Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 298 Fireworks all over the city, for you!

Chapter 298 Fireworks all over the city, for you! (two in one)

On the roof of a certain commercial building, the three brothers Su Li, Su Ke, and Su Qi were shivering in the cold wind.

Su Qi held up a binoculars, and said tremblingly: "Brother-in-law doesn't have a signal yet, it's too slow!" They are the nearest commercial building to the villa area, and they can see the roof of Su Ning's house with the binoculars fireworks on.

Mei Pu said that Ye Feng would use fireworks as a signal, and they could only do it after Ye Feng lit the fireworks tree on the roof of the villa.

However, the three brothers have been waiting here for two hours!There is still no movement on Ye Feng's side!

The roof of the commercial building can be said to be cold and windy. Even Su Ke's ears were red from the cold. He rubbed his hands and said, "Brother-in-law, didn't you forget it? Why don't you call and ask?" He couldn't take it anymore. It's too cold!
Su Li who was next to him shook his head, "It's better to say goodbye, my brother-in-law might be kissing me with sister Ning at this moment, let's not bother."

Su Ke said: "Then let's just wait so stupidly? Why don't you keep an eye on Lao Qi first, and let us go down and warm up."

"You can pull it down!"

Su Qi immediately exploded, and stared, "Why don't you let me go to the warm meeting?"

"Old Qi, take a closer look and see if you can see the movement on the roof? Is there anyone up there?" the third elder brother Su Li said.

"I can't see clearly, it's too far away." Su Qi shook his head, and said happily: "Fortunately, I let Xiao Yao go back first, otherwise...hehe, brother-in-law's happiness is my tragedy."

At this time, Su Ke suggested: "Why don't we set off a firework first to remind brother-in-law?"

"Good idea!" Su Qi's eyes lit up.

Su Li breathed a sigh of relief in his hands, "That's fine."

Seeing that the third brother agreed, Su Ke immediately took out the walkie-talkie, "On the 36th floor of Area C, set off a big firework first, yes, let's set off one first!"

Within ten seconds after Su Ke spoke, a brilliant firework flashed across the silent night sky.

Ye Feng on the roof of the villa, when he saw this fireworks, he already understood it.


The roof of the villa.

The big baby Ningning has already lit the fuse of the fireworks tree.

The people who came held hands and hid far away.


The fuse burned quickly, and within a short while, the firework tree was ignited.


Immediately, the three-meter-high firework tree covered with neon lights completely bloomed.Bunches of fireworks were sprayed out, rendering a beauty for the night sky.

"Wow~ so beautiful!"

The big baby Ningning leaned on Ye Feng, raised her head, folded her hands on her chest like a little girl, and her big shining eyes were full of joy.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, and said softly: "This is just the beginning..."

"What did you say?"

The fireworks were too loud, and Baby Ningning couldn't hear them clearly, but there was a smile on her face.

Ye Feng smiled lightly, and didn't say anything more.

He just quietly accompanied Su Ning and stood beside her.


"I'm coming!"

Su Qi shouted while holding up his binoculars.

"Huh? Here? Let me see, let me see!"

Su Ke also took out a pair of binoculars and took a look, sure enough!
Fireworks have been lit on the roof of the villa!

Su Ke hurriedly said to the walkie-talkie: "B, C, D, and E are ready! Each area is ready for the first wave of fireworks! Wait for me to count down to five, five, four, three, two, one..."


Su Ke gave an order, and immediately, the entire imperial capital resounded with the sound of fireworks rising into the sky!



All kinds of big fireworks shoot out from the roofs of countless commercial buildings and buildings!

Three seconds later, countless fireworks exploded above the imperial capital. At this moment, it seemed that the entire night sky of the imperial capital was illuminated!



"Oh my God!"

"What day is this?"

"What a beautiful fireworks!"

"Why are there so many fireworks? It's so beautiful!"

"Look, look over there, there are more over there!"

"There are so many fireworks in the east!"

"No, it's the most in the north!"

