Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 627 It's smoking again...

Chapter 627 It's smoking again...

Japan and South Korea.

Today's "overtime" is also broadcast live.

"what's the situation?"

"Professor Ye's move is not heaven and earth Datong?"

"Damn it! What is this? A big windmill?"

"No, Professor Ye is playing backgammon? Why are they connected together?"

"Wait! This big windmill is not simple!"

"Look! Hepha is not moving!"

"Professor Ye stumped Hepha again?"

"This big windmill is amazing!"

"This is not a set formula! Look clearly, this is an opening without continuity!"

"Not a formula? What is that?"

"It could be a style, or a genre."

"Is it possible to stump Hepha without the big set?"

"I'll go! Isn't Professor Ye from China too amazing?"

At the beginning of the game, everyone thought that Ye Feng used the heaven and earth Datong style again, but the subsequent reversal was really unexpected. Isn't this a fixed formula?but a genre?Even using the genre can also stump Hepha?It's amazing!
And you must know that in this opening game, Hepha originally had a great advantage. It occupied a small corner, but Ye Feng was placed in the Tianyuan in the middle position. Anyone who knows a little bit of Go knowledge can understand this. What does it mean!
Grass belly with golden horns and silver edges!

Xiaojiao is the most important, and Tianyuan is the most useless!But at Professor Ye's place, he forcibly put the most useless Tianyuan into an unsolvable formation!That's why everyone was so horrified!

That's right!

Just horror!

This simply subverts everyone's basic understanding of Go!

What about the grass belly with golden horns and silver borders?Why is it not easy to use Professor Ye?
Some people even wonder, if Professor Ye's "windmill style" is popularized, will it change the basic common sense of today's Go opening!
However, they obviously thought too much.

That's right, this genre is indeed called "Windmill Flow", and it got its name precisely because of its shape that resembles a windmill. Now everyone thinks that this windmill flow seems invincible, but in fact, it is because they saw this genre , it has not been studied yet.In the previous life, this genre has long been rotten. It looks very powerful, but if you want to break it, it is also very simple.At the beginning of the windmill flow, the opponent only needs to come out at the next "reverse windmill" at Tianyuan.

In fact, in the previous life on the earth, the windmill flow was purely for entertainment, and had no meaning to the outcome of the game.Because this genre has already been studied thoroughly, and no one uses it anymore.

However, people in this world have never seen it!
Hepha has never seen it before!

At the beginning, everyone thought that Ye Feng was in the style of heaven and earth, and even Hepha was a routine response!Therefore, Ye Feng can gain the upper hand by relying on an entertainment genre on the earth!

However, what Ye Feng bullied was Hepha, whom he had never seen before!

You have to see it, I definitely don’t need it!

Hepha was silent for a full twenty or ten minutes, before he finally settled down.

It landed in the upper right corner, and ignored the windmill at Tianyuan. Obviously, it should have been calculated and found that there was nothing to do, so it simply turned to another small corner.

Ye Feng saw it, yes!You ignored me?Then I can't ignore you!
Ye Feng also turned towards the small corner, and he came up with a super tall eye!

Hepha took a step, trying to drive Ye Feng out.

But Ye Feng is not a vegetarian, he is not timid at all, and directly flies up to the top.

On the contrary, Hepha flinched and went back to defend.

Ye Feng took the opportunity to bite.

The two of you come and go, and there are several hands. This time, it's not that the two of them are doing their own thing, but they are strangled on the little corner.

This change made everyone a little confused.

Chi Haiyang pursed his lips, "Professor Ye, what are you doing here? Why did you go to Xiaojiao again? Tianyuan's big windmill doesn't care?"

"I don't understand! I don't understand!" Zhao Guangjiuduan looked helpless.

Chen Wei said anxiously: "Professor Ye doesn't want Tianyuan's advantage anymore? Why didn't he take the opportunity to occupy some more!"

"These steps are unwise!"

"Hepha is best at accurate calculations in a small area. Professor Ye suffered a big loss when he fought it in a small corner."

Live streaming.

Originally, Wang Yu's [-]th dan was excited, but now he looked confused again, "Professor Ye, what are you doing? Why did you change places?"

The hostess paused for a moment, then asked doubtfully, "Shouldn't Professor Ye be in the corner?"

"It shouldn't be!" Wang Yu said: "It should continue to expand the windmill at Tianyuan, so as to maximize the advantage! Why did Professor Ye suddenly turn to Xiaojiao?"

Sure enough, within a few moves, Hepha gained the upper hand in the small corner.

Seeing this, the beautiful person finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Professor Ye is really surprising, a small school can play so many tricks. Unfortunately, this opening school cannot continue, you still have to come Xiaojiao and Hepha fight head-to-head. Heh, if they fight head-to-head, Professor Ye will feel that Hepha is different."


He knocked on the table and smiled, "I don't see any difference." Then he dropped another stone.

Hepha quickly followed up, and it could be seen that Hepha had really upgraded, and in the narrow place of Xiaojiao, Hepha was most familiar with it.

Chi Haiyang said: "It's broken!"

