Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 632 Is this a fan meeting?

Chapter 632 Is this a fan meeting?

The tempo on the Internet is very fierce, and many netizens who were previously neutral have turned to the angry camp.

The entertainment circle is very noisy.

Netizens made a fuss.

However, professional industries such as the college circle and the education circle have been calm, and no one has come forward to say anything.Because they understand better than those in the entertainment industry what the words "Professor Ye" represent.

Similarly, at home, it is also calm.

No, it can't be said to be calm, it should be said to be busy and tense.In the past few days, Ningning has been too nervous to think about eating and drinking, and has been dragging her family to simulate classes all day long.When Ye Feng gave a lecture for the first time, Ningning still laughed at Ye Feng, but now it was her turn, and the big baby was much more nervous than Ye Feng at that time.

Ning Ning was dressed in a black suit, looking heroic, standing in front of the TV, facing the sofa, "Students, go to class."

I have been practicing for several days, but Ning Ning always stutters at the first sentence.It can be seen that Ningning is really nervous. In fact, she has no problems with her majors. She has read enough books recently. She has read a lot about education, vocal music, etc. In addition, she is a professional singer, and her knowledge reserve is definitely sufficient.I just can't get over the tension in my heart.

Don't think that being a teacher is just bragging on the podium. Many people think very simply, but when they really stand on the podium, it is definitely not as simple as imagined.

Of course, Ningning was indeed more nervous than ordinary people.

"Brother, relax a bit, going to the podium is not going to the execution ground, why are you stuttering? Show off your aura on the stage!"

Ye Feng leaned on the sofa like an old man, he was not in a hurry to watch the excitement, and he was still smiling.

The big baby bit his lip and glared at him, the baby felt bitter!

Ye Feng stood up with a smile, took Ning Ning's little hand, patted the back of her hand and said, "You, this is the first time, that's why you're so nervous. It's okay, if you're nervous, then I'll help you You watched it. The first class is mainly to meet with the students and talk about it casually." Ye Feng must be anxious in his heart, even more anxious than Ning Ning herself, but he will definitely not show it, nor will he Can't show it.Because he is Ningning's backbone, if even he panicked, wouldn't Ningning panic even more?

"Are you going too? Don't you say that Haida has something to do and can't go?"

Ding Ning's big eyes lit up a little.

"Fool, I'm kidding you."

Ye Feng laughed, "What can be more important than my wife? I have to go! Don't worry, sister Leng and the others will go too, right?"

Ning Ning sat beside Ye Feng, leaned on him, hugged Ye Feng's arm, looked at her sisters, and asked with a pout, "Really? Are you all going?"

"of course!"

Lingling said with a smile: "Let's all go cheer for sister! Yiyi, do you want to cheer for mom?"


The little guy also nodded.

Sister Leng also nodded.

Ye Feng patted Ning Ning on the back, and said: "Look at Sister Leng, she is also a teacher, you just need to convey clearly what you want to convey to the students on the podium. Do this first, and then I'm taking my time."

At this time, Ningning's phone rang.

It was from Haichuan.

Ningning quickly answered, "Teacher."

Liu Xingxue laughed, "Xiao Ningning is also a professor now, don't be so polite."

Su Ning quickly said: "Teacher, you will always be my teacher at school."

Liu Xingxue was Ningning's mentor when she was in school, and she was also Ye Feng's teacher, but the relationship between Ye Feng and Liu Xingxue was very ordinary at that time.

Liu Xingxue said: "It's up to you. How is the preparation at home? With Professor Ye here, it should be fine, right?"

Ningning said with a guilty conscience: "Well, almost."

Liu Xingxue: "That's good, don't forget, you have class in the morning."

"Huh? Have my class? This morning?"

Ning Ning was startled, and quickly looked at the calendar, sure enough, it's really today!

"Yeah, the first class is to meet each other, just say something casually, Professor Ye will definitely understand."

"Well, okay, goodbye, teacher."

After hanging up the phone, the big baby became confused, "Ye Feng, I have to go to class today!"

"Yes, I know."

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Ah? Didn't I say? I thought you knew!"


The big baby is also too anxious, and doesn't know what to do.

"Don't worry, pack up and go out."

"Then do I wear makeup?"

"Light makeup."



Haicheng Media University.

It was still an hour away, and the lecture theater was already overcrowded. In the distance, many students could be seen running towards this side.

"Damn it! So many people?"

"What time is it? Is it full?"

"Did you guys come here without sleeping last night?"

"I remember that there are only thirty people in our class!"

"I now understand why the school arranges the largest lecture theater!"

"It's still too small, why not go to the auditorium?"

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Nonsense! This is the class of Goddess Su Ning!"

"I never thought in my life that I could actually see Her Lady Queen alive!"

"I'm a big fan!"

"I must go in today, anyone who stands in my way will die!"

"Yes, senior sister's class must be supported!"

"Please, stop supporting me and give me a place."

"Ah? Isn't that the senior of Haida University? I know him, the one who brought someone to our school playground last time."

"Hey, isn't that my cousin? He's from Haixi! Did we come here too?"

"Wait a minute, I'll wipe! Isn't he my dad? Why is he here?"

Who are these people!

People from other classes in the vocal music department can understand it when they come to the class!It is understandable even if people from other departments of Haichuan come to join in the fun!After all, Su Ning is the queen of Hai Chuan's song, she is a man of the past, and she is everyone's senior!Even if people from Haida next door come over, they can understand, after all, Su Ning is still Professor Ye's wife!
But the question is, are people from your other schools here?

Haicheng Drama Academy?

Haicheng Jiaotong University?
Fudan University?

Tongji University?

Are you all here?
The most exaggerated thing is, what do you mean by holding the LED light sign?What do those slogans mean?
This is class!
It's not a concert!

It would be an exaggeration to say that Ye Feng's public class at Haida was already exaggerated, but unexpectedly, Ning Ning's non-public class today is even crazier than that time!This is not a class posture, this is completely a fan meeting!

When Wu Dehai brought Hai Chuan's leader over, he almost fainted.

It's not as fun as you guys!
At that time, Professor Ye was not as exaggerated as you!
Outside, Ye Feng Ningning and the others also arrived.

Wu Dehai saw them from a long distance, and said with a smile, "Professor Ye, Professor Su, there's nothing wrong with it."

Ye Feng waved his hands, "No problem at all!" Ning Ning smiled at Wu Dehai.

Liu Xingxue is the dean of the Department of Vocal Music. He said to Ningning: "Professor Su, we trust you and perform well."

"Well! Teacher, don't worry!"

Ning Ning nodded, her palms were actually sweaty.

"Hey! So many people?"

Ye Feng pushed the door and went in, and was also taken aback by this scene.

"Professor Ye!"

"Professor Ye!"

Although Ye Feng is not the protagonist today, his popularity is still high. As soon as he entered, all the students shouted his name.Ye Feng waved his hand to greet everyone, and sat down in the front row.

Immediately afterwards, Ningning pushed the door open and came in.

The moment Ning Ning showed her face, the entire auditorium fell silent.It seemed that everyone had stopped breathing.Countless eyes looked at Ningning in unison.

ps: Everyone, don’t post comments recently, don’t promote this book, keep a low profile if you can.The wind this time is really a bit strong, and it has already blown many big trees in the sky. Our little sapling is really shivering in the cold wind.low key!Be low-key!Remember remember.

(End of this chapter)

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