Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 616: Heavenly Demon Transformation!

Chapter 616: Heavenly Demon Transformation!

"Can't the heaven and the earth be united?"

"It was actually cracked by Hepha?"

"How on earth did the Hepha dog do it?"

"Is Professor Ye about to lose?"

"Heaven and earth are all in harmony, so he can't do it anymore, so what a fart!"

"Looking at the big dragon being slaughtered, it's over, this round is over!"

"Hey, Professor Ye's Datong of heaven and earth has been broken. It seems that human beings are really not as good as Hepha."

"Maybe after a hundred years, there will be no more Go games."

outside world.

moan and groan.

Whether it is a professional player or an ordinary audience, the mood is extremely heavy at this time!
In the past, people thought that Ye Feng had great hope of defeating Hepha, and the source of this hope was the Datong Style of Heaven and Earth mastered by Ye Feng!
But now?
The Datong style of heaven and earth was actually broken by Hepha?
Even the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth can't beat Hepha, so what hope is there?

Countless people pursed their lips. At this moment, everyone's heart was gloomy, and they could not see the light at all.


in the tea house.

Ye Feng was expressionless, squatting with a pot of tea in his hand, but he had been staring at the chessboard for 10 minutes!

The representative of the United States on the opposite side, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, didn't rush, just waited.

He is quite proud of it!

Professor Ye?
The highest human intelligence?

so what?
Still not a fool?

come!You go on!Where did the momentum that hammered us at that time go?

Isn't your harmony between heaven and earth awesome?

come!Ha ha!
What a joke!

But to be honest, Americans are actually a little scared.Because they may be the people who know the heaven and earth Datong style best except for Ye Feng, the power of this formula is really too terrifying!

If this is the first time it is brought out, the people of the United States will definitely be confused!Think back to the time when Jiang Liuer fought against Heimu, Hepha was directly hammered into smoke by Ye Feng's heaven and earth Datong style!

Do you think Hepha smoked for nothing last time?

Can you use the same hammer a second time?

Since seeing the power of the Great Harmony style last time, these Americans have started to deduce and calculate the various possibilities of the Great Harmony crazily!In the end, this fixed form was successfully entered into Hepha's database!
It can be said that the current Hepha has completely mastered the various changes of the Heaven and Earth Datong Style.Therefore, relying on its supercomputing advantages, it really cracked the Datong formula of heaven and earth!

But, to be honest, regarding the current situation, Ye Feng didn't have much emotional fluctuations.

Hepha deciphered the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, which can be said to be unexpected and reasonable, Ye Feng was not too surprised.

No Go formula is invincible, and there is always a way to break it.Moreover, the real meaning of Tiandi Datong style is not how strong the game is, it evolved from the chess of Liuhe, and the chess of Liuhe mainly emphasizes a kind of Go thinking, and the focus is not on winning or losing in the game .

Therefore, if it is cracked, it will be cracked, and the impact will not be great.

From outsiders' perspective, Ye Feng is at a huge disadvantage now, but in Ye Feng's eyes, this game of chess has just begun.

"Professor Ye?"

The American on the opposite side finally couldn't bear it anymore and began to urge him to go.

Ye Feng moved, but he didn't go to pick up the chess pieces. Instead, he held the teapot in his hand, looked up at him, and asked lightly: "Actually, you are all black wood."


The American was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed out loud, "Professor Ye has good eyesight! You can see this." He admitted it, and gave Ye Feng a thumbs up, looking very proud.

"Hehe, Kuroki."

A smile appeared on Ye Feng's face, "How did you lose last time, have you forgotten?"

"Professor Ye." The American leaned back and said lightly, "There is an old saying in China that the present is different from the past, don't you know it?"


Ye Feng put down the teapot, leaned forward slightly, looked at the representative, and said, "There is an old saying in Huaxia that the height of a magic is one foot and the height of a road is one foot, you must not know it?"

Saying that, Ye Feng took out a piece from the chess bowl.

Looking up at the representative, Ye Feng said in a cold voice: "Do you like playing black wood very much? Oh, you are also worthy?" As he said, he didn't even look at it, and directly pressed the chess piece in his hand with a "slap". On the chessboard!


At this moment, the outside world.

"What did Professor Ye just say?"

"Who is this guy?"

"Blackwood? I'll wipe it!"

"Hepha is Blackwood?"

"Your uncle!"


"Then the Americans have admitted it, how can it be fake?"

"Damn it! It's too wicked!"

"No wonder the grandson of Hei Mu has never shown his face! It turns out that this is the one who pretended!"

The audience exploded!

Hepha is black wood?

This news is too explosive!
Even Chi Haiyang and the others looked dumbfounded!
Of course, Huaxia is definitely not the most confused.



There was 3 minutes of silence online.

After that, it was like a flash flood!
The overwhelming news exploded without money!

The mentality of Japanese netizens is so broken!


"How could Kuroki-kun be a Hepha dog?"

"What doesn't exist doesn't exist!"

"Heimu-kun, come out and explain!"

"Ahhh! Impossible!"

The mentality of the Japanese people has collapsed!

