Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 312 Ye Feng's Gift

Chapter 312 Ye Feng's Gift

Ning Ning showed off such a high-profile wave of affection, and she didn't know how many people were stimulated.

Originally they disliked Ye Feng, that's fine, but now they disliked Ye Feng even more.

Especially Hua Qianqiu, who was so angry that his eyes were red, his chest heaved, and he was panting heavily. Now he can't wait to kill Ye Feng directly.

Besides him, there was another person on the scene who was also furious, and that was Yang Liuqing!
In his eyes, Ye Feng is a shameless scum!
Son of a bitch!Heartbreaker!Boyfriend!Scum!Shameless!
How long has his sister been gone, and you and Su Ning are in love with each other at this show?

Are you worthy of my sister's love for so many years?
Yang Liuqing's veins bulged out of anger, and he clenched his fists tightly.

"Ye Feng! Happy birthday!"

Yang Liuqing gritted her teeth, stared at Ye Feng viciously, and said, "Miss Su gave you such a big surprise on your birthday, aren't you happy? She prepared it so carefully, how about you? Today is also his birthday, Don't you have anything to say?" Yang Liuqing gritted his teeth, he will never let Ye Feng go today!Although you can't do anything to him, you absolutely can't let him be so carefree!My sister is far away from home, and this shameless scum is happy here?How can there be such a good thing!No matter what happens today, this guy must be disgraced!Otherwise, he really couldn't swallow this breath!

"Hehe, my brother-in-law must have prepared a gift." Lan Tian said with a smile: "Otherwise, I'd be sorry for Sister Ning's kindness."

"Didn't someone say that I was a crap just now? I want to see what a good thing is!" Hua Qianqiu said directly to Ye Feng with a sullen face, "Take out your gift and let me open it!" Open your eyes!"

"That's it! I'm not ashamed to say it!"

"Sister Ning's efforts are in vain!"

"He's not good enough for Sister Ning!"

"Oh, it's hard!"

Although Su Ning said just now that Ye Feng doesn't need to give gifts today, everyone is still holding on to this matter.Even, because of being stimulated by Su Ning, many male compatriots present couldn't understand Ye Feng even more!Everyone wanted to make him look ugly, otherwise everyone would feel uncomfortable!

Seeing them being so aggressive, Baby Ning Ning's complexion suddenly became ugly, and he frowned and said to everyone: "He doesn't need to give it away." Although Ning Ning's voice was not loud, it was very cold. Baby is already angry.

What do they think, big baby is clear in his heart, isn't he just waiting for Ye Feng to take out his gift, and then laughing at him?

Ningning will never let this happen.

Sure enough, Ning Ning said something with a cold face, and the voice on the field suddenly became quieter, but Hua Qianqiu was not hesitant, and said to Ye Feng with a sneer: "Hiding behind a woman, what is that?"

"Isn't he always like this?" Yang Liuqing also sneered, his eyes full of disdain.

Su Ning's face changed, and she was about to speak, but was stopped by Ye Feng behind.Ye Feng handed the baby in his arms to Su Ning, and secretly squeezed Ning Ning's little hand, giving her a reassuring look.

Seeing Ye Feng standing up, Ning Ning wisely stopped talking and stood aside holding the little baby.

Ye Feng looked at Hua Qianqiu, smiled and said, "Hua Li is young, right?"

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Ye Feng opened his mouth, there was a burst of laughter.

Hualihu Shao, this is what the fat man called out at the beginning.


Hua Qianqiu was immediately angry, Mei Pu called him that, he couldn't help Mei Pu, after all, he was the eldest son of the Mei family.But, which onion is your Ye Feng?Dare to call it that?
But Ye Feng didn't care about Hua Qianqiu's reaction at all, and said to himself: "You want to see my gift, don't you? You all want to see it, right?" Ye Feng looked around the crowd, "You all want to open your eyes?"

"Ha ha."

No one paid attention to Ye Feng, but there was a trace of sarcasm on everyone's face.

Ye Feng turned his attention to Hua Qianqiu, and slowly took out a ball from his bosom, a purple crystal ball!
"This is my gift."

Ye Feng held the wisdom crystal in his hand, glanced at Hua Qianqiu, and asked with a smile: "Is it better than yours?"

Seeing the crystal ball in Ye Feng's hand, everyone burst into laughter.

