Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 615 Is Heaven and Earth Unified?

Chapter 615 Is Heaven and Earth Unified?
The game has begun.

Both sides guess.

Ye Feng holds the black and goes first.

Almost without thinking, Ye Feng reached into the chess bowl and picked up a white chess piece, which landed on Tian Yuan!
The start is Tianyuan!

This hand made countless audiences stunned for a moment.


Looking at the big screen.

Mayor Shi Zhongxiong twitched the corner of his mouth, "Professor Ye is the first player to play Tianyuan? There are others like this?" He knows a little bit of Go, so he is so puzzled.

As the so-called "grass belly with golden horns and silver edges", it is basically meaningless to go here!

Wu Dehai couldn't understand Go, but he had great confidence in Ye Feng, and said with a smile: "Look, Professor Ye will definitely not play randomly."

Chi Haiyang nodded, and said: "It's really not a random game. This first-hand Tianyuan is very rare in the Go world. However, it has appeared before."

Shi Zhongxiong was taken aback, "Has it appeared?"


Chi Haiyang explained: "In "Youth Go", Jiang Liu'er was the first to play Tianyuan, and finally played the Tiandi Datong style. Later, when Professor Ye used the pseudonym Jiang Liuer to play against Heimu on the Internet, Professor Ye also played Crossing Tianyuan is just the last move. If I am not wrong, Professor Ye will definitely use the Tiandi Datong style this time."

Soon, Hepha on the computer also fell.

The representative of the United States, according to the position of Hepha on the computer, "copied" it to the chessboard, and played against Ye Feng.

Ye Feng hardly hesitated, and calmly took out another chess piece, which fell down with a bang.

Hepha makes another move.

Ye Feng followed without hesitation.

In the hall, it was extremely quiet, only the sound of falling pieces. Unlike other chess players, Ye Feng always stared at the board when playing chess. Ye Feng was playing chess while warming a pot of tea. Will take a sip.

There are several temporary large screens hanging outside the teahouse. Whether it is the audience, leaders from all walks of life, or reporters, they have to stand outside to watch at this time, but fortunately, the resolution of the large screen is very high. You can see every movement clearly.Every time Ye Feng or Hepha dropped a ball, there would be a discussion outside.

Chen Wei: "Professor Ye is still in the mood for tea?"

Liu Yang said excitedly: "It means that Professor Ye hasn't done his best yet!"

Feng Ming: "Professor Ye's method is also the way of heaven and earth. I don't know if it will work for Hepha."

The two sides have already lost seven or eight pieces to each other, and everyone can see Hepha's moves very clearly.However, Ye Feng's moves made most people frown.

Falling everywhere?


This is the harmony of heaven and earth?
Many people have heard of the prestige of "The Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth" before, and heard that Hei Mu was tortured to death at that time, but when I saw it at the scene today, why did it feel so nonsense?
This is to know that this is the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, otherwise everyone must have thought it was done indiscriminately!
Falling everywhere?

There is no chess game like this!
Listening to what those people in the Chess Academy said, Wu Dehai smiled and said: "It doesn't matter how you play, as long as you can win."

Shi Zhongxiong also nodded, and said with a smile: "Principal Wu is right, no matter what style of play, defeating Hepha is enough."

on TV.

Every live broadcast channel has a professional Go commentary, but the most professional one is CCTV's sports channel.

This commentator is in his 40s and is also a professional chess player. His name is Wang Yu.

The host of the Sports Chess Channel also knew Go, so he asked with a smile, "Mr. Wang, what do you think Professor Ye's winning rate will be after playing the Tiandi Datong style?" Obviously, the host has great confidence in Ye Feng.

The same is true for Wang Yu, and he said with a smile: "As for the Datong style of heaven and earth, it has only appeared once in the Go world, and domestic and foreign players have not yet studied and understood this new established style. It is conservatively estimated that Professor Ye's game The winning rate will be more than [-]%!"

"Fifty percent?"

The host was a little surprised, and said jokingly: "I thought it was [-]%."

Wang shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not that exaggerated. Now the two sides have not made many moves. It can't be seen. The [-]% winning rate is based on the formula of heaven and earth."

Indeed, people who have little knowledge of Go will definitely exclaim after seeing Ye Feng's world harmony, but those who really know Go and even those who have seen Ye Feng's game against Heimu, see Arriving at this heaven and earth Datong ceremony is equivalent to seeing hope!
This formula, in their hearts, is simply an invincible existence!


Many netizens don't understand Go, but after reading the explanation, after adding the name "Heaven and Earth Datong", the Internet began to boil.


"Is this Jiang Liuer's move?"

"I wipe it! It's so handsome!"

"It turns out that Professor Ye really knows how to play chess!"

"Heaven and Earth Datong Style! Is this equivalent to a super martial arts cheat book?"

"Hepha isn't dead now?"

"Professor Ye's opening game probably has already fooled Hepha! The Tiandi Datong style has not yet researched a way to crack it, and only Professor Ye has mastered it. This time, the precipice has completely abused this Hepha dog!"

"Although I can't understand it, I've seen "Go Boy"! The heaven, earth and harmony style is absolutely invincible!"

