Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 304 Gossiping about the past

Chapter 304 Gossiping about the past

After a stroll, we arrived at the "Palace of Lihen".

This is the palace that Ye Feng came to last time. When they reached the door, two people came out, one bowed to Su Ning and Ye Feng said: "Miss, Uncle, Master and Madam are waiting." The other faced the back Hua Qianqiu and the others said: "Guests, please come here and take a rest first."

Su Ning nodded politely to Hua Qianqiu and the others, and then went in holding Ye Feng's arm under the gaze of everyone.

Hua Qianqiu's complexion was a bit ugly, Yang Liuqing glanced at him, smiled and left without saying anything, and followed the housekeeper.


After entering the door and passing through several long corridors, it is the living room.

"Xiaofeng is here, come on, sit down."

Similar to last time, not only Su Ran Lanruo, but also several beautiful women.

Ye Feng and Su Ning came in, and the elders like Su Ran were very enthusiastic.

"Hey, Ningning is holding hands now, you young couple are doing well." A lazy beautiful woman in pure white fur teased.

"Oh, sister, look at what you said, the young couple is romantic now." Another beautiful woman covered her mouth and snickered.

"That's right, last night, the fireworks rained all over the city, tsk tsk tsk, I really envy the dead."

"I remember a little girl who said that this life is not so good, who is Xiao Ningning?"

When a group of aunts saw Su Ning coming in holding Ye Feng's arm, they all laughed and teased Xiao Ningning.

The big baby blushed, let go of Ye Feng, ran to a beautiful woman, hugged her arm delicately, "Look at Aunt Ye, look at them, they bully others." At this moment, the big baby Like a little girl, following this beautiful woman, she pouted and acted coquettishly.

This beautiful woman was dressed in a black fleece, leaning lazily on the sofa, pointing at the center of Su Ning's eyebrows with a smile on her lips, and said dotingly: "You girl, you are still like this even after you become a mother." The big baby looked at her playfully. Aunt Ye stuck out her tongue, which meant that her younger siblings were not around, otherwise Su Ning would not be like this, she still pays attention to the image of her big sister.

"Mama, Baba~"

At this time, the little baby nestled in Lan Ruo's arms opened his arms and was screaming with excitement.

Ye Feng looked at the baby girl, and his eyes lit up. Recently, the little baby has been following the grandparents. Ye Feng said that he didn't think it was fake.

"I don't want grandma when I see my father." Lan Ruo pretended to be very sad. When the little baby heard it, he hugged grandma's neck and rubbed it affectionately.

To be honest, Lan Ruo claims to be a grandma, which makes people feel very strange. I don’t know if it’s because she has taken good care of herself or what, the years have not left traces on her body at all. If you want to say that she is already a grandma, No one will believe you when you say it.Not only Lan Ruo, but also the aunts in the room, they look no different from Su Ning, it's not too much to say they are sisters.

In Ye Feng's eyes, the father-in-law's family is full of mystery everywhere, and many strange things are beyond Ye Feng's comprehension.

Ye Feng sat beside Su Ran, the little guy and Lan Ruo got bored for a while, but he still wanted to find his father, the little baby missed his father too.

"This little guy, just like your mother when she was a child, has no conscience."

Seeing the little guy running into Ye Feng's arms, Lan Ruo said with a smile.

The big baby next to him lay on the gun innocently, expressing his dissatisfaction, "Mom, why do I have no conscience." The big baby leaned against Aunt Ye's arm and pouted dissatisfiedly.

Lan Ruo let out a "tss", and said with a smile, "When you were young, every time Xiaofeng bullied you, and your aunt Ye dealt with Xiaofeng, you are a good little girl, but you beat your aunt Ye instead."

"Hehe, yes, Xiao Ningning knew to help her husband back then." Aunt Yang beside her also smiled.

"Xiaofeng, you married a good wife, you have to treat us well, you know?" A beautiful woman said to Ye Feng.

"Uh...that's for sure."

Although Ye said so, he was very confused in his heart, when he was a child?Isn't it right, I was with Su Ning when I was a child?Why can't I remember!
Su Ning over there was also very surprised, with a pretty face full of disbelief, "Aunt Ye, what else is going on? Ye Feng and I met each other when we were young?" This news is a bit explosive, why didn't I hear it from my family before? Have you said that?

Aunt Ye said lightly: "Of course, you two slept together when you were young, and you both used the same diaper."

The husband and wife Su Ning and Ye Feng looked at each other, one was more surprised than the other, is it true or not?
At this time, Aunt Ye looked at Ye Feng again and said, "Xiaofeng, you both have to thank you Aunt Yang, without your Aunt Yang, you kid would have starved to death."

Ye Feng is not in the usual ignorance now, he has never heard of these things, Aunt Yang?Which Aunt Yang?Who is Aunt Yang?Why should I thank her?

Those present, he knew Su Ran and Lan Ruo. He just heard Su Ning speak, and he knew that the person next to Su Ning was Aunt Ye.For the rest, he doesn't know each other, and no one will introduce them to him!

Aunt Yang over there smiled slightly, with emotion on her face, as if she was reminiscing about the past.

Seeing that Ye Feng and Ning Ning didn't understand, Lan Ruo explained: "Xiaofeng, you grew up on your Aunt Yang's milk, and you girl, your mother didn't have enough milk at that time, if it weren't for your Aunt Yang, you young couple , but I'm going to be hungry."

