Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 306 Bibi bragging?

Chapter 306 Bibi bragging?

Everyone immediately looked towards the door.

Who is it?

so arrogant?

Are the Hua family and the Yang family still small?
Everyone's eyes widened, wanting to see who was so crazy.Even Su Qi was a little surprised, who is so loud?
Soon, a tall and mighty fat man staggered in, holding a piece of pastry that he didn't know where he came from, he looked no different from a punk.

"Um, who is this person?"

"I haven't seen it!"

"I have a bit of an impression. It seems that when the old man of the Lan family celebrated his birthday last time, this guy seemed to be there, but I don't know what his name is."

"This guy's tone is a bit loud! How dare you say that about the Hua family and the Yang family? Who is he?"

"At first glance, he doesn't look like a member of the family. How can he eat while walking? Really!"

"Heh, this guy doesn't want to flatter the Su family, is he deliberately grandstanding?"

"Hey, the forest is so big that all kinds of birds come here."

Many people laughed when they saw Mei Pu ostentatiously coming in. Obviously, many people here didn't know Mei Pu.Also, although Mei Pu has been in the Imperial Capital for such a long time, he hardly socializes with other people.However, no matter how he is the prince of Mei Ting, some people still recognize him.

Those who recognized Mei Pu laughed disdainfully when they heard others laughing.

"Hehe, you guys are so funny, don't talk nonsense if you don't know this person."

"That's right, this is the crown prince of Meiting in the Northeast! The Mei family is an existence covering the sky with one hand in the Northeast!"

"This is Mei Pu, and he is the helm designated by the next generation of Mei Ting International."

"They are not inferior to willows and blue flowers. Besides, there is only one seedling in the family. The next generation of patriarchs is a certainty. I don't know how much better than those who have brothers."

Hearing what they said, those people were dumbfounded at once.

This fat man is the prince of Mei Ting?

They looked at each other in blank dismay, a little unacceptable.Look at Su Qi, Yang Liuqing, Hua Qianqiu, look at them, they are all descendants of wealthy families, they are all outstanding and outstanding, and look at this guy, he is holding a piece of pastry in his hand, he is doing nothing Yes, he's exactly like a street punk!
In fact, Fatty was not like this before. He used to be the same as Su Qi and the others.But after hanging out with Ye Feng for a long time, he found that the truly powerful people couldn't tell that they were powerful, and they were no different from ordinary people.The appearance stands out from the crowd, but that is only the appearance. A strong person does not need to show it.

So, he awakened into the foolish look he is now... (In fact, he was spoiled by Ye Feng.)
"Even Mei Ting wouldn't dare to say that?"

"Mei Ting is strong in the Northeast, but dare to be so crazy in the imperial capital?"

"How much stronger is the Mei family than the Yang family?"

"Hehe, I don't know, I just know that our family can't afford to provoke them..."

"Uh, brother, you understand!"

"Let's see how people hate you, and be careful not to hurt Chi Yu!"

"Are you so cowardly?"

"Hehe, don't you persuade you to go up and compete with them?"

"I... cowardly too."

In Tongming Hall, many people were discussing in twos and threes, no one was idle, and no one dared to speak out.Just like what that buddy said, whether it is the Mei family in the Northeast or the Yang family in the south of the Yangtze River, they don't know the big ones, but they know that these are the big guys they can't afford to mess with.

The Northeast Mei family, Imperial Capital Lan family, Jiangnan Yang family, and Southwest Liu family are collectively known as the "Four Big Families" in the financial world. They directly or indirectly control more than 60.00% of the real economy, which can be called terrifying.

As for who is strong and who is weak, no one can know.

The fat man walked in swaggeringly. After hearing his words, Yang Liuqing's and Hua Qianqiu's expressions suddenly became ugly.

"Hehe, my Hua family lives far away overseas, so it's true that I can't get on the stage." Hua Qianqiu sneered and said, "But this little brother, how dare you ask where you came from? How dare you look down on Brother Yang? Jiangnan Yang, in the eyes of my little brother, is he also a small family?" Obviously, he doesn't recognize Mei Pu, but he is not a fool, Mei Pu is so arrogant, he must have something to rely on, if not, hehe...

