Chapter 302

Silent all night.

The next day, after the two of them woke up, it was as if nothing happened last night, and no one mentioned it tacitly.

To be honest, there is nothing special about today's day. Ordinary people should go to work and go to school, but for some people, today is a big day!

Fortunately, nothing happened last night, otherwise it would be a problem whether Ningning could get out of bed today, let alone attend the birthday party.

The big baby's birthday party was held at noon, and the location was chosen in "Shuiye Mountain Villa" this time. You must know that this place is very special.Under normal circumstances, even the Su family's children are not allowed to stay overnight. It is actually quite surprising that Ning Ning's birthday party can be held in the villa this time.


The two ate some breakfast casually, and seeing that it was still early, they strolled towards the villa together.It's not very far away, and you can get there by strolling for half an hour.

In winter, in the morning of the imperial capital, the temperature is still very low, but fortunately there is still no smog today.It's colder, the big baby is wearing a pink woolen coat with a pure white wool yarn inside, a black hip skirt and thick leggings underneath, and a knee-length black skirt Boots not only outline your perfect curves, but also keep you warm.

Moreover, this whole set of clothes, including Ning Ning's earrings, bag, and even the lipstick on her little mouth, was all bought by Ye Feng.Not only did Ye Feng buy it, but today's big baby's outfit was also matched by Ye himself.I have to say that Ye Feng is still very aesthetic. After all, he is an artist, and the big baby is naturally beautiful, no matter how he wears it, he looks so perfect.

Ye was dressed similarly to Big Baby, with a woolen coat and a woolen sweater, but the color was black, and a pair of more casual pants underneath.

The weather was relatively cold, Ye Feng took the big baby's little hand and put it in his pocket.

"Ningning, who did you invite?" Ye Feng asked casually.

A few days ago, the big baby was so busy that he didn't even know how to go home. Mr. Ye was a little curious. He just had a birthday, so he needed to prepare so much?Could it be that the scene of Ning Ning's birthday was bigger than that of the old man of the Lan family?
"Just invite some people who should be invited."

The big baby naughtily straightened his thighs, didn't walk well, kicked every step, and played by himself with his head down, just like a little girl.

Ye Feng sweated a little, and invited some people who should be invited... The big baby is getting more and more naughty now.

"What did you do two days ago? So busy?"

Ye Feng is typically looking for something to say when he has nothing to say.

"Don't tell you."

The big baby pursed his lips, giggled, then tilted his head and dimpled, looking at Ye Feng curiously.

Someone Ye raised his eyebrows, "Why do you look at me like that?"

The big baby babbled "tsk tsk" before saying, "I was thinking, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid?" As he said that, the big baby made a thoughtful gesture.

Ye's head was covered with black lines, and he almost vomited blood. Where did these words come from?Have you ever seen a world-class math guru be a fool?Ning Ning dared to say this, if someone else said it, they would probably be sprayed to death.

"You are a fool!!"

Ye pursed his lips in dissatisfaction.

Ning Ning giggled, rubbed against Ye Feng, and said with a smile: "You didn't invite a few friends?"


Ye was stunned for a moment, a little unresponsive.

"Forget it, forget it, you're an idiot!"

The big baby shook his head funnyly and sighed.


This made Ye Feng angry, he took out his hand and grabbed Ningning.


The big baby yelled, smiled all over his face, and jumped away.

Ye Feng chuckled, and ran after him without hiding it.

"Heck, come on, big fool~"

Ning Ning smiled like a flower, jumping up and down in front, "Yeah~" Ye Feng almost grabbed Ning Ning, but the big baby turned around with a smile, and dodged.

Ye Feng also had a smile on his face, he just didn't want to catch Ning Ning, otherwise it would be strange if she could hide.

The two of them fought and fought along the way, but they were also happy.

"Ah~haha~ I'm wrong~"

"Still say no?"

"Don't say it, don't say it~"

The big baby was held tightly in Ye Feng's arms from behind, Ye Feng's big hands were still very dishonest, the big baby looked scared, like an obedient little white rabbit.

This was on the main road, and Ye Feng didn't go too far, seeing that the big baby was well behaved, he let her go.Ningning turned around and rubbed her small nose towards Ye Feng, then stepped on Ye Feng's arm naturally.

Gradually, they got closer and closer to the "Water Leaf Villa", and saw more and more people.

Because Shuiye Mountain Villa is located in the "Royal Green Garden" villa area, which is one of the four most famous villa areas for the rich in the imperial capital. The people here are either rich or expensive, and of course no cars from outside are allowed in. .Moreover, the Su family seems to have deliberately let these guests walk in from the entrance of the villa area.

Anyway, there are more and more pedestrians on the road, and many of them come with their attendants, almost all in groups, carrying piles of presents in large and small bags, rarely seen Some people go by themselves, or come empty-handed.

