Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 310 What the fuck?

Chapter 310 What the fuck?

Seeing Hua Qianqiu chattering over there, Ye Feng felt confident.

He discovered that Hua Qianqiu's crystal of wisdom seemed to have this shortcoming. It could only change into various dead objects, but it seemed that it couldn't become anything that could move!Or maybe it's not the lack of this wisdom crystal itself, but Hua Qianqiu hasn't grasped all the changes of this crystal yet.

This sounds unbelievable, but in fact, Ye Feng's wisdom crystal can really change at will!
Fans, teacups, bonsai, etc. that Hua Qianqiu conjured up, in Ye Feng's view, are just the second stage of the crystal of wisdom!
The first stage is to change into some small objects, such as rings, earrings, bracelets and the like.The second stage is to turn into larger things, such as tables, chairs, benches, teapot bonsai, etc. Ye Feng thought this was already a big deal, but later Ye found out that there are really infinite kinds of wisdom crystals. Possibly, this is far from its limit!
Once, for a long time, Ye was researching this crystal of wisdom, and he found that this crystal is by no means such a simple thing, at least it is a super black technology that combines mathematics, physics, and chemistry. out something.He knows little about physics and chemistry, but he is a super mathematician. He found that the various changes of this crystal completely conform to certain mathematical laws. In other words, the changes of this crystal should be obtained through precise mathematics. Calculate the result after setting.

It is estimated that the president of the Royal Mathematics Society of the Eagle Country at that time took out this crystal as a reward, and it should be out of consideration in this regard.Ordinary people will never understand the endless mysteries contained in this crystal, they can only marvel at this magical glass that changes quickly.The one who can really master this crystal is either a master of mathematics, a master of physics, or a master of chemistry. Hua Qianqiu's ability to master the second stage of this crystal's changes actually surprised Ye Feng.

Over there, Hua Qianqiu is still showing everyone various changes, turning into a bead, turning into a sword, turning into a small sapling, etc. The people next to her are already dumbfounded.This thing is completely beyond the scope of everyone's cognition. Is there such an unscientific thing in the world?Now some people are beginning to doubt life, Hua Qianqiu can't be a fairy's treasure, right?Otherwise, how can it change back and forth like this?

"I heard from the elders in my family that there are really gods in our world!"

Some people began to whisper about it, and everyone's expressions were quite serious.


"I don't know. Some elders in the family said that many years ago, there were many gods in our world. Do you think this thing was left by those gods?" Yes, it really looked like that, it bluffed Su Li and the others.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and their hearts suddenly became a little hairy.The main reason is that Hua Qianqiu really makes them unable to understand. Isn't it a fairy thing that can have so many changes?Although they think it's a bit nonsense, but the facts are in front of them, and they can't stop everyone from thinking too much.

People are like this. When they encounter things beyond their own cognition, they will think wildly and often seek theological help.

A group of young talents began to chatter.

At this time, Hua Qianqiu shook her hand and turned into a blue rose. She pinched it in her hand and handed it to Su Ning, "Su Ning, I wish you a happy birthday." A rose, don't tell me, it's really romantic.

"Young Master Hua is indeed from a wealthy family. This shot really surprised us. Today is really an eye-opener." Lan Tian clapped his hands aside and said with a smile: "I don't know what gift my brother-in-law prepared? It must be better than Hua Shao Shouldn't you be stronger?" As he spoke, he glanced at Ye Feng, his tone full of sarcasm.

At this moment, Yang Liuqing answered the conversation, and said with a sneer, "He has a pretty face, what else can he do other than cheating girls with his mouth? Giving gifts? Hehe, I haven't seen her since I've been with my sister for so long. What gift did he give!" Speaking of this, Yang Liuqing couldn't help but feel angry, he wanted to kill Ye Feng, that little boy!
"Hehe." Lan Tian smiled, but he didn't continue the topic. He couldn't talk about it. He wanted to disgust Ye Feng, but he didn't want to disgust Su Ning. After all, Su Ning was also his cousin. , the relationship is still possible. "Brother-in-law, it's true that he didn't prepare a gift, right? Or did he prepare it and was too embarrassed to take it out?" Last time Ye Feng was on Grandpa Lan's birthday, he made Lan's weather so bad that he would definitely not let Ye Feng go today.

