Chapter 299
once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Take a look at the flowering lazy, half-edge monastic half-edge.

For this poem, Ye Feng is quite fond of it.Whether it was when he didn't know poetry before, or when he became a master of poetry later, he was full of special liking for this poem.But the embarrassing thing is that Ye Feng didn't know Yuan Zhen well before, after he got to know him later, he found that this guy is a scumbag.Less than half a month after writing this poem, I fell in love with other girls again.

Of course, now that the author of this poem is Professor Ye Da, he will definitely not be the same as Yuan Zhen, meeting and loving each other.

A most romantic love poem, shining above the night sky of the imperial capital.

Countless people took pictures, and countless people were amazed.

"This poem is the most romantic confession I have ever seen."

"I'm so envious, I don't know that girl is so lucky."

"It's so beautiful and romantic!"

The people of the imperial capital, this time it was an eye-opener.

Someone posted the video on the Internet. Now, the eyes of the people in the imperial capital and the people of the whole country have gained insight!

In the celebrity circle, there are countless videos about this fireworks feast, and the comments below are even more endless.

"I wipe it!"

"Is this going against the sky?"

"It's not Chinese New Year yet, have the people of the imperial capital celebrated the New Year in advance?"

"This is too beautiful."

"This is more beautiful than New Year's fireworks!"

"Awesome, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful fireworks display!"

"Didn't some pyrotechnic dealer make this?"

"Maybe, maybe it's a promotion!"

"Pull it down, promotion? How much does it cost!"

"That's right, there are so many fireworks, and each one is more beautiful than the other, and there are so many hole lanterns, who is promoting it like this?"

There are more and more exclamations on the Internet. Although everyone is not at the scene, they can feel the shock through videos from various angles.

And this is just the beginning. When the following "firework Chinese characters" popped up one by one, the Internet immediately boiled!

"I... this motherfucker is not scientific!"

"Can fireworks still play like this?"

"It really opened my eyes!"

"This is definitely a talent! This is the first time I have seen writing with fireworks!"

"This is really surprising, fireworks Chinese characters, it's the first time I've seen you!"

"This word is beautiful! But what does it mean?"

"Zeng, Jing, Cang, Hai... Hiss, amazing!"

"I'll go! Is this a poem?"

"Confession poem! This is too talented!"

"The rich are not scary, but the scary ones still have hearts! No matter whether he made this poem himself or not, this heart is enough!"

"It used to be difficult for the sea to be water, but Wushan is not a cloud. The beauty is drunk!"

"Half-Fate Cultivator and Half-Fate Lord, being here is the longest love confession!"

"What kind of wedding of the century, those things, compared to this, it's simply weaker!"

"Who wrote this poem? So good?"

"I don't know, does anyone know who set off the fireworks?"

"Yeah, let's worship the Great God!"

"This is absolutely the most romantic thing in this century! No one!"

On this ordinary night, a smoky and dreamy flower poem directly caused a sensation all over the country.

Not only the netizens were shocked, but even the media began to report.

"The Most Romantic Confession of the Century - Fireworks Rain in the Imperial Capital!" "

"Mysterious Fireworks, For Whom Are They Blooming?" "

Who made the firework love poem that caused a sensation across the country? "

"Who Organized This Fireworks Extravaganza?" "

"Mysterious Romance! "

The current media are all acting on hearing the news, for fear of missing the opportunity. Their reports have already come out before the fireworks are completely over.Of course, these are just entertainment media.However, this is enough to see how sensational this fireworks feast is.

Who organized this fireworks rain?

Who is this firework rain organized for?
This has become a doubt in everyone's mind.


On the roof of the villa, the two parties snuggled up to each other, quietly enjoying the best time.

Although the fireworks are beautiful, they will eventually disperse.

The dreamy love poem has dissipated under the starry sky, as if it had never appeared before, without a trace.

It took a long time for the big baby Ning Ning to come to his senses, this dream was really too shocking, even the big baby was a little dazed by the impact.

Lying in Ye Feng's arms, the two of them were close to each other, the big baby raised his face, staring at Ye Feng's face with big unblinking eyes, not knowing what he was thinking.

Ye Feng looked at the big baby, smiled lightly and said, "What are you looking at so stupidly?"

The big baby wrinkled his little nose, and said mischievously, "Look at the idiot."

"Aha, that's amazing, isn't it?"

Ye Feng hugged the big baby in a "fierce manner", and rubbed the fluffy dog's paw with one hand back and forth on the pretty face of the big baby, and the itchy big baby trembled with laughter.Wanting to escape but unable to escape, Ye Feng's arms were tightly hugged.

"Haha~ um~ you idiot, go away~ I don't like you anymore~"

The big baby was held in Ye Feng's arms, tears came out from being tickled by this guy, his plump body writhed in Ye Feng's arms, and kept gently pushing Ye Feng's mischievous paws.

Ye Feng smiled happily, "Don't like me anymore? Then tell me who you like?" While joking, the movements of his hands didn't stop. Ye Feng is a professional Chinese medicine doctor. Which piece of itchy meat is more, he is very clear in his heart.

"Ah~ah, I'm wrong, I'm wrong!" The big baby begged for mercy, "I can't stand it, please stop, haha~ah~" The big baby's voice was trembling from high to low, mixed with With bursts of laughter.

"Wrong? What's wrong?"

Someone Ye finally rose up, put his arms around the big baby, and taught him to his heart's content.

"Ah~ you bastard, Ye Fengren, he is wrong, don't do it, cough cough..."

Maybe it was because the wind was too strong, the big baby laughed too much, choked on the cold wind a few times, suddenly coughed, and her pretty face flushed red.

Someone Ye was startled, quickly withdrew his hands, and patted the big baby on the back lightly, "Okay, okay, let's stop making trouble, let's go back."

The big baby pouted and murmured softly, "You are a villain, a rascal."

Ye Feng smiled lightly, and suddenly picked up the pretty face of the big baby, and the eyes of the two were directly intertwined.

look at each other.

Suddenly, time seemed to stand still.

Affectionate, it came so suddenly.

Slowly, the faces of the two people became closer and closer.


Finally, the big baby let out a cry.Ye Feng's lips gently pressed against the big baby's red lips.

the first time!
This is the first time two people kiss!
But the two of them didn't have any special feeling, it was as if it was a matter of course, everything was so natural.

On the roof, reflecting the moonlight, two figures intertwined.

Although he felt that it should be taken for granted psychologically, in fact, the big baby's movements were still very unfamiliar, his limbs were very stiff, and he was so stupid that he didn't know what to do at this time, so he could only passively follow Ye Feng's rhythm.

The big baby didn't know what to do, it was because she had never experienced such a battle, she didn't know how to kiss at all.But Mr. Ye is different. Whether this guy is in his previous life or this life, his experience is quite rich!
(The teaching process of [-] words is omitted)...


A whimpering and panting sound leaked out from the gap in the small mouth of the big baby Ning Ning. The pretty red face and the charming demeanor of the big baby are all captivating and alluring.

After a long time, the two parted lips.

What is eloquence, the small mouth of Ningning big baby may be the best interpretation.

Sweet, soft and smooth, all kinds of colors.

Ye is content, while the big baby is a little deer bumping and panting, and the little tongue is made numb by Ye Feng, the big pervert.At this time, the big baby's hands and feet were weak, and her tender body was leaning softly in Ye Feng's arms, her pretty face was blushing, and her breath was like blue, as if a small flame had been stirred up by Ye Feng in her body. At night, it seemed so hot.

(End of this chapter)

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