Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 307 Heavenly Emperor Palace?

Chapter 307 Heavenly Emperor Palace? (not fantasy)
This birthday party is really strange, it can be said that there is a strange smell everywhere.

Which other people's birthday party is not held at night?
Those held at noon are basically birthday banquets, which are done by respected old people, just like the old man of the Lan family, they are held at noon, and everyone will not find it so strange.

But how old is Su Ning?
It's youth, and in previous years, there was a reception at night, and a group of young people would have fun together. It has never been so formal like this year.

This is the place in a strange place, and this is the place that surprised everyone the most.

Needless to say how magnificent this Shuiye Mountain Villa is, just talking about the rules here, is this really a place for birthday parties?

No drinking, no smoking, no loud noises?
Is there such a birthday celebration?

Isn't young people celebrating their birthdays just to have fun?

Who can be lively with so many rules and regulations?

Many doubts are buried in the hearts of everyone.

However, since it came, it will be safe, and everyone went out with Su Qi.

This is to change places, but everyone doesn't know where to go, so they just follow Su Qi.

After walking for more than ten minutes, after passing through seven or eight palaces, they gradually came to the center of the manor.To be honest, Su Qi is following the signposts on the road now, and he has never been to these places before.After walking for a long time, finally, a magnificent palace appeared before everyone's eyes!

The main hall is built on a five-meter-high white jade platform, surrounded by rows of columns with carved railings. The column heads are carved with patterns of clouds, dragons and phoenixes. the main road.Although they haven't come close yet, everyone can see the red walls and yellow tiles, the red couplets and the gold doors from a distance, which are resplendent in the sun.

Not far to the east of the entrance of the main hall, there is also a clear spring that spits water slowly, trickling into a river, lingering around the main hall.

Under the leadership of Su Qi, everyone slowly stepped up the stone steps, all dumbfounded.

"This, this is the Forbidden City, right?"

"The Forbidden City is not so domineering, is it?"

"My God, what the hell is this place?"

"There is such a place in the imperial capital? It's really against the sky!"

"This is completely regulated by ancient emperors, this Su family... hiss!"

"My legs are a little weak!"

Those who can come are all descendants of aristocratic families, and their knowledge is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary people.But even they couldn't help trembling when they saw this situation.

If this hall is seen in the Forbidden City, no one will be surprised.

But what is this place?
This is the residence of the Su family!

Your house is built like a palace?
It's fine if you build a little palace-like ancient building, but this hall is completely built according to the emperor's specifications!

The white jade steps, the panlong way, the three-story cornices, the red walls and yellow tiles, are these things that ordinary people can use?In ancient times, that would be a blatant crime of treason!

Although it is no longer a feudal system, no one dares to build a house like this, right?

The impact of this hall is really too strong, even Mei Puhua Qianqiu couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

When they came to the main entrance of the main hall, there were eight people standing on the left and right sides of the door. These eight people stood upright and expressionless. When Su Qi and the others came, they didn't even look at them.

But Su Qi and the others all gasped at this moment, including Su Qi!

It's not because of the gate, it's mainly because of the "front plate" above the gate.

"Heavenly Emperor's Palace" - four gold-plated characters, from top to bottom, dragon and phoenix dance, the momentum is compelling!

Even Su Qi was stunned for a long time when he saw these four characters.

He is a little skeptical about life now, Heavenly Emperor Palace?This Nima is really our home?

This is too nonsense, right?
He used to always feel that there was absolutely a big unknown secret hidden in his family, but today he suddenly discovered that his previous feeling might still be a bit of a spectator!

How can this be a big secret? Isn't this an earth-shattering super secret?

Heavenly Emperor's Palace?

Or a palace?

Still not Zhenggong?

Even Su Qi, the master, is a little short-circuited at this time, let alone others.

A group of people stood in a daze at the door for several minutes. When Su Qi came back to his senses and greeted them, everyone walked in with a confused look on their faces.

After entering, there were already some people inside, Su Li and Su Ke were also there, seeing Su Qi brought someone in again, the two brothers also rushed to greet them.

"Come on, everyone this way please!"

"Come, our side."

Apparently, Su Li and Su Ke have been forced to come over, and now they have basically accepted it, and are busy arranging seats for everyone.

When everyone sat down, they all looked around.

In the main hall, there is a large space, surrounded by four red nanmu carved with dragons and phoenixes.The ceiling is all the ceiling of the well with golden dragon pattern, and in the middle there is a caisson with embossed dragon holding a pearl in its mouth.On the north side of the main hall, there is a golden lacquer base platform carved with nanmu carved dragon patterns, on which there is a golden lacquered throne of Kowloon. It's like a guard.In front of the throne, there is another incense table, on which there seems to be a Guqin.

