Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 619 When we first met, we were already strangers.

Chapter 619 When we first met, we were already strangers.

Ye Feng made a desperate comeback and sent Hepha directly to a dead end!

The sister-in-law jumped up excitedly, "Yeah! Ye Feng won!"

Gao Chang also shouted excitedly, "Brother Ye is doing well!"

Ning Ning hugged her daughter, smiling all over her face, "Yiyi sees Dad, is Dad really good or not?"

Even Leng Mei had a rare smile on her face at this time.



Hai Hai Chuan.

It's all crazy at this point.

"I wipe! I wipe!"

"Professor Ye is amazing!"

"Too fucking strong!"

"I want to learn from Tianmo Dahua! It's so handsome!"

"Is the Yankee still bragging about being coquettish? Still pretending to be coquettish with Professor Ye? I have seen someone who successfully pretended to be coquettish in front of Professor Ye!"

"Slap in the face!"

"What kind of rubbish artificial intelligence, in front of the highest intelligence, is the younger brother!"

Hai Hai Chuan's students are crazy across the street!The shouts and yells in the two schools are already going to overturn the sky!
too excited!

It was even announced on the school's loudspeaker immediately!

"Congratulations to Professor Ye on his victory! Congratulations to Professor Ye on his victory!"

In the classroom, in the corridor, in the dormitory, in the cafeteria, this sentence is everywhere!Even all the electronic screens in the school were immediately replaced with this sentence!The two schools celebrated Ye Feng like crazy!

Wei C Technology.

"I'll go! Brother-in-law, isn't this too fierce?" Su Ke blinked, "You really won? Assistant? Assistant come here."


"Notify the news department, do you know how to report Mr. Ye's affairs?"

"Understood! President, don't worry!"

Immediately, the vc browser directly posted various eye-catching push notifications.

"Shocked! A certain university professor has gone against the sky?"

"This is a major event that affects the progress of mankind! Only you don't know it yet!"

"If you don't turn, you are not Chinese!"

"The ultimate secret of mankind? Let Professor Ye explain it to you!"

"Man-machine battle, Professor Ye effortlessly..."



"Damn it! Chinese people are awesome!"

"Ye Feng is really powerful!"

"This Ye Feng is the former Professor Ye?"

"Which Professor Ye?"

"Huh? Professor Huaxia Ye, don't you know? You can find out after searching."

"On the Internet?"

"Of course, many professors at Teito University are its fans, especially Professor Miyazaki, who is his die-hard fan."

"Really? I'll go and search for it... I, damn it! Is this shit real? Ah? The elegant butterfly? The greatest contemporary mathematician, physicist, historian, and the leader of the Chinese literary world, Huaxia Education Reform No.1, Huaxia Contemporary Calligrapher, Chinese Pop Music Producer, Singer, Songwriter, Heavens and Myriad Worlds No.13 Celestial Lord, Professor of the Fifth and Fifth Departments of Haitian University? I rub! This damn is People? Ahhhh?"

"I'm damn!"

"Isn't it too scary?"

"Can you still play Go?"

"No way! This is not a human being, this is a god!"

"I will be a fan of Professor Ye from now on!"

"You traitors! This Ye Feng is Ye Yiyi, the lord of Heaven's Punishment Realm! Have you forgotten that he destroyed the great god in our game? He is the enemy of Japan! You are all Japanese traitors!"

"Damn! Never mind him! Anyway, Professor Ye is awesome!"

"Yes! I am Professor Fanye without a brain!"

Ye Feng was once again exposed in Japan, and every time he showed his face in Japan, it would always cause quite a big reaction.

Someone is licking like crazy!
Some people scolded wildly!

But this time, Japanese officials stood up for him.

Japanese Go Academy: "Professor Ye's victory is a victory for all mankind! Don't be limited to race or country, let alone care about Professor Ye's status in other fields. At this moment, he is the hero of the Japanese Go world! "

The Japanese Chess Institute and even the entire Japanese Go world support Ye Feng!
Fuck this bastard who pretends to be black wood to death!


stick country.

"Huaxia people are too fierce!"

"This Professor Ye is really amazing!"

"It actually killed Hepha, amazing!"

"Ye Oba, Smecta!"

"Don't forget how he beat Pu Yijian Oppa! Unforgivable!"

"Yes! I will never forgive him!"

"The latest news, Professor Ye is very likely to be a member of our big stick nation!"


"It seems that there was this news last time."



"Great! Ye Ouba!"


Outside, the news is already overwhelming!
The Internet is full of jubilation, and countless people are passionate!Although this is only the first round of victory, it is also the only round of victory!

