Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 303 Water Leaf Villa

Chapter 303 Water Leaf Villa
Hua Qianqiu, this person has a strong family background.

The Hua family used to be a super family in Huaxia that held the sky with only one hand. When the Hua family was in full swing, the Lan family, the Mei family, the Yang family, and the Liu family were all second-rate families. They could only be given to some powerful families. When vassal.However, 25 years ago, the Hua family was on the wrong team and was forced to withdraw from Huaxia. It is said that the Hua family now lives on an island in the Atlantic Ocean.Although the Hua family was once expelled from Huaxia, the Hua family has slowly infiltrated into Huaxia in the past ten years.

Although their current influence in China is not as great as Lan's, Yang's, etc., they are giants after all.If they were given a chance to return to Huaxia, it might not be a daydream.

In Hua Qianqiu's view, Su Ning is not only the goddess of his dreams, but also the best chance for their Hua family to return to China.

If she can marry Su Ning, she will not only marry the Lan family, but also the Su family!

However, what is embarrassing is that Su Ning is already married?
What a joke!

Hua Qianqiu's heart was broken immediately, she was the goddess of his dreams!Just married like this?

This time, regardless of his family's objections, he sneaked back to Huaxia, just to celebrate Su Ning's birthday, and propose a marriage by the way, and then you said she was married, which made Hua Qianqiu collapse immediately.

Seeing Hua Qianqiu's distraught look, Yang Liuqing next to him smiled, patted Hua Qianqiu's shoulder and said, "Su Ning has been married a long time ago, and Hua Shao may not have heard of it overseas. But that's okay, his husband Don't be afraid, Su Ning doesn't like him at all."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hua Qianqiu's eyes lit up, and he quickly asked, "Young Master Yang, does he know who that person is?"

Yang Liuqing smiled and said, "Naturally, not only do I know, I'm also very familiar with him!"

Hua Qianqiu saw that his expression seemed a little wrong, so she asked suspiciously: "Young Master Yang and that person have a feud? What is the name of that person? What is his background, dare to offend Young Master Yang?"

"His name is Ye Feng, he only has a background? Heh, how can there be any background." Yang Liuqing sneered, and said disdainfully: "It's just a little boy!"

"If Young Master Hua wants to embrace a beauty, he doesn't need to worry about him." Yang Liuqing said lightly.


Hua Qianqiu nodded calmly, he was dubious about what the young master of the Yang family said.If that Ye Feng had no background, the Su family would marry Su Ning to him?If there is no background, his majestic young master of the Yang family will grit his teeth against an ordinary person?

However, even if she has a background, Hua Qianqiu is not afraid.

Seeing Hua Qianqiu like this, Yang Liuqing knew that he didn't believe what he said.But that doesn't matter, as long as he dares to disgust Ye Feng.For Ye Feng, Yang Liuqing wished he could be crushed to ashes.Of course, not only him, but the whole Jiangnan Yang family didn't want to kill Ye Feng. It's just that the elders in the family kept suppressing him, so no one dared to trouble Ye Feng.

"Hua Shao, let's go." Yang Liuqing smiled and said, "They have gone far, why don't you go after them?"

Hua Qianqiu nodded, "Let's go."


Water Leaf Villa, a place that once shook the world, unfortunately, this manor has been silent for more than 20 years.

More than 20 years is enough to obliterate too many things.

Today, this place, which represents the supreme glory, is full of popularity again.There is less awe here, though, than back then.

Back then, how many people dared to laugh here?
Which one is not walking on thin ice and trembling?

At the gate of the villa, many young talents gathered. Everyone is from the circle, and they also took this opportunity to make friends.At the door, many people were exchanging greetings.

"Yo? Isn't this Young Master Hai? Long time no see!"

"Ha, fourth child, where did you get rich recently? I haven't seen you these days."

"Hey, what a fortune, I just went out to play for a few days."

"Brother Wang is here too?"

"Hi, Young Master Lu!"

Su Ning doesn't have many friends, just a few girlfriends. In fact, most of these young talents are invited by Su Li and Su Qi. There is no popularity, so I invited some young people from the imperial capital to come over to support the show, and everyone was lively and lively.Of course, there are still many who come uninvited. This is a good time to build relationships, and those who can come will not miss it.This has always been the case in previous years, and this year is no exception.

"Water Leaf Villa? That's a good name!"

"I've heard about the grandeur of the Su family. Seeing it today, it really deserves its reputation!"

"Haha, this is the first time I've been here, so magnificent!"

"You can't come to this place casually. If it wasn't Miss Su's birthday today, we wouldn't have a chance."

