Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 617 Big Skew Change!

Chapter 617 Great Slanting Thousand Changes!

5 minutes.

8 minutes.

10 minutes.

A full 10 minutes!
Hepha hadn't moved for 10 minutes this time.

If it had eyebrows, they would have been furrowed together by this time.Obviously, Ye Feng's chess moves have stunned Hepha!

Those two old and beautiful people looked at each other frequently, and the person sitting in front of the computer was even more restless, checking everywhere.

There is no problem with the Hepha program, why is it not moving?

Is it really counting?

But this has been calculated for more than ten minutes!

What the hell kind of chess is this Ye Feng playing?

Heavenly Demon Great Transformation?

What the hell is this?

How could it make Hepha "think" for so long?

These two Americans don't know, but can the audience outside the stadium not know?
Heavenly Demon Great Transformation!

When they heard this name, their minds went blank with a "boom"!

Liu Yang looked shocked, "I'll wipe it! What did Professor Ye say just now? The demons have changed?"

Chen Wei couldn't believe it at all, "Professor Ye has played the Heavenly Demon Dahua? This is impossible!"

Even a well-informed veteran like Feng Ming stared wide-eyed, "What about the Datong style of heaven and earth? Isn't it Datong of heaven and earth? How come it has become the Dahua of Heaven and Earth again?"

Chi Haiyang also murmured: "Tianmo Dahua? Heimu's Tianma Dahua? This, this...?" His face was full of doubts and puzzles.

Wu Dehai next to him shouted: "Hey, what's the matter? Why do you all have this expression? What happened to the demon's great transformation? Isn't this Heimu's unique skill? Why can't Professor Ye use it anymore?" Liu'er or Heimu, or some kind of heaven and earth Datong or Tianma Dahua, these are all created by Professor Ye, and they are his own things, why can't he use them?Is it necessary to be the same as seeing a ghost?

Mayor Shi shook his head, "Principal Wu, your thinking is too simple. Although I am not very good at chess, it seems that I can't change in the middle of the game. Professor Ye used to use the Tiandi Datong style before, but how come after the middle game? , suddenly turned into a Heavenly Demon Dahua?" He frowned as he spoke, obviously, this kind of operation was beyond his cognition.

"Indeed, Mayor Shi is right."

Zhao Guangjiu explained: "Professor Ye used the heaven and earth Datong style before. Once this kind of fixed formula is unfolded, it is reasonable to say that the whole set will be played to the end. How could Professor Ye suddenly change his technique? It stands to reason that at this moment It should be too late to change teams."

Everyone is very puzzled, why Ye Feng can transform the harmony of heaven and earth into the great transformation of heaven and earth at this time?
Even if Ye Feng is familiar with these two forms, he shouldn't be able to do it?
Things like go setting formulas have to be laid out from the beginning. How can there be a temporary change of team after the middle game?Isn't this equivalent to starting all over again?Then the previous layout will be completely abolished!Moreover, the previous layout is already the harmony of heaven and earth, so how can it be made into a heavenly demon?
This is so unscientific at all!
Perhaps, only Ye Feng himself understands the mystery.Not to mention changing to Tianmo Dahua, even if changing to any fixed formula, he can do it!

This is not to say how superb his go skills are, but because of the characteristics of the formula of heaven and earth Datong!The Great Harmony Style of Heaven and Earth was adapted by Ye Feng based on Chess of Liuhe, and the most famous feature of Chess of Liuhe is that it is inclusive of all things!
Other fixed formulas must be used from the layout to the officials, but the world is different!Its layout is to place pieces everywhere, based on the entire chessboard, so as to achieve the final goal of controlling the overall situation!
Although Hepha has broken the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, Ye Feng can still make use of the previous layout, because the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth is too comprehensive!No matter where the Heavenly Demon Dahua needs to be used, it can always be found in the previous layout of the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth!
This is the root cause of Ye Feng being able to transform the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth into the Dahua of Heaven and Demon!
Others can't understand it now, it's because they don't understand the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, let alone the Dahua of Heaven and Demon!
on TV.

The host asked: "Mr. Wang, Professor Ye said that this game has become a demon? Is it true?"

Wang Yudao: "It should be true. Looking at the chess situation now, it is no longer the harmony of heaven and earth."

"Then, can Mr. Wang tell us about the transformation of the demon?" The host was very curious, "I heard that this is Kuroki's unique skill in "The Boy of Go". Does this really exist in reality?"

Wang Yu said: "Maybe it exists, I don't know, I've never heard of it before."

The host asked again: "Then what's the current situation? Does Professor Ye still have a chance of winning?"

Wang Yu shook his head, "I don't know, I can't understand this chess now. However, Hepha has been thinking about it for so long, and it seems that Professor Ye's few moves have caused a lot of trouble for it." Wang Yu also I was sweating a bit, to be honest, when Ye Feng played Heaven and Earth Datong before, he couldn't understand it, and now Ye Feng started to change his moves again, and he had never even seen this Heavenly Demon Dahua before. This is a fart with the commentary!