Another beautiful woman over there said: "At that time, the second child was suffering. At that time, the second child was so hungry that Sister Yang was reluctant to breastfeed him, because she was afraid that you two would not have enough food."

Aunt Ye took the conversation, glared at Ye Feng, and said, "Especially you kid, you could eat very well when you were young, and the second child is weak now, all because you ate his food when you were young." Aunt Ye said this Ye Feng also felt that it was a different feeling when Aunt Ye spoke to him.How should I put it, it's like the difference between mother-in-law and son-in-law talking to mother and son.

"The second child is born weak, it has nothing to do with Xiaofeng."

Aunt Yang said with a smile, her face was filled with the brilliance of motherhood, she looked at Ye Feng with a different look from others, after all, she was the one who raised Ye Feng little by little.In fact, it's not just Aunt Yang, who among them aunts didn't change Ye Feng's diaper back then?In their hometown back then, they raised three children, none of whom were pulled together by shit and piss.

However, Ye Feng didn't have the slightest impression of these, after all, Ye Feng was still too young at that time, and later, after Ye Feng was weaned, they left, it's no wonder that Ye Feng had any impression.


The big baby looked at everyone suspiciously, what the mothers said was incredible, right?Totally caught the big baby off guard.

"You little girl still doesn't believe it."

Lan Ruo glanced at Ningning with a smile, then got up and went out for a while.

"Hehe, Sister Lan went to look for evidence."

A beautiful woman laughed.

At this time, Su Ran, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke, "Ning Ning, introduce our family to Xiaofeng."

Su Ning slapped her forehead, "Oh, I forgot."

"This is Aunt Ye, the mother of Xiao Qi and Sister Leng." Su Ning cleared her throat and introduced them one by one, "This is Aunt Yang, the mother of Tian Tian and Xiao Qing'er."

"Who is this……"

There are six aunts in total, and including Lan Ruo, there are seven mother-in-laws.

Ye Feng quickly put the baby in his arms on the sofa, stood up and said hello one by one: "Hello, Aunt Ye, hello, Aunt Yang..."

Aunt Yang and the others nodded, but Aunt Ye squinted her eyes and said, "You brat, don't you know I'm your aunt?"

"Aunt... Aunt?"

Ye's eyes widened suddenly, what's the matter?

Why is there another aunt here?

Is this relationship too messy?

Ye Feng was almost confused, what is the relationship between this old man and his family?How can I still come out, aunt?Shouldn't aunt be my father's older sister or younger sister?Could it be that Aunt Ye is my father's older sister or younger sister?I wipe!Grandpa never said that!
"Third Uncle may not have told Xiaofeng about it."

Su Ran said something to Aunt Ye first, and then said to Ye Feng: "Your Aunt Ye and your father are brothers and sisters, they are indeed your aunt." But after saying this, Su Ran shook his head and smiled, also I don't know what I'm laughing at.

"Uh, hello, aunt."

There's no way, Su Ran can do whatever Su Ran says, who made them all elders, even if they weren't, it's okay if they say yes.

Ningning's expression over there was not much different from Ye Feng's, and the surprised expression on Qiao's face never faded.This explosive news is one after another, and I have never heard of it before!

At this time, Lan Ruo, who had gone out just now, also came back, holding a beautiful and simple box in his hand.

Ye Feng sat down again, and both of them looked at the box in Lan Ruo's hands curiously, but the faces of the others showed a hint of disappointment.

"Aunt Ye, what is this?"

Su Ning didn't ask Lan Ruo, but asked curiously while holding Aunt Ye's arm.

But Lan Ruo said: "You don't believe me, come and see these."

After saying that, Lan Ruo opened the box, Ye Feng got closer and stretched his neck to look over.


It's a stack of faded photos.

It looks like it has seen better days.

"Look, I'll arrange for the third child to entertain the guests first." Su Ran said something suddenly, got up and left, without even looking at the box from the beginning to the end.

"My dad..."

Ye Feng asked a question.


Although there was a smile on the corner of Lan Ruo's mouth, but her eyes were full of bitterness, she still smiled and said, "Ning Ning, come here too, and see when you were young." Ning Ning walked over curiously, and sat beside Lan Ruo, hugging her mother.

The little baby got into Ye Feng's arms, and blinked his big eyes curiously, wanting to see what the adults were looking at.Ye Feng smiled, hugged the little baby, and walked over together.

Lan Ruo took the photos and showed them one by one.

It's all kids...

There are newborn appearances, sleeping appearances, crying appearances, and mischievous appearances...

There are a lot of photos, Ye Feng and Su Ning will doubt life after seeing them.

This is when we were kids?
Don't tell me, it's pretty cute...

"This is Yiyi!"

The little guy blinked his big eyes, pointed at the photo of Su Ning when he was young, and said, the little guy is very smart, he looked the same as this one after seeing his childhood photos.

The cute and excited look of the little baby made everyone burst into laughter.

"But who is this baby?" The little guy looked at the photos of Ye Feng when he was a child, blinked his big eyes and said wonderingly: "Is this another baby of mother? But why hasn't Yiyi seen it?" Little guy Touching her little head, tilting her head and frowning at her little Emei, she couldn't figure out where her mother's other baby went, why Yiyi hadn't seen it?Is it lost?

Seeing the little baby's appearance, everyone laughed even more happily, but Ye Feng was the only one with black lines all over his head!
This girl is cheating!
That's your father!Not your brother!You don't even know where your brother is!

(End of this chapter)

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