Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 634 Professor Ye Appears!

Chapter 634 Professor Ye Appears!

At this time, Ye Feng took the lead and clapped his hands.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Dehai and the other leaders also started to applaud, and the students in the back also clapped their hands together.

Although Ning Ning's first class had many deficiencies, it was obvious that the students at the scene still bought it!


The applause was very enthusiastic.

This is the advantage of being a star.

"thank you all."

Ningning responded politely.

At this time, Ye Feng stood up. He didn't go to the podium, but stood in front of the first row, facing everyone, and said softly: "Professor Su has finished speaking, and the get out of class is not over yet. I will talk about the time in two minutes." sentence."

As soon as Ye Feng stood up, the scene immediately became quiet!

Everyone sat upright, and the relaxed atmosphere just now was swept away.

"First, this is a university class, not your concert site. I don't want to see the light board next time in class." Ye Feng has no expression, and his voice is quite indifferent, but the more this is the case, the more everyone feels. nervous.Every time Professor Ye does this, it means that Professor Ye is angry.

"Secondly, Professor Su is not used to the classroom. I will come to Haichuan to teach in the next few days, and Professor Su will follow me first."

Ye Feng didn't give Ning Ning any face, the big baby bowed his head on the podium.

Wu Dehai glanced at Ningning, and said, "Professor Ye, it's unnecessary, I think what Professor Su said is very good."

Ye Feng glanced at Wu Dehai, "It's still close."

Wu Dehai stopped talking.

Ye Feng raised a finger, looked at the crowd, and said, "Third, I'm telling you what Professor Su said just now."

"Professor Su is right. Today's singers have the responsibility and obligation to work hard for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Among them, the most basic and most important thing is Chinese!" Ye Feng said: "Actually, I have always disapproved of the Chinese language English is cultivated as a key subject, and it is not in favor of taking CET-[-] as one of the conditions for college students to graduate. As a singer in the Chinese music scene, this is simply a joke.”

There was an uproar below.


That's what Professor Ye dared to say!
Wu Dehai and other leaders all looked at each other and smiled wryly.

However, no one can do anything about it.

Ye Feng walked to the podium, stood beside Ning Ning, and said to everyone: "Chinese culture is extensive and profound, and all knowledge is based on Chinese characters. Professor Su said that Chinese characters are the foundation, so there is no problem at all. Only by learning Chinese characters well can we Understand Chinese culture. For example, the most important class in the Vocal Music Department, vocalization training, is also a Chinese character course.”

Ye Feng turned around and wrote a few words on the blackboard, "Read these words and pay attention to the part where you use force."

Everyone looked at the blackboard, and Ning Ning also looked sideways.

"Mouth, nose, throat, tongue?"

What happened to these four words?
Many people were puzzled, but when everyone really read these four words, their eyes widened suddenly!
These four words, the part where the sound is made is actually the same as the literal organ!

The sound of the word "口" is the mouth! "Nose" is nose! "Throat" is the throat! "Tongue" is the tongue!
"I go!"

"I didn't pay attention at all before!"

"That's amazing, isn't it?"

"There is this in Chinese characters?"

Even Ning Ning and Wu Dehai looked amazing.

Ye Feng looked indifferent, and said: "This is a magical Chinese character. The culture of Europe, America, Japan and Korea is indiscriminate in today's music world, but have you seen those singers in Europe, America, Japan and Korea learning Chinese? No? After all, this is Our country’s cultural output is weak, what you need to do in the future is to let those foreigners start learning Chinese! Of course, before that, your own Chinese level must be strong enough!”

Speaking of this, many people showed relaxed expressions.


Isn't it Mandarin?
We've been talking about this stuff for a lifetime, is it not hard enough?

Seeing everyone's relaxed expressions, Ye Feng said lightly: "I will write a hand song on the spot, and whoever can sing it, I will give this song to him."



"Professor Ye's song?"

"As long as you can sing it?"

