Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 639 Recording a new album?

Chapter 639 Recording a new album?
Is it ok?

For Li Xiang, this was indeed a whimsical thing. In just one or two months, Ning Ning was pushed to the position of the queen of the song. Let alone Li Xiang, even anyone who heard it would know scoffed.If the media find out about this, they will definitely think that Ye Feng is dreaming.

However, Ningning didn't think so.Maybe others will have such and such doubts, but now Ningning will definitely not.Ningning and Ye Feng have lived under the same roof for so long, she knows Ye Feng better than anyone else.Has Mr. Ye ever failed in what he wanted to do for so long?


Not at all!
Whether it's mathematics, literature, history and other academic circles, or education, university circles, or even entertainment circles, Ye Feng has never missed a thing!If I had to say something, it would be about Ning Ning becoming a professor this time.In this matter, Ye Feng really miscalculated.Although Ningning was pushed to the position of professor, the final effect was far from meeting expectations.But this can't be blamed on Ye Feng, this is actually Ning Ning's own problem.

In short, Ning Ning is now blindly worshiping her own Mr. Ye!

Mr. Ye said yes, then it will definitely work!

Mr. Ye said that if he can reach the top before the second child, then he will surely make himself the top!And all I need to do is to obediently cooperate with Mr. Ye!

in the living room.

Ningning and Li Xianglai sat for a while, and Ye Feng came back in a hurry, still holding a pile of paper in his hand.

Ye Feng sat next to Ning Ning excitedly, and spread the documents in his hand on the sofa, "Okay, okay, let's take a look."


At this time, the little guy and Lengmei came back from the backyard, rushed towards Ye Feng.

"Where did my daughter and Aunt Leng go to play?"

Ye Feng rubbed his daughter's face, and the little guy kept pushing into Ye Feng's arms, smiling, "Go to the backyard."

Leng Mei also sat on the sofa, Ye Feng said: "Come on, Leng Mei, you can also take a look at my brother-in-law's masterpiece, how about it?"

"So fast? Is this the summit plan you wrote?"

Li wanted to look straight up and raised his eyebrows, "Isn't your idea too nonsense?"

Looking at this plan, Li Xiang was convinced, she didn't bother to complain, no wonder it was written so fast, what was it all about?
"One, get some big prizes first."

Li Xiang read: "Second, expand your influence. Third, increase your popularity."

Li Xiang looked at Ye Feng speechlessly, "This is your old plan?" At first, she was shocked at how Ye Feng was so fast, but now it seems that you have written such a few words for almost half an hour. What are you doing?
Ningning believed in Ye Feng, but right now, even Ningning was holding her forehead.

"Girl, let mom hug you."


The girl crawled from Ye Feng's arms to Ning Ning's arms, and the big baby went to tease the girl, she really couldn't understand Mr. Ye's plan.

Ye Feng curled his lips, "This is all the essence, if you follow the instructions above, you will definitely reach the top!"


Li Xiang said angrily: "I know, but how to do it!"

"Isn't this written clearly? The first step is to win the prize!" Ye Feng's temper also came up. Brother wrote so clearly, but he still can't understand?What about IQ?

Li Xiang said angrily: "How do you get it? Do you win the prize with love?"

Ye Fengdao: "It's hard to say? You tell me what awards have been awarded recently and what the selection criteria are. I can let Ning Ning win the award in minutes!"

Upon hearing this, Li Xiang sneered, "Is the award so easy to win?"

Ye Feng crossed his arms, "Then you don't have to worry about it, just tell me what award you have and it's over."

Li Xiang stared at Ye Feng's stinky fart: "I won't tell you!"


Ye Fengqi's teeth itch, this big cousin is so annoying!

Fortunately, at this time, the girl Leng next to her said, "There are no awards this month, but there will be a few next month."

"It's better to be Lengmei!" Ye Feng glared at Li Xiang, touched his chin and said: "If there is no award this month, then go to the second step first."

Lengmei nodded, "It is true that we should proceed to the second step first."

Li Xiang was a little strange, "Sister Leng, do you know what your brother-in-law is going to do?" Sister Leng just came here, so it stands to reason that she should not know what they were discussing just now, how could this be the same as an insider?

Ningning also looked over curiously.

Leng Mei calmly looked at the proposal in her hand, and said softly, "There's nothing hard to guess."

"Okay." Li Xiang pursed his lips and smiled, "Sister Leng is amazing." Obviously, she was hit.

Ye Feng didn't care about these things, he looked at Leng Mei and smiled and said, "Leng Mei, do you also think that the second step should be done first?"

Lengmei nodded, "Expand the influence first, and at the same time try to win prizes to save time."

"Today is the 23rd, and next month is one week away."

Ye Feng thought for a while and said, "Yes, let's use these few days to expand our influence."

"Oh, what you said is simple, how to expand the influence?" Li Xiang always felt that Ye Feng thought this matter too simply, "This is not just a few songs."

"It's not enough to just write out a few songs, so why don't I write a few seriously?"

Ye Feng naturally knew that this wasn't just a few songs, but he definitely wouldn't admit defeat.

This thing sounds illusory, but it really exists!

