Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 315 Give Ye Feng a Gift

Chapter 315 Give Ye Feng a Gift
A song "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" is enough to make people amazing, plus the fantastic dance of the phoenix, the combination of melody and reality, what is the real "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix"!
The phoenix is ​​flying, shining brightly!
This is the best gift for your wife!none of them!

Ning Ning smiled and seemed very happy. Ye Feng was not only happy because of this gift from Ye Feng, what made her even more happy was that Ye Feng was elated in front of so many people!

Don't you look down on Mr. Ye?
Aren't you making fun of Mr. Ye?

Are you honest now?

Ningning didn't care what they were mocking Ye Feng for, she just knew that her Mr. Ye hadn't been wronged, that's enough!

It has to be said that the current big baby is more and more like Ye Feng's little daughter-in-law.Not only so obedient, but also so sensible, always thinking of Ye Feng.

What an example of a good wife and mother!

Ye Feng asked this question, but no one answered, everyone pretended not to hear it.

At this time, the fat man stood up and said with a smile: "The gift prepared by the elder brother for my sister-in-law, this is an eye-opener, it is perfect! It is much better than that Huali Hu Shao. I have a treasure that I can't use. Hahaha! Still a big brother!" The fat man gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, and by the way, he also lost a word of Hua Qianqiu.

Over there, Hua Qianqiu's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot.

He really wanted to strangle Mei Pu to death. Hua Qianqiu's heart was already bleeding. It was obviously his own. He gave it to Su Ning and said no, but Ye Feng gave it away in the end!

This fucker is simply deceiving people too much!
Hua Qianqiu even wanted to get her finger back!Why did Ye Feng borrow flowers to present Buddha with his own things?But Hua Qianqiu still has face, he is really embarrassed to do such a thing.If you give it to Su Ning, just give it to Su Ning, there is no other way.

Hua Qianqiu was already very depressed, but Fatty still said it in front of so many people, this made Hua Qianqiu angry!It's almost smoking!
"I thank Shao Hua for the gift on Ningning's behalf, I'm interested."

Ye Feng cupped his hands slightly, and motioned to Hua Qianqiu.


Hua Qianqiu's face turned green, she almost vomited blood, she gritted her teeth and said, "You're welcome!!!"

God bastard!

Hua's mentality has exploded!

But at this time, no one paid attention to him, only listened to Mei Pu and said curiously: "What song did the elder brother play just now? I haven't heard it before." Many people at the scene didn't know the rhythm very well, but Mei Pu did. Said that this guy is also an expert, he and Ye Feng can know each other because of Guqin music.

Not only Mei Pu heard that the song was unfamiliar, but Ning Ning also heard it. She was also very curious about the source of this song. Could it be that Mr. Ye composed it again?
The question Mei Pu asked made everyone turn their ears. Even the guests who seemed to be indifferent on the surface were actually listening curiously.

Leaving aside the bastard Ye Feng, to be honest, everyone thinks this song is pretty good.

Ye Feng sat on the throne, put one hand on the incense table, and said softly: "I have been thinking about this song for a long time, but it has not been formed yet. I saw Ning Ning and the others dancing just now, and the inspiration suddenly came. "Ye never had to draft nonsense, and he didn't blush at all when he told nonsense, and he said it so aloofly.

The eyes of the big baby Ning Ning were full of hearts, so it turned out that Mr. Ye really wrote it himself.

"I don't know if big brother named this song?" Fatty asked again. Ye Feng on the throne gave Fatty a very veiled look of approval. Now that Fatty is more and more good at being a wingman, this guy's assists are getting better and better. It's getting better and better!
Someone Ye was worrying about how to cleverly tell everyone what the name of the song was, and the fat man asked in the next second!


Ye Feng smiled slightly, and said: "When I made this song, I wanted to give it to Ning Ning as a gift." Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused, looked at Ning Ning, and said softly: "I will give it to Ning Ning. Call, "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix"." Although Ye Feng was bragging, but in fact, this song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix" was really intended to be given to Su Ning by Ye Feng a long time ago.

Sure enough, listening to Ye Feng say the words "Feng Qiuhuang" word by word, baby Ning Ning's heart has blossomed, and the sweet smile on her face has never disappeared.

When the others heard this name, they also sighed inwardly, no wonder Ye Feng can finish soaking Yang Yuer and soaking Su Ning!This guy is really good at teasing girls!
Look at other people, even a name is so high!

