Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 643 The Prelude to the Explosion!

Chapter 643 The Prelude to the Explosion!
The next day.

The music circle was buzzing.

In a private group in a certain industry.

"I heard that Su Ning released a new album?"

"Yeah, I guess the music industry is in mourning again."

"Su Ning is not scary, mainly because her songwriters are too strong!"

"Every song is a classic, who can stand that?"

When they heard that Ningning released a new album, everyone in the group sighed.The main reason is that Ning Ning's momentum after her comeback is too strong. As long as she releases a song, whether it's an album or a single, it will definitely kill the charts!As soon as Su Ning released a song, the entire Chinese music scene stopped playing.

However, there are still people in the group who are well-informed, "Hey, Su Ning has stumbled this time."


"What do you mean?"

The celebrity explained: "Su Ning released five new songs in a row!"



"Is she crazy?"

"How could such a low-level mistake be made?"

Everyone doesn't believe it at all, posting five songs in a row?Isn't this making yourself unhappy?Su Ning has been in the entertainment industry for so long, how can she not know these things?
"Not only that, she didn't buy it after posting five songs in a row, and now the cat circle has turned upside down!"

"real or fake?"

"Why am I lying to you? If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself."

"No, I'll go take a look."

"I'll go as well."

Many people boarded the trumpet and went to the cat circle.Look at it, it's spectacular!

Su Ning's fans, collective betrayal!

I have seen betrayal, but I have never seen such an exaggerated betrayal!

Almost all fans are complaining and questioning?
They were dumbfounded watching this scene!

at the same time.

In Wan Ming's group, chatter was even more lively.

"Hahahaha, Su Ning fell down now!"

"Go to the cat circle, I'm laughing to death!"

"What kind of album she releases, it's like shooting herself in the foot!"

"Now Su Ning's ranking in the leaderboard will definitely drop by several places!"

"Maybe you have to fall out of the first line!"

Liu Yushi: "I really don't know what Ye Feng thinks, why write that kind of song for Su Ning? They are too naive to use that kind of song to fool fans, right?"

"That's right, the current fans are all good. If there is something that doesn't suit your appetite, they will start to complain. Su Ning hasn't been in the entertainment industry for too long."

"Now is no longer the era when she became the queen of the song,"

Wan Ming: "Su Ning lost this time, we have to make good use of it."

Liu Yushi asked: "How to use it?"

Wan Ming: "Do you have any songs in your hands? Send them out together!"

Liu Yushi's eyes lit up: "Ha, what a great idea! I just happen to have a new song in my hand."

"I'm sorry for ourselves by ignoring her at this time!"

"Let's go, record a song!"

"I have a finished product in my hand. I originally wanted to send it out next month, so let's do it today!"

"Let's hit the rankings!"

"What do you mean that Su Ning doesn't need to play in the Chinese music scene once she releases a song? Ha, let them see it today, Su Ning is actually not good either!"

"Does Sister Shui have a song?" Liu Yushi and Aite Shui Liuyun said, "I have a song written by Master Wang Jie in my hand, why don't I give it to you?"

Wan Ming also said: "Liu Yun, this is a good opportunity, don't you want to take advantage of it?"

"Sister Shui, Brother Wan is right, release the song at this time, and the face of the last concert will be restored!"

"Yes, take advantage of her illness to kill her!"

Others in the group also persuaded, but Shui Liuyun replied with three words:
"Sore throat."

Wan Ming felt a little pity, "Okay."

Liu Yushi said: "Then let's avenge Sister Shui!"

"Go, go, let's sing!"

"Hahaha, let's see how we torture her!"

This group of big brothers excitedly went to prepare their new song, thinking of stepping on Ning Ning's foot when she was "pumping the street".But with this step, did they step on soft persimmons or barbed wire?God only knows.

Many singers in the entertainment industry were watching the joke, and some entertainment media on the Internet also started to report it in the morning.

"Music Queen's new album is coming! "

"That time period!The latest album of Goddess Su Ning! "

"Released five new songs in a row in 24 hours, setting a record in the entertainment industry! "

"Since Professor Haichuan, Su Ning has made new moves! "

"Professor Ye dotes on his wife with strength and creates a new album for Su Ning!" "

Well, these are relatively large entertainment media, and their reports are basically positive, but in the entertainment circle, there are not many big media, and more are small media that are just "entertainment"!They don't care about Ye Feng, they only look at the traffic!As long as there is traffic, they dare to report anything!
"Su Ning's new album hits the street! "

"Professor Ye's level has declined?Or he is exhausted! "

"<That Era> has an extremely low reputation! "

"Su Ning Fans Collectively Complain and Dissatisfy! "

"Professor Ye's strength cheats his wife! "

"Will Masters of the Literary World Write These? "

"See Professor Ye's Fall from the Lyrics! "

More entertainment media don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement, and even Ye Fengjiang Lang said such words to the best of his ability.It can be seen that the impact of this new album on the Internet.

From the current point of view, these five songs have nothing to recommend except for Ning Ning's scolding for Ye Feng.


the company.

in the office.

Li Xiang's furious voice could be heard from far away, "Is this what you mean by increasing your influence? Ha, how did this increase your influence? Ning Ning managed to gather some fans, and now it's all good, they are all complaining! Are you still going to the top? If this goes on, let alone reach the top, you won’t even be able to hold on to the front line!” Li Xiangzhen was so angry that his lungs were going to explode, and facing Ye Feng and Ning Ning, he just quarreled with Ye Feng and Ning Ning.

Ning Ning was not in a hurry, she hid behind Ye Feng, stuck out her tongue mischievously, and fiddled with Ye Feng's clothes with her small hands, she seemed to have no reaction to the various comments on the Internet.

Ning Ning is not in a hurry, and Ye Feng is not in a hurry either!

He had already expected the fans' reaction!

Even the ridicule of those netizens and singers on the Internet, he knew it in his heart.

When we were on earth, in that non-mainstream era, which one of Xu Song and the others wasn't sprayed to pieces?
But the result?

As a result, Xu Song, Xu Liang, and Wang Sulong became the Big Three of QQ Music!In that era, Xu Song even topped the QQ music list for an unknown period of time!This is why Ye Feng directly chose Xu Song's songs.The top three positions have always belonged to Xu Song, Xu Liang, and Wang Sulong!In that era, no matter how professional other singers were, they couldn't conceal their sharpness!

Of course, in that era, there was never a shortage of scolding against them.

However, no matter how scolded or blackmailed, it is an indisputable fact that they swept the campus and occupied the youth of countless people.

Ye Feng's idea is also very simple, just like Xu Song and others back then, make Ning Ning popular on campus and occupy the youth of those students!
This is a shortcut!It is the most effective shortcut to expand your influence!

Moreover, the feasibility is very high!

Because the songs of that era were so recognizable!It can be said that in the entire Chinese music scene, those songs of that era have their place!
Although many people don't like or understand those so-called "non-mainstream" songs, this does not affect the popularity of these songs.Don't look at the fact that there are many doubts, complaints, and jokes on the Internet, but this is because these songs have not yet begun to ferment.

When these songs are heard by those who understand them, everyone will understand what the power of youth is!

The group of students cannot be ignored in any era.Maybe they are usually silent, but when all the students explode collectively, that kind of power will definitely make the whole music world look sideways!

(End of this chapter)

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