Don't talk about others, let's take Ye Feng as an example, he is a particularly good example.Whether it is in academia or education, Ye Feng's current influence is beyond the reach of others!In terms of literature, mathematics, history, physics, etc., it is possible that Ye Feng's casual sentence can cause waves!

The same is true in the education field. When he was arrested in the imperial capital last time, the teachers and students of Haida drove directly to Beijing by train!

This is the embodiment of Ye Feng's influence!
This is neither fan effect nor traffic can compare!

That's real impact!
Of course, there are only a handful of people in the music circle who can have Ye Feng's influence!Even if there are, they are all dead!Among the living singers or singers, there is no one who can have this kind of influence!

However, in today's music world, there are still a few very influential singers. Their songs either affect a generation, or affect the development and trend of the entire Chinese music world!It is no exaggeration to say that this is an important factor for those few who can occupy the top few in the music world all the year round!In the entire Chinese music scene, there are not many truly influential singers.Most people just have fans and popularity, and the Chinese music scene would not change without them.But those influential singers are different. If the Chinese music scene does not have them, it may become another look.

This is influence!

Think about it, what would it be like if there was no Ye Feng in the academic world?

The same is true in the music industry.

If you want Ningning to expand her influence, it really can't be done by simply posting a few songs!
Ningning has also released many songs before, including albums and singles, but if you want to say how much her influence has expanded, it really hasn't.

How can we expand our influence?

For this, Ye Feng had already thought about it in his heart.

Although there are no top ten conjectures or more than a dozen problems in the music industry, and there are no foreigners coming to the Chinese music scene to provoke, it is impossible to imagine Ye Feng's tricks.However, this is not a problem for Professor Ye!
Isn't it influence?
Maybe this is as difficult as reaching the sky in the eyes of others, but for Ye Feng, there is no pressure at all!
"That's what, cousin, make an appointment with the band tomorrow!" Ye Feng said.

"What?" Li Xiang was taken aback, "About a band? What are you doing?"

Ye Feng said as a matter of course: "Record a song!"

"What song did you record?"

"It's not me, it's Ningning! Record songs for Ningning and let Ningning release an album!"


Whether it was Li Xiang or Ning Ning, they were all stunned.

"Where did you get the album?"

"I'll write it."

"When was it written?"

"I haven't written it yet, I will write it later."

Li Xiang:"……"

Ning Ning: "..."

Mr. Ye really doesn't take music seriously!The album was written as it was written?

"Forget it, you guys go to contact the band first, and then record tomorrow morning. I happen to be teaching Ningning in the evening."

With that said, Ye Feng got up and went upstairs.


Xiaoha was lying on the stairs happily, Ye Feng didn't have eyes, stepped on someone's foot, this Xiaoha stuck out his tongue in pain with a look of despair.Howled, and bared his teeth at Ye Feng.

"Hey, go play with your sister."

Ye Feng touched it, and went upstairs quickly.

Xiaoha felt aggrieved and ran towards Baby Yiyi, "Woo~"

"Smelly Baba~"

The little guy rubbed Xiaoha's tail, pouted his mouth, and coaxed Xiaoha decently: "Little Ha, be good, my sister said Papa, don't cry."

This scene made Ningning and the others laugh heartily.

"Mama, Papa bullied Xiaoha, why don't you go and avenge Xiaoha?"

The little guy threw himself into his mother's arms, coquettishly.

Ning Ning hugged her daughter, tapped her eyebrows with her fingers, and said pitifully: "Mom doesn't dare to teach Dad a lesson."

The little guy pouted, looked at Sister Leng, "Auntie Leng, help Yiyi."

Leng Mei shook her head, "I don't dare either."

Yiyi looked at Li Xiang again, "Aunt Biao~"

Li Xiang also deliberately said: "Your father is too fierce, my cousin dare not."


The little guy lay in his mother's arms and twisted his body aggrieved, while Xiaoha stuck out his tongue and looked at his sister.

The little guy said pitifully, "Then what should we do?"

Ning Ning teased with a smile: "Yiyi went to find Dad by herself? Beat him up!"

"But I'm a child, I can't beat Papa." The girl blinked her eyes and said innocently, "What if he spanks Yiyi's ass?"

Ning Ning said with a smile: "But mom can't beat dad? He can beat mom too."

"Does dad spank mom too?"


Listening to Yiyi's words, Li Xiang, who was next to him, burst out laughing, "That's impossible, your father is so fierce, and your mother can't even go to work because of frequent beatings."

Ning Ning's pretty face blushed, she rolled her eyes at her cousin, put her arms around her daughter and said, "Yiyi, be good, forget it, okay? I'll take revenge on my father some other day." As she spoke, she rubbed her little cheek.

"Yeah, okay."

The little guy agreed happily.

Xiaoha next to him lay on the floor and whimpered.

The living room was filled with laughter, while Ye Feng in the upstairs study was writing furiously.

Crackling on the keyboard, ten songs were quickly typed out!

ps: Thanks to everyone, the new plot has been smoothed out a little bit, starting today, it should be able to resume normal updates.

(End of this chapter)

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