Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 630 The dust has settled!

Chapter 630 The dust has settled!

Time passed little by little, and the popularity of the Go world gradually dropped.

Seeing that three months have passed.

Speaking of which, many things actually happened during these three months, but the wind and rain that Ye Feng stirred up in "Go" was too eye-catching, causing everyone to have no extra energy to pay attention to other things.For example, who is holding a concert again, whose new movie is released, which channel has opened a new variety show, etc. If these things are kept in normal times, they will definitely become hot spots on the Internet.

But during these three months, there was no sense of existence!
From the beginning of Ye Feng's "Farewell to Haida" at that time, to the present, from the college circle to the Go world, this series of events is overwhelming.

Although Ye Feng is not from the entertainment industry, there is no one in the entertainment industry who can overshadow Ye Feng's limelight.No matter whether you are an idol group or a powerful group, you really have no sense of existence in front of Ye Feng.After all, Ye Feng's circle is much higher than the entertainment circle.

sea ​​pass.

Principal's office.

Many leaders from the two schools gathered today.

"Principal, is there any explanation above?"

"The three-month probationary period is coming soon, how do you deal with it?"

"I think our results should be good enough, right?"

"The Grand Ceremony of Chinese Studies, "Youth of Go", and the man-machine battle, all of these things are led by our Hai Hai Chuan. Although they are all relying on Professor Ye, but Professor Ye is now the Dead Sea Chuan! Hai Chuan It is an undeniable fact that it is only with Professor Ye and Principal Wu that the reputation can rise."

"You can't say that. It should be said that under the leadership of President Wu and the contribution of Professor Ye, Haichuan's domestic influence is constantly increasing. This is obviously a huge difference from before."

"That's right, that's what I mean too. Doesn't this reflect from the side that our school must have the leadership of Principal Wu and the presence of Professor Ye."

"I think the higher-ups should agree to continue Principal Wu's tenure."

"Not necessarily, the resistance is too great."

"That's right, in the university circle, many people are unwilling to see Principal Wu concurrently serving as the principal of both schools. Moreover, among art schools, they are even less willing to see Haichuan's strong rise!"

"The voice of opposition is definitely not small."

Everyone expresses their own opinions, some are optimistic, some are pessimistic, and there are people who hold different opinions.But to be honest, it is absolutely a miracle that Haichuan can attract so much attention in China and even in Asia in just three months!Without Professor Ye Feng, they wouldn't even dare to think about it.

Keep Professor Ye!
This is definitely the most authentic voice in the hearts of all the teachers and students of Haichuan!
Ye Feng was also at today's meeting, "Actually, you don't need to think too much. These are not things we can decide. Just do our best and obey the destiny. We can't influence the decisions of the higher authorities. Just wait for the notice."

Wu Dehai also nodded, and said: "No matter what happens in the future, we Haida and Haichuan are now in a close relationship. Even if we separate in the future, we must maintain this relationship." After going through so much together, if we say no The relationship is fake, not to mention the distance between the two schools is so close.

A dean of the director department said: "Principal Wu, Professor Ye, no matter what happens in the future, I will definitely stand by your side forever!"

"Yes! Me too!"

"Although we are an art school, we should have a lot of passion!"

Ye Feng smiled, "There's no need to do this, as long as everyone is well."

Zhao Huang said famously: "Wait for the notification from above."

Ma Luan nodded, "Well, there shouldn't be any problem."

Although that is the case, who can not be nervous?Even Ye Feng, he was really sweating in his heart.How will the above decide?Even he doesn't know.Whether Wu Dehai can stay in Haichuan, Ye Feng is actually very concerned about this question, not only because Haichuan is his alma mater, but also because he wants to bring in the big baby Ningning as a professor!


imperial capital.

Ministry of Education.

A group of people are also holding a meeting arguing with each other.

"No! Absolutely not! What has Wu Dehai been doing these three months?"

"Ha, what a joke! What are you doing? Old Li, are you saying that you are treating us as blind? What did Principal Wu do? Go ask the public, who didn't see it? You haven't seen any of these things?"