At this time, Ning Ning opened her mouth, first she looked at Hua Qianqiu expressionlessly, and said indifferently: "Your gift is too expensive, I can't accept it." From the beginning to the end, Ning Ning didn't look at the flower in his hand. Pale blue roses.Indeed, Ningning also admitted that the gift of Hua Qianqiu is romantic enough, but so what?In terms of romantic gifts, if they were not given by Ye Feng, they would be eclipsed in Ding Ning's eyes.

Over there, Ye Feng, holding the little baby, also came for a stroll, and Mei Pu gave him a helpless look, which meant that I tried my best, big brother, what a blessing you are.Ye Feng would also agree, and blinked at him, he had already seen the fat man's efforts just now.

But before he could speak after he came over, Hua Qianqiu said anxiously again: "Su Ning, this is a unparalleled and unique treasure in the world, the whole world is just like this, you, don't you want it?" Don't say it's Hua Qianqiu Well, even many guests were quite surprised, you don't want such a good baby?Don't give it to me!
But Ning Ning still said flatly: "It's too expensive, I can't bear it."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, surprised in their hearts, Su Ning doesn't even want such a good thing?What a waste!
Someone exaggeratedly said: "This trouble may be a good thing left by the gods!"


"This is such a baby!"

"You can't buy this thing with money!"

In this group of people, there is no one who is short of money, and the things that money can buy, in their view, are nothing unusual.

Hearing what everyone was talking about, Mr. Ye finally spoke up. He hugged the little baby and smiled, "Puff!" What a shame." Ye Feng grinned at the man.

"Huh? Broken stuff?"

Hua Qianqiu laughed angrily, "I really met an expert!"

The man was stunned by Ye Feng, and he was also very dissatisfied: "Hehe, what good things did you prepare?"

"That's it." Lan Tian said next to him: "Brother-in-law doesn't like this thing, take out your gift and have a look, you won't write the adverb again, right? We are all rough people, but we can't appreciate your thing !"

Lan Hai also said: "Brother-in-law's gift must be better than less flowers, right? Hehe, why don't we open our eyes?"

"That's right, what's the point of just talking about it? You're doing a good job of talking about other people's brokenness!"

"It's still a broken thing? I just don't know it!"

"Sister Ning marrying you is really..."

"Unfortunate! How many people's goddess Ning was back then!"

As for Ye Feng, many people don't know him, but everyone is definitely familiar with his name!Ye Feng, the guy who was punished by the disciples of the imperial capital!

When Su Ning married Haicheng back then, it caused a huge sensation in the imperial capital, and I don't know how many people's eyes were shocked!The dignified young lady of the Su family wants to marry an unknown little boy far away?And is he a scumbag with a blatant cheating?I don't know how many people thought about it and didn't understand what the Su family was thinking. Isn't this pushing Su Ning into the fire pit?
Although, I heard that Ye Feng has made a lot of achievements in the academic world recently, and his name is often seen in reports.However, in the eyes of these people, an academic is really nothing!

What's more, they all know that the relationship between Su Ning and Ye Feng is not good, and they all mocked Ye Feng one by one, that really spared no effort!
However, Su Ning's dislike of Ye Feng is already in the past tense, and now the two of them are so happy that they are almost ready to have a second child.

Hearing so many people laughing at Ye Feng together, Su Ning was not happy at once, and said something with a cold face that made everyone stunned.

"Ye Feng doesn't need to give me a gift."

What do you mean?
Everyone was taken aback, even Ye Feng was taken aback.

I've prepared all the presents, and the big baby said I don't need to give them?
(End of this chapter)

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