Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 620 Really Upgraded?what!

Chapter 620 Really Upgraded?what!
three days later.

This morning, this is the second round of the battle between Ye Feng and Hepha!

The outside world is already full of enthusiasm.

"Professor Ye will win!"

"Invincible! Professor Ye is basically invincible!"

"Seriously, Professor Ye won't lose."

"Don't worry, everyone. Although the first round was a bit tortuous, to be honest, I have great confidence in Professor Ye."

"Just wait for the good news from Professor Ye!"

"Hammer the Hepha dog!"

"Let me see what human wisdom is!"

"Professor Ye, come on!"

Some people are full of confidence, but others are worried.

"But what did Professor Ye use to fight Hepha today?"

"Tianmo Dahua and Tiandi Datong have already been used. If Hepha is upgraded, it will lose this game."

"Impossible! How could Professor Ye lose?"

"How does Professor Ke Ye want to fight Hepha? Conventional operations will definitely not work!"

"Yeah, I'm a little worried about this round."

"I hope all is well."

No matter on the Internet or major chess academies, almost everyone is cheering for Ye Feng!In the first round of the battle, Ye Feng played Tianmo Dahua and made an extreme comeback, which doubled everyone's confidence, but at the same time it also made people faintly worried!
What if Hepha is upgraded?
As the saying goes, what you worry about will happen, and the second game is about to start. During the interview before the battle, the Americans released a huge bad news!
One hour before the game, the representative of the United States revealed to the reporters in front of the teahouse: "After the first round of the game a few days ago, we realized that Hepha still has a lot of room for improvement. Of course, this is also thanks to Professor Ye. During these three days, the technicians of our Kegao company worked overtime day and night. Finally, Hepha has been upgraded to another level! Not only can it easily deal with the Datong of heaven and earth, but even find out the optimal solution of Dahua of Tianma! We I assure everyone that there will never be any downtime problems like the first one!"


"Depend on!"

"Yes, I need your guarantee!"

"It's better to have a black screen!"

"Didn't expect it to be upgraded?"

"He said that Hepha can crack the Heavenly Demon Dahua, is this true or false?"

"It's probably true. Isn't the Great Harmony already broken? Hepha is a computer. If you give it enough time, it will definitely be able to calculate it."

"Damn! Shameless!"

"Simply despicable!"

Outside the teahouse, everyone was cursing.

The representative turned a blind eye to everyone's scolding, with a smile on his face, and said to himself: "Professor Ye is a pedantic man, and his attainments in Go are also superb. As the highest wisdom of human beings, it is indeed amazing. But... "With his turning point, everyone's hearts rose to their throats.

"However, Professor Ye will definitely not be Hepha's opponent! He has been upgraded, and Hepha's winning rate has been greatly improved!" This means that he is full of pride, and it can be seen that he is full of confidence in the upgraded version of Hepha.

A reporter asked in surprise: "How much has Hepha's winning rate increased now?"

This representative raised his face, Niu coaxed out his hand and said: "After repeated simulation games, Hepha's winning rate when he meets Professor Ye again has tripled!"


"three times!"

"Damn it! Is this doping? Referee! Is this a violation?"

"I'm dizzy... Hepha is a machine! What kind of stimulant are you taking!"

"Three times is too scary!"

"Isn't this Professor Ye's winning rate slim?"

"This is how to do ah!"

There was an uproar!
Three times!

Originally, Hepha had already swept the Go world, and was already invincible in the eyes of everyone. Now that it has increased by three times, can Professor Ye still stand up?Moreover, both Tiandi Datong and Tianmo Dahua have been cracked, so how can they fight Hepha?

The Internet is boiling.

Chess academies from all over the world also panicked.

For a while, the Internet media and live TV broadcasts all focused on the representative of the United States, and there was a lot of discussion about it in various circles.

in the tea house.

The second floor.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law, that American told the media downstairs that Hepha had cracked the Heavenly Demon Dahua, and the winning rate had tripled!" Lingling seemed very anxious.

"If it is cracked, it will be cracked. It's nothing special."

Ye Feng didn't care.

Ning Ning, who was coaxing the child next to her, was also a little uneasy, "Lingling, did he say that the winning rate has tripled? Didn't he intentionally scare your brother-in-law?"

"I don't know either, I just heard what he said."

Lingling also said strangely: "Three times the increase? Maybe it's really just to scare people."