"Oh, it's so strange. In the past, we all came to participate in Sister Ning's birthday, but we haven't seen this Shuiye Mountain Villa before? Why did you come here suddenly this year? I heard Brother Seven say that this mountain villa, even his You can't come in and out casually." A young man said very strangely, the Seventh Brother he was referring to was Su Qi.

"Yeah, it's kind of weird."

"I also heard that this villa was not ordinary back then, it was equivalent to a forbidden area!"

"Yes, yes, I have heard it from my family."

"Whatever, we're invited anyway, so let's go and give them a big show. As for the rest, let's do whatever they say."

"That's it."

"Go, go, go in, I have to take a good look."

Many people went in with their feet up, and there were waiters leading the way in front of them. After all, the manor was so huge that anyone who didn't know it would get lost.

After a while, Su Ning and Ye Feng also arrived at the door.

There were people coming and going at the door, many guests immediately greeted Su Ning when they saw her.

"Hello, Miss Ning."

"Sister Ning is here so early."

"Happy birthday, sister Ning!"

"Sister Ning..."

Su Ning nodded her head and responded in a low voice, and walked into the manor holding Ye Feng's arm.

She has come here many times, so she is familiar with the road, and she doesn't need a waiter to lead her.

"Sister Ning is very stylish."

Ye Feng laughed and teased the big baby.In the scene just now, "Sister Ning" one bite at a time, reminded Ye Feng of Tao Xiaoyao, did she learn from Su Ning?Do you have to let people call you Little Demon Sister?

The big baby spat at him unceremoniously, pouted his lips in dissatisfaction and said, "You said he was old?"


Ye Feng was speechless for a moment, and was almost hurt internally by the big baby's words. What kind of logic is this?
"Su Ning! Su Ning!"

The two hadn't gone far before Hua Qianqiu's voice came from behind.

Su Ning secretly glanced at Ye Feng, then stopped helplessly.

"Su Ning, I'm not familiar with this, can we go together?" Hua Qianqiu came over and asked.

Behind, Yang Liuqing came over with a group of younger brothers, "Su Ning." He greeted Su Ning lightly, and glanced at Ye Feng by the way.

Su Ning nodded towards Yang Liuqing in a patterned manner, without expression, looked at Hua Qianqiu and said, "There are waiters who lead the way, you can let them lead the way." Ning Ning didn't want to walk with so many people.

Seeing that Su Ning refused, Hua Qianqiu stood there in embarrassment, not knowing what to say for a while.At this time, it was Yang Liuqing who stood up and said, "Is this Miss Su's way of hospitality? I don't want to spend thousands of miles to celebrate your birthday, but I don't want to show you a way? Oh, I've learned a lot." Yang Liuqing's words were ambiguous , full of sarcasm.

Su Ning frowned, and looked at Yang Liuqing with displeasure. She knew this person, Yang Yuer's brother.For the surname Yang, Ning Ning did not have a good opinion of him.

But Yang Liuqing said so, Ning Ning was in a dilemma, turned her head and looked at Ye Feng with her mouth pursed.At this time, let the man in the family decide.

Seeing the big baby looking at him, Ye Feng smiled lightly, and said softly: "We are guests from afar, let's go together."

Ye Feng is generous, he walks together when he walks together, he can't let people say that the big baby is not polite.


Seeing Ye Feng nodded, the big baby obediently didn't say anything else.

The two walked leisurely ahead arm in arm, and they followed if they wanted to.

Hua Qianqiu at the back, seeing Su Ning's obedient and obedient appearance, immediately collapsed.

She glared at Yang Liuqing with a gloomy face, is this what you said that Su Ning doesn't like Ye Feng?Is there anything you don't like about this?People almost write happiness on their faces!

Yang Liuqing's heart was also burning with anger!
This Ye Feng is simply scum!

He used to think that Ye Feng was not a man at most, but seeing him and Su Ning like this today, as Yang Yuer's brother, he immediately exploded!

"Illusion!" Yang Liuqing said with a sullen face: "The Su family must want face, this is all pretending for outsiders to see, do you understand?"

Seeing Yang Liuqing's eyes open and talking nonsense, Hua Qianqiu was convinced, did he really think of himself as a fool?Is it fake? I don't have eyes to see it, right?
However, Hua Qianqiu still followed suit and said, "Well, what Young Master said makes sense, it must be false!"

This is called "pretending to be crazy and acting stupid". If he wants to continue chasing Su Ning, Hua Qianqiu can only do this, acting like he was instigated by Yang Liuqing. If something goes wrong in the end, he will say that he was instigated by Yang Liuqing.

Both of them have a bright mirror in their hearts, and neither of them will point it out.

Ye Feng and Su Ning held hands and showed their affection in front, but the two older brothers in the back were angrier than the other!

Hua Qianqiu (gritting teeth): "Bastard! Smelly shit! Made!"

