Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 645 Continue!

Chapter 645 Continue!

"Huh? What's the situation?"

In Wan Ming's group, Liu Yushi posted a few screenshots, "Su Ning's songs seem to have a better reputation." The screenshots are some of Ningning's comments on those songs.


"Really, I went to see it just now, and there are indeed a lot of good reviews."

"I saw it too."

Wan Ming sent a frowning expression, and then typed: "Has her song ranked up?"

Liu Yushi said: "It has come up a little bit, but it seems that the fluctuation is not too big."

"That's fine."

Since the ranking of the song did not come up, Wan Ming felt relieved, "Don't worry about her, let's continue to hit the rankings."

"Haha, okay." Liu Yushi said, "Brother Wan's new song today has already ranked first on the new song list, right?"

"The new song list is number one, but the hot song list is not good enough, we have to work hard."

"Hey, take your time, there's no rush."

"That's right, how about your new song, Xiao Liu?"

"The results are also good."

"Well, let's work harder this time, it's best to kick Su Ning down the list!"


The entertainment industry is still very optimistic. They didn't take seriously the slight change in the style of Ning Ning's songs.Everyone is still working hard to make the rankings, hoping to suppress Ningning to the bottom line as soon as possible.


in the company.

In the past few days, Li Xiang has been losing his temper with Ye Feng and Ning Ning every day!
"Ye Feng, is this what you mean by expanding your influence?"

"Now Ningning has become a joke in the entertainment industry!"

"Hurry up and think of a way!"

"Write some high-quality songs for Ningning!"

"I wonder if you want to ruin Ningning's future so that she can concentrate on raising your baby at home?"

Almost every day Li Xiang has to complain about Ye Feng, even if the two of them don't come to the company, Li Xiang has to call and complain about him for a while.Of course, it can also be seen that Li Xiang really cares about Ningning, otherwise he wouldn't be so anxious to get angry.

But, it's useless for him to get angry. If it's another artist, Li Xiang can directly decide what song she will post and what event she will participate in, but Ning Ning is different. Ning Ning's identity is too special, so Li Xiang doesn't care no.Ningning was so bewildered by someone Ye, she wasn't in a hurry, Li Xiang really had nothing to do.

"Hey? Cousin, you have blisters on your lips? Don't get angry, I'll give you a prescription to reduce the fire later."

In the office, Ye Feng spoke unhurriedly.

"Heh, why don't you get angry, and you two are the ones who want to pay!" Li Xiangbai gave them a look.

Ye Feng said: "Miss Xiang, haven't the online comments started to improve? Don't worry about it, just wait and see the good show."

"Watching a good show?" Li Xiang didn't believe a word, "What good show to watch? How did Ningning get kicked out of the first line by them?"

"Tsk, how could it be this, of course it's a good show to see how Ning Ning ascends to the throne of the queen!"

Ye Feng said with a smile, Ning Ning sitting next to him was fiddling with the phone, and glanced at Ye Feng, "I really sent it?"

Li Xiang asked: "Send what?"

"Release a new song, the new album hasn't been released yet." Ye Feng explained.

Li Xiang stared, "Just those songs? Still posting? You're enough!"

Ye Feng shook his head, and said softly, "Of course I have to."

As she spoke, she nodded to Ningning, Ningning held a meeting, stuck out her tongue at Li Xiang's eldest cousin, and with a touch of her little hand, a post was updated.

"Forget it, I don't bother with you two!"

Li Xiang dropped a word, and went out angrily.


In the cat circle.

Meow Queen: "You are like a heavy rain, which wets my eyes. ——"That Rain""


Seeing Ningning's sudden movement, the fans were caught off guard again, especially the familiar format.A line of lyrics is paired with a photo picture, the corners of the fans' eyes are jumping when they see this format!
"Isn't it?"

"A song is released again? Then the album is still updated?"

"It's over!"

"It's this kind of song again!"

"I beg you, Her Lady Queen, don't update, this song is unlistenable!"

"Come on, you don't even need to listen to this song to know what it's like."

"What is wrong with Her Lady Queen? How did you start to adopt this style? If it continues like this, I..."

"What are you doing?"

"Forget it, I'm nothing. I'm autistic! I'm autistic, okay?"

"Hey, to be honest, these songs are too nutritious!"

"Professor Ye too, why did you suddenly write these unnutritious songs?"

"Who knows?"

As soon as Ningning updated the song, fans started complaining one after another, and everyone even shouted that Ningning should stop updating.When someone else's idol releases a new album, fans are crying and shouting for an update, but this time Ningning was complained from beginning to end.Many people even think that it is because the lyrics written by Professor Ye are too nutritious, and the tune is too monotonous and youthful, which is not suitable for Ningning.

Countless fans complained, but it was useless!

Her Majesty the Queen doesn't seem to read the comments, she does her own way!
Meow Queen: "There's nothing to say, we're pretending to each other, your phone is still ringing. —— "Red Makeup"."

"Sent it again? How long has it been?"

"Is there two hours?"

"No, it's only an hour and a half."

""Red Makeup"?"

"I'm done."

an hour later.

Another post popped up, "If I were an Aquarius, only you would understand me. ——"Constellation Lovers."



"My Lady Queen, is this convulsion?"


"What's wrong? Do you want to post five songs today?"

I just finished speaking, and in less than half an hour, there was another song: "I'm used to you walking behind me, and you accept everything you ask. If I can turn back the time, I will no longer be arrogant and unreserved. demands.——"Criminal""

""The Bitch"?"

"Huh? What's the name of the song?"

"What's the matter with him!"

"The title of this song is too much!"

"How can Her Lady Queen sing such a song?"

"Professor Ye wrote it again? I want to kill him now!"

"Give me back, Your Lady Queen!"

"The title of this song is too much!"

When the fans saw the title of this song, they immediately rioted!
But, there is something even worse!
Meow Queen: "Where are you now, I miss you every day, miss the air around you, miss your bad eyes. ——"Guest Officer Can't"."

Cat circle: "..."

Guest officer can't!
What is this ghost?

When I saw the title of this song, the whole cat circle was completely petrified!

This is really more than one!

You don’t even need to listen to this song, you already know what it’s like just by looking at the title!Definitely not Her Lady Queen's previous style!

This is no longer a matter of liking or disliking, this is completely unacceptable!

Guest officer can't?
Is this a song Her Lady Queen can sing?


They can't accept it, someone can accept it!

And not just acceptance, even fanatical fascination!
(End of this chapter)

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