Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 301 Reasonable, unexpected.

Chapter 301 Reasonable, unexpected.


The big baby laughed at Ye Feng without any scruples, and bent over laughing.

Ye Feng rolled on the bed, and immediately rolled to the side of the bed, while the big baby was not paying attention, he suddenly grabbed her little hand, and with a light pull, the big baby was pulled into his arms by Ye Feng .

Ye Feng pressed on Ning Ning's body.

Ning Ning stopped smiling, and gradually, the air seemed to freeze.

In the bedroom, there was no sound, and an ambiguous smell spread in all directions.

The two people looked at each other, and their heartbeats accelerated a lot.

"Ye Feng, you, you crushed me... woo woo~"

Before Ningning finished speaking, Ye Feng blocked her with her mouth.

At this time, if Ye Feng doesn't know what to do, then he is really not a gentleman.

Ye Feng's hands were not idle either.

Ning Ning's pretty face was already flushed red at this moment, her beautiful legs were also wriggling emotionally, both of them were only wearing thin pajamas.


Suddenly, Ning Ning snorted, her pretty face blushing almost dripping blood.On the lower abdomen, by Ye Feng...

After touching the baby's tender body all over, Ye Feng took advantage of the opportunity to take off Ningning's pajamas.However, just as Ye Feng made a move, Ning Ning grabbed his hand.

"Ye Feng, no, no."

The big baby pursed his lips and gasped.

But Ye Feng didn't say a word, women, you have to take it easy at this time, and continue to take off the big baby's pajamas.

"do not!"

The big baby said anxiously, struggling under Ye Feng's body.

Seeing this, Ye was taken aback for a moment, big baby, it doesn't seem like he's making a fuss.

It looks like it's the last step, why can't it go on all of a sudden?
Just when Ye Feng was in a daze, the big baby had already pushed him off his body and pulled his messy pajamas.

"Ningning, you..."

"Do you still love Yang Yu'er?"

Su Ning's eyes were full of complexities, and she asked abruptly. The big baby knew what Ye Feng wanted to say, and before he could finish speaking, she interrupted him.

Yang Yu'er, this is a thorn in Ningning's heart, and it is also a thorn in her relationship with Ye Feng.

Ye Feng was taken aback, and looked at Su Ning in astonishment. When he heard the name "Yang Yu'er", he himself was a little dazed.

Do I still love her?
This... is not a problem!

I never loved her at all, okay?
It's not me who loves her, it's the previous Ye Feng, the previous Ye Feng is already... well, wait a minute, where did the previous Ye Feng go?is dead?This guy seems to have become one with me!

In fact, Ye Feng has thought about this question for a long time, and he still doesn't quite understand what is going on with his time travel.

Is the previous Ye Feng dead?

In theory, he is dead, but everything about him has been inherited by the current Ye Feng, even including all the memories of his life.From this perspective, he is not dead, but his consciousness has dissipated.But everything about him has not changed in the slightest in this society.What best reflects this is his identity.

He is still Ye Feng, no matter in anyone's eyes, he has always been Ye Feng, is there any change from before?


At least in the sense of society, "Ye Feng" is still the same Ye Feng, never changed.

Moreover, as far as Ye Feng's own consciousness level is concerned, the current Ye Feng, is he completely unaffected by the previous Ye Feng?Didn't the forced fusion of memories change him a little?
That is impossible.

Ye Feng must have been affected, but he himself didn't notice it.

The consciousness in this body is only dominated by Ye Feng in the previous life.Or it can be said that this is a new consciousness born after the fusion of two souls.

But Ye Feng doesn't even bother to think about these messy things, it doesn't matter who I am, he just knows that he likes Su Ning and not Yang Yu'er.

"Ningning, I don't...uh."

What Ye Feng originally wanted to say was "I don't love her", but when the words came to his lips, he suddenly found that he couldn't say anything!
To him, it was originally a few simple words, but now it weighs a thousand pounds, and he can't open his mouth no matter what.It's not that I can't open my mouth, it's that the words are blocked, stuck in my throat, speak out!
This Nima is unscientific!
This feeling is similar to the last time I watched a horror movie, it is completely inexplicable!
Ye Feng suddenly looked very depressed. He found that the name Yang Yu'er was like a curse, and when he mentioned it, his heart would still ache?This Nima is too nonsense!

And he realized another big problem!