In the main hall, there were dozens of tables and chairs, and it was not crowded at all, which showed how huge the hall was.

There were more than a hundred people in the entire hall at this time, and everyone was sitting in their seats, whispering to each other, talking to the left and right in low voices.

After a while, the bewildered Ye Feng came in with the baby in his arms, followed by Su Ning who was astonished.

Ye Feng is really confused!

Is this Nima too much?
For a birthday, do you build a whole palace?
And what's the meaning of the "Tiandi Palace" plaque outside?
The one who lives in the Forbidden City is the emperor, and the one who lives here is the emperor of heaven?The Jade Emperor?

After looking at the most eye-catching throne in the hall, let me you even have dragon chairs?

Ye Feng really doesn't know what to say now... He found out that his father-in-law's home, this can't be seen with common sense!
As soon as Su Ning, the main character, came, the scene became lively immediately.

"Happy birthday, sister Ning!"

"Sister Ning is getting more and more beautiful!"

"Miss Su, happy birthday to you!"

"Sister Ning is still so beautiful!"

As soon as Su Ning came, the hall was not as solemn as before, and many people congratulated in one go.There were many more female relatives, and they surrounded them all at once, but they pushed Ye Feng aside.

But Ye Feng didn't care much about it, since Ning Ning is the protagonist today, she will definitely be surrounded by everyone.

Ye Feng, holding the little baby, strolled casually in the hall.

"Papa, Papa, what is that?"

"That's a dragon."

"Papa, look, it's so beautiful, there are so many dragons. Papa, can Yiyi raise a dragon?"

"No, dragons don't exist, they are all fake."

"Oh, Yiyi misses Xiaoha, how is Xiaoha doing now?"

"Xiaoha, Dad left Xiaoha in the store. Do you remember the big sister in the store? She is helping Yiyi take care of Xiaoha."


The father and daughter wandered around the hall with nothing to do, the little baby always asked some weird questions, which made Ye Feng smile constantly.

"Big brother!"

A fat man came over, "Little Yiyi, do you still recognize Uncle?"

"I recognize you, you are Uncle Fatty, hee hee!"

Mei Pu twitched the corner of her mouth, she was indeed Ye Feng's daughter, the little cutie was spoiled by Ye Feng.

Over there, Su Ning, Su Qi and the others were entertaining guests from various parties, but Ye Feng was unbelievably clean, so he started strolling casually with the little baby and the fat man in his arms.

And at a certain table, Hua Qianqiu's heart was broken again.

He stared blankly at Ye Feng and his daughter, his face ashen.

They all have kids? ? ? ?

And it's all this big?
Hua Qianqiu's mentality exploded again.

Next to him, Yang Liuqing was also there. Although he was pissed off by Mei Pu just now, he would never really not attend the banquet.

He knew what this guy was thinking just by looking at Hua Qianqiu's eyes. He glanced at Ye Feng and Fatty who were chatting, and Yang Liuqing said to Hua Qianqiu lightly: "Young Master Hua, why should you care about this? If you can't even accept this , your feelings for Su Ning may not be as deep as you said."

The corner of Hua Qianqiu's mouth twitched, and she looked at Yang Liuqing, what the hell did you say lightly, the person you like has a baby with someone else, can you try not to care?
Hua Qianqiu ignored Yang Liuqing and drank the tea on the table depressed.

At this time, there were already people who couldn't help offering gifts.

You must know that these people who came to the banquet, apart from supporting the Su family and getting acquainted with each other, also had a more important reason, which was to give gifts!

Don't think that giving gifts means losing money. Indeed, giving gifts to others will definitely lose some money.But this money, compared with the income, seems insignificant.

What kind of gift you can give is not only a question of whether you have the heart, but whether you have the strength!

Su Ning's birthday party is different from that of the old man of the Lan family. It is a gift from the younger generation to the old man, and the most important thing is the heart.But now on this occasion, all the young people present are from all over the world. If you want to make friends, let people look up to you, or even say that you want to accept some good younger brothers, the gift-giving link is you. Time to show off your muscles!
This circle of children from aristocratic families has always been like this!

And Su Ning's birthday this year seems to be even more exaggerated than in previous years.Not only the princes and brothers from the imperial capital, but for some reason, it seems that the children of the entire Huaxia family are here today!
With so many outstanding young people gathered together, it is impossible to say that there is no comparison.No matter what you want, where there are people, there will be comparisons, especially when a group of similar people get together.

I don't know who took the lead, and everyone took out the gifts they had prepared.

ps: I didn't intend to write fantasy, it was just laying the groundwork.

(End of this chapter)

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