Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 313 Feng Qiuhuang

Chapter 313 Feng Qiuhuang
Seeing the servant come over with a plate, Ye Feng stepped forward slowly, and gently lifted the silk hijab on it, everyone looked up and saw that it was a piece of clothing.


Everyone was stunned. Many people are familiar with the game of Heavens and Worlds. Everyone can see the artifacts in it at a glance.

Ye Feng, what does this mean?
Although this artifact is very precious, at least it can be bought with money. Compared with their wisdom crystal, it is still a lot worse. That thing is priceless!

It doesn't make sense for Ye Feng to take out another artifact now, right?

However, Ye Feng ignored everyone's puzzled gazes, took out the clothes on his own, walked up to Su Ning, and said softly, "Do you want to try to fit it?"

Ning Ning nodded, handed the baby in her arms to Su Ling, took the clothes and went out.

Many people were whispering, this birthday party is like this, the more people come, the worse the taste will be.This is also the reason why Ye Feng celebrated Su Ning's birthday in advance. How many of them sincerely came here to send their blessings at the current birthday party?It's nothing more than to compare and show off.

For other reactions, Ye Feng didn't care, and let them see what they wanted.However, this is Ningning's birthday after all, Ye Feng still wants to make it perfect.

He has prepared this gift for a long time.

Whether it's the crystal of wisdom or the set of clothes, Ye Feng spent a lot of effort to get it, so naturally it won't end so casually.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Feng slowly walked up to the throne in the hall.

"Brother-in-law!" Su Li was shocked.

"Brother-in-law, what are you doing!" Su Ke also shouted.

Su Qi was frightened and said repeatedly: "Brother-in-law, don't mess around! Come down!"

Ye Feng's move really frightened them.

This hall is obviously not an ordinary place, what does Ye Feng want to do?

Even the guests were dumbfounded. The throne in the hall is the most eye-catching. Although everyone was itchy, no one had the guts to go up, even if it was to take a look. people dare.And Ye Feng walked up it so swaggeringly?
"Is this guqin usable?"

Ye Feng ignored the three brothers of the Su family, stood in front of the throne incense case, and asked casually.He has no interest in this throne, mainly the guqin.After Ye Feng came in, he noticed this guqin, it was completely tailor-made for him!
With this guqin, his crystal of wisdom can be displayed most perfectly.


Ye Feng hooked the strings lightly with his hands, and the quiet and distant sound showed the extraordinaryness of this piano.

This guqin is really extraordinary, let alone the material, just the strings.Most other guqins have seven strings, but this one is different, it has nine strings.

Legend has it that the original Guqin only had five shift strings, five elements of alloy wood, water, fire, earth, and five tones of Huiyu in the outer palace. Later, King Wen was trapped in Yindu and missed Boyi Kao. Cutting Zhou, adding a string, is called Wuqin.Together they are civil and military lyres.

But the piano in front of me has nine strings, the seven strings in the middle are brown, with a white string on the top and a black string on the bottom.The whiteness of the white strings is as miserable as snow; the blackness of the black strings is as dark as seclusion.It's really weird, Ye Feng has never seen such a guqin.

Ye Feng stood tall on the pedestal, and the people in the audience had different expressions, some anxious, some indifferent, some disdainful and sarcastic, all kinds of expressions.

At this time, the quiet hall suddenly boiled.


"What a nice view!"

"Gudong! Sister Ning is indeed the number one beauty in the imperial capital!"

"This dress is absolutely perfect!"

At this moment, no one paid any attention to what Ye Feng was doing, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the beautiful woman at the entrance of the main hall.

Hua Qianqiu froze in place.

Even women like Su Ling and Tao Xiaoyao were shocked!

In the hall, no matter men or women, everyone was amazed by Su Ning at this moment!

She is dressed in noble gold-patterned costumes, with gold-encrusted jade hairpins on her head, glazed rings on her ears, and light powder on her face. She is as cold as a fairy under the moon, and as noble as a lotus flower in the snowy land.

That powerful aura makes people awe-inspiring, and that beautiful appearance makes people yearn for it.


Su Ning put on this gorgeous dress, showing her most alluring side perfectly, just like a high-ranking queen in ancient times, noble, arrogant yet graceful!
At this time, Ye Feng turned around slowly, and he also froze for a moment.To be honest, he has seen Ningning in clothes and without clothes, but today's outfit is much more stunning than that nurse's uniform!
Well, it would be more appropriate for Her Lady Queen to wear this kind of domineering imperial dress with golden patterns.

Su Ning stepped forward, her steps swaying and growing lotuses, and the bursts of fragrance are intoxicating.

Everyone's eyes are on him for a moment.

Staring at Ye Feng, he smiled slightly.

Then... the heart of the man at the scene was broken.

Seeing that beautiful smile, their hearts felt like a knife was being twisted, it really hurt!

