Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 633 Concentrating class!

Chapter 633 Concentrating class!

There was a full three seconds of silence in the lecture theater, and then, a burst of screams broke out.


"My Lady Queen!"

"Sister Su Ning, so beautiful!"

"Goddess! Goddess!"

"look here!"

"My Lady Queen, I am your fan!"

"Sister is so beautiful! The real person is much more beautiful than the photos on the Internet!"

"It was too far away to see clearly at the Chinese Culture Ceremony, but this time it can be seen clearly! It's so beautiful!"

"My Lady Queen is so beautiful!"

"Can senior sister sing a song?"

Thunderous applause!

The screams are even higher than the waves!
Many people even stood up and waved the lights in their hands!
This is like a fan meeting scene!

Seeing this scene, Ning Ning actually felt even more nervous, but she still had a smile on her face and waved to everyone, "Hello, students, I am your new teacher, Su Ning."

The applause broke out again, and the screams roared!

Wu Dehai and Ye Feng sat down and applauded. Old Wu tilted his head and said with a smile, "Professor Ye, your family is more popular than you."

Ye Feng smiled, "It's not good to be a teacher."

Wu Dehai shook his head and said, "Oh, I think it's pretty good."

Ye Feng didn't say anything.

Ning Ning's popularity is indeed much higher than before. Although she is not as popular as she was at her peak, this is Haichuan, and this is her alma mater. Here, too many people remember her as a senior.Moreover, compared with Ye Feng, Ning Ning is a serious star, and a popular star.She came to Haichuan to teach, Ye Feng had already thought of this scene.

Ning Ning said a little nervously: "I am very grateful to Haichuan for giving me this precious opportunity to repay my alma mater, and I am also very honored to be able to return to my alma mater to teach."

Ye Feng shook his head in the audience, Ning Ning's words were too blunt, not like what a teacher said, but more like an acceptance speech when receiving an award on stage.

Perhaps seeing Mr. Ye shaking his head in the audience, Ning Ning seemed to realize it, and quickly changed the subject, "Actually, like everyone else, I used to sit down and listen to my teacher's lectures. I remember that we also came to this room at that time. I had lessons in the classroom. At that time, time was very slow, and my classmates were very nice. Now that I think about it, the days of studying in Haichuan may never be more relaxed and comfortable." Speaking of these, Ningning obviously relaxed a lot , "You don't need to be too restrained in my class, just treat me as a senior."

"Hello, senior!"

"Sister Su!"

The following students are very enthusiastic and very cooperative.

Old Wu tilted his head and smiled, "Professor Su's class is much more harmonious than when you were in class."

Ye Feng also smiled, when he had his first class, it was definitely "bloody"!Now that I think about it, it's kind of a memory.

At this time, Ning Ning spoke again on the stage, "I want to ask you first, why did you choose the vocal music department?"

"Which classmate told me?"

All the students in the classroom were raising their hands, and one of them was congealed.

It was a boy, Ye Feng and the others also looked back.

Ye Feng stared: "I'll go, why is this kid?"

Wu Dehai also had black lines all over his face, "He doesn't go to class, why did he come here?"

The boy was also a little embarrassed after standing up, scratching his head and said, "What, teacher's wife, I'm not from the Department of Vocal Music, I'm from Haida University."

"Dou Niwan! Come to the principal's office in the afternoon!" Wu Dehai shouted.

Ye Feng couldn't help laughing, this kid.

Everyone laughed.

Senior Dou also scratched his head and smiled, looked at the teacher's wife in the stands, and said: "Although I am not from Haichuan, nor from the vocal music department, I think the students choose the vocal music department because they want to be as good as the teacher's wife." singer!"

Senior Dou is worthy of being a high-achieving student of Haida University, and his speaking level is quite good!
"Sit down quickly." Although Wu Dehai had a straight face, he was still a little happy in his heart.Although this guy is a bit mischievous, he is indeed genuine.

Ningning also smiled, and then ordered another student.

This is a freshman girl. She stood up and said, "I chose the Vocal Music Department because I want to sing. I want to be a singer and a star in the future."

I called a few more people, and the answers were almost the same.