"Hahaha, just a glass ball, I thought it was such a good thing!"

"Open your eyes, open your eyes! It's really different!"

"What did he just say? Is there a face to compare with a gift with less money?"

"Who gave him the confidence!"

"What's so good about a broken glass ball?"

"Hey, grandstanding!"

"That's the nerve to take it out? It's really blinding sister Ning's heart!"

"Treating a crystal ball as a treasure? Is this still a professor?"

"As many things as there are!"

Many people looked at the crystal ball in Ye Feng's hand, and impatiently started to laugh at Ye Feng!

This is the moment they've been waiting for!

Just waiting to spray him!

All kinds of ridicule came out in one go, and there were all kinds of words!

In their view, this is an ordinary purple crystal ball!
Can this shit be compared with the baby with less money?
Not even qualified to carry shoes!

Lan Tian grinned and said, "Tsk tsk, brother-in-law's gift is quite unique!"

Yang Liuqing sneered, and said disdainfully: "You are at this level, you can handle this thing?"

The Mei Pu and Su Li brothers over there watched Ye Feng take out a crystal ball from his pocket!Everyone covered their faces, not knowing what to say!

Brother, you are too nonsense!

You are a broken crystal, who gave you courage!Let you blow it like this?

Originally they thought that since Ye Feng was so confident, at least the gift he prepared would not be too embarrassing, but who would have thought that this big brother would make a crystal ball!

Su Ling's younger sisters stood with Su Ning, and the expressions of the sisters-in-law were quite subtle.Su Ning didn't respond at all, so she held the little baby and watched quietly.

In the hall, the scene suddenly became chaotic.

However, at this moment, Hua Qianqiu just froze in place, staring straight at the crystal ball in Ye Feng's hand with an expression of disbelief!

Really, he never thought that Ye Feng would have this thing!
Those who laughed at Ye Feng, it was because they had never been in contact with wisdom crystals at all, and they didn't recognize this material at all.However, Hua Qianqiu knows him, he is too familiar with this thing!
He has one of his own!
But there is also wind for Maoye?

Doesn't it mean that there is one piece of this thing in the world?

This is impossible!
With a confused face, Hua Qianqiu asked nonchalantly, "Where did you get this ball?"


"What did Shao Hua say?"

"Oh, Young Master Hua's expression is wrong!"

"what happened?"

"Why did Hua Qianqiu react like this?"

Everyone was laughing at Ye Fengxiao's excitement, when they suddenly heard Hua Qianqiu's dumbfounded voice, everyone was taken aback when they saw Hua Qianqiu's reaction.

what's the situation?
Hua Qianqiu's reaction made everyone puzzled!
Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what was going on.

At this time, Ye Feng smiled slightly, looked at the wrench in his hand, and asked, "Where did your wrench come from?" To be honest, Ye Feng was really curious about where Hua Qianqiu got that wrench, because Li The old professor said that there is only one piece of wisdom crystal.

Hua Qianqiu frowned, and proudly said: "My finger ring was given to our Hua family by a prince of the Eagle King's family. There is only one in the world!" Then asked: "Where did your ball come from?"

"Coincidentally, my ball was also given to me by the Eagle King's family." Ye Fengdao, they are right in saying that, his wisdom crystal was given to him by the president of the Royal Eagle Kingdom Mathematical Society as a reward. It is not a big problem to say that it is the royal family.

"This is the only piece of the world!" Ye Feng looked at Hua Qianqiu and said slowly.

The people next to me are even more puzzled now, what are these two people talking about?
Where did yours and mine come from?

What is this all about?
Gradually, no one else in the hall made a sound, and they all noticed that something was wrong, and they all stared at Ye Feng and the others.

At this moment, Hua Qianqiu frowned, stopped talking, stretched out her hand, and turned the wrench in her hand into a lavender card.Seeing this, Ye Feng smiled slightly, flipped his fingers, and the wisdom crystal in his palm flickered in vain, and turned into a card, a card exactly like Hua Qianqiu's.The only difference is the color, one is lavender and the other is purple.

"I wipe!"

"what's the situation?"

"Then the glass ball can change?"

"Damn it!"

"This this……"

Immediately, the hall exploded, and Ye Feng's move directly shocked countless eyeballs!

You can change this too?

Do you want to be so exaggerated?
The appearance of this kind of thing is enough to make people confused, and now you have another one?
The faces of Yang Liuqing and Lan Tian changed suddenly, and their expressions were quite exciting.