What Hua Qianqiu said was not very clever, and few people present couldn't see such an obvious misfortune.But Hua Qianqiu didn't really want to cheat Yang Liuqing, she just wanted to create a chance for him to speak.

Sure enough, Yang Liuqing spoke at this moment, and said calmly: "Young Master Hua may not know something, but this is the prince of our Northeast Meiting. Of course, I, Yang, will not be taken seriously."

"Huh? Mei Ting?"

Hua Qianqiu was taken aback, this guy is Mei Ting's prince?
Yang Liuqing sneered, and glanced at Mei Pu, "Does Young Master Mei look down on me, Yang, or our Yang family?"

Su Qi in the middle of the field didn't speak, just watched quietly.

Mei Pu pulled up a chair casually in a sunny place next to the door, basking in the sunlight outside, and said lazily, "Young Master Yang, don't get me wrong, I don't mean that."

"Oh, by the way, I have a project right now, I wonder if Young Master Yang is interested?" Mei Pu changed the subject and said with a smile.

"What project?" Yang Liuqing asked blankly.

"I'm going to put up tiles for the Great Wall these days, and my family gave me 2000 billion. I'm thinking that I don't have enough money, so I want to find someone to join." Mei Pu grinned at Yang Liuqing with a hippie smile and said, "How about it, Yang Do you want to use less interest to do it? Just take out a few hundred billion, and there is not much money, so it is nothing to your Yang family, right?"


After Mei Pu finished speaking, many people sprayed on the spot, almost choking to death.

This fat man is really too damaged!

Tiling the Great Wall?

I posted you uncle ah!

This is obviously nonsense!
I also gave you 2000 billion casually, why don't you go to heaven?

When Yang Liuqing heard this, he also suffered internal injuries.

This fat man is obviously playing tricks on him!

"Hehe, post it yourself."

Yang Liuqing had a sullen face, looking very unhappy.

"Ha, let me say that your Yang family is a small family." The fat man chuckled, his face full of smiles.

As soon as he said this, everyone realized that this guy was waiting here!

This is too shameless!

What he said is completely nonsense, everyone can see that the fat man is just talking nonsense.However, the cleverness of the fat man is that it doesn't matter whether he is talking nonsense or not, anyway, he is the one who blatantly buried you in the end!

People say that your Yang family is no good!

There are reasons for this, which is very uncomfortable.

This is the charm of the Chinese language. Sometimes even if everyone understands what is going on, on the surface, you are at a disadvantage.

This is what people often say "fast tongue"!
Still, you have to admit, this stuff can be pretty cool sometimes.

This made Yang Liuqing angry, this fat man is a complete bastard, he deliberately disgusted him.

At this time, Hua Qianqiu next to him said, "Hehe, Young Master Mei, right? Brother Yang is not interested in your project, the main reason is that he invested all his funds in me." Hua Qianqiu sneered, "It's okay to say that. I’m ashamed, we don’t have as much skill as Mei Shao, and we want to put tiles on the Great Wall.” Speaking of this, Hua Qianqiu paused, and said: “But we really want to shine a light on the pyramid, I don’t know if Mei Shao is interested ? Do you want to cooperate?"


As soon as Hua Qianqiu said these words, his mouth watered immediately.

You guys are better than one of you!
One is going to tile the Great Wall, and the other is going to polish the pyramids!
They are all bosses!

Mei Pu's smile froze immediately, and it took three seconds to slow down, and he said with a smile: "Forget it, I won't go, the last time I drove the aircraft carrier on the road in South Vietnam, the traffic police had to accuse me I violated the rules and paid tens of billions in fines, so I have no spare money."

"Hehe, next time Young Master Mei encounters something like this, you might as well say hello to your brother." Yang Liuqing sneered, "I still have some influence over there. Hitting two missiles in the past is not a big deal."

"Oh, thank you very much. Fortunately, I live in a diamond fortress over there, and missiles can't penetrate it, otherwise you will be a disservice."

