Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 636 Chinese Proficiency Test!

Chapter 636 Chinese Proficiency Test!

Who is Ye Feng?

All kinds of titles can confuse people. His existence has long been untouchable in the entertainment circle. If Ye Feng hadn't made any major mistakes, no one in Huaxia could shake his status.Moreover, even if he made some mistakes in academics, it would not be the entertainment industry's turn to point fingers.

People in the entertainment industry are not fools, they all understand this truth.

People in the entertainment industry, if they dare to yell at Professor Ye, they will definitely be cool!Whether you are the king of singers or the king of movie stars, one counts as one, and you are worthless in front of a big country!
However, this time they are targeting Ning Ning. Although everyone knows the relationship between Ye Feng and Su Ning, the difference is still quite large.

But, maybe in the eyes of others, Ye Feng is Ye Feng and Su Ning is Su Ning, but in Ye Feng's eyes?You're targeting baby Ning Ning, why not target him directly!


The big baby was sitting on the sofa, hugging Xiaoha, looking at the phone, obviously depressed.

Beside, Ye Fengzai was also browsing various comments on the Internet.

Chinese is easy?
Isn't it Mandarin?

Is Ningning's lecture misleading the students?

Oh, how dare you say this!
Mandarin is simple, isn't it?
Ye Feng leaned on the sofa with Erlang's legs crossed, holding his mobile phone, and directly edited a post:
"I see that there are discussions about Chinese on the Internet. Do singers need to pay attention to Chinese? This question still needs to be debated? Not only singers need it, but which Chinese don't? Don't think that everyone is Chinese, you just learn Chinese How wonderful! Today, in my own name, I will give you a set of Chinese proficiency test questions!"

As soon as Ye Feng's news was released, it immediately attracted the attention and heated discussions of many netizens.

"Professor Ye posted a message!"

"What does it mean?"

"Everyone needs to pay attention to Chinese? Not only singers? Learn Chinese every day, we have already paid enough attention!"

"What is this? The Chinese Proficiency Test?"

"What about this test?"

"Didn't you see what Professor Ye said? It was created by Professor Ye himself!"

"It's obvious. Su Ning didn't go well in class today. There are all kinds of gossip on the Internet, and people in the entertainment industry are following the rhythm. Professor Ye is not happy."

"Wife-protecting madman!"

"Hahaha, as expected of me, Professor Ye, I can even think of this, which means I have to be on par with English. But, what is this Chinese test? Isn't it just a Chinese test?"

"Yeah, it's probably Chinese, right?"

"I don't know, Professor Ye hasn't released the test questions yet."

Anyone who understands can see what Ye Feng's movement means, it is to give his wife a platform!
Similarly, the entertainment industry is also very concerned.

in a certain group.

Liu Yushi panicked, "Brother Wan, what should we do? Professor Ye has come forward."

Another singer also said: "Yes, Brother Wan, Professor Ye is not happy, why don't we withdraw, and don't fight against Professor Ye."

"Professor Ye is not in the industry, but his influence is too great, we can't get him."

"Which time did Professor Ye fail? Let's not mess with him."

Wan Ming said: "What are you afraid of? We didn't bother Professor Ye. He jumped out by himself. Does it have anything to do with us? The most important thing in the entertainment industry is fans! It's traffic! We didn't do anything to Professor Ye." In this way, netizens will not spray us, don't worry!"

"Besides, Chinese is our mother tongue. It's so easy for Professor Ye to make things happen? After learning Mandarin for so many years, you don't even have that confidence?"

What Wan Ming said sounds reasonable.

What is so difficult about Mandarin?

Still taking the exam?

Isn't that just Chinese?
This is obviously Professor Ye's argument!
What are you afraid of?

These celebrities felt a little relieved, but since Ye Feng had already come forward, they didn't continue to say anything online.After all, this is Professor Ye!Even Wan Ming didn't say a word at this juncture!



Ye Feng sat in front of the computer, Ning Ning leaned on Ye Feng's shoulder, and Ben lay behind him.

"I've caused you trouble again."

The big baby is a little bit self-blame, pitiful.

Ye Feng smiled, "Oh, what are you talking about?"

The daughter-in-law pouted, "Are you really going to write a question?" Looking at the computer, Ye Feng was typing so fast that Ningning couldn't even see what he was talking about.

"Yeah, if you bully my daughter-in-law, then I can't make them look good?" Ye Feng said as a matter of course.

Ning Ning smiled quietly, did not speak, stood behind Ye Feng, and gently rubbed his shoulders.

Feeling the tenderness on his shoulders, Ye Feng smiled and typed a little faster.

Soon, a test paper was typed out by Ye Feng.

