Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 626 Treat you as usual!

Chapter 626 Treat you as usual!

The next day.


There is a sea of ​​people outside the teahouse.

This time, everyone's expressions were much more complicated than before. Although they were equally anxious, they were somewhat mixed with other emotions.

There was also a live broadcast on TV today, but only CCTV's sports channel was broadcasting. The other simultaneous live broadcasts were forcibly canceled by the Propaganda Department. Even Haicheng Satellite TV was told not to broadcast the game live.Its intention is actually self-evident.

To be honest, many people are quite reluctant to see this competition.From their point of view, Professor Ye has already won, and it would be unnecessary to do it again, and it would still take a huge risk, so the loss outweighs the gain!

This is Ye Feng, Professor Ye, if it were someone else or someone from the Chess Academy, the higher-ups would never allow such a game to happen again!Even if he agreed to the Americans at the press conference, he would definitely find various excuses to reject it afterwards.But this person is Ye Feng!It's Professor Ye!He said what Professor Ye promised, and no one can change it!No one dared to force Ye Feng to change his mouth and shirk!
This is the weight of the words "Professor Ye"!

On the TV, even the host and the commentator Wang Yu Jiuduan looked a bit complicated today, amidst the worry and anxiety, there was also some helplessness hidden.

"Hello, audience friends." The hostess smiled, "The man-machine battle that was raging a few days ago has come to an end. Professor Ye defeated Hepha [-]-[-] and won a big victory. However, Professor Ye pursues the ultimate, and today he specially added an off-court match , let us pay attention." The host bit the three words "outside competition" very hard.

The host said: "Teacher Wang Yu, what do you think about today's friendly match?" The host tried to make his smile as real as possible.

Wang Yu squeezed out a smile, and said: "Judging from Professor Ye's previous record, it stands to reason that there is no big problem in this game, and we should be able to win."

Not a big problem?

Should be able to win?

Even Wang Yu himself has no confidence in what he said, let alone the audience in front of the TV.

Who doesn't know now, before Professor Ye's ability to defeat Hepha, he relied on the final formula!

"Heaven and Earth Great Harmony", "Heavenly Demon Dahua", "Demon Sword Set", and "Avalanche Style", all rely on the indiscriminate bombardment of these four sets of forms, which made Hepha dizzy.But now, Professor Ye has sacrificed a full four big formulas, so is it possible that he still has formulas?

Simply impossible!

There are only one set of moves in the world of Go. If Professor Ye still has a set of sets, it would not be an exaggeration!It's scary!

How to win?
Almost impossible to win!
Everyone thinks so!

Therefore, the atmosphere today is quite dull.


in the tea house.

The two were already seated.

Ye Feng looked at the representative of the United States with a smile on the opposite side, "Have you upgraded?"

"Professor Ye will know if he is going to be promoted or not?" The representative from the country of America was quite confident and in a good mood, and said with a smile, "However, I wonder how many formulas Professor Ye still has available?"

Ye Feng smiled, "You will know if you try it?"

"Yes, please!"

The old and beautiful person is full of confidence, and Ye Feng is also smiling.

Both sides guess.

Ye Feng holds the black and goes first.


Respond to the sound.

Wang Yu explained: "There is no accident, Professor Ye's first chess move really fell on Tianyuan again."

Indeed, it seems to have become a habit for Ye Feng to be the first to attack Tian Yuan.

Obviously Hepha is no exception, he just followed without thinking.

Chi Haiyang sighed: "Professor Ye still wants to use the Heaven and Earth Datong style."

Zhao Guang Jiuduan also expressed emotion, "Although the Tiandi Datong style is very exquisite, it has been used too many times. It seems that this opening Hepha will take the lead again. If Professor Ye doesn't have a new set style after that, this game may be very bad. .”

"Professor Ye's first hand is actually... um? What the hell?" Before Chen Wei finished speaking, his eyes widened suddenly.

Liu Yang said: "Professor Ye made a second move!"

Wang Yu in the live broadcast room looked up and lost his voice, "What?"

The old beauty was also stunned.

The people in the teahouse Waiqiyuan were even more stunned.

Chi Haiyang almost fainted, "What is Professor Ye doing?"

Liu Yang was about to cry, "What kind of stupid move is this? Why did you do it?"

"Professor Ye couldn't have shaken his hands wrongly, right?" Chen Wei rubbed his forehead, "Did it land on the edge of Tianyuan? What about the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth? How can this be called Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth!"

Everyone has watched Ye Feng play chess for a long time. Although no one has mastered the subtlety of the Tiandi Datong style, at least they recognize the Tiandi Datong style.In this fixed pattern, apart from the Tianyuan start, the second move is definitely a corner!But now Professor Ye did the opposite and fell next to Tian Yuan?
The goal of the Heaven and Earth Datong style is to control the overall situation. The two players squeezed together at the beginning obviously violated the profound meaning of the Tiandi Datong style!

How could Professor Ye take this step?

