Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 635 Want to make trouble again?

Chapter 635 Want to make trouble again?

in the school.

The students scattered.

Ye Feng and Ning Ning also strolled around the campus.

Both of them lowered their heads and walked casually.

The flowers, plants and trees on this campus are all so familiar.However, it was so strange.

Back then, they were in the same university and majored in the same major, so they could be regarded as classmates.It's just that they didn't meet each other at that time, it's just that she wasn't the one who walked like this at that time.

"Thinking about the past, I really feel a little regretful."

Ning Ning and Ye Feng held hands, and the two walked casually and slowly under the shade of the tree.

"What are you sorry about?"

Ye Feng lowered his head and asked casually.

Ning Ning smiled, glanced at Ye Feng, and said softly: "It's a pity that I didn't experience college life well at that time."

"College life?"

Ye Feng raised his head and glanced at Ning Ning, and said with a light smile: "At that time, you were the goddess in the academy, an unattainable goddess!"

Back then, Ning Ning was definitely Hai Chuan's most shining star.After her sophomore year, although she was young at the time, she stepped into the music scene as a queen, and took the top nine seats in one fell swoop, becoming a veritable queen of the music scene. She notified the Chinese music scene for two years and wrote A music legend!
However, when Su Ning was in full swing, she quit the music scene without warning.Su Ning's withdrawal from the music scene definitely caused a storm in the past. There were many rumors and opinions. No one knew why the popular queen disappeared. This has also become a big mystery in the music scene.

Ning Ning also seemed to be a little emotional, looked at the small lake in the distance, "Let's go over there and have a sit."


Ye Feng was taken aback.

Ning Ning glanced at him indifferently, "What's wrong?"

Ye Feng shook his head, "It's nothing, let's go."

"Huh? Why didn't you leave?"

Ye Feng was a little puzzled, he just stood there and didn't leave.

The big baby folded his arms and just looked at Ye Feng like this.

Ye Feng also looked up at her.

After a while, Ning Ning said: "Forget it, I won't go."

This time, it was Ye Feng's turn to stand where he was, and said with a light smile, "It's okay, go ahead, sit down, I'm more familiar with you here."

Ning Ning gave him a white look, "Of course you are more familiar than me, this is a holy place for dating, you have often come here before?"

Ye Feng smiled lightly, stepped forward to pass Ning Ning's little hand, and said as he walked, "Come every day."


Ning Ning pouted, but said nothing.

There are only a few dim yellow lights by this small lake, and at night, no one can be seen at all.Moreover, there are dense trees and forests by the lake, which is quite refreshing in summer.Therefore, this place has always been a good place for boys and girls to date at night.It's just that it's only in the morning, and there is no one by the small lake.

Ye Feng pulled Ning Ning, and found a bench under a tree to sit down on.

Ning Ning looked around and said with a smile: "This place is not bad, it's quite secret."

Ye Feng snorted and laughed, but didn't finish.Leaning on the chair, he calmly looked at the small lake in front of him.

Ning Ning also said nothing.

The two sat on the bench in silence for a while.

Ye Feng looked at the small lake in a trance, staring at Ye Feng in a trance.

After a while, Ye Feng said softly, "Actually, it was really good at that time."

Ning Ning froze for a moment, stared blankly at Ye Feng, then took a long breath, and said softly, "Well, it's pretty good."

Ye Feng also sighed for a long time, looked at Ning Ning, and said: "It can only be said that good fortune tricks people."


Ning Ning hesitated to speak, but bit her lips, and still mustered up the courage to ask: "Do you still love her?"

The air seemed to freeze.

Ning Ning stared at Ye Feng nervously, Ye Feng left Ning Ning lightly.

The two looked at each other and their eyes met.

Suddenly, Ye Feng smiled, "Idiot, they are already married."

"Let's go."

Ye Feng took Ning Ning's little hand and got up.

"But do you still love her?"

Ning Ning suddenly said.

Ye Feng looked at the small lake, and said lightly: "I don't love it anymore."

After saying this, Ye Feng felt his chest relax a lot.

Originally, he never loved.

However, this crime was made by him.

"Let's go."

Ning Ning smiled, Ye Feng nodded, and the two continued to stroll around the campus.

Ye Feng already knew that when he came to Haichuan, he would inevitably have this experience.

However, since he is already married, and Ye Feng also understands his inner thoughts very well, even when facing these things that he did not want to face before, he is not as dodge as before.

Gradually, I met many students on the road.

"Professor Ye!"

"Professor Su!"