Be a singer, be a star, be sought after by thousands of people, loved by fans.

Ning Ning asked again: "Then what do you think is the most important thing about being a singer or a star?"

"It's your throat, right?"

"I think it's good-looking!"

"I have to find a company that can operate, traffic is king now!"

"No, no, you have to be talented. If you write a good song, you will eventually succeed!"

"Yes, you have to be talented!"

"Professionalism must be excellent!"

"No, you have to be virtuous, right?"

The answer is varied.

Ning Ning looked at everyone and said with a smile: "Everyone's answers are very good, but I think that classmate said it better, moral character! As a public figure, the most important thing is moral character!"

Ye Feng also nodded, he didn't know what Ning Ning wanted to say before, but now it looks pretty good.The moral character of public figures, the central idea is very good, virtue and art are both good, moral character must be put first.

However, Ning Ning said: "Although morality is important, there is actually something more important."

Everyone was stunned, including Ye Feng.

Is there anything more important than character? ,

Ning Ning said: "Sense of responsibility! As a public figure, be it a singer or an actor, you must have a sense of responsibility, a sense of social responsibility, a sense of responsibility for the country. Everyone wants to become a singer in the future, so what is the sense of responsibility of a singer now? I think It should be the revival of Chinese culture."

The revival of Chinese culture?
How did it get to this point?

Even Ye Feng didn't expect that the final foothold of the big baby turned out to be the revival of Chinese culture?
Ha, baby Ningning is a bit interesting.

Speaking of which, Ningning has been preparing for this class for a long time. Of course, she has the famous Professor Ye by her side, so she will naturally be influenced by Professor Ye.Maybe Ye Feng doesn't even know, what Ningning is going to talk about in today's class is actually summed up from Ye Feng!
In Ning Ning's view, her husband is dedicated to the revival of Chinese culture.Whether it's academia or entertainment, what Ye Feng does is always linked to Chinese culture.Ning Ning also wanted to help Ye Feng in her heart, so she naturally thought about whether singers can promote the revival of Chinese culture?
For this question, Ning Ning's answer is yes!

Ningning still hadn't completely changed her identity. After she finished speaking, she said, "Of course, it's still a long way for everyone. Your task at school is to study and prepare to become a singer. And these In the preparation work, basic literacy is very important, among them, such as Chinese, this is the most important."

Many students frowned.


Why did you speak Chinese again?

Speak all the way from a singer to Chinese?
Is there any necessary connection?
The scene gradually became quiet, and many people showed puzzled eyes.

Looking at the situation, Ning Ning thought she had said something wrong. She was already nervous, but now she became even more panicked. She quickly looked at Ye Feng in the audience, and saw that Ye Feng's expression hadn't changed, so the big baby felt relieved. point.

"Chinese is the foundation of Chinese culture. Only by mastering Chinese can we better carry forward and develop traditional culture in the future." Ning Ning said: "What I want to express is very simple, I hope that everyone can learn more Chinese during school. Don't be like the senior sister, when I got the lyrics of "Pipa Xing", I couldn't even recognize the words. Only by laying the foundation well, can we better contribute to the revival of the nation and be able to Assume the responsibility of a good singer."

After Ningning finished speaking, the classroom was still very quiet.

Wu Dehai looked back several times, but the students didn't respond.The big baby on the stage was already a little at a loss.

Haven't finished class yet?

But I've already finished what I want to say!

To be honest, at this moment, the big baby panicked.

According to what Ye Feng taught her before, each class must have a central idea, what kind of idea do you want to pass on to the students.As for Professor Ye's words, Da Baobao kept it firmly in her heart. Regarding this point, Ningning did indeed do it, but she didn't do it well.

Indeed, she has an idea in this class!

However, what she said was incoherent and unclear. It was more like a kind of cramming teaching. She just instilled her own ideas into the students bluntly, without caring whether the students accepted it or not.Of course, there is the most embarrassing thing, that is, Ningning has finished speaking, but get out of class is not over yet.

This is very embarrassing.

What's next?
Ning Ning, who was on stage for the first time, was completely out of control.

(End of this chapter)

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