Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 641 Fans' dissatisfaction?

Chapter 641 Fans' dissatisfaction?

"Your gray head will not be beating, even if it is a simple greeting. - "Grey Head""

Another sentence!

Another inexplicable sentence!
But this time, under this sentence, there is also a photo.

It's a condensed photo.

This photo is different from all of Ningning's previous looks!
There were very few photos of Ning Ning in the past, basically they were from MVs, or concerts, and they were all very cold photos.But this photo is different. Although there is only Ning Ning's head, the eyes and the composition of the picture have a melancholic temperament.


"A photo of Her Majesty the Queen!"

"I'll go! It's rare to see in a hundred years!"

"Is this the first time posting photos in circles?"

"It's so beautiful! Wow! I can't take it anymore!"

"Is this Her Lady Queen? It doesn't look like the previous style!"

"Nonsense! Of course it is!"

"It's so beautiful, so beautiful!"

Sure enough, people are animals that look at pictures first.However, fans soon discovered the above sentence.

""Grey Head"?"

"What does this sentence mean?"

"Isn't this a new song?"

"I'll go! No way?"

"Wait a minute, it's a connection!"

"Connect? Hey, really!"

Everyone clicked in one after another, and the screen jumped. It was nothing but a song!

"What a new song!"

""Grey Head"?"

"Is this a song from the new album?"

"Isn't this album too sloppy? Nothing!"

Indeed, the album this time is very sloppy, there is no publicity, no momentum, even when the album was released, it was vague and vague.However, this doesn't affect anything.

Slightly sad music sounded, and the prelude was very long.

Then, there was Ningning's sad and gentle voice.

"I had a dream last night"

"In the dream we returned to hold hands"

"The loss of waking up is unspeakable"

"Opened OICQ"

"Chat records stopped in the late autumn of last year"

"The last retention, I didn't say it"

"we are still friends"

"The most distant kind of friend"

"The tenderness you gave"

"In the record, it's all kept"

This song, "Grey Head", written and composed by Xu Song, is sung by Ning Ning. It lacks a bit of Xu Song's helpless sigh, but it has a little more feminine sadness.But these are actually not important. This song does not have those complicated techniques, and some are just the melancholy of the lyrics and tune.

"Your gray avatar will no longer jump"

"Even a simple greeting"

"It's so sad to read every page of the heartfelt exchange"

"What is it~falling~lifting off"

"Remember what you said to stay with me until the end"

"Warm-colored dreams become cold shackles"

"If we go back in time, what can we catch?"


After listening.

The cat circle was silent for a few seconds.

Afterwards, the fans exploded!
"what's the situation?"

"This song is sung by Her Majesty the Queen?"

"What the hell kind of style is this?"

"How could Her Lady Queen be able to sing this kind of song?"

"This is unscientific!"

"Really, this song is not suitable for Her Lady Queen!"

"Is this still the Queen in my heart?"

"Isn't this too youthful?"

"I'm feeling fine!"

"Yeah, it sounds nice to me."

"Also, listening to this song, I wish I could go back to my youthful student days. At that time, I had a crush on the goddess in our class, and thought I understood love, tsk tsk, youth!"

"Fart! This song doesn't taste like Her Lady Queen at all!"

Every singer has his own style, and Ning Ning has always given people the feeling of aloof, thick, mature, penetrating and thought-provoking, but what the hell is this "Grey Head"?This song is too young and ignorant, right?
Ning Ning's previous image has always been aloof, but in this song, Ning Ning seems to have returned to her youthful student days, as if she was a student who was thinking a lot in the class.

Is this still Her Lady Queen?

Who the hell wrote this song?

"I go!"

"Leaf? Written by Professor Ye?"

"I'm convinced..."

"Professor Ye, what are you doing?"

"I don't know what my daughter-in-law is like? This song is not suitable for Her Majesty the Queen at all, okay?"

"I don't want to say anything."

Everyone looked at the songwriter, and there were two big characters "leaf" written on it.

This song was written by Professor Ye for Her Lady Queen.

No one will have doubts about Professor Ye's level, but the question is, will the song written for Professor Mao Ye be in this style?


The style of this song is very different from the style of Su Ning's previous songs!
This contrast makes it difficult for many fans to accept!


the company.

The condensed office.

Li Xiang was sitting in front of the computer, Ye Feng and Ning Ning were sitting on the sofa, they were tired of being together, and Ning Ning was helping Ye Feng cut his nails.

Cousin Li Xiang looked at the explosive comments in the cat circle, and said to Ye Feng with black lines all over her head: "Ye Feng! Don't you say it's okay? This is what you said it's okay? Fans are going to be overwhelmed!"

"Where do you two still want to cut your nails?" Looking at these two guys, cousin Li Xiang felt even more angry, and she suddenly had the illusion that the emperor was not in a hurry and the eunuchs were in a hurry.


Not an illusion!

This is true!

Ye Feng and Ning Ning are really in no hurry!

Ye Feng looked at the virtuous baby who cut his nails, and said with a smile: "Miss Xiang, don't worry, the fans are just complaining, there won't be any major problems."

Li Xiang said angrily: "The fans don't like this song, they all complain, will others like it?"

"Why not?"

Ye Feng said with a smile: "Ning Ning's fans don't like it, that's expected." Ye Feng analyzed: "Most of Ning Ning's current fans are working. No calls."

"Then you still write this kind of song?"

Li Xiang was even angrier. You knew that Ningning fans didn't like it, but you still wrote it?Are you crazy?This means that Ningning and Ye Feng have a good relationship now, otherwise Li Xiang would definitely start scolding.

"Fans don't like it, but others will like it." Ye Feng explained: "What kind of style is Ningning, I don't know? But she has reached a bottleneck now. Didn't we say before that we need to expand Influence, how much influence can be expanded by continuing the previous style? Miss, you should know better than me, what can a few golden songs change?"

Listening to Ye Feng's words, Li Xiang was silent for a while, but still frowned at Ye Feng, "You mean this song can help Ningning expand her influence?"

"Of course!"

Ye Feng answered very positively, saying: "Don't underestimate these slightly young little songs."

Whether "Grey Head" will be liked by everyone, Ye Feng dare not say, but he can be sure that there are a group of people who will definitely like this song!

This world has never experienced the "non-mainstream" era on earth!

You know, in that "non-mainstream" era, the students in that group of schools were definitely the main force that gave birth to the era!

And in the music of that era, there is definitely a place for Xu Song!
If you want to expand Ningning's influence, it will not work to release new songs or albums in a regular manner!There is no century-old problem in the music industry that needs to be broken through, and the promotion of the national style is over at this time. After thinking about it, Ye Feng thinks that the "non-mainstream" era seems to be the most suitable!
Was it a big influence at that time?
Is it big?


That is our youth!
Li thinks they may not know the charm of those songs written by Ye Feng, but Ye Feng knows that if Ning Ning can create the "grand occasion" of the music scene in this world, then her influence among hundreds of millions of students will be even greater. It will be unprecedented!

"This is the first song, don't worry, just wait and see." Ye Feng looked at Li Xiang with a smile.

"All right."

Ning Ning blew the nail shavings off Ye Feng's fingers, and also smiled slightly, she didn't interject a word from the beginning to the end.

"Forget it, it's up to you."

Seeing the affectionate appearance of the couple, Li Xiang shook his head helplessly. The couple didn't say anything, and it was useless to worry about it.It can only be as Ye Feng said, just wait and see.

(End of this chapter)

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