"The purple fireworks are so beautiful!"

Immediately, the entire imperial capital became lively.

At this time, it is the time when the nightlife begins.But at this moment, I don't know how many people raised their heads at the same time.

in the street...

outside the mall...

Residential building...

Official building...

I don't know how many people, don't know how many places, when the fireworks were blooming all over the sky, they raised their heads almost at the same time.

"so beautiful!"

"What day is it today? Why are fireworks suddenly set off?"

"Whatever, she's pretty anyway! No, I have to record a video!"

"I'm going to broadcast live!"

"I'll wipe it, I'll go to the live broadcast too!"

"Isn't this too beautiful? Who is so generous?"

Looking at the fireworks that bloomed all over the sky, colorful and scattered, the night sky of the entire imperial capital seemed to have countless meteors passing by, directly amazed the world.

In a big square.

The fat guy who was wrapped in a quilt that he didn't know where to come from, almost cried when he saw the sky filled with fireworks!


Su Qi and the others are three brothers, at least they have a companion!But what about him?As for himself, although he is very lively, he doesn't know anyone!
Alone in the cold wind, fat someone has been caught cold.

"Start! Start!"

The fat man blew his nose and yelled at the walkie-talkie in his hand. His mentality was really blown up, and he was frozen all night!
Fatty gave an order, and immediately, all the major squares in the imperial capital took action.Countless vendors began to distribute Kongming lanterns to pedestrians for free!


On the roof of the villa, Baby Ning Ning originally thought there was only this one firework tree. To be honest, this one firework tree was enough to make Big Baby excited.However, when the fireworks all over the sky rose at the same time and enveloped the entire imperial capital, the big beautiful eyes of the big baby straightened all of a sudden!
Staring blankly at the gorgeous fireworks all over the sky, indescribable surprise and happiness burst out in his eyes!
Red, purple, blue, yellow... All kinds of fireworks are blooming in the sky above the imperial capital.At this time, the night sky of the imperial capital was completely occupied by fireworks. Even the stars all over the sky seemed to have lost their former colors, and even the bright moon seemed to be forced to hide behind the clouds.

At this time, the night in the imperial capital is a sea of ​​fireworks!
And this is only because of Su Ning.

Fireworks rain all over the city, just for you!
"So beautiful!"

Baby Ning Ning can't find any words to describe it, she can only use the most primitive expression, she doesn't know what to say anymore, she can only excitedly pull Ye Feng's sleeve, pointing to the most beautiful firework in the sky, shouted excitedly.

And this is just the beginning.

After more than ten minutes of the dense sea of ​​fireworks above the imperial capital, a little bit of "starlight" slowly rose below.

Countless Kongming lanterns were lifted into the sky from the major squares of the imperial capital.It is like the fireflies in the reeds, flashing a faint yellow color, floating around with the wind.

A layer of dark yellow Kongming lanterns, like a membrane, separated the sea of ​​fireworks above.

Countless fireworks are still blooming non-stop, and countless Kongming lanterns have also been lifted into the sky.

The flashing beautiful fireworks and the little candles slowly rising into the sky intertwine and set off each other.The dreamlike scene appeared vividly before the eyes of the world.




Such a scene can't be described with all the words of praise. No one can understand the shock of that scene without seeing it with their own eyes!
Yes, it is shocking!
At this moment, the entire imperial capital was shocked!

Countless pedestrians stopped, countless people called friends, some came out of the bedroom, some came out of the bar, some put down their work, some raised their mobile phones to record... A romance shocked the imperial capital!
Hundreds of miles of fireworks, thousands of miles of candlelight, thousands of people look up!

In the entire imperial capital, everyone is admiring this shocking fireworks feast!
On the square, the fat man looked up at the sky, a smile unconsciously appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he muttered, "Not bad, not bad."

Even the city management next to him, who fined him countless times, was staring blankly at the sky at this moment, forgetting about his own work.

On the roof of the building, the three brothers who had been yelling that they couldn't stand the cold had quieted down now, and no one said they wanted to go back to get warmer.

