Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 622 Demon Sword, Dragon Slaying!

Chapter 622 Demon Sword, Dragon Slaying!
Live streaming.

The hostess of CCTV looked excited, "New routine! Teacher Wang! Is this really a new routine?"

Wang Yu's Jiuduan was also full of excitement, "That's right! This is definitely not Tianma Dahua! Looking at the layout of Professor Ye's hands, this is probably a new formula! I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it! Ye The professor actually played a new set style? And it is still based on the Heaven and Earth Datong style? It seems that Professor Ye had already thought about using the Heaven and Earth Datong style to start the game before!"

"What is the mystery of the heaven and earth Datong style?" The host asked very curiously: "Why can there be two different fixed forms based on it?"

Wang Yu shook his head, "Although Professor Ye talked about the heaven and earth Datong style before, no one else has learned this formula. If you want to really understand the mystery of it, you may have to wait for the day when this formula is popularized. However, as far as the current In terms of the situation, Professor Ye is likely to turn the tables again!"

"Yes! Let's wait and see!"

New formula!

How many such large-scale global settings are there in the Go world?

Not many at all!
But Professor Ye actually created a new formula after following the heaven and earth Datong style and the Heavenly Demon Dahua style!

Simply incredible!
On the Internet, it has been fried!

"Are you sure this isn't the Heavenly Demon Dahua Form?"

"No! Absolutely not! This is too different from the Heavenly Demon Dahua style! Last time, the Heavenly Demon Dahua was also played on the basis of Zi, Tiandi Datong, and it was also used in the "Trapped Dragon Game". The chess game that the professor has set up now is simply a world of difference!"

"It's so different! It is estimated that those who regard this as the Great Transformation of Heavenly Demons are laymen who don't know much about Go."

"The Datong style of heaven and earth is really amazing, isn't it? Not only can it play the Heavenly Demon Dahua, but it can also evolve into another fixed style?"

"Professor Ye must have never thought of using Heavenly Demon to transform!"

"Heaven and earth are in harmony with all things!"

"Perhaps in the eyes of Professor Ye, the Heaven and Earth Datong Style is a basic disk."

"Huh? Basic disk? This is a new idea."

"Which one is more powerful than that day's Demon Dahua or the current formula arranged by Professor Ye?"

"I don't know, I can't see it yet."

"Anyway, if you can play the set pattern, then Professor Ye must have the chance to win!"

"Not necessarily, Hepha may not be able to break this formula. Don't forget, there is too much information collected in the Hepha database!"

"Yes, everyone, don't be too happy!"

"Keep watching!"

"After all, there is hope."


in the tea house.

The Yankee sitting across from Ye Feng had a relaxed expression, but now his face became gloomy, "Professor Ye, good trick!"

"Oh, it's just average." Ye Feng didn't care.

"Professor Ye has the winning ticket?" This means squinting his eyes, "Isn't it a bit too arrogant? It's just a set formula." He didn't believe that Ye Feng could really perform another killing move at the same level as the demon Dahua style!You know, there are not a few big game formulas in the Go world!If Ye Feng really took out a super set style again, it would be too inhuman!
"Ha, don't worry, just wait and see."

Ye Feng dropped another piece, and he stared at the chessboard comfortably, as if looking at another piece of art, his eyes full of appreciation.To be honest, this set is Ye Feng's favorite set, and it's called "Muramasa Demon Sword"!
Like Daxie Qianbian, it is one of the three Go world's three fixed forms in the previous life. Compared with Daxie Qianbian, Muramasa Yaodao is more brutal and direct!

If Da Xie Qian Bian is like a phantom formation, relying on all kinds of unpredictable fog to surround and kill opponents, then the Muramasa Demon Sword is just like its name, a killing formation with extremely murderous aura!
One hit kill!

Extremely ruthless!

In the Go world of the previous life, the creator of the shortest number of moves in the game was the Muramasa Demon Sword Style, which defeated the opponent in just [-] moves!
Ye Feng took out the Demon Saber Stance now, and the purpose is exactly for this. After his probing, Hepha has indeed been upgraded. When cracking the Heaven and Earth Datong Style, Hepha is much smoother than before.Now that the big dragon has been formed, Hepha wants to kill Ye Feng's big dragon, and why doesn't Ye Feng want to kill Hepha's big dragon?