Especially Hua Qianqiu, that kind of feeling is simply heart-piercing.

At this time, Ye Feng walked around the incense case and glanced at the throne, he was also a little confused, should he sit or not?

Ye Feng is not a fool, he must be able to see that this place is unusual, and it might not be right to sit on it hastily.But, the guqin is placed here, so he can't play it standing up, right?
After thinking about it for a while, let's sit down.

What age is it now, so it doesn't matter so much, right?

Besides, this is the home of the father-in-law, even if the father-in-law is angry, at most he will scold him, can he tear himself down?
Say sit and sit!

Ye Feng sat on it as soon as he hit his buttocks, it was a bit cold, but it was okay.


Ye Feng sat down, caressed his hands, and a crisp sound of the piano resounded through the hall.

Immediately, everyone was stunned and looked at Ye Feng one after another.

When I saw this, I was dumbfounded.

Damn, this big brother is so bold?

Really sit on it?
The faces of the three Su Li brothers also changed immediately, and a layer of cold sweat immediately fell from their foreheads.

This brother-in-law is also talking nonsense, right?

You really dare to sit in a dazed moment!
But Ye Feng didn't care about that at all, at this time he took out the wisdom water from his pocket again, put it gently next to the incense table piano, and then started to play the piano lightly.

In the astonished eyes of everyone, Ye Feng calmly caressed.


"What the hell?"

"What song is this?"

"I do not know!"

"I haven't heard of it, I'm not interested in these."

"I haven't heard of it either, but to be honest, it's interesting."

"Sounds okay!"

"Can he play the piano? Play the guqin?"

"This product is professional..."

"Made, no wonder this guy can hook up girls, this guy has something!"

"If you don't accept it, you can't do it. She does have some skills. If nothing else, how many girls can be charmed by just playing the guqin?"

"No, I have to go to school tomorrow!"

"Can recite poems and compose fu, and is also proficient in rhythm, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and everything! You bastard, what are you doing learning this stuff when you have nothing to do? Just to hook up with rich ladies? Shit!"

The sound of the piano is slow, elegant and quiet.

There were constant murmurs in the hall, more sour sounds of jealousy.

At this time, the young masters of the family realized that having a skill is sometimes more useful than being rich. Although Ye Feng has no money (they think Ye Feng has no money), but this does not prevent people from pretending to be aggressive!

Moreover, this level of pretense is much fresher and refined than theirs!
Look, you give gifts, and I play the piano, and the style comes up all of a sudden!
Moreover, the tune played by this guy is really nice!

This song is of course nice, it is the famous "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" from Ye Feng's previous life!This is a famous song through the ages, even if this group of people who don't understand the rhythm listen to it, they will be infected. This is the charm of classics!
Many people in the hall don't understand the music of the piano at all, but this does not prevent them from admiring and intoxicating.

Su Qi squinted and shook his head...

The fat man nodded and hummed...

Su Ling's sister-in-law hugged the baby and indulged in it...

Ye Feng's song, just the beginning, makes people obsessed.

Especially Su Ning, she is a music student and is very proficient in this rhythm, and she knows how to appreciate it.Moreover, she discovered that this piece of music was something she had never heard before.Baby Ning Ning stood in the hall, slightly raised her head, looking at Ye Feng sitting on the throne, her heart was full of admiration.

This is her him, that's how good he is.

Seeing Ningning's adoring eyes, Ye Feng was also very proud, but this was just the beginning.

The sound of the piano was melodious and gradually getting better. At this moment, without any struggle, the spherical wisdom crystal on the incense table suddenly shook.

Immediately after...

"I wipe!"

The hall immediately exploded!


Witnessing this scene, everyone exploded!
"I'm going to Nima!"

"That's okay too?"

"Is this fucker hanging up?"

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

"Isn't this shit too unscientific?"

"Anyone, explain to me? Why is this? What is the reason for this?"

Without any warning, one second everyone was intoxicated by the sound of the piano, but in the next second, all kinds of swear words came out!
no way!
They can't express the explosion in their hearts without cursing!

Nima, that "glass ball" flew up by itself!
It's not bragging, it's really flying!
It hangs just above the main hall so strangely!
Where did this Nima power come from?

Why is this Nima?You just flew up like this?Have you asked Newton?
You can change us, but it's too much for you to fly, isn't it?
"It's impossible!"

Hua Qianqiu is more confused than anyone else, I also have this thing, why can yours fly?

Why can't I fly?
Hua Qianqiu didn't even think about it, she just threw her finger into the sky, huh?Don't say it, his wrench is flying!

"Hahaha! Isn't it just flying, who can't be the same!"

Hua Qianqiu laughed all at once, raised her eyes in embarrassment, and looked at Ye Feng with flying eyebrows.

Ye Feng glanced at him and smiled slightly.

Can your wrench fly too?
That was simply wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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