Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 638 Plan to Climb to the Top!

Chapter 638 Plan to Climb to the Top!

in the afternoon.


The eldest cousin Li Xiang was called by Ye Feng.

Speaking of Li Xiang, she had a big prejudice against Ye Feng before, but gradually, her attitude changed a lot.

"Why did you two ask me to come here?" Cousin Li Xiang expressed her dissatisfaction, "Ningning doesn't even go to the company now, she knows that she is at home with you all day long." Tianbao is in the company, but at least he often goes to the company, but now it is good, Li Xiang can go to the company once in ten days and a half months, and Li Xiang has to burn incense.

Ning Ning stuck out her tongue, smiled at Li Xiang and said, "Isn't this something at home?"

"Tch, what's the matter..."

The eldest cousin pursed her lips, "Tell me, what do you two need me for?" Li Xiang was like Ming Jing in his heart, Ning Ning has been taken away by Ye Feng now, and she will never look for her when she is fine. .

Ye Feng smiled, and said: "Actually, it's not a big deal, I just want to ask, is there any way to quickly enter the top nine in the music circle? It's like one or two months, relatively fast."


Li Xiang didn't react a bit, "Top nine in the music industry?"


"Why are you asking this? Do you want to develop in the music industry?"

Li thinks this is because he hasn't realized it yet. Hearing Ye Feng's question, he thought Ye Feng wanted to develop in the music industry.

"It's not me, it's Ningning." Ye Feng said: "Isn't this planning to give birth to a younger brother for Yiyi, so I thought about Ningning's wish."

What Ye Feng said was light and calm, but Li Xiang was dumbfounded when he heard it!

"What are you talking about? Ningning? You mean to let Ningning reach the top of the music circle? One or two months?"

"Cough." Ye Feng coughed lightly, "I also know that this idea is a bit unreliable, but it depends on human effort. You are a professional, see if there is any way."

Li Xiang almost vomited blood, "Can you stop being funny? You also know that this idea is unreliable? It is the top nine in the music circle, and that is something that can be completed in a month or two? Although Ning Ning is now in the music circle It’s already in the top line, but the ranking is still very low, it’s simply impossible for a month or two.”

Li Xiang said to Ningning again: "With Ye Feng here, it will be a matter of time to reach the top, but one or two months is not realistic at all, and a year is about the same. Ningning, you know that the higher you go, the more competitive you will be. The more intense. When you reached the summit, you knew best how much effort and time we put in."

It took about three years for Ningning to become a queen when she debuted, and of these three years, two years were spent on hitting the queen's position from the front line!
It can be said that it was not easy for them to climb to the top after spending two years together.Now Ye Feng wants to climb to the top within a month or two?Where are you dreaming?
"No, Ye Feng, you're not joking with me, are you?"

Li Xiang still can't accept it, from the bottom of the first line to the top queen in a month or two?That sounds like an exaggeration.

Ye Feng leaned on the sofa and looked at Li Xiang calmly, "What do you think? Am I joking?"

Li Xiang hurriedly looked at Ning Ning again, "Ning Ning, he is messing around, and you are crazy with him?"

Ning Ning smiled and didn't speak, but the meaning was obvious.

"Up to two months, I must grab a position for Ningning." The old man urged all day long, and it would be good to delay for two months, Ye Feng said seriously: "I'm not kidding, I have many good works here, all of them are fine." For Ningning, it’s okay for you to be responsible for her promotion? With quality and traffic, won’t it be difficult to get into those nine positions?”

In Ye Feng's eyes, climbing to the top is actually very simple.

Isn't the music industry just about singing?All I have are songs!Feel free to use it for Ningning!As long as Li Xiang's company's operations are in place, reaching the top shouldn't be a big problem, right?
However, Li Xiang glared at him, and said unceremoniously: "If it was as simple as you said, would the nine positions be so precious? You know, in the past five years, these nine positions have changed. Twice! One was the strong rise of Ning Ning back then, and the other was the rise of Shui Liuyun after Ning Ning retreated. In five years, there have been two changes. Do you think this thing is so easy?"

Ye Feng was taken aback by these words, and Li Xiang continued: "It's not just about the quality of the works, the rating of the celebrity circle involves too many things, such as awards, achievements, popularity, fans, influence, etc. All kinds of judging criteria will affect the ratings in the celebrity circle. Especially in very large circles such as the music circle and film and television circle, the rating system is more comprehensive."

"Ning Ning's ability to reach the front line is almost entirely supported by the number of fans and the quality of her works. As for other aspects, it is basically blank now. With this foundation, do you want to reach the top within two months? Don't you two? Fantastic."

Although Li Xiang was furious, his analysis was still very good.Even Ning Ning is not very clear about the entertainment industry or the celebrity circle, but Li Xiang, as a gold medal manager, knows these things very well.