Demon sword, dragon slaying!
Ninety hands!
One hundred hands!

110 hands!

The two sides come and go, and the speed of making moves is much slower. It can be seen that both Hepha and Ye Feng are starting to be cautious at this moment.At this time, there may be a general idea, that is, all games are lost.Especially Ye Feng, he was even more energetic.

The so-called demon sword can hurt people as well as himself, he doesn't want to break it in his own hands because of carelessness.


The second floor.

Ningning and the others are all around the TV.

The sister-in-law hugged Leng Mei's arm and asked crookedly, "Sister, what's the situation now?"

Ningning hugged her daughter and listened with pricked ears.

Although the two sisters know a little bit of Go, their level is not high. Now this kind of chess is no longer something they can understand.

However, Leng Mei also said, "I don't understand."

"Huh? Sister Leng doesn't even understand?"

The sister-in-law was quite surprised, "What kind of routine is this brother-in-law? Even sister Leng can't see it?"

Ning Ning was also a little shocked, Sister Leng couldn't understand?
"Come on, Papa!"

The little one doesn't care if he understands it or not, he just cheers for Dad anyway.


Building entrance.

Everyone looked up at the electronic screen.

Chen Wei was a little anxious, "The current situation is a little anxious."

Liu Yang glanced at him, "Do you understand?"


"Then you talk shit!"

"Uh, wouldn't it be nice to liven up the atmosphere..." Chen Wei rubbed the back of his head and smiled awkwardly.

Everyone was speechless.

"But what Xiaowei said is correct, the current situation is indeed a bit anxious."

Zhao Guang said in [-] paragraphs: "Hepha attacked Professor Ye's big dragon fiercely, but Professor Ye didn't seem to have the intention of returning to defense, which is a bit strange."

"Old Zhao, have you noticed anything about Professor Ye's new formula?" Chi Haiyang asked.

Zhao Guang Jiudan shook his head, "I don't know what it means at the moment."

Everyone outside looked dignified, but Ye Feng in the restaurant was relaxed.

Hepha flew a hand.

Ye Fenggao!

Hepha doubled again!
Ye Feng's high clip!

Hepha keep up!

At this time, Ye Feng smiled.

"Sure enough, it has been upgraded."

"However, heh."

The American representative frowned, "But what?"

Ye Feng picked up a stick, dropped it slowly, stared at the Yankee opposite, and said softly: "However, it's still rubbish."


The words fall.

Chess falls.

The demon sword is completed, and the dragon is destroyed!

Outside the tea house.

The people in the Chess Academy suddenly roared!
Chen Wei couldn't believe it: "I'll wipe it!"

Liu Yang's face turned pale in shock, "Did you slay the dragon? Huh? Why did Professor Ye just slay the dragon?"

Even Chi Haiyang, the dean of the Chess Academy, was taken aback, "This is unscientific! Why? Why did you suddenly kill the dragon?"

Zhao Guang Jiuduan muttered to himself, "It's too weird! It's really too weird! There is no sign at all! How did this happen?"

After Ye Feng's move fell, these professional chess players seemed to be stunned!
Slay the dragon?
No one expected that Ye Feng would slay the dragon without a sound?

What kind of formula is this?
There was no sign at all before the dragon slaying?


Too weird!

It's not their fault, after all, this is the Muramasa Demon Sword!

In front of the famous Yaodao Dingshi, not to mention Chi Haiyang and the others, even Hepha was stunned at this moment!

Where's the big dragon?
Where is my dragon?
I am Nima!

Is this human being a bloodbath?

Where is Lao Tzu's big dragon!

Just disappeared out of nowhere?

Don't you need to prepare for dragon slaying?
Are you a Dragon Slayer?

I drafted the uncle ah!

Hepha was completely dumbfounded!

If it is conscious, it is estimated that its mentality will collapse!

Your own big dragon is right under your nose, just "swipe" it, and it dies?


you sir!

Just play chess, it's too much for you to juggle me!
(End of this chapter)

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