Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 314 Feng Qiuhuang

Chapter 314 Feng Qiuhuang

When Ye Feng first saw Hua Qianqiu's finger pull, he knew that it was also a crystal of wisdom.However, at that time Ye Feng felt that Hua Qianqiu's crystal of wisdom seemed a bit insufficient.Because Ye Feng only found out that Hua Qianqiu had transformed into various dead objects, but not the living things he transformed into.

For example, Ye Feng's own wisdom crystal can transform into a moving bunny!
Although it is not alive, but if it is controlled properly, it will really bounce and move!

However, Ye Feng has never seen Hua Qianqiu transformed.

At first, he thought it was because of his finger-wrench.But now it seems that it's not that you can't pull your fingers, but that you can't spend a thousand years.

The finger can fly, which means that there is a power system inside the finger, it's just that Hua Qianqiu doesn't know how to operate it.

Also, for the wisdom crystal, it is simply too difficult to operate well.Ye Feng fully relied on his invincible mathematical attainments to research and understand what is going on with this crystal.Ye Feng reckoned that Hua Qianqiu should have learned the operation methods from others.Because you don't know mathematics, you can't figure it out yourself!
It's a pity, Hua Qianqiu is an ordinary person after all, and can't master so many operations.

He thought that since his fingers could fly, everything would be fine?

As everyone knows, this is exactly what Ye Feng wants to see.

Just when everyone was amazed and Hua Qianqiu was excited, Ye Feng continued to play calmly.

This song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" was carefully selected by Ye Feng, and it's not just as simple as sounding pleasant.The sound of the piano is slow, and it seems that there is no change, but the two wisdom crystals in the air are slowly spinning.

What are Wisdom Crystals?

Ye Feng thought about this question for a long time, and then he found out that this name is really not for nothing.

As long as there is external force, the wisdom crystal can be changed arbitrarily, and it realizes its various changes according to the principles of classical physics and mechanics.Of course, as for why it can change, it involves material chemistry again.Anyway, this wisdom crystal can change arbitrarily as long as it is guided by external forces.

As for Ye Feng's song, Yinlang can be regarded as an external force.

This is why it is said that this wisdom crystal is not screaming for nothing, and the voice of others is not low, but it seems to be able to hear where this "force" comes from, as if it has wisdom, and can recognize whether it is Ye Feng. instructions.

Everyone raised their heads in amazement, looking at the baby spinning in the air.The two crystals were spinning faster and faster, and suddenly, with the sound of the piano, there was a burst of high-pitched, and suddenly the two crystals of wisdom turned into two "phoenixes" in front of everyone's eyes!
"I go!"

"Is this too much?"

"Can you still play like this?"

"Is this a bird? A phoenix?"

"This shit is too fake!"

"It subverted my worldview..."

Everyone didn't even blink their eyes, but no one saw clearly how this thing changed, just under the watchful eyes of everyone, it changed as soon as it was said.

There is no reason at all!

All of them stared wide-eyed, their faces full of disbelief.

Especially Hua Qianqiu was even more dumbfounded, what is the situation?
Looking at the two dancing phoenixes in the sky, Hua Qianqiu was dumbfounded, this thing has been in his hands for a long time, but he never thought that this thing can fly?Could it even turn into a phoenix and fly?

Not to mention anyone else, it was him, the master, who had a confused look on his face at this moment!

In the whole hall, apart from Ye Feng's Guqin playing slowly, there was no other sound.Everyone shut up, no one knew what to say at this time!

This scene is simply too shocking!
Everyone is stunned!

This is incomprehensible!

Isn't this thing too beyond the scope of people's acceptance?
You said that you can change at will, but we endured it; you said that you can fly inexplicably, but we still endured it; but, you have become a phoenix, how can you still dance in the sky?Isn't this Nima too exaggerated?

You are not uninformed bumpkins, but no matter how knowledgeable you are, no one has seen this thing!

Hua Qianqiu's expression was sluggish, Fatty Mei Pu was also stunned, he knew that Ye Feng was very powerful, but there was a limit to his power, right?

Everyone, this time really everyone, no matter who they are, are all dumbfounded!

Even the little baby, with his mouth open, looked at the sky with a puzzled look on his face.

In the main hall, Ye Feng sat high on the throne, with an incense table in front of him, and a weird nine-string guqin, playing the classic song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" with all his heart.And in the air, a golden yellow crystal "Shenfeng", a light yellow crystal "Shenfeng", one phoenix and one phoenix, flying up and down, the gorgeous colors, and this resplendent imperial palace are even more interesting. .

These two soaring and dancing phoenixes are so realistic that even the feathers are clearly visible.Who would have thought that these two noble and extraordinary golden phoenixes were turned into a ball and a finger?

Said that Ye Feng is a little boy?
Said that the gift from Ye Feng is not good?

Said he was something left over from other people's play?

Looking at the two phoenixes in the sky, and Ye Feng sitting on the throne and playing the piano, at this moment, no one is talking any more.

