Chapter 309

ps: I actually forgot to write the title, I was really dizzy...Chapter 330, another crystal of wisdom?
Hua Qianqiu really had no other choice, otherwise he would never have moved this finger.

This wrench is not a small one, it was given to his father by a prince of the Eagle Kingdom royal family.At the beginning, Hua Qianqiu got it from his father only after sheer reluctance, and he also liked this finger very much.The most important thing is not that this finger is a gift from the royal family, the main thing is that the material of this finger is simply unparalleled in the world!
Don't look at it as a wrench now, as long as Hua Qianqiu is willing, he can turn the wrench into something else at any time.It is precisely because of this that Hua Qianqiu is extremely precious to this finger puller.

But today there is really nothing to do, the atmosphere has been heightened to this point, and it will be impossible for him not to give gifts, and he will definitely not be able to mix in the Huaxia circle in the future.

Hua Qianqiu suppressed her angina, squeezed out a smile, walked towards Su Ning, and said: "Su Ning, happy birthday, I came in a bit of a hurry, I didn't bring much, so I will give you this little thing .” Hua Qianqiu held the finger in the palm of his hand, and he felt distressed just looking at it.At that time, his father said that there is only one piece of this treasure in the world, even if it is a useless stone, if there is only one piece in the world, it is still a treasure, not to mention his magical finger puller.That is definitely something that kills all the rare and rare treasures present, and Mei Pu's colorful deerskin is in front of his finger, that is his younger brother!

However, this finger wrench, which is a peerless treasure in his eyes, is just a piece of lavender glass in the eyes of the guests present...

"Is Jie?" A young man from Jinmen, speaking in pure Jinmen dialect, frowned and said, "Isn't Jie just a broken glass?"

As soon as the elder brother opened his mouth, the situation got out of hand, and everyone burst into laughter.

"Quite good looking."

"Well, it's a nice color."

"This seems to work as well."

"It looks exquisite."

These few spoke in a rather tactful way, and didn't mention the matter of materiality. After all, Hua Qianqiu's identity was there, and many people didn't want to offend him for nothing, so they spoke in a reasonable manner.

However, there are many young and old who are not used to him.

For example, Liu Qingfeng, the young master of the Southwest Liu family, is also a master who does not take too much trouble when watching the excitement, and said with a smile: "Young Master Hua, this gift is ingenious, this light purple reveals nobility, and it is not ordinary at first glance." Tsk tsk, this piece of glass is rare, rare."

Next to him was a senior from Southwest, who laughed and said, "Brother Liu is wrong. This is not glass. If you ask me, it must be a piece of crystal, right?"

"Hahahaha! You're right! It must be a crystal!"

"It might be a diamond, too, in my opinion."

"A finger wrench made of diamonds? Haha, what a creative idea!"

"This wrench is amazing!"

"Hua Shao deserves to be the youngest overseas, which is different from the way we domestic people think!"

"Yes, it seems that the water in foreign countries is delicious! This watering of Huashao has made it so good, amazing!"

Hua Qianqiu is the son of an overseas Hua family, and he doesn't have a good relationship with these domestic elders and youngsters. There is no psychological pressure for these people to laugh at him.

The most creative one here is Mei Pu, who is not used to him at all, so he leaned over to look at it casually, and sneered, "Oh, for such a big man as Huali Hushao, I will give this to my sister-in-law. Broken thing? Or did you wear it before? Look at the size, can my sister-in-law wear it? Do you have the face to take out second-hand goods? You don’t think it’s embarrassing, my sister-in-law is too embarrassed to accept it!” It's because the time spent with Ye Feng has increased, and the words are getting more and more slippery. The sentence "Hua Li Hu Shao" made everyone present laugh.

"Shao Mei is talented!" Liu Qingfeng gave him a thumbs up.

"Hua Li Hu Shao... This nickname was born, I am convinced."


"Young Master Mei is really not afraid of anything. You have already pissed off Young Master Yang and Young Master Hua just now, right? Are you still chasing after him?"

"Does Young Master Mei have a grudge against Young Master Hua?"

"I can't, I haven't heard of it. The two of them, one from the northeast and the other from overseas, have any enmity!"

"It's weird!"

When everyone was laughing, it was also a little strange, why is this Meipu so old?He is really not afraid of offending people!Even if there is Mei Ting behind, there is no need to offend people to death, right?
Although I was a little confused, I have to say that Mei Pu's sentence "Hua Li Hu Shao" really amused everyone, even Su Ning couldn't help but smile.