They don't understand this either, they just make random guesses.

However, sister Leng understands!
Leng Mei said: "He may not be talking nonsense."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Sister Leng.

Lengmei: "I have analyzed the operation mode of Hepha before. It is actually a very large program. It is not that easy to upgrade. Especially in three days, it is almost impossible."


Ningning and the others were even more confused, "Then you said that just now?"

"However, there is also a possibility." Leng Mei said coldly: "They have reduced the performance of Hepha."

Reduced performance?

What do you mean?
I still don't understand!

At this time, Ye Feng said, "That is to say, in exchange for the winning rate, they overloaded Hepha's operation, which is what Leng Mei said to reduce the performance."

Glancing at the still confused daughter-in-law, Ye Feng explained with a smile: "Let's put it this way, compare Hepha to a bridge. There is often some surplus, and now they have no time to strengthen the bridge, so they took the risk of increasing the bridge's bearing capacity!"

Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, "Oh, to put it bluntly, they just want to overload, so they really don't remember hitting!"

"Um, what percentage of winnings do you have?" The big baby probably doesn't understand computers anymore, so let's ask directly.

Ye Feng smiled, "How much was yesterday, it is still how much today."

"Girl, give me a kiss."


"Come on, Papa~"


Ye Feng went downstairs happily.

Ningning: "What does he mean?"

Lingling shrugged, "You don't even know about your husband, but none of us know."



Everyone is still immersed in the bad news just now!
Whether it's the reporter, the Chess Academy, or the audience like Wu Dehai, their faces are full of anxiety at this moment.Seriously, they were really freaked out!
Three times!

Three times the winning rate!
This is simply an invincible existence!
The Americans enjoyed this feeling quite a lot. Think about when "Jiang Liuer" turned their computer down to smoke, they were more horrified than Wu Dehai and the others now!
That's the expression of hell!

However, it finally came to an end!Now it's the Chinese people's turn to experience this terrifying expression!

These Americans were so intoxicated that they were a little drifting.



The door of the tea house was pushed open suddenly, the representative from the United States was intoxicated, one didn't pay attention, and Ye Feng pushed his big ass to squat!
"Professor Ye! What are you doing!"

"Oh, Sao Rui, I didn't see it, why are you standing at my door?"

"I... press conference!"

"Oh, the press conference." Ye Feng ignored the American guy, but said to the reporter at the door: "Since it's a press conference, do you have any questions? The competition will start in a while, hurry up .”

The American stood up with an angry expression on his face, "Ah? How could you do this..."

However, no one paid any attention to him!
"Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye is here!"

The reporters rushed over in a swarm, shouting one by one.

"Professor Ye, the representative of the United States said that Hepha's winning rate has tripled. What do you think of this?"

Ye Feng looked at the angry American man next to him, raised his eyebrows, and said, "Three times? Ha, zero times three, isn't it still zero? What can I think about it?"

Zero times three?
I go!

Professor Ye is domineering!

The scene was silent for three seconds!

Everyone was overwhelmed by Ye Feng's casual arrogance!

Zero multiplied by three, or zero!

Then, the scene exploded!

"As expected of me, Professor Ye!"

"Invincible! Huaxia people are invincible!"

"That's the kind of confidence!"


"Professor Ye will win!"

"Professor Ye will win!"

"Professor Ye will win!"

The reporter took the lead in shouting, and the audience and chess players behind them also shouted unconsciously!

"Professor Ye will win!"

Shouting and applauding.

Ye Feng's words directly wiped away the restlessness caused by the Americans just now!

This is Ye Feng, every time he casually says a word, it can bring people great encouragement and confidence!

The face of the American is even more ugly, Ye Feng's words are really hurtful!What is zero times three or zero?The winning rate of co-authoring us is zero?Not as arrogant as you!Too chickens look down on us, right?
"Professor Ye! Don't brag, Let's meet on the weiqi!" This made the old-fashioned English burst out.

Ye Feng tilted his head, grinned and said, "Let's go."

"Ha! Let's go!"

The representative of the United States entered the teahouse angrily.

"It's almost time."

Ye Feng waved to everyone and went in too.

Afterwards, the teahouses were closed.

10 minutes.

5 minutes.

1 minutes!

At nine o'clock in the morning, the second round of the man-machine war officially begins!
(End of this chapter)

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