Who else can say?
What else?
They want to spray the leaf wind!
However, at this time, they have no choice and no reason to spray him!
Fenghuang was brought out by him, what the hell are you talking about!

Are you spraying him with feudal superstition...

The song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is one of the top ten famous songs in the ancient world of the earth. The playing time is not too short, and Ye Feng is not in a hurry. Today he will perfect it!
The quiet music is fluttering, and the noble bird is soaring. These two phoenixes are not only dancing in the sky with the music.It even flew to Su Ning's side and danced around her.

Ning Ning's big baby's face was full of sweet smiles, and her jade hand was lightly held, a phoenix even pecked her lightly, which made the big baby giggle non-stop.

The divine bird was at the side, the music was melodious, and the big baby also danced unconsciously.This was not rehearsed in advance, the big baby was simply infected by the atmosphere, and there was no pattern, Ning Ning just danced casually to Ye Feng's music.

Wearing a golden-patterned costume, she is already noble and extraordinary, and there are two golden-yellow phoenixes flying up and down beside her.Especially in the main hall of the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, Ning Ning's clothes are not only not obtrusive, but complement each other so well.

The beautiful woman dances, accompanied by the Phoenix.This scene was completely unheard of and unseen.

The people next to him are just a foil at this moment.

Looking at the couple, one playing the piano and the other dancing, they exchanged glances from time to time, as if they were afraid that the people next to them would not have enough dog food!
This is simply a large-scale slaughter scene!

Countless single dogs were killed one by one!

Single dogs are better off, at most they are forcibly fed a wave of dog food.

The most disgusting ones are those who brought their girlfriends!Their mentality has collapsed!

Whether it's a male vote or a female vote, look at Ye Feng Su Ning, and then look at your partner, why is there such a big gap between the fuck?

Now, men are envious of Ye Feng, who married the number one beauty in the imperial capital; as for women, they start to envy Su Ning, who not only has a good family background, looks good, and has a good figure, but even her husband is so good?Who the hell said that Su Ning's marriage was a tragedy, the old lady has to be anxious with him!

A particularly absurd thought suddenly came to many people's minds, the most beautiful fairy tale of the year - Su Ning's marriage is not happy.

Really, at this time they all began to think that it was a beautiful fairy tale. At first, everyone thought that Harbin City was fair, and Su Ning was the best in everything, but in marriage, they ruined a lifetime of happiness.

You see, how harmonious this script is.

However, today's story tells them that it is really a fairy tale, and it is all to comfort you, I am afraid that you will not be able to bear this blow.Love Su Ning is not only the best in everything, but his marriage is happier than yours.Looking at the look of other people's eyebrows, many people feel that life has not only deceived themselves, but is even full of malice towards themselves.

Not to mention others, at this time, even the sisters-in-law are a little envious of my sister.

All of them looked at their sister eagerly, dreaming in their hearts...

Time passed little by little, and gradually, the sound of the piano slowed down, and the two phoenixes in the air danced more and more slowly.

Everyone knew that the song was coming to an end.

Many people relaxed a little for no reason, this is so cruel!

I can't stand it!

Hurry up, let's go home after dinner!
This birthday party, it was really wrong!
Inexplicably, I suffocated my stomach!They were shown wave after wave one after another!What is this picture!
Ningning also stopped, she was a little tired after dancing for so long.At this time, Ye Feng also gradually stopped, and saw his right hand lightly hooked a few times, the two phoenixes in the air became smaller and smaller, and flew towards Su Ning's waist.

The sound of the zither stopped, and the two phoenixes also disappeared, only a bright pearl and a wrench were quietly hanging on Ning Ning's waist.With the sweetness and joy on Ningning's face, she knew that this was a gift from Ye Feng.Ye Feng is really becoming more and more romantic, this gift is even more amazing than that firework rain.


Now, the hall was really silent, there was no sound at all.

No one spoke, although Hua Qianqiu really wanted to talk, but now he felt a little sad and didn't know how to speak.

Ye Feng sat on the throne, looked up and looked around, and said softly, "Are you all satisfied with my gift?" There was a hint of sarcasm on the corner of Ye Feng's mouth, he didn't ask if Ningning was satisfied, Instead, I asked for the opinions of those outsiders.It's also a sarcasm, does he need outsiders to be satisfied with the gift he gave his wife?

However, this is reality.

Whatever gift Ye Feng gives to Ningning, Ningning will gladly accept it, even if it is a flower or a poem, Ningning will regard it as a treasure.However, in the eyes of others, this is perfunctory!

What Ye Feng gives to Su Ning must be the best in the audience!

Otherwise, we will make you doubt life!
This is called a birthday party.

Fortunately, Ye Feng's gift was the best in the audience!

No one can pick out the slightest flaw!Not at all!

Simply perfect!


Even those who looked down on Ye Feng, those who hated Ye Feng, at this moment, heard Ye Feng's words, turned their faces away secretly.

There is no way, Ye Feng's gift is beyond compare.

(End of this chapter)

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