Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 618 Game 1, win!

Chapter 618 The first game, win!

Great oblique change!

People in this world must have never heard of it, even professional Go players would not know this term!However, on Earth, this word is simply a nightmare in the Go world!

As the most ferocious existence among the three major formulas in the world of Go, the Great Inclined Thousand Changes can be said to make people's faces change!
And the Heavenly Demon Dahua that Ye Feng is using now is actually Daxie Qianchang.

Facts have also proved that the unpredictable Great Inclined Thousand Changes not only caused the collapse of the people on Earth, but also caused the collapse of Hepha, an artificial intelligence, in this world!

It's been half an hour!
But Hepha hasn't moved at all!

All beautiful people are going crazy!

What's going on with Nima?Could it be that the internet speed is not good?its not right!Our program does not need to be connected to the Internet at all!

"Brother! You should download it! Can you just download it? It's timed out! You are a computer! The strongest artificial intelligence! You can't even download this?" Lao Mei went crazy in her heart Scream, he's going to explode, what the hell are you doing?Your next one is better than this!Grass!

He couldn't see inside Hepha, however.

Hepha is already confused!

No no no!This win rate is not high!

This looks good, eh?The winning rate is less than [-]%?This will not work!
The winning rate reached [-]%?But how to go after that?The road ahead will be difficult again!

Can it be pointed?
Can this still be hung up?
The chances of winning this step are not high!

Can not be done!This step doesn't look very good!

Hepha frantically calculated various possibilities, trying to find the best solution among them!However, the possibility of this is too much!
If Hepha could speak, it would definitely say "I'm a hammer!"

It's about to explode!
The "big oblique" shot by Ye Feng is like the trunk of a big tree. Looking up along the trunk, there are densely packed branches. There are countless small treetops on the branches, and there are endless leaves after that. .

The trunk of a big tree can be seen by anyone who is not blind, and the upper branches can be seen by people with good eyesight, and even some powerful people may even see a few tiny treetops.But Hepha is amazing, not only can he see all the treetops, he even wants to count how many leaves are on this tree!

Then find the one it thinks is the most beautiful!

Then you can count it!

This is the difference between a human and a machine. Humans are not so "stupid" and do not have the ability to do so. If everyone is faced with the great changes, they can find the best method that they think is the best.But Hepha is different, this product is a program, a real computer!

So, it freezes.

Indeed, it just crashed... not because of insufficient computer memory, but because the calculation program "Hepha" crashed.

With a "swipe", the computer screen went black.

That old beauty was dumbfounded on the spot!

Black screen?
I can fuck you!
Lao Mei's mentality immediately collapsed!
And at this moment, the entire Asia stared wide-eyed, watching this scene in disbelief!
Black, black screen?

Professor Ye gave Hepha a black screen?

I rub!

I rub!

I rub!


It exploded in an instant!
Countless people are boiling up!

Chen Wei shouted excitedly: "We won! I'll wipe it! We won!"

Liu Yang shouted: "Awesome! Professor Ye is awesome! We won! We won!"

Feng Ming trembled his hands, tears were about to fall, "Dahua, Dahua! Dahua! Xiao Hai, did you see that? Professor Ye killed Hepha! We won!"

Chi Haiyang and Zhao Guang's Jiuduan hugged each other tightly, "We won! The Go world is saved! Xiaohai!!"

"Hahahaha!" Wu Dehai laughed wildly, "What rubbish artificial intelligence, bragging in front of Professor Ye? That doesn't work! No one can pretend to be aggressive with Professor Ye! Computers can't do it either!"

Shi Zhongxiong didn't speak, but his face flushed with excitement.

Outside the teahouse, it has completely erupted!
Countless reporters frantically took pictures!

It's not easy!
Japan is defeated!

Bang Nation is defeated!

Even Hai Ye gave his life for this!

Even Kuroki, who is considered to be the savior of Japanese chess, is Hepha in disguise!
Hepha, which made countless people despair, was brought down to collapse by Professor Ye today!

The highest wisdom of mankind!
Well-deserved reputation!

Great Harmony!
That day the devil became great!
That unbelievable transformation, that astonishing game change!

All of this is as unreal as a dream, and it rushes to everyone!

Some people have been moved to tears!
Humanity has waited too long for this victory!It came too soon!

The referee also watched thrillingly, this match was really a heart-pounding test, no one expected that Ye Feng would win in this way in the end!Finally, the international referee declared Ye Feng the winner!
The highest intelligence vs artificial intelligence, the score is 1:0!

Ye Feng takes the lead!


in the tea house.

Ye Feng smiled slightly, picked up his teacup, and said to the American man opposite, "Go back and upgrade."


This old beauty was furious, but Ye Feng was right, she had to upgrade!The last time I didn't upgrade, I was directly smoked by Ye Feng!But after upgrading this time, he even got a black screen?Is this Chinese person really so perverted?no!Must upgrade!