"It's really... so beautiful."

Su Ke originally wanted to find a few words to describe it, but when it came to his mouth, there was only the simplest sentence.What words can describe this scene?No.

The seventh child, Su Qi, seemed not to be cold anymore, and looked very excited, waving the binoculars and shouting: "This is our masterpiece! We are simply too great!"

Su Li smiled, staring at the beautiful scenery in the night sky, and murmured: "We are just coolies, this is brother-in-law's masterpiece." After Su Li sighed, he suddenly looked at his two younger brothers, "I will use this method in the future , brother-in-law will not disagree?"

"It must be fine!" Su Qi said excitedly: "We are heroes! I will use this method to confess my love to the little demon in the future! Yes, I will use these fireworks!"

"Brother-in-law is really good at flirting with sisters, no wonder, no wonder." Su Ke kept saying no wonder, but he didn't say why.However, the two brothers next to him understood it, and the three looked at each other and shook their heads and smiled.

After a while, Su Li said again: "Is it almost time?"

Su Ke looked at his watch and nodded, "Well, half an hour has passed."

"Hurry up, the second wave, the second wave!" Su Qi shouted.

This is just the first wave!

The first wave is already like this, what will the second wave of fireworks be like?

No one knew, but the three brothers all looked forward to it.

"A zone is ready, the second wave begins!" Su Ke said into the walkie-talkie.


The roof of the villa.

Baby Ningning is already dazzled, this fireworks rain is even more beautiful than the fireworks during the New Year!And the most important thing is that this is just a rain of fireworks belonging to Da Baobao alone.

Neither of them spoke any more, they both quietly watched the fireworks blooming all over the city, and there was a trace of tranquility amidst the noise of the fireworks.

But suddenly, the fireworks all over the sky stopped suddenly.

It stopped all of a sudden. In the night sky of the imperial capital, there were no fireworks, only countless Kongming lanterns were still there.Although fireworks are beautiful, they are always short, and there is no time for lights.

The fireworks stopped, although there is still nostalgia, but the big baby is already satisfied.

She turned around, looked up at her little face that was flushed by the cold wind, and looked at Ye Feng with excitement, her big eyes were bent into crescent moons.

The big baby snuggled gently into Ye Feng's arms, the long-haired dog was very warm.But what is warmer is Ye Feng's heart.

Ye Feng gently embraced the big baby, and held her in his arms, so that the big baby could be warmer.

"do you like it?"

Ye Feng gently rubbed the big baby's hair, and asked softly.

"Yes, I like it."

The big baby nestled in Ye Feng's arms, and put his hands into Ye Feng's dog pockets. The little hands were a little cold, so he naturally wanted to find a warm place. Ning Ning used to put them in his pockets.But today, she knew that the warmest place in the future would be his pocket.She can enjoy his warmth with peace of mind.

Ye Feng gently kissed the big baby on the forehead, smiled, "Look."

The big baby is a little puzzled, still watching?

Raising his head, he followed Ye Feng's gaze suspiciously.

Nothing but sky lanterns.

However, just when the big baby was puzzled, there were bursts of piercing sounds in the night sky.

Immediately, the big baby widened his eyes and looked at the distant night sky.

A huge purple Chinese character made of fireworks seemed to appear out of thin air, illuminating the already dim imperial capital again!

"I wipe! What else?"

"What the hell is this?"

"One word? A word written with fireworks?"

"This idea is awesome!"

"No one thought of it before!"

"But what does the word mean?"

"I do not know!"

Not only Su Ning was shocked, but the entire imperial capital was stunned!

Looking at the huge "Zeng" character in the sky, no one could guess what the word meant.

Is it a surname?
what is this else?
Nobody knows.

Uh, that's not true, it's not that no one knows, except for Ye Feng, there is one person in the entire imperial capital who knows, and that is Fatty!

Looking at this word, the fat person feels his liver is shaking!

