Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 629 "Chess Classic"!

Chapter 629 "Chess Classic"!
After half an hour.

Ye Feng finished speaking.

The press conference also ended.

This press conference was very different from usual, it was more like Ye Feng's personal speech, basically Ye Feng was speaking alone, there were no reporters asking questions at all, and Ye Feng was speaking in one breath.Talk about his feelings these days, talk about his understanding of Go.In fact, he wanted to say these words a long time ago. In the eyes of many people, Go is a game of winning and losing. Ye Feng also understood it in this way before.But he doesn't see it that way now. Go is actually more like a thought.

In Ye Feng's view, in the war between humans and Hepha, humans have long been invincible.

Because, Hepha will never understand the spirit of Hai Qingfeng.

I don't know how many times the applause has sounded.

"Professor Ye is right!"

"Yeah, not only is he good at playing chess, but even his thinking is unmatched by ordinary people!"

"Must, this is Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye has time to tell us about the set style and genre of these games."

"Yes, yes, it really tickles my heart."

"It would be a pity not to spread such a mysterious formula and genre."

"Does Professor Ye have time?"

"Speak when you have time?"

Many chess players in the chess academy shouted that for them, what Ye Feng has shown in the past few days is really too attractive.If Professor Ye can really share these things, it will definitely change the current Go world!

Ye Feng said: "It's fine to talk about it, these things can't be explained clearly in a few words."

Hearing what Ye Feng said, everyone was a little disappointed.But after thinking about it, after all, Professor Ye is so busy, he has no time and nothing to complain about.This matter in the Go world may be a big deal in the eyes of chess players, but it may not be a big deal in the eyes of Professor Ye.

However, at this time, Ye Feng said again: "There are too many things involved here, and it cannot be explained clearly in one or two lectures. However, I am going to write a chess manual, and I will give you the details here at that time. Explain these stereotypes and genres."


"Chess record?"

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then their eyes lit up.

"Long live Professor Ye!"


"With the chess records written by Professor Ye himself, it is much better than lectures!"

"With this chess record, I feel that my chess ability will definitely improve a lot!"

"Thank you Professor Ye!"

The people in the Chess Academy were very excited, many applauded loudly, and the reporters also tried their best to record every detail.


In front of the teahouse, there was no one there.Ye Feng didn't go to work today, so Ningning Yiyi and the others enjoyed the cool in the backyard of the teahouse.Hiding under the weeping willows on the bank, blowing the wind from the Xiangjiang River, drinking herbal tea from Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, and watching my daughter, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law playing around.This life is really comfortable and enviable.

Ye Feng is relaxing after the game, but the Internet is the beginning of the carnival.

When he was relaxing and resting, the reports of major media on the Internet were already overwhelming.

"Professor Ye abused Hepha again! "

"Professor Ye proved the invincibility of human beings!" "

"Three to Zero!Victory! "

The Ultimate Representative of Human Wisdom! "

"The Savior of the Go World-Professor Ye! "

"Artificial intelligence is just a tool after all! "

"Professor Ye talks about Go! "

"Chinese Chess Master!Chinese Chess Soul! "

"The world respects Professor Ye as a master of chess!Professor Ye respects Hai Qingfeng as the soul of chess! "

"The spirit reflected in the game of Go! "

"Professor Ye is about to write chess records himself, so stay tuned! "

"We have reason to believe that as long as Professor Ye is still alive, artificial intelligence will never be able to surpass humans!Professor Ye said that artificial intelligence is born to lose! "

Ye Feng has always been very popular in China, but this time he is simply "adding fuel to the fire"!

The fire is hot!

Although Ye Feng is not a star, but his popularity is higher than anyone else!

The media praised it!
The people clapped their hands and applauded!

"Professor Ye is awesome!"

"As soon as Professor Ye made a move, Hepha couldn't stand it!"

"Who can stand up to this? Professor Ye's routine, the artificial intelligence has been forced by him!"

"Hepha: I have a database! Professor Ye: Excuse me, so do I. Hepha: I have super computing power! Professor Ye: Sorry, I am also very strong! Hepha: I am a computer, never tired! Professor Ye: Excuse me , you are smoking."



"This sums it up so brilliantly!"

"Just ask the beautiful people if they are convinced!"

"Professor Ye really praised our country this time!"

"Smoked Hepha, it's too strong!"

"Yeah, Professor Ye's wisdom is really too damn strong!"

"His IQ is probably better than both of us."

"If I were a member of Kegao Company, I probably would never play Go in my life, and I would have a shadow on this game."


In the past two days, the residual temperature of the man-machine war has been continuously fermenting.

Ye Feng is really writing chess records in his free time, and he writes very fast.In just two days, a chess manual written by him came out.

In the afternoon of the same day, Haid's official website released the news of the game book release instead of Ye Feng:
"The "Book of Chess" written by Professor Ye himself has been published, pre-order as soon as possible."

It was such a simple sentence, but it quickly set off a wave of book buying.

The Chinese Chess Academy directly ordered a thousand copies at that time!


"This name is domineering!"

"Professor Ye dared to use this name."

"It's worthy of the name!"

"Professor Ye is fully qualified to write classics and talk about it!"

"This "Book of Chess" must be bought!"

"I don't play Go, but I will definitely buy this book, and it's not expensive."

As soon as this chess book came out, it was frantically snapped up!

Needless to say, the Chinese Chess Academy is definitely the first batch of book buyers. Besides, countless Go lovers and fans of Ye Feng also rushed to buy books, and there are even many book collectors. They all fell in love with this first edition of "The Classic of Chess".

You know, in China, it has been a long time since I saw a book called "Jing" published. Basically, it is an ancient book. The modern book named "Jing" that has aroused great repercussions is really the only one!
Even, in Japan, this book caused a huge buying frenzy!
"Brother, are you going to Huaxia this week? Help me bring back the "Book of Chess"!"

"Big brother, is there a purchasing agent?"

"Hahaha, my "Chess" has arrived!"

"Wow, how did you buy it? Why is it also sold here?"

"Our principal went to visit the university in Huaxia, and our school organized the purchase!"

"You are an official purchasing agent!"

"Kneel on my knees and beg for a purchasing agent!"

A trend of purchasing agents has quietly risen.In the past, when Chinese people traveled to Japan and South Korea, they often acted as purchasing agents, but after the publication of "The Classic of Chess", many people from Japan and South Korea also started to work as purchasing agents!And business is booming!

After all, this "Book of Chess" is prohibited from being published overseas, and there is only a Chinese version.Even if many foreigners try their best to buy this book, they may not understand it.

But, even if you don’t understand it, you have to buy it!
As a Japanese person said when they passed through the customs, "Is this a book? This is a belief! What's wrong with five hundred copies? Say I'm smuggling? Have you ever seen someone smuggling beliefs!"

These words are righteous and powerful!

Five hundred books of faith!
In the end, this Japanese guy was fined hundreds of thousands of yen for smuggling books...

ps: There is something wrong with the website recently, please don't panic, I will try to update it normally.

(End of this chapter)

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