Looking at this test paper, Ye Feng was very satisfied.

Ning Ning, who was standing behind, moved forward, sat on the armrest of the chair, took a look, and then instantly widened her beautiful eyes, "This..." The big baby looked at Mr. Ye dumbfounded. , Eyes full of unbelievable ah!
How did Mr. Ye's head grow?

Ye Feng smiled, looked at his daughter-in-law, and held her little hand, "Bully my family Ningning, let them despair."

After speaking with a smile, Ye Feng clicked send.

Ning Ning also chuckled. Although Professor Ye is very bad, sometimes he is really warm. ,



"Huh? Professor Ye has updated again!"

"Quickly, see if it's that damn test paper?"

""Chinese Proficiency Test (HSK)". Is it so professional?"

"Nonsense, Professor Ye is synonymous with professionalism!"

"However, what does the HSK in the brackets mean?"

" this an abbreviation?"

"This is... the Chinese Proficiency Test? Pinyin abbreviation? I'll go!"

Looking at this abbreviation, I fainted a lot, there is no abbreviation like yours!Pinyin abbreviation?You can still play like this!

"Stop talking, let me read the question first."

"I'm really curious."

"It's probably a Chinese test question."

"Professor Ye's Chinese test questions are also interesting!"

"That's right, take a look."

All of a sudden, many netizens opened the file sent by Ye Feng, including many stars and singers in the entertainment industry, they all downloaded it, and they all wanted to see what kind of medicine was sold in Professor Ye's gourd.

Question [-]: Please explain the two sentences "A woman is a tiger" and "How can a tiger cub be born without entering the tiger's lair".

Looking at the first question, the whole internet was quiet. ,

Really, at this moment, everyone has [-] grass-mud horses roaring past in their hearts!
A woman is a tiger, and if she doesn't enter the tiger's lair, how can she get a tiger's cub?
Put these two sentences together to explain?

Netizen: "..."

What the hell!

This Nima is too connotative!
"I am convinced!"

"Professor Ye is too fierce, isn't he? This is what he came up with? Who can resist this!"

"I dare not use these two sentences in the future."

"Two normal sentences, why do you feel a little weird at this time?"

This first question almost caused internal injuries to the entire network!
Even Ning Ning, who was doing homework at home, blushed pretty and gave Ye Feng a white look.

However, although this question is broad and profound, it is not difficult, and most of them know what's going on at a glance.

"Is this the level?"

"It's not difficult."

"It's quite interesting."

"It's not difficult at all."

Many people started the second question.

Question 1000: His eldest uncle went to the second uncle's house to find the third uncle and said that the fourth uncle was tricked by the fifth uncle to go to the sixth uncle's house to steal the seventh uncle and put it in the eighth uncle's cabinet.Q: Whose money?

Not difficult?

Is it difficult to call this Nima?

Who said it was not difficult just now?
You fucking stand up, I will never beat you to death!

As soon as the second question came out, countless people were stunned!

This shit is not a question made by humans!

What is it that belongs to this uncle or that uncle?

Question [-]: Bird droppings fell on the window sill, the teacher asked Xiao Ming to wipe it, and Xiao Ming said, "I'll wipe it!".Question: Did Xiao Ming wipe it?

Question [-]: Xiaohong asked Xiao Ming: "Do you use a pen in class today?" Xiao Ming said: "Bring a brush!" Question: Do you use a pen?If so, what pens do I need to bring?

Question [-]: ...

Question Six: ...


Remarks: [-] points out of [-], [-] points for each question.

In fact, there are not many questions, there are only twenty questions in total, each question is worth five points, and the full score is one hundred, but after completing these twenty questions, how many points can everyone get?

This Nima is full of calculations, and it is not bad to get [-] points!
The one who gets [-] points must be a professor from the Faculty of Arts!

Forty points...then he doesn't exist!


This question is too much, isn't it?

Do you know if Xiao Ming wiped it?Do you know if Xiao Ming carries a pen?
We are all Chinese, you fucking "insult" us in Chinese!
As soon as this test paper came out, it immediately caused a huge reaction on the Internet!
All of a sudden, Ye Feng's "Chinese Proficiency Test Test Paper" went viral!

Countless people scrambled to answer the questions, but after reading it, there were countless people jumping and cursing!


Wan Ming: "Your uncle! Who can make this shit?"

Liu Yushi: "I'm stupid! Do you think I'm stupid or not?"

"Professor Ye's question is too much!"

"Oh my god!"

This test paper directly made these singers desperate!

Chinese is not difficult?

Mandarin is easy?
But Nima can't stop Professor Ye from doing this!
Who can stand this!

Not to mention them, even the high school circle was stunned when they saw this test question!

(End of this chapter)

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