Hepha is Kuroki-kun?How is this possible!
Do not believe!
I don't believe it at all!
However, Americans all nodded, don't they believe it is useful?
After the mentality exploded, there was a lot of scolding!
"Your uncle!"

"I am grass Nima!"

"Lack of Nima is dead!"

"Hepha is Kuroki-kun? I draft the whole family!"

"Hey, we and you don't live together!"

"Bastard! You bastard!"

The Japanese Chess Institute yelled directly on the official account: "Aren't you ashamed of such a low-level behavior? Pretending to be us Japanese, do you still dare to be naive? Your brain was squeezed by the door or kicked by a donkey? Your uncle!"

It's so annoying!

There is no such grandson!

All the female chess players in Japan cried out of anger!

Kuroki is now the god of the Japanese Go world!

What the hell did you tell us that there is no such person?Even this force is faked by the enemy?
Can I go to you!
"Hammer this bastard to death!"

"Professor Ye! Hammer! Explode! It!"

"What the hell is Heimu! I'll fuck you! Jiang Liu'er's defeated general, how are you awesome?"

"Are you playing Nima's chess?"


"Professor Ye, come on! Kill it!"

Japan is furious at this time!

Everyone's blood pressure soared!
Not only are the Japanese scolding, but the country is also scolding!
This kind of behavior of the Americans is really outraged!

Are you an artificial intelligence pretending to be Nima's black wood?
Countless netizens feel that their faces are hot!
After making trouble for a long time, the person who was regarded as the savior turned out to be a devil?
Who the hell can stand it!
However, the anger on the Internet did not affect the scene at all.

in the tea house.

The American still had a smile on his face, "Oh? Has Professor Ye not given up yet?"

Seeing that Ye Feng had dropped his hand again, the American shook his head and smiled. In his opinion, Ye Feng was just struggling for nothing.The big dragon is about to be slaughtered, can you still turn the tables?

The two sides played another five or six moves, Ye Feng didn't go to protect his dragon, he seemed to give up on the dragon.Soon, the dragon was about to be eaten, but at this moment, Ye Feng suddenly made a "flying horn".

Chen Wei was a little dazed, "Huh? What does this mean?"

"This move? What does Professor Ye want to do?" Liu Yang didn't understand either.

"These moves don't seem to be the way of the harmony of heaven and earth."

Feng Ming and Chi Haiyang looked at each other, and said uncertainly: "Professor Ye, it seems that you have changed your tactics?"

"Changed tactics?"

Everyone was stunned.

Staring blankly at the big screen.

The chess game doesn't seem to have changed much, right?
Professor Ye's big dragon is still in danger?

What is the meaning of Professor Ke Ye's chess moves?
Fly horn?

belt hanging?

Where are all these from?
Professor Ye, what is this downloading?
The people who watched the battle were all taken aback.

Chen Wei asked, "Why did you do this?"

Liu Yang was also very puzzled, "Is this move meaningful?"

Feng Ming raised his eyebrows, "Professor Ye's moves suddenly became weird!"

Chi Haiyang was a little uncertain, "Professor Ye...seems to have hit a formula again?"


"Another formula?"

"how is this possible?"

"Didn't Professor Ye use the heaven and earth Datong style? Can this thing be changed temporarily?"

"No way?"

"Why can't I see it?"

"Ah! Look!"

Suddenly, a female chess player exclaimed, "Dalong! Why doesn't Hepha go to kill Dalong?"

Everyone was shocked and stared!

Sure enough, Hepha really didn't continue to slay the dragon anymore!It was just one or two hands away from success!
Why did you suddenly give up?
Why is that?
Many people don't understand that Ye Feng is clearly in danger, and his actions are not very good, it can only be said to be a bit weird, but why did Hepha give up dragon slaying?Instead, they competed with Ye Feng for a corner?

However, Ye Feng was still there, drinking tea casually, and seemed not at all surprised by Hepha's behavior.

Ye Feng made another move, which didn't seem to be too aggressive, but to the astonishment, Hepha was silent!
That's right!

Just silence!
Waited for it for 5 minutes and nothing happened!
Liu Yang looked puzzled, "Why? Why didn't it move?"

Chen Wei also couldn't understand, "Is this chess difficult to play? Is it not possible to play there?"

The American guy sitting opposite Ye Feng was also stunned for a moment, and frequently gestured to his companion who was operating the computer, but that companion had no choice, he couldn't do it by himself, what could I do?

At this time, Ye Feng leaned back on the chair again, he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, holding the tea in his hand, he brought it up to his nose, enjoying the fragrance of the tea intoxicatedly, took a sip, seemed to enjoy it very much.

"Didn't you pretend to be black wood? Don't you even know this chess?"

Ye Feng suddenly said with a smile.


The American guy on the opposite side frowned, not understanding what Ye Feng meant.

Not only did he not understand, in fact, everyone did not understand.

black wood?

what happened?
Everyone didn't respond.

"Don't know? Let me tell you."

Ye Feng drank his tea and said with a chuckle: "This chess is called 'Tianmo Dahua'."

(End of this chapter)

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