Ye Feng nodded, "As long as you can sing."

As he said that, Ye Feng turned on the multimedia, and knocked out a score.Then, he thought for a while, picked up the chalk, and started to write on the blackboard stroke by stroke.

3 minutes later.

Ye Feng pointed at the blackboard, and said calmly: "Here are the lyrics, and the song is on the big screen, singing a cappella, who will try it?"

However, the people who were still in high spirits just now were already stupefied!

What is this?

This is Nima's lyrics?
This thing is Chinese characters?

Sing it out?

Can pull it!

"My grass!"

"Who knows this?"

"Is this too perverted?"

"Is this really a Chinese character? Didn't Professor Ye write it blindly?"

"I gave up."

"This is written as a song, can you listen to it?"

Looking at the lyrics on the blackboard, everyone collapsed.

Even Professor Ning Ning, who was standing next to her, pursed her lips slightly, looking at Mr. Ye in disbelief.

Is this really the lyrics?

This is ten thousand times more difficult than "Pipa Xing"!

"Is no one trying?" Ye Feng's expression remained calm.

All shook their heads.

Senior Dou was more courageous, and shouted: "Can you sing Professor Ye's song? You can't fool us, right?"

Ye Feng glanced at him, "What do you think?"

After speaking, Ye Feng smiled, and then sang:
"Our Chinese Characters"

"Prints into paintings leave behind 5000 years of history"

"Let the world know"

"Our Chinese Characters"

"Every stroke is a story"

"Kneeling and holding a torch to be devout like the Daoist light"

"Fields in all directions fall into barns"

"The ancient people's pictographic sound and meaning distinguish the evil from the good"

Although there is no accompaniment, Ye Feng's singing is in tune, and everyone is listening carefully to Ye Feng's rhythm.However, the above is obviously not the key point. Everyone can sing it after looking at the score, and the rest is the key point!
"Spirits and monsters"

"Double again"

"flame flames"

"Water Miao"


Hearing Professor Ye's voice, everyone's eyes widened!
"I go!"

"You can sing!"

"What do you pronounce this word? I didn't catch it!"

Everyone was really shocked, but this was just the beginning of the shock!
Ye Feng paused for a moment, then took a long breath, suddenly raised his voice, and sang quickly:
"Standing alone and working together"

"Walking alone is enlightening"

"Multiple melons are regarded as the standard"

"Dragon's walk, horns and corners"

"Pingting is graceful and tearful"

"Whispering endlessly, neither bad nor bad"


"Awkward, old-fashioned, gluttonous"

"Prisoner in jail covets discord"

"The yoke and gliding Xuan will never forgive evil"

"Its cockroaches pickled larvae"

"Whether punishments are used to criticize current malpractices"

"Row upon row of one another"




Everyone was stunned.

Can this Nima really sing?

Can this be sung?


Do you know this word?
Are you a bad person?
As far as the words on the blackboard are concerned, if you find Dean Zhao of the Department of Literature, he probably doesn't even know them!
Now everyone understands why Professor Ye used a blackboard instead of a computer just now, why can’t he type these words on a computer!
Ye Fengdao: "The breadth and depth of Chinese characters is beyond your imagination. These are just the surface."


After he finished speaking, the bell rang for the end of get out of class.

Ye Feng said quietly: "get out of class is over!"


There was thunderous applause!

"It's so awesome!"

"You must learn Chinese well!"

"Today can be regarded as a long experience!"

All the students stood up and applauded, and the applause continued!
Wu Dehai also stood up, and all the leaders beside him stood up!
Even Ning Ning applauded with admiration.



After the class was closed and polished, it was simply unique and wonderful!No matter in terms of rhythm or organization, Ye Feng's speech is really much higher than Ning Ning's.Of course, Ye Feng definitely didn't want to be shy in front of Ningning, he had long since left this low-level interest.Ye Feng came to the stage, to put it bluntly, to save the field.

(End of this chapter)

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