"These are all guests?"

Looking at this team after team of people, Ye Feng was still a little surprised.


Su Ning is also a little uncertain, in fact, the guest list was not made by her at all, but by Su Ran. As for who was invited, Ning Ning is really not sure.

"It's really a face."

Ye Feng couldn't help but sigh with emotion. From a rough look, there are probably more than a dozen teams on this road alone. You have to know what time it is?It's still early at noon, and besides, this road is not the only way to Shuiye Mountain Villa.Judging from this posture, this birthday party might really be higher than the specifications of Master Lan's family!
That's a little out of place, right?After all, Su Ning is a junior, a junior's birthday is even grander than the old man's?

Ning Ning is also a little strange, although she knows a little more than Ye Feng, she knows that today's birthday party is very different from previous years, not simply to celebrate her birthday, but she also has a little knowledge, just listen Su Ran casually mentioned a point.

"Su Ning? Su Ning! Su Ning!"

The husband and wife were lying together thinking about what was going on, when suddenly, there was a burst of shouting from behind.

Both of them stopped and looked back for the source of the sound.

"Hua Qianqiu?"

Ning Ning was taken aback, she was a little far away, and she still didn't dare to recognize him, but after the man ran over quickly, the big baby said in surprise when he got closer.

"Su Ning, long time no see." This guy looked very excited when he saw Su Ning, his eyes lit up.


But Ning Ning didn't have any special reaction, just nodded, this attitude was completely different from when talking to Ye Feng.At this time, Ning Ning became that iceberg-like queen again, keeping strangers away.

Hua Qianqiu is not feeling well, Su Ning, isn't she always like this?Icy, always queenly.It is precisely because of this that Su Ning appears to be different.

In his memory, Su Ning has always looked like this, and he has never seen her smile.

"Uh, who is this?"

Although Hua Qianqiu was very excited to see Su Ning, but he was not blind, Ye Feng was so big, he naturally saw it at a glance.Especially, Su Ning's hand was still in Ye Feng's arms.This surprised Hua Qianqiu, who is this man?How could Su Ning hold his arm?Su Ning's younger brother?But he knew all of Su Ning's younger brothers. Could this be the legendary second child of the Su family who was almost a monster?

It sure is!

A man from the Su family, he has never seen the legendary second child, Su Tianxia!
It is estimated that the person next to Su Ning should be Su Tianxia. After taking a closer look, Hua Qianqiu found that this person is not as evil as in the legend?Although he looks handsome, he doesn't have the kind of handsomeness that is close to a monster, right?

"Hello, second brother Su, I have admired your name for a long time."

Before Hua Qianqiu could wait for Su Ning to introduce her, she cupped her fists and greeted Ye Feng politely.The second child of the Su family, it's not too much to be called the second brother.

Ye Feng: "..."

He had a dazed expression on his face, and he deliberately looked to both sides to see if there was anyone else, and if there was no one else, the guy in front of him was talking to him.

Su...Second brother?
Second brother, your uncle!

Your whole family are second brothers!
Ye Mo's head full of black lines.

Seeing that Ye Feng's face turned dark all of a sudden, baby Ningning secretly smiled, but it was fleeting, and said to Hua Qianqiu lightly: "This is not the world, this is my husband, Ye Feng."

"This is Hua Qianqiu." When Ning Ning introduced Ye Feng, she was very formal, but when she introduced Hua Qianqiu to Ye Feng, she was more casual, just a word.

Hua Qianqiu was stunned all of a sudden, staring blankly at Ye Feng.

Husband, husband?
Wait, wait... My high blood pressure is coming up, let me take it easy.

When Hua Qianqiu heard the word "husband", her brain immediately buzzed.

Is Su Ning married?
My Nima has not returned to China for several years, and my goddess is married?

And, no one told me the hell!
Damn, this shit is simply disrespecting me!
Hua Qianqiu's heart was broken, so broken that she didn't even know when Su Ning and Ye Feng left.

The whole person seems to be wilted.

After a while, several young people surrounded him from behind.

"How about Huashao? The goddess is still the same?"

A young man in a white suit came over with a smile and patted Hua Qianqiu on the shoulder.

"Miss Su, she has always been so beautiful."

"How many people are the goddesses in their hearts!"

"It's a pity. Most people just think about it. We are not worthy of the Su family. Only people from super families like Young Master Hua and Young Master Yang are eligible."

"Young Master Hua is very hopeful when he returns to China this time. Miss Su is not young anymore. If Young Master Hua works hard, he will definitely be able to hug the beauty back!"

The young masters and brothers next to each other also laughed and flattered each other.

"She, she is married..."

Hua Qianqiu's eyes were glazed over, she didn't have the heart to talk to this group of people at all, she felt as if she had lost her soul.

(End of this chapter)

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