The audience in front of the TV was even more confused, even the professional Go commentary was confused, and they were even more blind!
The atmosphere of the live broadcast was very embarrassing, but at this moment, Hepha finally moved!

"It's a move!" Wang Yu said loudly.

Hepha hit a "double".

Ye Feng smiled lightly, took the child and dropped the child, and "merged" the past casually.

Then, Hepha fell silent again...

1 minutes.

5 minutes.

Another 10 minutes passed.

Hepha moved slowly again.

Ye Feng looked at the chess game, a malicious smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then made a move.

Now, Hepha's thinking speed seemed to suddenly increase!As soon as Ye Feng landed, it followed.

three hands.

five hands.

These moves of Hepha were very fast, as if he had regained his previous state.

The old beauty finally let out a sigh of relief.

"What's the situation?" Wu Dehai stared blankly.

Liu Yang: "Has Hepha found a way to crack it again?"

Chen Wei: "Why did it suddenly become enlightened? Is Professor Ye's celestial demon power down?"

Zhao Guang shook his head at the ninth dan, "No, why do I feel that Professor Ye did it on purpose? It seems that Professor Ye deliberately played these few moves for Hepha."

Feng Ming also nodded, "I also have this feeling."

At this time, Ye Feng dropped another son.After Ye Feng was done, he actually stood up!
"Professor Ye?" The referee's voice came out.

Ye Feng laughed and said, "I'm going to make a pot of tea."


"It's okay, let's study it slowly."

After finishing speaking, Ye Feng really started strolling in the teahouse!
Everyone was dumbfounded!
What's the situation?
Did you just make tea like this?

No more? Hepha is still... huh?Wait a moment!
Why is Hepha not moving again?

1 minutes.

5 minutes.

10 minutes!
Hepha actually fell silent again!

This, why is this?
Professor Ye calculated it before?
He knew that Hepha was going to be silent again?That's why you say that?

In fact, at this point, if these professional chess players can't see the clues, then they really have lost their reputations!

Zhao Guangjiudan was the first person whose complexion changed drastically, "What a slant!"

Feng Ming was also dumbfounded, "What kind of tactics is this? There are too many changes, right?"

Shi Zhongxiong couldn't understand, "What's the matter?" Wu Dehai also came over, frowning puzzled.

Chi Haiyang took a deep breath and explained: "Looking at the current chess game, it seems to be the Heavenly Demon Dahua! It appeared once in "Go Boy" before, but at that time it reflected the harmony of heaven and earth! Looking at it now, this Heavenly Demon Dahua It's also a magic skill! Professor Ye's moves are completely traps. Hepha seems to be playing easily, but he doesn't know that he has been tricked by Professor Ye! The 'big oblique' that Professor Ye is doing now is simply ever-changing. !Hepha’s next move can be anywhere, but no matter where it is played, it is very dangerous! There are too many possibilities! There is no one very safe way to play! It’s ever-changing!”

"Yes! It's ever-changing!" Zhao Guang Jiuduan also said excitedly: "This may be the essence of the demon's great transformation!"

"Hepha is an artificial intelligence, every move is strictly calculated, but now it encounters Tianma Dahua, this kind of chess game with infinite possibilities, it needs to calculate too many things!"

"I understand! The hand of God!"

"This Tianma Dahua is really too strong!"

"It's so fucking awesome!"

These professional chess players in the chess academy shouted excitedly one by one!


live TV broadcast.

The hostess exclaimed: "Hepha has been stumped by Professor Ye's celestial transformation! Are we going to win?"

Wang Yu shouted: "It's been 10 minutes! Hepha hasn't moved for 10 minutes! This is the longest time he's been thinking so far! The balance of victory has tilted towards us!"


Chinese netizens.

"I wipe!"

"Is this the Great Transformation of Heavenly Demon?"

"Win! Must win!"

"Professor Ye, come on!"

"Hepha is clearly confused!"


Stick Nation webcast.

A native professional nine-dan commentator in Bangguo said: "Hepha is in big trouble! Professor Ye's celestial demon has directly knocked Hepha into a rut! It is the first time that it has been cornered by a human player!"


It's half an hour!
Time passed by, but Hepha has yet to make a choice!

Ye Feng had already sat back in his seat, and he watched and sipped the tea with great interest, as if he was not in a hurry at all.

The chess game has come to this point, and it seems that it is about to be judged, and every move may affect the final outcome.And this Hepha is like a perfectionist, it always wants to find the perfect next step.This is its advantage, it can rely on its huge database and computing power to calculate the final result of each move.

However, this is also its shortcoming.

Met Ye Feng, met Tianmo Dahua.No, to be precise, it should be a great oblique change!
The Heavenly Demon Dahua was created by Ye Feng based on the Daxie Thousand Changes from his previous life!
One of the three most famous fixed forms in the Go world in the previous life, the "big oblique thousand change form"!
Just like its name, "Great Inclined Thousand Changes" is famous in the chess world for its extremely complicated changes!


Hehe, even if you are a computer, how can he kill you!

(End of this chapter)

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