watching Ye Feng run under the tree and pull out a long lead wire, at this moment, the big baby suddenly realized.

"Are these fireworks?"

The big baby looked at the big tree and asked curiously.


Ye Feng said: "Come on, light the fire."


Ningning smiled sweetly, and then carefully lit the fuse.After the fire wire was lit, the two held hands and hid far away.

ps: These are two chapters, so that everyone can read them coherently, so I didn't separate them.Some friends said, I said earlier that I wanted to write abusive articles, but what I wrote is not abusive?Isn't it cruel?As a single dog, even if this is written by myself, my mentality of being abused has exploded, okay?

(End of this chapter)

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