"Awards, popularity, influence, works, fans..."

Ye Feng muttered in his mouth, thinking even more in his mind, "That's not right!" He suddenly yelled, and frowned, "Ning Ning has won many awards, right?" He looked at his precious daughter-in-law, " I remember seeing many of your music awards in the study?"

Ningning smiled, spread her hands, and looked at her cousin.Don't look at her as a former queen, but she doesn't know anything about celebrity circles, and it's all because of her cousin Li Xiang who worries about her.

Li Xiang gave the couple a helpless look, and said, "Yes, Ningning has won many awards, but how many years ago was that? Is the award from four years ago comparable to this year's award? Besides , Others have not won an award in the past four years?"

"oh, I see."

Ye Feng and Ning Ning both understood when Li Xiang's cousin said so.

"Big cousin, do you think that's the case." Ye Feng leaned forward and said with his fingers, "Look, we have works, and the popularity and influence of fans are similar. We also have them. We only need a few now Is it an award?"

"No!" Li Xiangdao: "First of all, fans are fans, popularity is popularity, and influence is influence. This is completely different! Secondly, what do you mean by missing a few awards? That means missing a lot of awards!"

Ye Feng: "..."

Ye was speechless for three seconds. Don't fans, popularity and influence mean the same thing?If there are many fans, the popularity will be high, and the influence will be great. Is there any difference?
Seeing Ye Feng deflated, Ning Ning chuckled beside her, Ye Feng glanced at the girl in the blink of an eye, the big baby immediately closed his mouth, trying not to let himself laugh.

Li Xiang, who was sitting across from them, rolled his eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he pretended not to see them and explained to himself: "Popularity is popularity, fans are fans, and influence is influence. Although there is some relationship, but It’s also very different. For example, there’s a popular young student with the surname of Cai recently, all kinds of jokes about him can be seen everywhere on the Internet, and the traffic is bigger than those queen singers, but do you think he has any influence and fans?”

"Cai's surname is Liuliu Xiaosheng? Who is it?"

Ye Feng and Ning Ning looked at each other, is there such a person?Never heard of it.

"It doesn't matter who you are, as long as you understand that these things can't be confused." Li Xiang said seriously: "If you want to reach the top, you must achieve the ultimate in these aspects. Now these few singers in the circle, Although some people's popularity is not as good as before, their influence and fan base are extremely huge, not to mention anything else, but the various awards they have won over the years are beyond the reach of others."

"Is everything done to the extreme?"

Ye Feng pondered for a while, then raised his head and said: "Cousin, tell me how to do it specifically? For example, how to increase influence, how to increase popularity?" In fact, Ye Feng already had a general direction in his mind at this time, but after all, Li If you want to be professional, you should ask her opinion.

Li Xiang sighed and said: "Influence sounds illusory, but it is actually very real. For example, the king of the music scene today, the Chinese style he created by himself can be said to have saved the Chinese music scene in the past. Is it a big influence? As for popularity, it’s easy to understand. If there are more appearances, the popularity will naturally increase. For example, why are those singers so keen on participating in various variety shows? Isn’t it just for popularity. Those traffic may not be fans, but they are It can bring them huge popularity.”

Li Xiangyu persuaded earnestly: "With you, Ningning will reach the summit sooner or later. Don't worry too much, just take it step by step."

In Li Xiang's view, Ningning will return to the top sooner or later, there is no need to be so anxious, if too anxious, it may backfire, and the gain outweighs the loss.

However, Ye Feng couldn't listen at all, she didn't understand their family's situation, "Influence, popularity, awards..." Ye Feng muttered, and then slapped his thigh, "Okay, let's start with the awards!"

Li Xiang was speechless, "What else do you want?"

"Think about it! Why don't you want to?" Ye Feng stood up from the sofa, full of vigor and confidence, "Isn't it just these few items? It's not a big problem! I'll write a 'climbing plan'!"

With that said, this guy really ran back to the study.

Li Xiang looked at Ning Ning with black lines all over his head, "Why don't you persuade him to play tricks?"

Ning Ning smiled, and said softly: "I don't think he is messing around."

Li Xiang was a little strange, "When did you have so much confidence in him?"

Ning Ning smiled, but did not answer.

When did it start?

She doesn't know either.

"You two really want to do this? Forcibly climb to the top?" Li Xiang still didn't believe it.

"Yes." Ning Ning was very relaxed, "Miss Xiang, you have to help us."

Li Xiang shook his head and sighed, "I can't help." He smiled and said, "We're all family."

But having said that, Li Xiang kept beating drums in his heart.

Forced to climb to the top?Pull down one of the nine now?

Just a month or two?

Is it possible?
(End of this chapter)

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