"Hepha is trying to erode Professor Ye's layout in Xiaojiao!" Zhao Guang Jiuduan also hurriedly said.

Feng Ming said nine paragraphs: "It depends on how Professor Ye chooses. If he is more ruthless and directly abandons Xiaojiao and returns to Tianyuan, there is still a great chance of winning."

Yes, if Ye Feng returns to Tianyuan now, then Ye Feng really has a great chance of winning.However, Ye Feng will return again?

This is obviously overthinking!
The two sides settled again.

Ye Feng is also a super tall eye, one or two times higher than ordinary tall eyes.

Hepha follows.

Ye Feng dropped the ball slowly, and it was a super high wood with one hand.

Chi Haiyang's face was already flushed, and he didn't know if it was due to his illness or if he came to entrust him today.

Zhao Guang's [-]th stage can no longer live in Taoism, and if he has to do Taoism, he doesn't need to help anyone who escapes so much."

Netizens on the Internet are going crazy.

"Where's Jiuxin Pill? The old man's Lafite from [-] is here, and I want to toast Professor Ye!"

"Tianyuan has such a great discussion, Professor Ye Jing'an is ready to shut himself up."

Amateur netizens can see it, let alone these professional players at the door.

Everyone was worried again.

However, Ye Feng didn't panic at all.

So what if you don't go down to Tianyuan anymore?
What happened to the attack on Xiaojiao?

He is good at calculation?But that's useless!
Ye Feng glanced at the representative of the United States on the opposite side, chuckled lightly, and dropped another shot with a "snap".

You can't compete with me in Tianyuan, so can you still win the world in Xiaojiao?
Another three moves, at this time, Ye Feng launched an attack directly! .After three or five moves, Hepha was misfired again!
"What the hell?"

"Hepha is dead again?"

"Why did you start thinking again? What are you thinking about?"

"Professor Ye is too fierce. Judging by his posture, he thinks Hepha must be autistic!"

"Wait! This is..."

"Is this another genre?"

"Professor Ye actually changed his method? I'll go!"

"Look at Hepha's fall, how will Professor Ye deal with it?"

"One step closer? It's beautiful!"

"What about this step? This step is good!"

"Professor Ye has a chance in this small corner!"

"Excellent! Professor Ye has killed the white chess!"

"This is definitely a new genre, Hepha is obviously confused!"

The outside of the teahouse immediately boiled up!
Ye Feng fought Hepha at the small corner, and he won a complete victory!
And without the blessing of the big set style, relying on a genre, Hepha was completely abused!

I rub!

This makes a lot of sense!

Whether it's outside the teahouse or on the Internet, there is a wave of climax right now!
Looking at the chess board, Ye Feng leaned back and said calmly, "How about this Apollo style?"

"Apollo flow?"

The old beauty froze for a moment, then gritted her teeth and said, "Professor Ye, don't be too pretentious, this is just the beginning!"

"Just started?"

Ye Feng smiled, "Yeah, it's just the beginning!" There was a gleam in his eyes.


Just started……

This statement was indeed hit by the representative of the United States, but it was not the beginning of Hepha, but the beginning of Ye Feng!

The beginning of the windmill style, followed by the Apollo style, and then Ye Feng is like a treasure house, all kinds of genres are thrown out without money!

Cosmic flow!
Subway flow!
Xiu Ce flow!

Etc., etc!
Too much!
It's just too much!

In a game of chess, Ye Feng completely changed the playing style of the twelve schools, offering twelve different styles!


Everyone is stunned!
Looking at Ye Feng's seemingly inexhaustible style of play, no matter the old and beautiful people are confused, even the audience.Chess players, netizens, etc. are all so confused!

Professor Ye doesn't have a big formula anymore, but you don't want money for these various genres?
"Yes, there is a kind~"

Chi Haiyang began to tremble when he spoke.

Chen Wei was already in a cold sweat.

They were not worried, but were completely frightened by Ye Feng!
Even the people watching the game were terrified. One can imagine the mood of the representative of the United States sitting opposite Ye Feng and replacing Hepha Luozi!
Pale face!

Wrist shaking!

Sweat flowing!

Seriously, how could he still be as confident as before?Now he feels like throwing up when he sees Go!I can't wait to surrender immediately!
However, this chess game seems to be very anxious. Ye Feng always stops suddenly at the most critical moment, and then immediately changes to a different style, continuing to play against Hepha!

This guy could win tomorrow morning, but he just didn't win!
What does this guy want?

The old and beautiful people are puzzled.

The chess players outside the building were puzzled.

Netizens on the Internet are also puzzled.

However, Ning Ning and the others on the second floor seemed to understand.

"Isn't it?"

The sister-in-law was exaggerating, "Does brother-in-law still want to exhaust Hepha to death?"

Ning Ning also felt that it was not realistic.

But Leng Mei said: "Hepha will not die, but will collapse."


As soon as Leng Mei's voice fell, Hepha, who was playing chess on the first floor, suddenly burst into electromagnetic sound, and then the screen went black in an instant, and then... smoke came out...

(End of this chapter)

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