He bought all these fireworks!He spent a full 700 million for just this few fireworks!
What's more, this Chinese character firework was made by him after spending a lot of money on customization!
Of the 700 million miles, 500 million must have been spent on this set of customized "Chinese character fireworks"!

Others are watching the excitement, but what the fat person is watching is that his heart is bleeding!
Although it looks good, it's my money spent!
But at this time, no one cared about Fatty's heartbroken voice. Everyone's eyes were focused on the flashing "Zeng" in the night sky.

Nestling in Ye Feng's arms, Ning Ning's big baby raised her head in confusion, looked at Ye Feng stupidly, and wanted Ye Feng to explain.However, Ye Feng just bowed his head and kissed her lightly.

The big baby didn't hide, but he still pouted to express his protest.

Ye Feng pursed his lips and smiled happily, the big baby is so cute.

At this time, when everyone looked up in puzzlement, there was another sound of piercing in the sky above the imperial capital.

Another huge Chinese character, also made of purple fireworks, suddenly appeared in front of everyone.



a word?

Still no one understands.

However, this kind of doubt did not last for too long. Immediately afterwards, there were bursts of piercing sounds, and huge Chinese characters of fireworks appeared out of thin air.






Until this time, everyone will understand!
This is a poem!

The combination of these seven words is "Once the sea was too difficult for water"!
This result, I don't know how many people's expectations have been exceeded.

Everyone thought that it might be someone's name, or it might be some words of confession, but everyone thought that this is actually a poem?Even Su Ning didn't guess that Ye Feng would use this method to write a poem?

No, this is not a sentence, it is only half a sentence!
That's right, without keeping everyone waiting for a long time, the sound of "Shu Shu" piercing the air came one after another, and the Chinese characters for fireworks appeared one after another!

"Except Wushan is not a cloud"!
Everyone was stunned!

They all stared blankly at the fourteen characters in the sky!

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking!

However, this is not over yet!

There were bursts of piercing sound again.

one word...

three words...

five words...

Another fourteen characters shone in the night sky of the imperial capital.

"This, this poem..."

"I'm done!"

"You are talented! You are so talented!"

I don't know how many people looked at the sky in astonishment, and I don't know how many people secretly gasped.

Looking at this special poem in the night sky, the entire imperial capital was shocked.

The reporters had already taken action, and countless flashing lights truly recorded this scene.

Although the fireworks are beautiful, they are not as beautiful as this poem.

Above the imperial capital, there are four rows of 28 huge fireworks Chinese characters neatly arranged:

Once the sea is hard to be watered,
Except Wushan is not a cloud.

Take a look back at Hua Cong Lazy,
Half-margin monasticism half-margin monarch.

28 special dazzling fireworks compose this fantastic poem!
The visual beauty of fireworks and the artistic conception of poetry are perfectly integrated at this moment!
No one is amazed, no one is stunned!
Because of this beautiful fireworks rain, because of this beautiful fireworks poem, the entire imperial capital is completely boiling!
All the streets, shopping malls and houses, etc., everyone is looking up in amazement!
Even the traffic in the entire imperial capital has come to a standstill!The driver stopped the car and looked up at the sky, and the pedestrians stopped and looked up at the sky. At this moment, the entire imperial capital was shocked!
The most beautiful love, but that's all.

Of course, Su Ning felt the deepest.

Looking at this dreamlike poem, her heart was drunk.She never thought that romance could be performed to such an extent!

She used to be envious, envious of other people's romance, and envious of other people's love.But today, just this night, she has been intoxicated too many times!
once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking!
This poem is also very appropriate to describe the current Su Ning.After experiencing Ye Feng's romance, Su Ning knows what real romance is!After experiencing Ye Feng's romance, Su Ning can no longer tolerate other people's generosity in her heart!

Is there anything more romantic than this?

Ye Feng really interpreted the word "romantic" to the extreme!

Su Ning was drunk, fascinated by the rain of fireworks all over the city, fascinated by the dream of colorful fireworks!

In the dream, there is no such scene.

(End of this chapter)

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