Yang Liuqing (burning with anger): "Scum! Scum! Heartbreaker!"

A group of younger brothers (faces full of envy): "You are a winner in life!"

Followed by a large group of followers, Ning Ning couldn't be so naughty, and the two walked in a well-regulated manner.

Ye Feng came to Water Leaf Villa once, but that time he came at night, and it was in a hurry, so he didn't see anything clearly.This time, walking in the villa, I can see the scenery clearly.

This villa, how should I put it, is like an ancient imperial palace, and incorporates many garden designs in the south of the Yangtze River. It is somewhat similar to the "Summer Resort" in Rehe, but the area seems to be much larger than the Summer Resort.

There are hills and streams, palaces and attics, and there are not so many palace walls. Each palace is completely separated by various vegetation.There are also various trees on both sides of the road they walked, but in this season, there is no green at all.

When passing by a palace, Ye Feng finally couldn't bear it anymore, and asked curiously: "Ning Ning, who built this villa? How did it become like this?" Looking at the palaces, Ye Feng I was quite puzzled in my heart, how dare someone blatantly build the villa like this?Even if the Su family is awesome, there's no need to be so arrogant, right?This simply does not take the country seriously!
The two elder brothers who followed behind also pricked up their ears when they heard what Ye Feng said.To be honest, there is no one who comes to Shuiye Mountain Villa who is not curious about this matter!
The main reason is that this villa is indeed too ostentatious!
It's completely local specifications!
In modern times, there are still people who dare to do this?
This is not scientific!
Everyone also wanted to hear Su Ning's explanation.

However, the big baby was a little embarrassed and said: "I don't know about this. It has been like this since I can remember." Su Ning and his brothers and sisters grew up here when they were young. Here, it has not changed its appearance for more than 20 years, and it has always been magnificent.

"Uh, okay."

Ye Feng asked again: "How big is this villa?"

"do not know……"

The big baby still shook his head.

Ye Feng was speechless, is this really your home?My silly daughter-in-law didn't pick it up, did she?Why don't you know anything? (Su Ran: Silly boy, this is actually your home.)
Seeing Ye Feng's speechless look, the big baby explained, "Papa doesn't let us enter casually in many places here, and I have never been to many places. I am also familiar with the small area to the east. I have never been in the rest of the place." The area to the east is where the Su family lives, which is near the palace that Ye Feng went to last time.

Listening to Su Ning's words, the two elder brothers in the back were all stunned. They didn't expect the Su family to be so mysterious, even Su Ning couldn't just walk around?

Whether it's Yang Liuqing or Hua Qianqiu, they are all from rich families. It can be said that their knowledge is beyond the reach of ordinary people, but they have never even heard of the situation like the Su family.At most, other people's homes have a few forbidden places that cannot be entered, such as ancestral halls, treasure houses, etc. This Su family is exaggerating. According to Su Ning, there are only a few places in the entire manor that can be entered!
Moreover, your family's manor is too exaggerated, right?
Let's not talk about the size of the land, just talk about the palaces everywhere, this, this... neither of them know how to describe it.

It's not that they haven't seen the world, the main reason is how can there be such a world?

In addition to the Forbidden City, is there such a group of palaces in the imperial capital?

Who would have thought of this!

Along the way, only Ye Feng asked a few questions from time to time, and the rest of the people following behind, including the two young and old, were listless and silent.

Hua Qianqiu and the others were hit. They thought their own family was very strong. Although it was rumored that the Su family was very strong, in the eyes of everyone, that was the case. Maybe they made their fortune through the Lan family.But now it seems that this is not the case at all!
No matter how awesome Lan's is, he hasn't exaggerated enough to live in the palace, right?
Even if the Hua family has their own island in the Atlantic Ocean, they have never seen a palace built by their family!
Not only them, but the descendants of the aristocratic families and young talents who came here, one by one, were frightened by the buildings of the manor in front of them, and they were more and more confused than the other!

However, this made Hua Qianqiu understand one more thing, that is, he had to poach the wall!

This Su Ning's family is too awesome!
And Yang Liuqing's impression of Ye Feng is even worse, he now feels that Ye Feng is a scum, and he has tarnished the word scum!No wonder this bastard fell in love with Su Ning after Yu'er left. If he didn't find a powerful woman, he would feel uncomfortable, wouldn't he?Ye Feng, that bastard, has interpreted the word "little boy" to the extreme!First it was Yu'er, now it's Su Ning!Yang Liuqing doesn't want to care about him as a little boy, he can date whoever he wants, but you hurt Yu'er, and then you don't care about it, and you are on good terms with Su Ning again in a blink of an eye, which makes him, an older brother, unacceptable!

(End of this chapter)

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