"Senior! Hello, senior!"

"Ah, ah, goddess!"

"Professor Ye's lecture just now was really good!"

"I must study Chinese well when I go back!"

"Professor Ye, Professor Ye, can we cover that song?"

"Professor Ye, Professor Su, can I have your autograph?"

"I think so too!"

Many students greeted Ye Feng and the others, and some even wanted to take a group photo to sign. Ye Feng and Ning Ning did not refuse, and took photos with the students one by one with a smile.

At this time, the video of Ningning and Ye Feng lecturing has already been posted on the Internet.

"My Lady Queen looks so beautiful today!"

"The goddess is indeed the most temperamental!"

"It would be great if Su Ning's lecture level was the same as her appearance."

"To be honest, Su Ning's level needs to be improved!"

"It's really a lot worse."

"She is not suitable to be a teacher!"

The wind direction on the Internet was a bit unfavorable for Ning Ning, and people in the entertainment circle were even more cynical.

However, when everyone saw Ye Feng coming to the stage, they were all dumbfounded.

You can slander Su Ning's lectures, but do you dare to slander Professor Ye?
When everyone watched the entire video, the Internet was silent!

Hang up!
This fucker is simply cheating!

Professor Ye?
Isn't this Su Ning's humanoid hack?

Su Ning's lectures are indeed not very good, but she has her husband!
Isn't her husband too fierce?
Halfway through the talk, someone called her husband to come!

As soon as Professor Ye took the stage, he was immediately invincible!
"Uncommon words"?
What is this?

Does anyone know this thing?
There are no input methods!

And it was composed and written on the spot?
So perverted!
It's not the first time everyone has seen Professor Ye's powerful songwriting ability, but if you are so strong, you are going too far!
"This "Uncommon Characters" is poisonous!"

"What the hell is it? I've listened to it ten times, but I still can't hear it clearly!"

"Don't brag, I don't know any of those words!"

"Same as above!"

"Does anyone know it? Couldn't this be created by Professor Ye himself to lie to us?"

"Damn! Don't be ridiculous, do you think Professor Ye is an expert?"

"But are these words in the dictionary?"

"It really exists in the dictionary!"

"I'll go! Great!"

This song "Rare Characters" was on the hot search almost instantly!

What's more, there is also a great master in the cat circle, who edited the part of Ye Fengqing's singing, and even added music.Then, the song "Rare Characters", which was produced by Fan Power, became popular.

It's on fire...

The music circle is gnashing their teeth!
you sir!

It is simply poisonous!
Ye Feng Su Ning, the couple, every time they release a song, they will definitely kill the charts!Does this still make us mess up?

This is not a song!

They didn't officially release a single at all, this is just a live cappella video!

Just too much!

Don't take you to bully people like this!
This makes those singers in the music industry angry!

We've worked so hard to hit the rankings, but we still can't make it. How about you, just kill all kinds of rankings casually?Is this music chart created by your family?

Can not be done!
I can't bear it!

Wan Ming couldn't bear it at that time, his brain became hot, and he posted angrily, "I am not targeting Professor Ye! I just want to say that Chinese is the most important? I disagree with this point of view! As a singer, I think the most important thing is Talent! In other words, professional and solid basic skills! Only those who are excellent can become a good singer! Only Chinese, isn’t this just Mandarin? This is a common skill that everyone has mastered, does it need to be emphasized?”

Wan Ming, as a bigwig in the entertainment industry, he took the lead to stand up, and countless artists gave him a platform in an instant.

Liu Yushi: "I'm not targeting Professor Ye! I also want to ask Professor Su Ning what the meaning of this class is? Chinese? What's so difficult about it? Is it necessary to emphasize it? Which Chinese can't speak Chinese? Can't speak it? mandarin?"

"I'm not targeting Professor Ye! But as a musician, I don't think Chinese is so important, so there's no need to talk about it separately."

"I'm not targeting Professor Ye..."


One by one, they all stated in advance that they were not targeting Professor Ye, but discussing the matter as it stands.But, you're not targeting Professor Ye, but Professor Ye's wife?

Is this different from targeting Professor Ye?
Don't tell me, there is really a difference!And it's quite a difference!
ps: The latest update is not working, mainly because it is undergoing rectification, and after this incident, the outline that was thought up before can no longer be used, and the subsequent plots have been rethought. These days, I have directly messed with Calvin.Forgive me, everyone, wait for the wind to pass, or wait for me to study the new plot.For the rest, life and death depend on fate.

(End of this chapter)

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