Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 621 A New Form?

Chapter 621 A New Form?
The game has already started, and a simultaneous live broadcast has been made on TV.

"As you can see, this time Hepha took the black chess first, and the opening was very regular. Oh! Professor Ye played Tianyuan again!" The female host's voice was a little louder, "Heaven and Earth Datong style! Professor Ye wants to play again!" Do you use the Heaven and Earth Datong style?"

Wang Yu, the commentator next to him, was also a little startled, "Hepha has already cracked the Tiandi Datong formula. Why did Professor Ye fall into Tianyuan again? Could it be that he was the first to use Tianyuan, and he has other ideas?"

The hostess said worriedly: "Hepha moves very quickly, obviously he is already very familiar with Professor Ye's chess moves, and Hepha moves first, Professor Ye is inherently passive."

Hepha is indeed fast, but Ye Feng is not slow.

You come and go, only two or three minutes, and you have already made ten moves!This is much faster than the opening of the previous game!
Sister Wang Yu said: "Hepha is very stable! No, Professor Ye is in Tianyuan, and he is following the path of heaven and earth. Hepha is very skilled in dealing with it, and suppressed Professor Ye at the beginning!"

Hearing this, the audience in front of the TV immediately became worried.

"Why does Professor Ye still use the heaven and earth Datong style?"

"Doesn't Professor Ye have a new style of play?"

"The Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth has been broken!"

"It's better to go directly to Tianma Dahua, at least Tianma Dahua can still fight!"

"Yeah, using Heaven and Earth Datong to deal with Hepha, it feels like giving away the head!"

"Don't smear the ink! You can all see things, can Professor Ye not know?"

"That's right, Professor Ye naturally has his own ideas!"

"I'm just worried that Professor Ye is at the end of his rope!"

"Me too. After all, how can the Go routine be so easy to think about? Aren't there only two routines in "Youth Go"?"

"Professor Ye wants to fight with the Datong of Heaven and Earth and Dahua of Heaven and Demon?"

The ratings of CCTV Sports, CCTV International, and Haicheng Satellite TV, which broadcast the game live, are already skyrocketing!The last round of the man-machine battle Ye Feng turned against the sky and brought hope to many people!Needless to say, Ye Feng's relatives, friends, chess players, etc., even people from all walks of life in mathematics and literature are guarding in front of the TV, watching the game nervously!

Thousands of people are watching this unrivaled battle!

And this opening also made countless people sweat!

Heaven and Earth Datong!

It is heaven and earth again!

Seeing this set pattern, everyone trembled in unison.

Could it be that Professor Ye is really at the end of his rope?

Otherwise, why would he take out a formula that he knew had already been cracked?

on site.

The two sides have played more than 20 moves, and the situation is still stable. Hepha must have gained the upper hand.After all, it is already too familiar with the Datong formula of heaven and earth, and it can accurately cut off Ye Feng's next step without much calculation.

That's the scary thing about Hepha, it doesn't fall twice in one place!
Thirty hands!
Fifty hands!
Seventy hands!
After an hour passed, the two sides had reached the middle game!
And during this hour, everyone was frowning.Not because of anything else, but because, where did they seem to have seen this game of chess before!
Professor Ye and?

Hepha hanging?
Professor Ye fly?

Hepha is going further?
This, isn't this exactly the same as the previous game?
Someone immediately dug out the replay of the first [-] moves of the previous game. After careful comparison, they found that there was basically no difference!The only difference is that this game was Hepha's first move, and the previous game was played by Professor Ye, but the current chess game is very similar to the last game!
Liu Yang frowned, "Is Professor Ye going to be a dragon?"

"Could it be that Hepha has understood the heaven and earth harmony to this point?" Chen Wei was a little terrified.

Chi Haiyang said strangely: "It stands to reason that even if Professor Ye played the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, it shouldn't be the same as the previous chess game, right? Another tie? Isn't this the one where Hepha was about to slay the dragon last time?" A scene?"

"That's right! If Professor Ye continues like this, he will be slaughtered again!"

"My big dragon will be directly threatened by Hepha like in the previous round!"

"What is Professor Ye thinking? Do you still want to use Tianma Dahua to replicate the situation in the previous game?"

"But Hepha must have mastered the method of cracking the Heavenly Demon Dahua, right?"

"Professor Ye is playing with fire!"

"This is too risky!"

"What if it's not like this? Does Professor Ye have any better choices?"

"Oh, it's also..."

"Hepha is really too scary. Professor Ye played the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, and it can actually play the chess board the same as the previous game. This calculation ability is really too strong!" Forcing Professor Ye to use the Heavenly Demon to transform it! Professor Ye has to take a risk now!"

No one can match this kind of situation. They really did not expect that today's chess game is exactly the same as the last game!
From their point of view, Hepha is the first mover, and Professor Ye is using the Datong style of heaven and earth. This is completely calculated by Hepha step by step!
Dragon slaying?

Hepha wants to slay the dragon again?Then Professor Ye can only take the risk and use the Heavenly Demon Dahua, right?But Hepha must have mastered the method of cracking it, wouldn't Professor Ye definitely lose?

In just a split second, many speculations flashed through everyone's minds!
"Sure enough, Hepha is going to slay the dragon!"

Seeing the development of the chess game, everyone's expressions darkened. This is exactly the same as the previous game!

But how will Professor Ye respond this time?

Is it really possible to use Tianmo Dahua again?


Outside the tea house.

Everyone was taken aback.

Even Wu Dehai, a layman among laymen, could see that something was wrong at this time, "Is this the same as the chess piece placed last time? Is it wrong?"

"It's not misplaced." Chi Haiyang: "It's because Hepha's computing power is too strong!"

At this moment, everyone's mood is extremely heavy.

However, Ye Feng was still so indifferent.

Looking at the chess game, and raising his eyes to glance at the American man opposite, Ye Feng smiled slightly.

I have to admit that Hepha is really strong!Especially after the upgrade, its ability to analyze data and calculate the chess surface is even more excellent.

But don't forget that computing isn't just the preserve of artificial intelligence.

You know, Ye Feng is a super mathematician who combines the abilities of countless mathematicians!


Oh, actually I will too.

Moreover, do you really think that one side can control things like Go at will?

Want to copy the board of the previous game with Hepha alone?
This is a bit too high on Hepha and underestimated Ye Mou!
Want to slay a dragon, huh?
Also upgraded, right?

Ha, I'd like to see how smart it is!


With a crisp crash, Ye Fengluozi!

Chi Haiyang was taken aback, "Huh?"

Liu Yang widened his eyes, "What's going on?"

Chen Wei was taken aback, "Why did Professor Ye take this step? This is not the step where the great harmony of heaven and earth turns into the great transformation of heaven and devil!"

Zhao Guang Jiuduan seemed to have thought of something, and immediately said loudly: "I know! Professor Ye may want to come up with a new formula!"


"New formula?"

"real or fake?"

Listening to Zhao Guang Jiuduan's words, everyone's hairs are about to stand up!

New formula?
But Ye Feng made this move, and everyone can't judge!
However, when 10 minutes later!
When Ye Feng and Hepha came and went and played seven or eight hands, the outside of the teahouse suddenly boiled!
(End of this chapter)

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