Just now everyone was making fun of Ye Feng, but within 2 minutes, he was slapped in the face!
Break the ball?

This scene is too familiar!
Back then, when the joke was spent forever, it was exactly the same as it is now!

In just one hour, they were slapped in the face twice in the same way?

We are here to celebrate someone's birthday, not to slap you in the face!
Everyone is as disgusting as eating flies, why can't you just say it in one breath?You must deliberately misunderstand us, right?
At this time, they also knew that the ball in Ye Feng's hand was definitely not an ordinary thing.I also understand why Hua Qianqiu had the expression like seeing a ghost just now, no one can bear it!
This is too unexpected!

It was really unexpected, Hua Qianqiu had a sullen face, exerted a little force, and the card in his hand flickered again, turning into a jade fish.Ye Feng over there glanced at it casually, and an identical jade fish appeared in his hand.

Hua Qianqiu's fingers are flying, Wenwan, tea sets, flowers and plants... All kinds of things can be changed at will in Hua Qianqiu's palm, making the people around him look stupid.

However, Ye Feng kept looking at him with a light smile, and his fingers were flying, no matter what Hua Qianqiu turned his fingers into, Ye Feng could always imitate them with his wisdom crystal!

Moreover, it is exactly the same thing!

Hua Qianqiu's movements are getting faster and faster, not only the shape is changing, even the color is constantly changing.But no matter how he changes, Ye Feng can always keep up.Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, and purple are brilliant and beautiful.

Hua Qianqiu's face became more and more gloomy, and gradually a trace of sweat broke out on his forehead. He found that the ball in Ye Feng's hand was really the same as his finger wrench!Can be changed arbitrarily!


Hua Qianqiu snorted coldly, stopped the movements of his hands, "It's nothing new." What he could conjure up, Ye Feng also conjured up, even if he wanted to laugh at Ye Feng, he had no chance.Fortunately, however, this was the gift he took out first.

Yang Liuqing next to her pouted and said, "Young Master Hua has already shown it. Although it's amazing, it's nothing special."

"That's right, I thought it was something new, isn't it just the leftovers from playing with less money?"

"Tch, what's there to show off!"

"I've seen it all, it's nothing interesting."

Many people said sourly, they really had nothing to say, who would have thought that Ye Feng would have such a magical treasure?

Don't look at them as if they look down on them, but I don't know how envious they are.

However, they will never admit that Ye Feng is excellent!
As long as there is a little flaw, they have to come up and talk about it!
Just like now, Hua Qianqiu's gift is given out first, and they will say that Ye Feng has no new ideas and play the rest of the routine.

When you don't like someone, you have a hundred reasons to spray him!
The people present didn't know how many people disliked Ye Feng, and there was no other reason, who told Ye Feng to marry Su Ning.

"Heh, you guys are really interesting. If you can't eat grapes, you say grapes are sour?" The fat man folded his arms and sneered at the people over there: "If you have the ability, let me see who of you? , A lot of nonsense!" The fat man glanced at his mouth and said quite bluntly.

After the fat man finished speaking, many people looked at him unkindly, but the fat man was not a good person, so he stared back unceremoniously.

At this time, Ye Feng also stopped, glanced at the crowd, looked at their faces, Ye Feng was too lazy to say anything to them.

Play the rest?

Ha ha.

I haven't started yet, you think it's over, don't you?

"Old Qi, where are my things?" Ye Feng suddenly turned his head and said something to Su Qi.

"Don't worry, take it with you."

Su Qi beckoned to a servant, whispered something in his ear, and the servant trotted out.

Everyone was puzzled, they didn't know what kind of medicine Ye Feng and Su Qi sold in their gourds, only Tao Xiaoyao's expression changed, she knew what Ye Feng wanted.

"Brother Seven, brother-in-law, what do you have?"

Xiao Lingling asked secretly, Su Ning next to her was also curious and listened attentively.

But Su Qi didn't say anything, just smiled mysteriously, "You're just in a hurry, you'll find out later."

"Okay." Su Ling pouted.

After a while, the servant came back in a hurry, holding a plate in his hand covered with a piece of red satin, just like when Su Ling and the others were giving presents just now.

Everyone looked over and secretly guessed what was inside.

Ps: It was broken yesterday because of the exam, and the third shift will start tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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