Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 631 Bombardment!

Chapter 631 Bombardment!

this day.

Early in the morning.

The turmoil of the man-machine war in the Go world has long passed, and the fact that Wu Dehai concurrently served as the principal of the two schools of Haichuan University did not cause much disturbance. This is the Internet, and nothing can be popular for a lifetime. There will be follow-up hot spots to replace it and become a new hot topic.

But, this replaced topic, although not Ye Feng, has a lot to do with him.

Su Ning became a professor of the Vocal Music Department of Haicheng Communication University!
As soon as this incident came out, it instantly occupied the front pages of the entertainment industry!
"Hai Chuan publicly announced that Su Ning is the youngest professor of Hai Chuan! "

"How did Su Ning become a professor?" "

"The youngest female art professor in history! "

"Will Su Ning follow in the footsteps of Professor Ye and enter the education field?" "

"Discussion on Being a Teacher: Can Anyone Be a Professor?" "

The Social Phenomena Reflected Behind Professor Su Ning! "

"Is it reasonable for Haichuan to invite Su Ning to be a professor?" "

All kinds of news emerge in endlessly!

Although Haichuan is not the top art school, it is also a first-class art school. Artists in the entertainment industry want to teach in Haichuan, and the conditions are quite strict!Like Su Ning, who became a professor in her 20s, there is no one at all!

Su Ning became Professor Haichuan so abruptly, which aroused quite a heated discussion in the society!
At the age of 26, there are only two professors in Huaxia.

One is Ye Feng, and the other is Su Ning.

If Su Ning was just a simple singer in the entertainment circle, then I don't know what to say on the Internet at this time!

A 26-year-old female professor?

No matter how you look at it, there is a problem!
No fool would believe it if he said it was okay!

But the problem is, Su Ning's identity is too special!

Professor Ye's wife!

With just such an identity here, the entire network is dumbfounded.

Want to spray, but dare not spray, or can't bear to spray.

It's no secret that Professor Ye loves Su Ning so much.It even said that while Professor Ye has made so many contributions, has Su Ning made any contributions behind the scenes these years?No one knows.

Perhaps, in the eyes of many people, Su Ning's ability to become a professor was promoted by Professor Ye behind the scenes, and Professor Ye probably used his own energy.

But even so, there is still little anger on the Internet.

It can be seen that netizens are sometimes very cute.

This is an obvious "shady scene", but no one said much, at most they just made some vague complaints.

"Su Ning married a good man!"

"Yes, Professor Ye is a good person!"

"The youngest female professor in history, their family has set records."

"In the entertainment industry, there are not many professors in universities, right?"

"There must be, but not many are certain."

"There is no one so young. Professor Ye really dotes on Su Ning, and he can do such extraordinary things."

"It's probably just a false title, so don't make a fuss, it's no big deal."

"Yes, Professor Ye still has a sense of proportion in his heart. If he really does something like that, he can just get Su Ning into Haida. Don't you think that Professor Ye doesn't have this strength? You can make Su Ning a casual Professors from any department of Haida!"

"That's right, let's go, don't eat melons."

"Stop talking, Her Majesty the Queen made her debut at the age of 20 and reached the top at the age of 21. What's wrong with going back to her alma mater to be a professor now? You are fully qualified!"

"Ha ha."

"There are so many singers and queens in the entertainment circle? Why haven't I seen them become professors? If it weren't for Professor Ye, your queen would have been hacked by the entire Internet by now!"

"Stop talking about that."

The attitude of netizens is very subtle. It seems that everyone knows it well, but no one expresses it clearly.This can also be seen the influence of Ye Feng now, he is not a star, but his influence is much deeper than that of a star!

However, the people in the entertainment industry are not so "kind" to baby Su Ning.

In a celebrity chat group.

"I'll go! Has Su Ning become the professor of Haichuan?"

"Is this too exaggerated?"

"How old is she? Why?"

"Why? Because he has a good husband!"

"I'm so envious, oh."

"Su Ning is going to gain another wave of fans, isn't she already in the top line?"

"Yeah, the last time I finished the concert, I was already on the top line, but it was just a low-line one."

"The former song queen, is she really coming back?"

"The main reason is that it's too easy for her to be a professor! Damn, it's annoying to see!"

This is just a conversation in a group. In the entertainment circle, there are many such groups.

Whether it's a singer or an actor in the circle, seeing Ning Ning become a university professor, I don't know how many people were shocked, and I don't know how many people are jealous.

Soon, some bigwigs in the circle came forward.

"Anyone can be a professor now? If it is said that there is no shady scene, does anyone believe it? I respect Professor Ye and even say that I am a fan of Professor Ye, but it is precisely because of this that I cannot tolerate Professor Ye being treated by a The woman is ruined! As far as Professor Ye is concerned, how could he do such a foolish thing? This is definitely bewitched! Professor Ye, you are a master of history, but do you still remember Daji of Shang Zhou? Do you remember Zhou? King You’s beacon fire? Do you still remember Yang Yuhuan? Since ancient times, she has been a disaster, and I hope Professor Ye will cherish it!"

This passage was publicly released by Wan Ming in his own circle.

Wan Ming is the singer who waved the flag and shouted for the last Shui Liu Yun Kai concert. He has a high status in the circle and has a lot of fans.

Last time Ning Ning's "Oriental Brilliant" concert with 10 people, it can be said that Wan Ming, the big brother, was slapped hard. In the end, he also abused the music circle with blood, which made Wan Ming feel ashamed.Even during that time, Wan Ming was a little autistic.

Now such a good opportunity, how could he not come back with revenge?
What Su Ning is doing is clearly a shady scene!

As soon as he stood up, Liu Yushi followed suit and condemned, "Professor is a profession of teaching and educating people, not a shortcut for some people to seek personal gain. To quote a passage from Professor Ye, there are two ways in this world. This profession is not something that everyone can do. One is a doctor, and the other is a teacher. A doctor can help the world, holding people's lives in his hands. The life of a student. I hope that this kind of thing will not be a joke."

Not only the two of them, but many people in the entertainment industry have spoken out about this matter.

"Have a good husband!"

"Su Ning is going to be a professor, I hope it's a false job."

"Worry about those children of Haichuan."

"Can you not harm people?"

Many bigwigs in the entertainment circle scolded her angrily, as if Ning Ning had done something outrageous, she was directly bombarded by the entertainment circle!
And these stars in the entertainment industry, as public figures, definitely have some influence. With such intensive focus, the wind direction on the Internet has gradually changed.

Many previously neutral fans have joined the ranks of bombardment!
Most of the fans are like this, before their idols speak up, they still have their own brains, and when their idols are on the team, they will bite the bullet and go!
This is the situation now. There were not so many people who sprayed Ningning on the Internet before, but after being bombarded by the entertainment circle, many fans were brought into the rhythm.

Of course, if this kind of thing happened, the fans in the cat circle would definitely not be able to sit still.Originally, Her Majesty the Queen became a professor, and they knew what was going on in their hearts. Did Her Lady Queen rely on her own strength to become a professor?Obviously not!This is because of Professor Ye's position!

Therefore, the cats didn't go out to chatter.

However, at this time, people scolded the door, can this be tolerated?
A battle that has swept across half of the entertainment industry has just begun!

The cat circle shakes half of the entertainment circle!

(End of this chapter)

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