Even if she said she doesn't love Yang Yu'er anymore, can Su Ning believe it?Even if she believed it, what would she think of herself?I used to love to death for seven years, but now I say I don’t love and I don’t love?Then within half a year, Yang Yu'er completely forgot and fell in love with Su Ning?
If Ye Feng can't explain why he broke up with Yang Yu'er, he can't prove that he really only loves Su Ning!

Ningning may believe that Ye Feng really loves herself, but will she believe that Ye Feng doesn't love Yang Yu'er anymore?
Although Ye Feng is Su Ning's husband, it's just a relationship.Wanting Ningning to completely open her heart to accept Ye Feng, Yang Yu'er is an inevitable topic after all.

If Ye Feng couldn't explain what happened to Yang Yu'er, he would never be able to truly enter Ning Ning's heart.

Looking at the silent Ye Feng, Ning Ning sighed softly, her eyes looked a bit melancholy, " you still have her in your heart?" Ning Ning's heart ached when she said this.I didn't feel anything before, but now this feeling is very obvious.

Ye Feng was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his heart is also messed up now, even a little desperate.This is a typical "traveling sequelae"!It's like schizophrenia.

"I only love you……"

Ye Feng said quietly.

Facing Su Ning's question, he really couldn't answer, he could only try his best to express his feelings for Su Ning.

Although she didn't hear the answer she wanted, Ning Ning's eyes lit up a little.At least, he loves himself.This is the bottom line for baby Ningning, as for whether his love belongs to him alone, that is a higher level pursuit.

Ning Ning lay down gently, curled up, and leaned against Ye Feng, put her little hand on his chest, and whispered softly: "How did you and her...separate?"

Hearing this sentence, Ye Feng smiled wryly in his heart, and he knew that Ningning would ask this question sooner or later.Unfortunately, he couldn't answer that question at all.

Uh, by the way, when Ningning asked, Ye Feng suddenly thought, why did Yang Yuer just leave?They have been in love for seven years, and they left when they said they would leave?
Ye Feng remembered that Yang Yu'er said that she met Yiyi that night and wanted to go out to relax.But the problem is that she has met Yiyi not once or twice before, and Yiyi still calls her "Little Mom".And even when Ye Feng got married, Yang Yu'er didn't say that she wanted to go out to relax!Yang Yu'er also attended Ye Feng and Su Ning's wedding, although that wedding was so embarrassing that she doubted her life.

Why did she leave so suddenly?
Ye Feng didn't know at all.

However, he has a vague feeling that the key to completely solving the "obsession" left by his predecessor should be Yang Yu'er.Perhaps finding the reason why Yang Yu'er left suddenly can solve the last lingering part of her predecessor.Moreover, it is also logical to explain why he broke up with Yang Yu'er.

After Mr. Ye figured this out, he felt hopeful in his life again.At least, there is a goal!
But, these are all things for later, and it is useless for the current situation.

Ye Feng turned sideways, put his arms around Su Ning, and the two faced each other, "Ning Ning, give me some time, and I will give you a satisfactory answer." Ye Feng said softly, he has nothing to say, what is he now I can't even say it, that's all I can do.

"Well, I'll wait for you."

Ning Ning smiled softly, he believed that Ye Feng, sooner or later, would tell her all these things clearly, and sooner or later, the doubts in her heart would be resolved.


Ye Feng sighed softly in his heart, his preparations this time can be said to be flawless, and he and Ning Ning are just a step away.But after thousands of calculations, he just didn't count Yang Yu'er.Now, not to mention the big baby Ningning, even Ye Feng himself is a little bit less interested.

But today it cannot be said that there is no harvest at all. The relationship between Ye Feng and Ning Ning has definitely developed by leaps and bounds.This was the first time for the two of them to have such a heart-to-heart exchange, and they said what they wanted to say most without reservation.In the past, although the two were fighting and flirting constantly, they had never had such a heart-to-heart.

Feelings always come step by step, there is no rush, and there is no rush.

That's good, if you explain the matter clearly, at least Ye Feng understands the problems between the two of them.

Ye Feng also understands that if the matter between him and Yang Yuer is not explained clearly, there will always be a thorn in Ning Ning's heart. They may all return to Yang Yuer's side.And Ye Feng and Su Ning will never be able to take that last step.As for the issue of wanting to have a second child... now it seems that there is still a long way to go.

"Go to sleep."

Ye Feng hugged Ningning, and gently covered her with the quilt.

"Well, good night~"


The originally dreamy and romantic feast, no one expected that it would end in this way.

Maybe this is the charm of life, just like an electrocardiogram, no one knows whether it will be a climax or a trough in the next second.

(End of this chapter)

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