But in the teahouse, everyone's excitement was almost over. After all, they were all around Ye Feng, and Ye Feng himself was not that excited, so they were eager to do it.


We ate together in the tea house.

The dinner table.

"Brother-in-law, that's great."

Aunt Lingling was still a little excited, "Shall we have some wine to celebrate?"

"Celebrate what..."

Ning Ning said: "This is the first game, we will celebrate when we win."

Ye Feng also nodded, "Well, it's not the time yet, there's still one round to go, don't worry."

"One round?"

Ning Ning was stunned for a moment, "Isn't there a total of three rounds?"

"Yeah, brother-in-law, there are still two rounds left?" Lingling also blinked her eyes wide.

Ye Feng smiled lightly, lowered his head, took a sip of his tea, and looked at everyone with a smile, "Do you think it has a chance to play the third game?"



"Look at your ability."

Everyone reacted differently, but seeing Ye Feng being so confident, everyone was relieved a lot.

"Eat, I'll go out and blow some air."

"Hey? Don't eat? Brother-in-law, you haven't finished eating yet."

Ye Feng has already woken you up, he waved his hand casually, "I'm not hungry."

"Oh, okay."

Ning Ning glanced at Ye Feng, smiled slightly and said to everyone: "Let's eat. By the way, Gao Chang, have you been working here for a long time?" to her.

"Um, yes, what's the matter? Sister Ning?"


The big baby was still smiling, "Girl, eat this."


The backyard of the tea house.

By the Xiangjiang River.

Ye Feng stood alone on the shore.

The sky is already very dark now, with the moon and stars in the sky, but the strange thing is that the river here is still so dark that it seems to swallow the starlight.

Ye Feng was also a little strange, holding a compass in his left hand and a few silver needles in his right hand.

"Did you see today's game?"

"I see, it's wonderful, thank you."

"There is no need to say thank you. It has not yet won a complete victory. It will lose miserably, miserably."

"I believe you."

"Hehe, to be honest, I admire you very much."

"Really? Then I'm very honored. By the way, are you ready for tomorrow's match? You have used both Tiandi Datong and Tianma Dahua, what are you going to use to fight it again? Are you still ready?"

"Of course, practice with me?"

"Oh? Me? Me alone..."

"Oh, what's the matter?"

"But there is no chess..."

"The sky makes the chessboard, and the stars make the pieces."


"It's nothing to worry about. Aren't you the No.1 Go player in the world? Come and practice my new style with me."

"New formula?"


"Okay! Come on! Heaven makes a chessboard and stars work!"

Ye Feng put the compass beside him, and lay down on the grass with his hands on his head, looking up at the starry sky.

At this moment, a voice came from the teahouse, "Mr. Ye? Are you talking? Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, it's not me, you heard me wrong."


Ning Ning looked through the window, there was indeed no one, Ye Feng was the only one by the river.

"It's strange. I clearly heard Mr. Ye talking. Could it be that I heard it wrong?"

Ningning: "Come back early, don't catch a cold!"

Ye Feng laughed, "Got it! I'll lie down, it's quite cool."

Ningning gave a few more instructions before going back to rest.

Ye Feng looked at the starry sky and said calmly: "Let's start." Seriously, Ye Feng really wanted to practice, after all Hepha must have been upgraded, but he had never used his new routine yet.Of course, not just anyone can practice with Ye Feng. In the whole world, apart from him, there is no one who is more suitable.

"I'll go first."

Beside Ye Feng, a somewhat illusory voice sounded, if Chi Haiyang and the others could hear this voice, they would surely burst into tears with excitement.

Because, this is Hai Ye.


Today is the first seven of Lord Hai.

And Ye Feng's tea house has a gate of ghosts, which is connected to the underworld.

This is also the fundamental reason why Ye Feng insisted on fighting Hepha in the teahouse today!

This night, Ye Feng spent all by the river.

He and Hai Qingfeng had a very happy chat, they played chess, they talked about the past, they talked about astronomy and geography, Ye Feng found that he and Hai Qingfeng really hated seeing each other.Although it was the first time we saw each other, it was like old friends at first sight.

Ye Feng doesn't have many friends, and the few friends around him are more than one bastard!People like Wu Dehai and Mei Pu are really good friends.However, some things are unclear.

The feeling they gave Ye Feng was different from the feeling Master Hai gave Ye Feng.

There is a relationship called "friends".

"Professor Ye is pedantic about heaven and man, and has a deep understanding of Go, which Hai admires."

"Me? It's just a coincidence."

"Professor Ye is modest, thankfully I died early, otherwise I would have to give up my title of No.1 Go in the world."

"Master Hai is quite funny."



The laughter is hearty.

It's a pity that when we first met, we were already strangers.

(End of this chapter)

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