"let's go!"

The Americans hurried away with their computers.

Ye Feng also came out of the teahouse slowly.

Suddenly, countless people rushed forward!
pool ocean!
Zhao Guang!

Wu Dehai!
Shi Zhongxiong!
Countless journalists and media!
Everyone has an extremely excited expression on their face!

"Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye is amazing!"

"Win! Professor Ye is simply invincible!"

"Master Hai! Have you seen it? Professor Ye has avenged you!"

"Really won!"

"Professor Ye did a great job! Put it on the black screen, hahaha!"

Someone laughed!

Someone clapped desperately!

Someone burst into tears!

Ye Feng stood at the door without saying anything, just quietly watching the excited people.

At this time, a reporter rushed out and asked excitedly, "Professor Ye, can you tell me the key to your victory?" This was a female reporter with a high-pitched voice, which immediately overwhelmed the voices of other people present.

"Is it the key?"

Ye Feng thought for a while, and then slowly said: "It's a surprise victory."

"Surprise victory?"

Seeing Ye Feng speak, everyone fell silent.

No one will interrupt Professor Ye to speak.


Ye Feng nodded, "Hepha is indeed very strong. It is basically impossible to defeat it with conventional means. His data analysis is definitely not comparable to that of humans. It is indeed very powerful. Within the known range, it is invincible of."


"so smart?"

"But Professor Ye won't defeat it?"

"Professor Ye means to explore the unknown?"

Many people are confused.

Ye Feng said lightly: "Hepha will never be able to defeat humans." Ye Feng glanced at the people present, and said: "Because it is dead, but humans are alive. Humans can explore infinitely, and there are infinite possibilities. The unknown may, but it cannot."

Endless possibilities?

These words made everyone stunned for a while, and many people seemed to understand.

Another reporter asked: "Professor Ye, can you talk about the transformation of the demon?"

Chi Haiyang and the others' eyes lit up. To be honest, they were most interested in this.

Ye Feng smiled, "Did the demon become stronger?"

"Yeah, Professor Ye, tell me."

"Why can't Heaven and Earth Datong defeat Hepha, but Tianma Dahua can?"

"Isn't the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth more powerful than Heavenly Demon Dahua?"

"That's right, isn't the unity of heaven and earth in "Youth of Go" overpowering the greatness of demons?"

In fact, this is a question in many people's minds. When Ye Feng played Tianmo Dahua, some people had this question in their minds.

Dahua of heaven and earth, which is more powerful than Dahua of Tianma, is not good, so why use Dahua of Tianma?Does it work?
Ye Feng explained: "In fact, this is easy to understand. Within the known range, Hepha is basically invincible. It is almost impossible for human beings to count Hepha. The Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth has been announced to the world before, and I even use it to compete with Hepha." I have fought against each other. Hepha must have stored this formula in the database. Therefore, the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth was broken by it. But Tianma Dahua is different, it has never seen it, so it is blinded."

Someone asked: "But the Heavenly Demon Dahua is not as powerful as the Heaven and Earth Datong. It can even crack the Heaven and Earth Datong. Why can't it crack the Heavenly Demon Dahua? Doesn't it know how to think?"


Ye Feng sneered, "Thinking of yourself to the point of crashing?"


Everyone also laughed, and when Ye Feng said that, everyone understood.

Hepha is just an intelligent program, and it ultimately relies on artificially collecting various data to improve itself.Before Lao Mei said that she would think independently, she was just bragging!

A celestial demon that it has never seen before, it will be cold immediately!
"Furthermore, Tianmo Dahua is not weaker than Tiandi Dahua, even in terms of winning or losing the game, Tianma Dahua is more aggressive! It's just that Tiandi Dahua is too comprehensive, and it just restrains Tiandi Dahua."

In the following time, Ye Feng carefully explained the difference between "Heaven and Earth Datong Style" and "Heavenly Demon Dahua Style" for everyone.

After Ye Feng finished speaking, a professional chess player asked worriedly: "Professor Ye, if you use Heavenly Demon Dahua today, will Hepha be included in your database?"


"Then what shall we use next?"

"We have used both Heaven and Earth Great Harmony and Heavenly Demon Dahua, isn't Hepha already mastered?"

"The Americans will definitely update and upgrade after they go back. How about we start a second game with Hepha as soon as possible?"

"Yes! Before they upgrade, we are using the Heavenly Demon Great Hammer on it once!"

"But the time for the second game has already been set, and the Americans will never agree to change the time."

"This is how to do ah!"

These words immediately brought everyone's hearts to their throats.

However, Ye Feng was not worried at all. Looking at the crowd, he smiled and said, "It only knows how to imitate, but does not know how to create, so it will never be able to defeat humans."

(End of this chapter)

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