They were happy, but Hua Qianqiu was about to explode!
Really, he has grown so big, he has never wanted to explode as much as he does now!
Deceiving too much!

This fat man is deceiving people too much!

You ignorant country bumpkins, I have to blind your titanium alloy dog ​​eyes today!

Everyone in the hall was laughing at Hua Qianqiu, but Ye Feng was dumbfounded.

There are ten thousand mud horses whizzing by in Ye's heart now, the wrench that this guy took out looks familiar!

And it looks more and more familiar!
Why does this thing look like his wisdom crystal?

Others thought it was a piece of glass, because they had never seen the crystal of wisdom, but Ye Feng had seen it!

Not only has he seen it, but he has one himself, and he can live. He is very familiar with the material of the wisdom crystal.Although the distance is a bit far, Ye Feng is too familiar with the wisdom crystal, and he can tell at a glance that his finger is a bit like his own wisdom crystal!
No, it's not a bit similar, but very similar!
The only difference is that the color of his finger ring is lavender, and it is a "ring", while his wisdom crystal is a pure purple ball.Other than that, there doesn't seem to be much difference.

Ye Feng was confused, this guy also has a wisdom crystal?
Didn't those mathematicians say that the wisdom crystal is a black technology and the only one in the world?

Didn't they say that this thing is used to exercise the wisdom of mathematicians?

Why is there such a thing?

Ye is messed up.

Sure enough, Ye Feng read it right, Hua Qianqiu finally couldn't take it anymore, and said through gritted teeth, "What do you know? Finger pull? Glass? Who told you it's a piece of finger pull?"

Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, and then their eyes widened immediately.

I saw that Hua Qianqiu pinched the "finger" with two fingers, and with a little force, the finger changed slowly!Like plasticine, Hua Qianqiu squashed it flat. In less than a few seconds, the ring finger that was originally a ring turned into a delicate ring!

And, it's not lavender either!
Turned into a touch of red!

Immediately, there was no sound in the hall, all the voices disappeared, and the smiles on everyone's faces froze!
All of them stared wide-eyed, as if seeing a ghost, looking at the exquisite light red ring in Hua Qianqiu's hand!
A lavender finger ring, just such a vivid word, it turned into a lavender ring in front of everyone's eyes!
Absolutely hell!

Mei Pu wiped his eyes over and over again, he couldn't believe it at all!

Not only Mei Pu, but everyone present couldn't believe it!
This is so unscientific!
Why can your wrench turn into a ring?
"What's the situation with Jie Nima?"

"Does he have glass that can transform?"

"Is this glass transformed by Monkey King? Can it be transformed into other things?"

"I'll wipe it! What's the principle of this thing?"

"This thing is awesome!"

"This is awesome!"

"Priceless treasure!"

The hall suddenly exploded, and unbelievable sounds came out.

Even Su Ning, Su Li, and the others stared blankly, and couldn't believe their eyes.

Yang Liuqing, who was relatively close to Hua Qianqiu, widened her eyes and asked, "Young Master Hua, what kind of treasure are you?" .can change?Doesn't this thing exist in the novel?In reality?

Seeing the shocked faces of the people present, Hua Qianqiu immediately felt extremely comfortable in her heart, and replied proudly: "This was given to my father by a prince of the Eagle Kingdom's royal family, and my father gave it to me again." This thing is the only one in the whole world!" Hua Qianqiu spoke confidently, her back was straightened, and her face was not as depressed as before.But he didn't say what it was called, because he didn't know.He also specifically asked his father, but the embarrassing thing is that his father didn't know either.

But this effect is not big, the important thing is that this thing is unparalleled in the world!It is enough to know this!

Looking at the unbelievable expressions of the people around, Hua Qianqiu suddenly felt that this gift was worth it!Although it hurts a bit, at least it's a bad breath!People live for a lifetime, isn't it just to save face!

Especially looking at Fatty's dazed look, Hua Qianqiu felt so much better!
Fatty, are you shouting?
Are you calling?

Maybe the fat man heard Hua Qianqiu's heartfelt voice, and the elder brother really spoke, pouted and said, "Isn't it just changing from a finger ring to a ring? It's all a circle, what's so great about it, if you have the ability, you can make him change into a ring." I'll take a look at the square ones." Although the fat man seemed to look down on others, what he said was actually a bit sour.

In fact, the fat man is really a bit sour.

He had just ridiculed him for a long time, but in the end, this guy gave him a big slap in the face. This is a naked slap in the face of Young Master Mei!This Mei Pu must not be recognized like this, no matter what, I have to struggle!

However, Fatty's struggle was useless...

"Ha ha."