"Hey, Young Master Mei still lives in a stone house? This Mei family can't do it. Like our Hua family, the diamonds are used to smash walnuts, and the gold is rusted and no one touches it. It's hard to say, Last time I wanted to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, hey, guess what? I didn’t even get to the bathroom, and it was dawn.”

With a sneer on the corner of Hua Qianqiu's mouth, she glanced at Mei Pu, isn't she just bragging?Who wouldn't!

The people in the hall, one counts as one, the corners of their mouths are twitching non-stop.

People at their level are bragging, are they so crazy?
Seeing the three of them talking nonsense like this, although everyone felt very weird, in fact, everyone knew very well that this was a matter of face.

Mei Pu slanders Yang Jiahua's family with such nonsense, can they give up?

Aren't you bragging, fat man?
All right, come on, let's blow!
Let's see who can convince whom!

Mei Pu also twitched the corners of his mouth, and said not to be outdone: "If I hadn't accidentally set the house on fire when I roasted those whales with magma last time, I wouldn't be able to live in that broken diamond house. You I don’t know, the fire was terrible, I drained all the water from the Songhua River, but it still didn’t extinguish it. I was scared.”

Hua Qianqiu and Yang Liuqing tugged at the corners of their mouths, black lines all over their heads.

This fat man is so good at bragging!
Yang Liuqing said angrily, "What's the point of roasting a whale with magma? Last time I roasted a penguin in the sun!"

Hearing Yang Liuqing say this, the fat man immediately got excited, and said with a look of disdain: "Oh, you can brag! You roast penguins in the sun, why don't you go to heaven? Why don't you catch the aliens and eat them?" What? Do you think we are all fools? Hehe, that’s all IQ.”


The fat man suddenly turned his face, Yang Liuqing got angry and stood up immediately.

Hua Qianqiu next to him also said with a serious face: "You still have the face to say Young Master Yang? Are you bragging?"

All the spectators in the hall were speechless. This Meipu really did not follow the routine. Everyone was bragging. He suddenly refused to admit it, and he was also drunk.Everyone looked at Mei Pu with disdain in their eyes. Although this guy has a strong family background, he has no principles in his life, and he will not become a great talent in the future!

But Mei Pu didn’t panic at all, and there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he said to everyone: “I’m bragging? Can’t you? Come on, tell me, these and that can’t be realized? Huh?”


When Mei Pu said this, everyone immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

The fat man continued: "You roasted penguins in the sun? Ha, come on, tell me how you roasted penguins in the sun?"


Yang Liuqing's face flushed instantly, "Heh!" Angrily, he shook off his sleeves and walked out with big strides.He suddenly realized that he had been tricked, and Mei Pu did it on purpose!Just wait for him!He thought it was just bragging, but what Mei Pu said, although it sounded unrealistic at first glance, was theoretically feasible!But as soon as he hurriedly said something that was impossible, Mei Pu immediately stood up and hated him!Mad, I was tricked by this fat man!What a disgrace!

Looking at the majestic young master of the Yang family, he left the stage in shame and indignation after being harassed by Mei Pu!

The people present were dumbfounded at once, and the way they looked at the fat man at the door was very different.

"You wait!"

When Yang Liuqing passed by Mei Pu, a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes, and he gritted his teeth and said in a low voice.

"Wait for you."

Mei Pu is not afraid at all.

Since he dared to offend Yang Liuqing, he thought about the consequences.

In his opinion, if he could get more favor from the Su family, offending a young master of the Yang family would be a choice that didn't require much thought at all.

After such a farce, everyone got to know this young man from Northeast China, a big fat man who looks generous but has a lot of thought!
Many people wanted to make friends with Mei Pu, and soon Mei Pu surrounded many people.


The Tongming Palace did not become dull because of this farce, but because more and more guests arrived, the scene became more and more lively.

Time passed quickly, and it seemed that everyone who was supposed to come had already arrived, and it was almost noon.

At this time, after Su Qi answered the phone, he clapped his hands, and the hall fell silent, and he said loudly: "It's almost time, I've really wronged everyone, let's all come with me to the banquet."

(End of this chapter)

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