Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 646 "Three Giants" Gather!

Chapter 646 The "Big Three" Gather!
Although the five songs that Ning Ning posted were sprayed on the Internet again, all kinds of ridicule in the entertainment industry became more and more intense.However, this does not affect their spread among young people.Especially on campus, countless teenagers and girls who are in their adolescence are fascinated by it.

"This song is so beautiful, it has been written into my heart."

"I like the songs "Grey Head" and "Auditory Hallucinations"."

""The Guest Officer Can't" is so good!"

"Yes, I like the style of "Crime" the most."

"Who sang this song?"

"Su Ning! Su Ning, don't you know?"

"Su Ning?"

"Professor Ye, do you know?"

"Professor Ye, who doesn't know."

"This song was written by Professor Ye! The woman singing is Professor Ye's daughter-in-law, Su Ning!"

"I'll go! It's her!"

"It turns out that this song was written by Professor Ye! Sure enough, Professor Ye knows us best, and I feel that these songs are written for us, and they are so appropriate to campus life."

"Not much to say, anyway, I'm a fan of Su Ning."

"Me too."

Many young people who didn't know Su Ning before, not only knew her, but even became her fans because of these few songs.

Maybe one song or two songs can't change anything, and it's normal to have a few songs that everyone likes occasionally.But what if there are five and ten songs all at once?Or is it written by one person and sung by one person, what about this situation?Every song seems to be sung into your heart, and every song makes you love it. In this case, most people will pay attention to that singer involuntarily.

This is the case now. The sudden burst of songs like "Grey Head" seems to have found a sense of catharsis for these young people who are still in adolescence and are ignorant of everything in the future.

It can be said that now Su Ning's name has spread among young people.Although these songs of hers have not been released for a long time and there is no publicity, they have been widely spread only by word of mouth from these young fans.Not to mention that everyone can sing, but in the class, there are always a few who like Su Ning and her music.

Of course, this is not enough!
Now that the works of Xu Song and Xu Liang have already been published, how could Wang Sulong, who was also one of the "Big Three" of that era, be absent?

Soon, the new album "That Era" will be updated again!
"You let me see a flower blooming in the dry desert"

"It's you that makes me want to write a love song for you every day"

"With the most romantic refrain"

"You also gently agree"

"The eyes are firm in our choice"

--"a bit sweet"!

"You~ are my little star"

"Hang ~ shine light on that day"

"I have decided to love you"

"Will not give up easily"

--"little stars"!

"The rain keeps falling, the wind keeps blowing"

"Who will cook with me and talk about the world"

"Thousands of arrows are fired, murderous like hemp"

"Who will allow me to settle down in troubled times"

——"Three Kingdoms"!

"Our destiny just doesn't allow others to disturb"

"Only we know the beauty of matching love"

"Tightly surround you every minute"

"How important you are to me"

—— "Exclusive Taste"!

"Your love is buried"

"Hate being favorited"

"Pain should be forgiven"

——"Never Break Up Love"!

Another five!

The previous five songs by Xu Song, and then five songs by Xu Liang, plus the five songs by Wang Sulong now, can be said to have assembled the three giants of the past!

How popular were the three of them in that era?
At that time, it was not just as simple as playing back and forth in the streets and alleys. At that time, their popularity was more reflected on the Internet!At that time, major music software emerged one after another, and all kinds of music pirated, but in this harsh music environment, the three of them have long occupied the top three positions in the world's music singers!In that era, their status was unshakable!

Even, how popular are their songs?
In the Internet cafes of that era, the teenagers who played games played games while listening to their songs!What cf, what qq speed, what dazzling dance, etc., accompanied by a song by Xu Song, was simply the norm in Internet cafes in that era!Not to mention the background music like QQ Space, it's all the songs of the three of them!

Of course, in that "non-mainstream" era, there were not only the three of them, but also some other outstanding singers, such as Ben Xi, Houxian and so on.However, no one has to admit that in that era, the three of them were the most representative!

That was also the era of the rise of online music!

And Ye Feng created "That Era" for Ningning, which is a compilation of the most popular songs of Xu Song, Xu Liang, and Wang Sulong in that era!
Such as Xu Song's "Grey Head", Xu Liang's "Criminal", Wang Sulong's "A Little Sweet", etc. These songs are all classic songs that once swept the campus and detonated the Internet!
Ye Feng took out fifteen songs for Ningning at once, fifteen classic songs of that era!In this world, the impact on teenagers and girls can be imagined!
Many teenagers have commented online.

"I like Su Ning more and more!"

"Is there anyone like me who is doing papers written by Professor Ye, writing poems written by Professor Ye, and listening to songs sung by Professor Ye's wife?"

"Yes, yes, yes! Me too!"

"The songs Su Ning sang are really better than the last!"

"And Professor Ye and Su Ning sang together, it's really perfect!"

"I just like this tune!"

"Hahaha, although I have only experienced the hardships of Professor Ye's college entrance examination, I have to like Professor Ye! I have to like Su Ning!"

"My younger brother is in the sixth grade of elementary school. Listening to these songs by Su Ning, he has become a lot more artistic recently."

"Haha, don't talk about your brother, I think I am both."

After the album is released, there are more and more songs, and more and more people are affected!

One album, fifteen songs!
Although it is not a big deal in the music world, the impact of fifteen classic songs on the music world cannot be ignored!
When there were few songs released at the beginning, it might not have had such a big impact, but now, after this period of fermentation, Su Ning has released more and more songs, and has formed a trend that cannot be ignored by young people. Influence!

In almost a few days, the songs in "That Time" have been steadily rising in the rankings on the charts!
Every single song on this album is rising almost every moment on the Music New Songs Chart of Celebrity Circle!

(End of this chapter)

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