Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 614 The game begins!

Chapter 614 The game begins!
After five days.

It was Sunday, and the university town was already crowded with people.

At No. 1 Xuefu Road, which is Ye Feng's teahouse "Shenxianju", it was surrounded by an unknown number of people.

Not to mention outside the Immortal Residence or in the University Town, even the streets and roads near the University Town are completely blocked!The university town is not considered an urban area, it is almost a suburb, the roads are very wide, and the traffic pressure is not great at all.But today, the traffic police, the police, and Hai Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Chuan's security guards all mobilized together!

The Municipal Bureau has directly taken over here and directly regulated the traffic. Even Haicheng TV and radio stations are broadcasting to the citizens, trying not to come here, but even so, the traffic around here is still paralyzed.

It's a mess!
Looking around, tens of thousands of people are densely packed!
This is not counting those college students who are stuck in the school!If those college students are rushing out, hehe, the university town will probably be overwhelmed!
"I go!"

"so many people?"

"This time it's Professor Ye who is playing!"

"Jiang Liu'er is Professor Ye! I just want to see the harmony between heaven and earth!"

"This is the end of the man-machine war, who wouldn't want to see it."

"Ha, the students of Hai Hai Chuan are all locked in the school."

"It's miserable."

"Professor Ye will not lose."

"Must win!"

The three floors inside and outside are full of people. At the gates of Haida and Haichuan schools, electronic screens have been hung up to broadcast live at any time.

Students from both schools were blocking the entrances. Some students leaned against the wall, and some students looked out from the gates.

"School is too much!"

"No, why don't you let us go out?"

"Stop complaining, there are too many people here today, let's be considerate."

"The main reason is that there are so many leaders here. Didn't you see that all the special cars in the city have arrived?"

"It's not just the leaders of our city. I just saw the principals of Peking University and Tsinghua University bring people here."

"Mathematics, literature, physics, history, and education. I don't know how many professors and masters from these five majors have come."

"Almost all the people from the Chinese Chess Academy have come."

"Professor Ye's face is really too great."

Indeed, Ye Feng, as the highest intelligence of human beings, is fighting against Laomei's artificial intelligence. This is no longer a simple battle in the Go world!
Professor Ye bears too many honors!
His every move will cause a huge reaction.What's more, it's something related to "wisdom"!

For example, in the mathematics and physics circles, their mood is actually not at all lighter than that in the Go world.

A mathematician from Peking University was a little worried, "Old Li, is Professor Ye okay?"

A mathematics professor from Tsinghua University next to him also said: "If we lose, this matter will not be a small blow to our mathematics community."

Professor Li Shuwen said: "Let's put it down, Professor Ye has a measure."

Dean Ma Luan is very confident, "You may not know that the game records of "Youth Go" were actually written by Professor Ye alone, including the Tiandi Datong style. It can be seen that Professor Ye's Go skills are definitely quite powerful of."

"That's right, Professor Ye is so good at mathematics, it shouldn't be difficult to play Go."

"I hope I can win."

"I can definitely win!"

Mayor Shi and Wu Dehai also came, standing outside the door of the teahouse, many people greeted Mayor Shi and the others.

There is also an electronic screen hanging at the gate of the teahouse, but the signal has not been connected yet.

At this time, the door of the teahouse, which had been closed all the time, opened. Gao Chang stood at the door and said to the crowd, "Every media comes in with a reporter."


More than 100 people stood up at once, and Gao Chang was stunned.

A media has one person, but there are still so many?

What's going on here?
In the end, Gao Chang selected a few of the most powerful media to enter, they can be regarded as representatives of the media.

After all, the space in the teahouse is limited, and it is impossible to let everyone in.

Soon, the few reporters who went in got their equipment ready and acted as photographers, responsible for videotaping the people outside. At this time, the big screen outside also had a signal.

A reporter who didn't go in was broadcasting live outside, "Hello, audience friends, my current position is the place where today's decisive battle will take place. We can see that the outside of the teahouse is already crowded with people. For example, Mayor Shi Zhongxiong of Haicheng City, Hai Wu Dehai, the principal of Dahai Chuan, Chi Haiyang, the president of the Chinese Chess Academy, and many other celebrities and scholars from all walks of life stood outside the door anxiously waiting for the opening. At present, the signal in the teahouse has been connected, and it can be transmitted to the TV at any time."

This is a special live program of Haicheng Satellite TV.

Not only Haicheng Satellite TV, but also CCTV Sports, CCTV News, CCTV International and other TV stations are broadcasting live!There are even reporters stationed in China from Japan and Japan, who are reporting live for these two countries.It can be said that today's game is truly the focus of attention!
The eyes of the whole Asia are gathered in this teahouse!

in the tea house.

The game hasn't started yet.

The people from the United States are making the last adjustments to their machines, while on the other side, Ye Feng is still making tea.

There was no joy or sorrow on Ye Feng's face, but he was wearing a black suit today with a small white flower pinned to his chest.

He was quietly instructing Ningning how to make tea.

That's right, Ningning is also here.

On this occasion, she must have come to cheer Mr. Ye up.Similar to Ye Feng, Ning Ning put on a light makeup today and also wore a solemn black suit, which was a bit more glamorous than before.

"Preparing tea is actually very simple. After putting the tea leaves, just pour water into the cup."

Ye Feng and Ning Ning sat opposite each other, and asked calmly while making tea: "Daughter-in-law, do you think a robot can do the job of making tea?"


Ning Ning thought for a while and said, "If it's as simple as pouring water as you said, can a robot do it?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly, then looked at Gao Chang who was sitting next to him, "You have been working in the teahouse for so long, what do you think?"


Gao Chang looked at Su Ning, and said with a smile: "I think sister Ning is right, if you pour water, a robot can definitely do it."

Ning Ning looked at Ye Feng, and asked a little strangely: "What do you mean?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly, "It's nothing interesting, just a little emotional."

"What emotion?"

Ning Ning was a little curious.

Ye Feng took a sip of tea, glanced at the American people over there, and said to himself: "Although robots can make tea, they will never be able to drink tea. The way of tea lies in how to taste tea. It's the form." Speaking of this, Ye Feng paused for a moment, and said again: "Just like this game of Go, chess is like life, and life is like chess. Some people think that playing chess is just capturing pieces to occupy space. Such people, they I will never understand what the true meaning of Go is."

The people on Laomei's side were not happy with Ye Feng's words.

"Professor Ye, what do you mean?" Lao Mei's person in charge said with a sullen face, "I'm afraid of losing, so make an excuse for yourself first?"


Ye Feng put down his teacup, looked at the American man calmly, and said softly: "The one who said this to me last time was that Hei Mu, don't you know whether I lost or won?"


The old beauty's face changed, "Don't say these things are useless, let's see the truth on the field!"

"bring it on."

Ye Feng drank the tea in his teacup in one gulp, and then placed the teacup heavily on the table.

There was a crisp sound, which shocked everyone's hearts.

Then, clear the field.

All the idlers left the hall.

Ningning and Gao Chang went up to the second floor, and the reporters and some American staff were also cleared out.

In the hall, only Ye Feng and two Americans were left.

One sits in front of the computer and controls the machine, and the other sits opposite Ye Feng and is in charge of making moves.

everything's ready!
10 minutes!
5 minutes!
1 minutes!

Nine o'clock in the morning!
A battle of the century that spanned life has officially begun!
(End of this chapter)

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