Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 640 "That Era"!

Chapter 640 "That Era"!
in the company.

recording room.

Many people are busy.

"Who is that, bring that what."

"Where's the tuner? Not in place yet?"

"This machine can't be used anymore, come over here with the radio!"

"Hurry up behind!"

Many people are busy, of course, Ye Feng and Ning Ning are the busiest.

Ning Ning was recording in the recording studio, and Ye Feng also made a guest appearance as the music director at this time, helping Ning Ning check it out.

"Well, I sang well this time, but the note needs to be a little higher, ~~ so, it's this feeling, it's a bit of a pitch change."

Ye Feng wore earphones, and gave Ningning his opinions meticulously.

Beside him, Li Xiang was listening to the songs Ningning just recorded with his head down.

To be honest, Ye Feng's efficiency is really scary!

Now, three days have passed since the last time they discussed at home!

Three days!

What can you do in three days?
In fact, nothing can be done!But here at Ye Feng, in just three days, he made seven songs!To be precise, he helped Ningning record seven songs!
What kind of fairy speed is this?

And now the eighth track is being recorded!
Even if these are relatively simple, they are all some brisk "little songs", but seven or eight songs in three days is too exaggerated!
"Ye Feng, this song doesn't look like your style, does it?"

Li Xiang listened to the songs recorded by Ningning, and she always felt that these songs were a bit too "simple", whether it was the lyrics or the composition, they all seemed very thin.It seems that there is no way to compare it with the songs Ye Feng wrote before.

"What?" Ye Feng smiled.

"It's nothing, I just feel that these songs don't fit Ning Ning's style?" Li Xiang was a little worried, "These songs are a bit, a bit... how should I put it, anyway, I feel that Ning Ning's singing seems a bit overkill."


Ye Feng glanced at Ning Ning, who was still recording inside, put down the earphones by himself, turned his head to look at Li Xiang, and said with a smile: "What do you mean by being overqualified?"

Li Xiang hesitated to speak, Ye Feng continued: "These songs are very simple, not showing the level of professional singer Ning Ning, and the content is too thin. But, isn't life like this? Don’t you need some dessert after a nutritious meal?”

Ye Feng looked at the headphones in Li Xiang's hand, and said with a little emotion: "You know, some people just like desserts."

"But these songs are too young, aren't they?"

Li Xiang was still worried. The songs Ye Feng brought out this time were not only thin in tune, but also less "nutritious" in the content of the lyrics than the previous ones.

"Are you young?"

Hearing this comment, Ye Feng was not only not angry, but smiled instead.

"What's wrong with being green?"

He asked back.

Li Xiang was stunned for a few seconds, "But..." He wanted to continue to say something, but Ye Feng interrupted, saying: "It's nothing, you feel young, but you can't represent everyone." Ye Feng said softly: " Maybe these songs won't win any awards, but in terms of influence, heh~" He didn't continue to talk, but there was a playful smile on Ye Feng's face.


Time always flies by quickly, and it slips through people's fingers before they know it.

On the Internet, there is no latest news about Ningning's appointment as Professor Haichuan.

"My Lady Queen hasn't gone to class recently, has she?"

"Yeah, it seems that even Professor Ye hasn't shown up?"

"What's wrong? Su Ning gave up?"

"I guess so, her level is really not good!"

"Professor Ye can't take it, so what else can we do?"

"Professor Ye still has a conscience, at least he didn't let Su Ning mess around!"


"What do you mean by that? What do you mean you still have a conscience?"

"So Professor Ye, you are dead!"

"To be honest, Professor Ye gave up his principles on Su Ning, right?"

"It can be seen that Professor Ye really likes Su Ning!"

"Oh, envy."

"It's useless to be envious. Who will let someone marry a good husband?"

Ningning and Ye Feng didn't go to class for several days. Although there was no news from Haichuan that Ningning had resigned, everyone could see that Professor Ye and Su Ning had basically given up.

Su Ning's level of teaching, even with the help of Professor Ye, is a bit horrible. Netizens are not surprised by this result.Of course, some people's cynicism is inevitable.Similarly, the entertainment industry is even worse, Ning Ning can't be a professor, and they celebrate each other even more!
"Hahahaha! Professor Ye can't do it either!"

"What kind of fancy stuff!"

"Professor sounds good, but didn't he slap himself in the face in the end?"

"Su Ning has developed quite well now, but after making such a fuss, she loses a bit of face."

"That's right, it's better not to be this professor, hum!"

"Isn't it just relying on having a capable husband? What a shame! I have no skills, so I can't!"

People in many circles are talking, or gloating.Especially people like Wan Ming and Liu Yushi, seeing this result, they are so happy that they can't find the north!

Liu Yushi: "Su Ning is a professor, it's a joke!"

A small student: "Want to improve your ranking in this way? You are simply overwhelmed!"

Wan Ming: "Still young."

"What do you think, Sister Shui?"

"Ha, Sister Shui is the most popular singer in the music industry right now! She is not good at Su Ning! She is already dead, why do she have to come back!"

"That is, Sister Shui's status is definitely not something she can shake."

Many people are flattering Shui Liuyun.

Shui Liuyun is indeed red and purple now. Although she is ranked last after Song King, her current popularity is definitely the highest in the music industry!Not one of them, not even the number one Heavenly King, is not as popular as her at present!If it wasn't for the fact that she debuted for too short a time and her qualifications were too shallow, she would definitely go up a few places in the ranking!
However, Shui Liuyun has never spoken about these things.Not only this time, even when her concert and Ning Ning's concert "crashed" last time, Shui Liuyun never said a word.

Now there are always rumors in the circle that Shui Liuyun and Su Ning are competing with each other, but in fact, no matter whether it is Shui Liuyun or Ning Ning, neither of them has any intentions in this regard, it is just entertainment circle It's just rumors in the book.

However, it is an indisputable fact that the pinch between the fans of the two of them is indeed irresistible.

The entertainment industry is full of cheers now, mainly because the speed of Ning Ning's rise during this period is too exaggerated. In just one year, she has returned from a retired state to the position of a first-line singer!This made too many people unable to sit still, and made too many people jealous!
This time she was frustrated, I don't know how many people gloated at her misfortune!

But at this moment, Ningning released a super shocking news in the cat circle.

"Who are you, the pen-tip boy who yearns day and night, and turned into a song in the deserted city. ——The new album "That Time"."

With such a simple sentence, there is not even a poster.

What does it mean?
Flowers and leaves never see: "???"

Her Majesty's Chief Cabinet Minister: "What? Is this a new album?"

Leaf iron: "Isn't it? A new album is released? Are you so hasty? There was no news at all before!"

"Is this propaganda?"

"Are you preparing to release it, or promoting it?"

"When will it be released?"

"I'm going! Isn't it too sudden?"

"Just one sentence? Are there no two posters?"

"The sloppiest publicity I've ever seen..."

"I'm convinced..."

"My Lady Queen's new album this time, there was no rumor at all before!"

Fans in the cat circle are all stunned, they have never seen such an album release!
Just a dry, inexplicable sentence, adding an album name, and then it's gone?
What is this?

No posting time!

No album tracks!

No song type!

How can anyone promote the album like this?
However, what is confusing is still to come. It is estimated that within half an hour, Her Lady Queen's circle has been updated again.

(End of this chapter)

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