Phoenix beg Phoenix!
What do you mean?
Doesn't that mean I like you?
But Ye Feng didn't say clearly, I said I wanted to write a song, so I got the inspiration after seeing you, the name is "Feng Qiuhuang"...Damn it!It's not without reason that this guy can ride two boats!
However, they are looking up to Ye Mou, Ye Mou's emotional intelligence is actually a bit difficult, he can capture Su Ning's heart, it is not because he is so good at flirting with girls, and he can't flirt with girls .There are actually too many reasons for him and Su Ning to come to this point.

Without that marriage, they would not have been able to get together; without Baby Yiyi, they would not have been together; without that time when Ye Feng changed his attitude towards Su Ning when he went back to his hometown, they would not have been together; without Ye Feng always Standing silently behind Su Ning, they couldn't get together...There are too many reasons, if many of them get together, it will lead to Ye Feng and Su Ning today.

But now, Mr. Ye is much stronger than before, and he still makes Ningning happy from time to time, and creates romance for the big baby, and usually knows how to talk to the big baby.This is an improvement over the previous stupid Ye Er, who knows how much better.

"Cough cough!"

The fat man coughed twice suddenly, and saw that this guy took out a white card with plum blossoms on it from his pocket, "It's my brother's birthday today, I didn't know this in advance, and I didn't bring any presents, here's a card Our ID card of Mei Ting will be given to eldest brother as a gift." After the fat man finished speaking, a servant took the card.

Fatty's sudden gift caught everyone off guard, not even Ye Feng.

This guy is so caring?

Still know how to give a gift?
Mei Ting's Plum Blossom Platinum Card is the highest level membership card, and it can be used anywhere under Mei Ting's brand!
This small card is actually very precious, after all, it is also a representative of identity.

However, what the fat man said next made the emotion in Ye Feng's heart disappear.

"What, big brother, do you have the music score for this song?" The fat man rubbed his hands and said, "I have an ancient music festival to attend in a few days, what, do you understand..." The fat man smiled, a little uncomfortable She looked at Ye Feng curiously.

Someone Ye suddenly had black lines all over his head, damn it!Fatty is still that fatty, Bai was moved!
This guy is thinking of asking for his sheet music!

"Let's talk about it tomorrow!"

Ye Feng said angrily, although his tone was very bad, but Ye Feng actually regarded Fatty as his own in his heart.No one will treat you well for no reason, like a fat man, that's fine.At least, he still remembers that today is Ye Feng's birthday, and he wants to give him a gift.Except for Fatty, only Su Ning and Su Ling gave Ye Feng a birthday present.

"Hey, thank you big brother." The fat man rubbed his hands and smiled.

Although the purpose of the gift given by the fat man is a bit impure, but he really made a start. After he gave the gift, everyone came back to their senses. Today is also Ye Feng's birthday, so they have to give gifts too!

"Brother-in-law, happy birthday!" Su Li took a step forward, "This is my gift." Looking at Ye Feng who was still sitting on the throne, the corners of Su Li's mouth twitched several times, but it was difficult for him to say it at this time.

"Brother-in-law, happy birthday!" Su Ke also found an impromptu gift and presented it, followed by Su Qi: "Brother-in-law, happy birthday!" The same is also a temporary gift.

After all, they didn't know that today was Ye Feng's birthday, and no one prepared for him, so they could only temporarily find some decent things to act as.

"Happy birthday, Mr. Ye!" Liu Qingfeng also congratulated, which surprised many people. Su Li and the others gave gifts because Ye Feng was their brother-in-law, so they definitely had to give them.But Liu Qingfeng's sudden appearance surprised many people.

"I came in a hurry and didn't bring any good things. This box of tea is barely a gift to Mr. Ye."

Obviously, Liu Qingfeng was looking for it temporarily, and gave Ye Feng a box of tea leaves he brought.

"Thank you."

Ye Feng stood up and thanked him. He didn't know Liu Qingfeng, but since everyone gave him face, he must not be less polite.

When Liu Qingfeng took the lead, many people looked at each other, looked through what else they had, and found a few good ones one by one, and congratulated Ye Feng.

"Mr. Ye, happy birthday!"

"Mr. Ye, don't mind, I came in a hurry, please accept this little thing."

"I don't know Mr. Ye's birthday, the gift is a bit shabby."

"Please don't blame Mr. Ye."

There were more than a dozen people who gave Ye Feng presents. Although these gifts were found on the spur of the moment, they were still reasonable.

However, more people are indifferent!

Give Ye Feng a gift?

Why don't you go to heaven!

I want to give him a clock!
ps: From today onwards, the era of three updates has started, and your votes do not support a wave of baa!

(End of this chapter)

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