"Which one of the things you said was done by him, Wu Dehai? It was promoted by Professor Ye with all his efforts. If nothing else, let's just talk about this man-machine war. Wasn't Professor Ye trying to turn the tide? He has something to do with Wu Dehai What's the matter? Oh, Professor Ye worked so hard, Wu Dehai got the credit in the end? I'm the first to disagree!"

"You don't agree? You go and talk to Professor Ye about this! You go and ask Professor Ye if he agrees? It's as if you are complaining for Professor Ye! Who doesn't know that President Wu is supported by Professor Ye? You now It is Professor Ye’s credit, is it for the good of Professor Ye? President Wu has no credit? He can keep Professor Ye and let Professor Ye support him willingly and without reservation. This is his credit! Dare to ask today’s Huaxia, In the education field, besides Principal Wu, who else can do this? Can you do it?"

"Heh! No matter how you say it, Wu Dehai won't be credited for this! You said that he should be the principal of both schools? That's impossible! I don't agree!"


Director Sun frowned, "Everyone knows what you think. I won't express my opinion on how this matter is decided. You all vote with a show of hands. But there is one thing you need to understand." Director Sun raised a finger , Shen Sheng said: "Whoever votes, who is responsible. If you agree or disagree, you will bear the consequences!"

Everyone glanced at each other. Director Sun's words seemed to be neutral and non-helpful, but the meaning was clear enough.

Whoever votes, who bears the responsibility, bears the consequences.

What are the consequences?
It was nothing more than Professor Ye's reaction after disagreeing.

Director Sun's words mean that whoever disagrees with him will face Professor Ye.

Maybe no one would believe what he said. Would a group of bigwigs care about the reaction of a school professor?
That's no ordinary professor, that's Professor Ye!

To be honest, everyone is afraid of Professor Shangye!
"I agree!"

"I agree!"

"I support Principal Wu to serve as both schools!"

Those who supported Ye Feng before smiled at each other and raised their hands.

But those who opposed it before now have an ugly expression on their faces.Director Sun's move is quite amazing!This is a blatant transfer of risk. If they disagree, they will be pushed out directly!Facing Professor Ye?Who knows if he will write some articles!

Professor Ye's "Wen Ke kills people", they have learned it not once or twice.

"What? Old Li, what do you mean?"

Director Sun asked calmly, anyway, whether you agree or not, it has nothing to do with me.When something goes wrong, just bear it yourself.

"Hmph, I abstain!" Lao Li's face was very ugly, "You have pushed Wu Dehai so high, if something goes wrong in the college circle, let's see who of you can take the responsibility!"

"Then you don't need to worry about it." Director Sun said: "If this is the case, then it is passed. Wu Dehai is officially appointed as the principal of Haichuan, and concurrently serves as the post of both Haichuan and Haichuan schools!"


The day.

The Ministry of Education issued a document directly, announcing this decision to all walks of life.

"After three months of rigorous examination and assessment, the principal of Haida University, Wu Dehai, has excellent ability and has been officially appointed as the principal of Haicheng Communication University. I hope that President Wu Dehai can continue to lead Haidahaichuan to move forward bravely and set an example!"

This notice, it can be said that it has set off a huge wave in the education and college circles!

Wu Dehai has really concurrently served as the principal of the two schools!

This made Peking University, Tsinghua University and many other colleges and universities move their minds!
Someone is wrong!Angrily denounced that this is all due to Professor Ye, what does it have to do with Wu Dehai?
Someone is jealous!They all followed Wu Dehai's example and applied to the higher authorities to be this and that concurrently!
However, the Ministry of Education refused all of them, and just said, "It's okay if you can produce a Professor Ye."

Just such a sentence directly made countless people misfire.

Professor Ye?
forget it.


After this document came down, on the same day, Haichuan also issued a notice, "After the unanimous discussion and decision of the school leaders, Ms. Su Ning is specially invited to be the professor of the Vocal Music Department of Haicheng Communication University. I hope that Professor Su can be a teacher in the future. , for Haichuan students to preach and receive karma!"

As soon as this came out, the entertainment industry exploded.

(End of this chapter)

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