Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 628 Chess Master of the World, Chess Soul of All Ages!

Chapter 628 Chess Master of the World, Chess Soul of All Ages!

The Hepha program crashed, and even this computer was downed and smoked!
I rub!

I rub!

I rub!

The computer of this American is definitely not an ordinary computer, but even if it is so, it is actually smoked by Professor Ye?
This is obviously an overload, and the motherboard inside is burned!
Professor Ye is too aggressive, isn't he?Crash the Hepha program, and even burn the motherboard!
At this moment, everyone is stunned!
Three seconds later, it seemed that there was a gasp in the whole of Asia!

Ye Feng won!

Completely won!
The surprise of victory!
The victory is amazing!
Smoked from Hepha?

Even though it has been half an hour now, even if the press conference has already started, the people present have not recovered yet!

It’s too shocking!

It's so fucking shocking, isn't it?
Professor Ye can either lose or win, which is acceptable to everyone, but if Hepha is smoked, this is too much nonsense!
The press conference site was still at the door of Ye Feng Tea House.

This time, the people from the Chess Academy didn't come around, and the reporters didn't take pictures.

Quiet and a little surprised.

Standing at the door, looking at everyone, Ye Feng didn't want to explain anything, and there was no need to explain anything. Seeing that no one spoke, he said: "If everyone has nothing to do, let's leave."

After speaking, Ye Feng turned around and was about to open the door and go back.

"Professor Ye!"

It was Wu Dehai who called out.

"what's up?"

Ye Feng faced the door without turning around.

"Um." Wu Dehai hesitated a bit, and he didn't know what to say, but he knew that this kind of occasion was an excellent opportunity to promote Professor Ye's reputation. Professor Ye Qing Gao didn't care, but he, the principal, had to seek it out for him!

Wu Dehai raised his voice, walked two steps, went up to the steps, and said loudly to the crowd: "Professor Ye fought Hepha hard and won [-]-[-]. This is the luck of the Go world, the luck of mankind! This merit and virtue, You are worthy of the title of Chess Master!"

"Professor Ye!"

Wu Dehai raised his arms and shouted, "It's the Chinese Chess Master!"

To be honest, what Wu Dehai said was quite abrupt.However, on this occasion, even if he didn't have any foreshadowing, he came up and called out the title of "chess master", but no one refuted it at the scene, but it seemed to wake up everyone.

Chen Wei was the first to shout, "Professor Ye! Chinese Chess Master!"

"Yes, Professor Ye deserves it!" Liu Yang also shouted: "Chinese Chess Master!"

At this time, even Zhao Guang's ninth dan shouted loudly: "China Chess Master!"

Feng Ming Jiuduan: "Chinese Chess Master!"

In the end, Dean Chi Haiyang shouted, "Professor Ye, the title of Chinese Chess Master is well-deserved!"

Chess Academy's statement was like the last snowflake before the avalanche, and the sound was overwhelming!

"Professor Ye!"

"Chinese Chess Master!"

"Professor Ye!"

"Chinese Chess Master!"

With a loud sound, the entire street in front of the teahouse was submerged by the sound wave, and the shouts in the campus of Hai Da Hai Chuan were even louder!

On the Internet, it has become a buzzing trend!

All kinds of swipe screens!

"Chinese Chess Master!"

"Chinese Chess Master!"

"Chinese Chess Master!"

Countless netizens expressed their opinions one after another!
Afterwards, a certain news website said directly: "Professor Ye, Chinese Chess Master!"

Another domestic big net: "Professor Ye, Chinese Chess Master!"

Japanese Chess Academy, "Professor Huaxia Ye, chess master!"

Bang Guoqi Academy: "Chess Master, Professor Ye!"

Professor Ye is the Chinese Chess Master!

I don't know how many official organizations posted news immediately, and they all supported it!

No one questioned, the whole country shouted!
The title of Chess Master is well deserved!


Ye Feng, who turned his back to the crowd, seemed to laugh, and slowly turned around, looking quietly at the crowd, "Are you talking about me?"

His voice is not loud, very soft, but it can cover all excited and noisy voices.


The nearby shouts gradually stopped, and everyone looked up at Ye Feng.

"Chess Master, Chess Master."

Ye Feng murmured a few words softly, raised his eyes to the horizon, his eyes seemed to be a little wandering and blurred, he stood at the door for a long time, before he spoke again: "In the calligraphy world, I was said to be a calligrapher, and I didn't say no. Today, the Go world said I am a chess master, and I will not refuse. This is an honor, but for me, it is also a responsibility."

Everyone quietly watched Ye Feng speak, even the reporters didn't say anything, they just recorded silently.

"However, I hope everyone can understand that everyone respects me as a chess master, and I will not refuse, but the Go world does not rely on me, the so-called chess master. Go has a long history, and it can develop today, relying on the support of all people who love Go in the world A passion, a persistence, a spirit." He took a long breath and looked at everyone, "Some people, for the persistence in their hearts, for the faith in their lives, die without regret! I want to say, it is Because there are people like this, Go can continue forever. The level of chess strength is just a tool for fighting for strength, and the real soul of chess is a person who is desperate for his beliefs."

Ye Feng sighed and closed his eyes. "Some people know that they will never return, but they will go."

"This is my Chinese chess spirit! It is the essence of Go, even defeat is an honor! If the chess spirit is long, the victory or defeat of the battle with Hepha is meaningless." Ye Feng opened his eyes, staring at the American man and said: "Because, It will never understand such a spirit!"

The words fall.

The place was quiet.

No one is unmoved!
Chess soul?

It is self-evident who Professor Ye is talking about!

Yes, Chess Soul!
For the persistence in my heart, I would rather die than regret!

Lord Hai!

Sea Breeze!
Huaxia Go No.1!
This kind of spirit can never be possessed by Hepha, a cold machine!
What is the real meaning of Go?
Maybe it's the spirit of Master Hai.

Chi Haiyang's eyes were red, and he clapped his hands hard.

Feng Ming was already in tears, and suppressed the applause with his lips pursed.

Chess Academy thunderous applause!

The reporter also put down the microphones and machines in his hands, and desperately applauded the lost hero!

The applause is getting bigger and bigger!

Even Ye Feng clapped his hands slowly.

This is his first applause!
Applause for Hai Qingfeng!
"Bring a pen and paper."

Ye Feng's voice was plain, and he didn't know who to listen to. Anyway, someone brought him a pen and paper.

Hai Qingfeng stepped forward, pulled a backing board with Wu Dehai, and held it in front of Ye Feng.

Ye Feng held the brush in his hand, licked the ink, with a firm wrist, every stroke.

"Zhong! Hua! Chess! Soul!"

"Wan! World! Forever! Exist!"

The eight big characters in block letters are majestic!
Ye Feng stood tall and looked far away, quietly looking at Xiangjiang.

"This word is really good." Chi Haiyang took a long breath and said with emotion: "Professor Ye wrote it in hand, I think Xiao Hai's spirit in heaven will be gratified."

Ye Feng withdrew his gaze, and said softly: "Let's leave this word in the chess academy."


Chi Haiyang was taken aback, "This is for Xiao Hai, we..."

"Don't you understand?"

Ye Feng suddenly asked such a nonsensical question.

Chi Haiyang stared blankly at Ye Feng, and after a long time, he pursed his lips and nodded, with tears in his eyes, "Understood." His voice was choked up.

(End of this chapter)

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