"The bullshit is over!"

"I'm ready to celebrate hahaha!"

Although Ye Feng and Hepha are still in the stage of layout, it is hard to tell who is better than who is worse, but many people started to shout, as if Ye Feng had already won.

However, Ye Feng in the teahouse was expressionless.On the contrary, the American guy sitting opposite him had a faint smile on his face.

The two sides are playing chess, one is a world-renowned mathematics master, and the other is an emerging artificial intelligence. Both sides play chess very quickly, as if they don't need to think.

In just half an hour, the two sides had already made sixty moves.

This speed is estimated to have set the fastest world record.

However, after sixty moves, the speed of both sides dropped.

Obviously, it was a critical moment.

Although Ye Feng slowed down his moves, he could only think for a minute at most.

Black moves!

Ye Feng made a move in the lower left corner, directly killing the two white pieces!
Hepha was lost in thought!
After thinking for 3 minutes, he made a move.


"Professor Ye has forced Hepha down?"

"It's no wonder that he is one of the smartest humans in history!"

"Professor Ye is amazing!"

"Give this bastard to its autism!"

The audience outside screamed excitedly.

However, at this moment, the faces of the professional players in the Chess Academy changed drastically.

Liu Yang's expression froze: "Not good! I've been tricked!"

Chen Wei stared and scolded: "Fuck! Hepha is so insidious?"

Zhao Guang Jiudan clenched his fist, "Hepha's move is really cunning, Professor Ye is at a loss!"

Shi Zhongxiong didn't understand, "No, didn't Professor Ye eat the other two just now? Why did you lose money?"

Wu Dehai was also puzzled, "I think the audience applauded, didn't Professor Ye have the upper hand?"

Chi Haiyang explained with a sullen face: "It was an advantage just now, but after Hepha made this move, Professor Ye instantly became a disadvantage! It is very likely that Hepha released the bait before, and this artificial intelligence can still do this?"

"Huh? Bait?"

Wu Dehai was stunned, and stared blankly at the big screen, although he couldn't understand it.

Sure enough, Ye Fengluozi.

Hepha followed directly.

Ye Feng is the tip, and Hepha leans on the black side in the next step!
After three or five moves, Ye Feng's advantage just now was directly beaten back!And the most frightening thing is that Hepha tore a hole in the Heaven and Earth Datong Form!
Suddenly, Ye Feng's situation took a turn for the worse!

Hepha turned the chessboard upside down with just a few moves, and pointed directly at the dragon!

It is the big dragon that wants to kill Ye Feng!

Chi Haiyang's complexion changed drastically!
Zhao Guang Jiuduan opened his eyes wide!

Cold sweat instantly appeared on the foreheads of many professional chess players!
The situation changed so fast that the people watching couldn't react at all.In just a few hands, there is an earth-shaking reversal!

big dragon!

Simply put, it is a piece of many interconnected chess pieces, which is extremely important for the chess game!

And slay the dragon!
It is simply a disaster in the game of Go!

If Hepha slaughtered Ye Feng's big dragon, then this game of chess would basically be useless!
Hepha is really going to slay the dragon!

"It's over!"

Chi Haiyang's face was pale: "If you miss one move, you will lose everything!"

"What do you mean?"

Wu Dehai was also anxious, and quickly dragged Chi Haiyang and asked, "Don't you say that the world is invincible? Why is it over now? Huh? Professor Ye will lose?"

Feng Ming next to him was full of bitterness, and said tremblingly: "The unity of heaven and earth... seems to have been broken by Hepha."



"The heaven and earth Datong formula was cracked by Hepha?"

"how can that be?"

Shi Zhongxiong was stunned.

Wu Dehai was stunned.

Even professional chess players like Chen Wei and Liu Yang were stunned!

Heaven and Earth Great Harmony...has been cracked?
How can this be?

The formula that has never been solved in the Go world has been cracked by Hepha?
"Professor Ye's dragon is in danger."

Chi Haiyang pursed his lips and explained to everyone, "Looking at Hepha's move, it was obviously calculated at the beginning of the game! It was already in the layout when Professor Ye started playing Tianyuan! This is a trap, waiting for With Professor Ye’s Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth!”

"But even if this is the case, it won't be so easy to break the unity of heaven and earth, right?" Shi Zhongxiong still couldn't believe it.

"Is it easy?"

Zhao Guangjiudan next to him gave a wry smile, "It's been a hundred moves since the beginning of the game. Who can do such a calculation? Besides, Hepha didn't waste a single move or make a mistake."

As soon as this was said, the people around fell silent.

Calculated more than 100 hands?
None of these steps are wasted?
There is no wrong step?
This, this calculation ability is too scary!

at the same time.

The Internet also exploded.

"Can't the heaven and the earth be united?"

"How did this Hepha do it?"

"It breaks Professor Ye's Heaven and Earth Datong style?"

"My God! Is Professor Ye going to lose?"

"It doesn't make sense!"

Netizens couldn't believe their eyes!
Heaven and Earth Datong Form was broken?

How can this be?

Isn't this invincible?
How did Hepha break it?
Could it be that even the Datong style of heaven and earth can't work?

(End of this chapter)

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