Even Zhao Guang's ninth dan was dumbfounded!
In the live broadcast, the hostess said in surprise: "Mr. Wang, is this the harmony of heaven and earth? Why is it different from the previous one?"

Wang Yu is about to fall off the chair, the world is in harmony?What a fart!This is obviously not waking up!Professor Ye definitely didn't wake up!Squeezing moves at Tianyuan, amateur chess players would not do this, "Whether this is the Heaven and Earth Datong style is still uncertain, but judging by Professor Ye's expression, he should have his own ideas, or it may be Tiandi Datong It’s a variation.” Even so, Wang Yu can be sure that no matter how much the Heaven and Earth Datong style changes, it’s impossible for him to change into such a sexual one!
"Oh? Variant?"

The hostess really believed it, and her eyes were shining brightly, "Professor Ye probably prepared for the variation of Heaven and Earth Great Harmony. Look! Hepha has lost. But it seems that Professor Ye is at a disadvantage now."

Wang Yu smiled wryly in his heart, if he didn't suffer, he would be in hell!
Hepha lands on the touchline.

Ye Feng continued to hook up with Tian Yuan.

After more than ten hands between you and me, Hepha is almost occupying a corner, but Ye Feng is still spinning around in the center of Tianyuan.At this time, even if you are not a professional chess player, you can see that the world is in harmony?Heaven and earth are one chicken!
This is not the style of heaven and earth at all!
What the hell is Professor Ye doing here?
The more everyone watched, the more confused they became, and they couldn't guess what Ye Feng was thinking!As the saying goes, "Golden Horn and Silver Edge Grass Belly", Hepha is about to occupy a small corner, but Professor Ye chose the most valuable middle Tianyuan layout?

What is the reason for this?

The Internet has also boiled over.

"I'm not targeting Professor Ye, I'm just saying what the hell is this opening?"

"Even if you don't use Heaven and Earth Great Harmony, there's no need to do it like this, right?"

"Have you ever heard of an opening called an unconventional opening?"

"Unconventional start?"

"But let's pull it down! There are only a few unconventional openings. Professor Ye is an unconventional opening? Isn't this too unconventional for him?"

"The start of the game is to seize the opportunity, but Professor Ye is actively giving away the early advantage!"

"Hepha is going to take a small role!"

You come and go, and more than a dozen hands pass by.

Chen Wei's face turned pale, "Hepha's gone!"

"Sure enough! It occupies a small corner!"

"Oh, it's only a few hands? One corner has collapsed? What a shame!"

"This small corner, that's a gap of more than ten eyes!"

But looking at Ye Feng, he didn't look anxious at all, he still drank his tea calmly, and smiled from time to time.Almost without thinking, another drop fell.

The old and beautiful man smiled confidently, but his smile froze quickly.

Hepha didn't even move?

what's the situation?
Why did this guy start thinking again?

and many more!

This chess, this chess... I'll rub it!

The representative of Lao Mei stared at the chessboard with wide eyes, as if he suddenly raised his head to stare at Ye Feng, and a gust of cold air rushed straight from the soles of his feet!

Chi Haiyang also froze in place suddenly, "This chess board... ah? What is this?"

Zhao Guangjiu's complexion changed, and he said, "Professor Ye did this on purpose!"

Pointing at the big screen, Liu Yang lost his voice and said, "This, why does this look like a 'windmill'? Is this a new formula?"


It is a windmill!
Ye Feng started the game with more than a dozen moves, and even surrounded Tian Yuan's position, forming a windmill on the chessboard!But that's not the point, the point is that the "windmills" are connected to each other and take care of each other. Although there are gaps, once White wants to insert, he will die every step of the way!There is absolutely no way to settle!Although the windmill has leaks, it seems that the windmill is spinning. It looks illusory, but in fact it has no place to stay!

It is wonderful!

What kind of formula is this?

This is not a formula!
At this time, everyone has already seen that this opening is definitely not a set formula!Because, this way of playing has no continuity!
Could it this a genre?
Thinking of this, everyone's eyes widened, and they all gasped!
Professor Ye is too aggressive, right?After finishing the set style, start to play the genre again?

After more than thirty moves, everyone discovered the subtlety of this opening. At the same time, Hepha had already discovered it, but it was too late.

Professor Ye seems to be at a disadvantage in posting, but in fact, he occupies Tianyuan!It is the largest place on the chessboard!Moreover, he is at a disadvantage now, but the problem is that Hepha has no way to intervene around Tianyuan!Occupying Tian Yuan and preventing Bai Qi from intervening, Ye Feng has made a lot of money in this opening!
What kind of start is this?

What is the play?
Haven't seen it!

If Ye Feng could hear everyone's doubts, he would definitely answer with a smile - this style of play is called "windmill flow"!It is a very famous unconventional opening style on the earth. Neither Hepha nor everyone has added it.

Ye Feng leaned on the chair, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, looking lightly at Lao Mei opposite.

I don't have any major formulas anymore, but do you think I can't cure you if I don't have major formulas?


There is no formula, I will treat you as usual!

There are not many big sets in the Go world, but there are too many genres!
(End of this chapter)

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