Hua Qianqiu sneered disdainfully, but didn't see him move, the things in his hand began to change slowly again.Just like that, under the gaze of the fire, this thing slowly turned into a small cube!

In a way that everyone can't understand at all, this thing turned into a small square!
A small pale yellow square!


Everyone took a deep breath.

This thing is completely beyond everyone's cognition!

This is not scientific!
Mei Pu's expression was as if he was constipated, but he still refused to accept it. He raised his neck and said, "Isn't this thing just deformable? What's the big deal, I bought plasticine and it's smoother than you!"

Everyone looked at Mei Pu's scruffy neck, and they were all convinced.

This guy really doesn't want any face, so I'll argue with you!I'm a slut!I just have trouble with you!
I just opened my eyes and said nonsense, and I said you can't do it!

Doesn't Mei Pu know that this thing is a treasure?
It's not that he really doesn't understand anything, but he just wants to say that.Even if it's shameless, the fat man has to open his eyes and say that Hua Qianqiu's treasure is no good!

Did he have a feud with Hua Qianqiu?

Really not, one of them is in the Northeast, the other is overseas, and there is no conflict between them.
There was nothing contradictory, but Mei Pu insisted on pissing him off.

Especially now, Mei Pu is gritting his teeth and making a fool of himself!

Hua Qianqiu was delighted when he heard it, okay, fat man, you're just going to argue with me, right?

Is it useless?
Alright, my brother will let you open your eyes today!
Hua Qianqiu made a lotus flower with five fingers, and threw the treasure in his hand into the sky. Everyone saw a flower before they saw it clearly. After the thing fell, Hua Qianqiu caught it with his hands.

Everyone opened their eyes again, where are there any cubes?
Hua Qianqiu was holding a jade bone fracture fan in his hand, Hua Qianqiu was full of spring breeze, and with a sound of "wow", he opened the folding fan chicly, and shook it lightly, which is quite ancient.

Hua Qianqiu smiled slightly, shook the fan twice, and then closed the fan with a "crash".But after the folding fan was closed, it changed its appearance again, everyone didn't see clearly, only Hua Qianqiu was holding a teacup in his hand at this time.

Grabbing a pot of hot tea, as soon as he arrived, the teacup in his hand was filled with tea, Hua Qianqiu, in front of everyone, raised his neck and drank it, there was nothing left in the cup.

Everyone was dumbfounded, even Su Li, Su Ke and the others were stunned.

Hua Qianqiu is too fucking outrageous, isn't it?

How could so many things be conjured up with just a small finger?

But it's not over yet, Hua is addicted to pretending to be someone, and I really enjoy their stunned look.I saw Hua Qianqiu casually throwing the teacup in his hand on the ground, some people screamed out in shock, this is a peerless treasure, if it breaks, you won't vomit blood!How dare you throw it on the ground so casually?
Everyone present was so frightened that their hearts "thumped" twice, but after the teacup fell to the ground, not only did nothing happen, it even turned into a bonsai.

That lifelike appearance, the people who saw it were amazed.

"Good thing! What a treasure!"

Yang Liuqing praised her, and clapped her hands involuntarily.

Many people also applauded, and everyone was still amazed.

"A peerless treasure!"

"This stuff is simply unheard of!"

"Amazing! It's amazing!"

"Today is really an eye-opener!"

"Hua Shao, this gift is really too precious!"

For the first time, there was bursts of applause in the hall. Of course, people like Mei Pu and Liu Qingfeng who had laughed at Hua Qianqiu before were all quite embarrassed at this moment, so they could only turn their faces away and pretend to look at the scenery.

At this time, Ye Feng over there was teasing the little baby with his lips pursed, but he didn't respond.

He has already made up his mind that this thing is his crystal of wisdom, and that Hua Qianqiu can play so smoothly and pull off so many tricks, this is something Ye Feng didn't expect.

However, Ye Feng was not so surprised at first.

Although this is also a crystal of wisdom, although Hua Qianqiu can play a lot of tricks.However, Ye Feng found that whether it was because Hua Qianqiu's level was not enough, or because the quality of this wisdom crystal was not good, anyway, compared with Ye Feng, the tricks that Hua Qianqiu could conjure up were much less.

In particular, Ye Feng discovered that Hua Qianqiu's wisdom crystal seemed to have a huge deficiency!

 That’s all for today, [-] words. I’m going out of town tomorrow. I’ll take the national exam the day after tomorrow. I’ll come back on the [-]rd to take a break. From the [-]th, I’ll be changing three times a day.Please bless!

(End of this chapter)

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