Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 642: Five songs in a row!

Chapter 642 Five songs in a row!

Yesterday's "Grey Head" started to arouse huge resistance from the fans, but after a day, most people calmed down.Even if this song is quite different from Ning Ning's previous style, it's just one song, and the new album definitely can't be just this one song.

"It's okay, it's okay. Didn't Her Lady Queen say that a new album is going to be released? This is just one song, everyone can just wait for the next one."

"Yes, I look forward to the next work."

"Needless to say, Ye Ziye and the others are definitely responsible for this album, so the quality is nothing to say."

"This "Grey Head" sounds good, but the content of the lyrics is a bit too green, but overall it's okay."

"Well, it's not bad to change your style once in a while."

"Yeah, I've never heard Her Lady Queen sing this type of song before, it's quite novel."

"Anyway, I support Her Lady Queen!"

"Do you want to hit the rankings?"

"Don't let it go for now? Let's wait and see the follow-up song. It may not be easy for this song to hit the charts."

"Well, anyway, an album, this time it will definitely dominate the major charts again!"

"Hahahaha, it is necessary, once Her Lady Queen makes a move, the whole music scene will tremble three times!"

Fans in the cat circle are still very tolerant and have a good attitude. Although many people don't like Ningning's song, everyone still supports her very much and looks forward to the new album.

However, their expectations may be in vain.

This morning.

Ding Ning's circle has updated another news:
"She's just my sister. My sister said that purple is very attractive. ——"Excessive Explanation."

Similarly, just a sentence, with a "non-mainstream" photo below.


"Wow! So fast?"

"The update speed of this album is particularly touching!"


"Support Your Lady Queen!"

"She's just my sister. My sister said that purple is very charming? Is this also the lyrics? "Excessive Explanation"?"

"It must be the lyrics. Didn't the last "Grey Head" just post a line of lyrics?"

"Never mind, listen first."

The "Grey Head" that was released yesterday has been updated again today!This update speed has made countless fans happy!

Many fans clicked in immediately.

"There were some problems in our relationship at that time"

"But I don't really know what the problem is"

"Your deadpan words don't mean much"

"Just as I beg you, give me some explanation"


"She's just my sister"

"My sister said that purple is very charming"

"She's just my sister"

"I was worried if you misunderstood"

"She's just my sister"

"You don't care about this explanation"

"I wasn't prepared"

"I saw another one beside you"

"I don't know who he is"


Listening to this song, the fans in the cat circle were stunned.

Really, all of them were dumbfounded!
They understand this song.

No one can't understand!
This song is so simple!
It's the sad story of the protagonist in the song "being green". It's very simple!
But the problem is, the style, content and even the singing tune of this song are exactly the same as the previous "Grey Head"!

These two songs have the same style!

What is this ghost?

Is this really Her Lady Queen's song?
This is unscientific!
"No, what's going on here?"

"Why did Her Lady Queen suddenly adopt this style?"

"Who wrote this song? Ye Zi? I'll go! It was also written by Professor Ye? With Professor Ye's literary skills, he can write this kind of song? It doesn't show his level!"

"Isn't this incompatible with the identities of Her Lady Queen and Professor Ye?"

Fans are already bombarded!
The two songs in a row are all such "saliva songs" with "no depth", they couldn't believe it!
How could Her Lady Queen be at this level?

However, before the fans exploded, at noon, Ning Ning's circle was updated again!
"Write this song for you, there is no style, it just means, I want to give you happiness. - "Why not"."

Another song!
This caught countless fans off guard!
I just updated one in the morning, and another one in the afternoon!
"This, this is another song?"

Even the big brother Huaye never met in the circle couldn't sit still anymore, "Isn't Your Lady Queen's frequency too fast? You really don't plan to make a ranking?"

"What's the situation?"

"There's no way to release an album like this!"

"It's the same as throwing away money, there is no room for buffer fermentation at all!"

"Yeah, what's going on?"

If it is said that Ning Ning's release of the song will soon make the fans ecstatic, but such continuous posting will make everyone frightened!Looking at the entire entertainment industry, how can anyone release an album like this?
Post two songs a day?

How does this make the list?
Under normal circumstances, ten songs in an album are released sequentially within a month or even two months, but Ningning released two songs in one day?

There is no such rush!
This is too late to hit the rankings!

"How about this song?"


"It should be normal, right?"

"hope so."

The fans are actually very worried. After all, the previous two songs made everyone very dissatisfied. What will happen to this song?
"The sky wants to rain"

"I really want to live next door to you"

"Standing stupidly downstairs in your house"

"Look up and count the clouds"

"If there is a piano in the scene"

"I will sing to you"


"If not so happy sometimes"

"I would like to lend you Glomi"

"Sing this song for you"

"no style"

"It just means"

"I want to give you happiness"

"Thaw the ice for you"

"To be a moth to the flame for you"

"Nothing is not worth it"


Too much!
Really too much!

There are three songs in a row, all of this type?
What the hell is this?

When did Her Majesty the Queen become so young?Is this the style Her Lady Queen should have?

In the cat circle, the fans of Ye Zi and the others didn't have much reaction, but Ning Ning's fans completely exploded!The Queen they like is not like this!

The reason why they became fans was because of her cold and arrogant temperament of the lotus in the snowy night, or because of Ningning's profound temperament, but what are these songs?It doesn't match Ning Ning's temperament at all!
This is like a song sung by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl!

Not a girl!

It should be said that he is a boy!
These lyrics are written from a boy's point of view!To be honest, this song is not suitable for Her Lady Queen to sing in terms of identity!
The protagonists of these songs are all boys!
Professor Ye is substituting himself, and then writing a song for Her Lady Queen?Or did you give me the wrong playlist?This was supposed to be sung by Professor Ye himself?
To be honest, Professor Ye's singing of these three songs is more suitable than Her Lady Queen's!

At least, Professor Ye is a man!
The fans are about to vomit blood!
However, things are not over yet!
In the evening, Ningning actually posted another song!

"While Far Away"

"Thinking of you again to the point of tears"

"This hypocritical wording structure"

"Those who have experienced it will understand"


"Nowadays I feel lost listening to music alone"

"Hearing you whispering softly in my ear"

"So gentle is the night"

"how much do you love me"


- "auditory hallucinations".


at night.

Ningning updated her status again, and a new song came out.

"The red rain is pouring, and memories how to dive"

"Your eyebrows flow in my heart as in those days"

"The last side of the ferry side sprinkled the period"

"If we are just as good as the first time we met, there is no need to say goodbye"

--"If at that time".


cat circle.


Counting yesterday's "Grey Head", in less than [-] hours, Ning Ning released a total of five songs!
If this were normal, the fans would definitely be so excited that they couldn't find Bei!
But today, countless fans are all silent!
Under Ningning's five dynamics, no matter the number of comments or the number of likes and reposts, one is less than one!

Even in the end, everyone was too lazy to click in and try it out!
How does this sound?
If the voice hadn't changed, everyone would have suspected that this was the cold and arrogant Queen whom they were fans of!

This makes fans completely unacceptable!
Five songs!
A full five songs were posted within 24 hours!
Not to mention whether the fans like it or not, just say that the matter itself has spread throughout the entertainment industry!
No one has ever done this!

Who releases an album so crazy?
Post a song every few hours?Fans and netizens don't have much time to react when releasing songs like this, and with so many songs released at once, everyone can't concentrate on ranking. It can be said that so many songs are of no benefit at all!
However, Su Ning did just that!
This makes many people extremely puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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