Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 647 Overwhelming the music world!

Chapter 647 Overwhelming the music world!

On the first day after the album was officially released, the highest-ranking song on the album was still outside the top [-].But on the second day, the highest-ranked song had risen to fifty!

On the third day, it rose to thirty!

On the fourth day, rise to the top ten!

Day [-]!
Day [-]!
Seventh day!
In these three days, the entire album broke out!

Celebrity Music New Songs Chart No.1: "Grey Head"!
No.2: "Crime"!
No.3: "A Little Sweet"!
The top three were completely taken over by Su Ning alone!
Moreover, not only the top three, but the top ten were all taken by her alone!
The top ten new song charts are all songs from Su Ning's "That Era"!
There are even fifteen poems by Su Ning in the top twenty!

This is horrible!

You know, none of Su Ning's fans made the list at all!

Without the support of fans, it all depends on passers-by, and no one even hits the list. It is all supported by the number of clicks, downloads, and views!

What concept is this?
Other songs may increase by [-] points in one click by hitting the charts, but for these songs of Ningning, the number of plays may only increase by a few tens of points.What does this represent?This represents the frightening amount of plays these songs have!Has a trembling click volume!There are even more disappointing downloads!

This is not a counterattack, this is an explosion!
This is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change!

There are more songs of this type, and more and more young people resonate with them!
The more Ningning released such songs, the greater her influence among them, and naturally, the ranking of her songs became higher and higher!This is a bit similar to the "cluster effect". One or two songs will not have this kind of influence, and there must be quantitative support!
Fifteen songs, although not many, but also a lot!
What's more, these are some classics. It can be said that these songs are representative works of that era.It is also these classics that bring together countless young people and make them become the help of Ning Ning!
The influence of these fifteen songs on teenagers is undoubtedly huge!Of course, their impact on the Chinese music scene can be called "destruction" level!
At this moment, the entire music world has been dumbfounded!
Wan Ming was still yelling to hit the charts, but he found out, when did Su Ning's songs come up?

And it wasn't just one or two who came up, but dozens of people came up all at once!
"Hurry up, everyone help me, how did Su Ning's song catch up?"

Wan Ming was a little anxious. At this time, Ning Ning's song hadn't reached the top yet, and Wan Ming was still calling for friends in the group.After all, Wan Ming was calling from them. When he shouted, Liu Yushi and others stood up one after another.

Many singers and stars have helped Wan Ming solicit votes in their circle of fans.

Liu Yushi: "Everyone, vote for Big Brother Wan, let's hit the list."

"Dear ones, please vote for Big Brother Wan Ming."

"Our song won't hit the charts yet, let's give the tickets to Brother Wan Ming."

"I'm listening to Big Brother Wan Ming's new song. It's not bad. I'll vote for myself first."

"Brother Wan's song is really nice."

Wan Ming still has status in the music circle, and many singers are canvassing for him.


"Wan Ming?"

"Help him hit the list? Don't help Lao Liu anymore?"

"Forget it, let's let whoever makes the list for whoever Liu said to make the list."

"Idol has said so, so she must give her face!"

"I've already voted and donated a reward. Help Wan Ming get on the list!"

"He's already number one, should he still fight?"

"Oh? What's going on? Why is Su Ning's song ranked so high?"

"I'll go! Yes!"

"Are you in the top ten?"

When many fans were ranking Wan Ming, they found that Ning Ning's songs had risen so quickly?
Didn't the report a few days ago say that her new album is popping up?
Why is this in the top ten?
Many fans were amazed, and even many people in the entertainment industry were a little bit taken aback.

However, this is just the beginning!

In the next few days, Ning Ning once again demonstrated her terrifying strength to slaughter the list!
The first is her!

She is the top three!

She is in the top ten!

There are fifteen of her in the top twenty!
All the songs in one of her albums actually made it into the top [-]?
Wan Ming was dumbfounded!
Liu Yushi was stunned!

The entire music circle was dumbfounded!

No one just believed their eyes!


The music scene exploded immediately!
"What about Su Ning's song?"

"Didn't you hit the street before?"

"Why is it ranked so high all of a sudden?"

"Isn't she ranking too fast these days?"

"I looked at the data just now, and she didn't make the charts at all, it all got up by the number of downloads and plays!"

"Huh? Really? Didn't make the list?"

"This is too scary!"

"The top ten are all her songs. Is the Chinese music world going to change?"

"When did this kind of young song have such a market?"

"This broken song has no technical content at all, why is it so popular? Why?"

Many singers can't understand it!This is beyond their inherent cognition. In their view, Su Ning's new album is like fast food with no nutrition at all, and it is not comparable to their carefully cooked high-end food!But the problem is, Su Ning is on the list!

This time is a complete massacre!
The top ten are all alone!

Looking at the Chinese music world, there has never been such a thing in history!

No one expected that Su Ning's song, which was complained by everyone, would inexplicably rise to prominence!And it rose up in such an exaggerated and unexpected way!

This swollen the faces of Wan Ming and his group!
It can even be said to be a slap in the face to most of the music scene!

But there is also a problem here: the songs that hit the street before, why did Mao suddenly explode in the past few days?

If it's really a good song, why didn't it become popular when the first few songs were released?

Especially "Grey Head", which is currently ranked No.1, this song was released by Su Ning first, but when she released it, the song hit the street!Even the fans complained!But now?It was so overwhelming before, but now it has become the top of the list!

What's happening here?
Why did you jump at that time?
This question, no one in the entire music world can figure it out!
Including Ningning and Ideal, both of them are also quite puzzling.

Li Xiang had been dumbfounded for a long time. When she saw this result, she was also dumbfounded for an unknown amount of time!She is more incredible than anyone else!

Of course, she also has this question.

"Ye Feng, what's going on here?"

In the office, not only Li Xiang, but even Ning Ning was also curious.

However, Ye Feng didn't explain much, just said lightly, "A collection of sand makes a tower, and a collection of armpits makes a fur."

Of course he wouldn't tell the real reason. One must know how terrifying the influence of Xu Song, Xu Liang, Wang Sulong and others was back then?Not to mention that the "Three Giants" gathered together on Ningning alone, it would be good to knock down the current music scene in one go!
No matter what the entertainment industry says, or what netizens say, the facts are already like this. Now in the cat circle, there are a large number of new fans pouring in every day, and they are all students without exception!This confused the original fans and those old fans.

However, there are new fans pouring in, and everyone is very happy.

However, it seems that the relationship between new and old fans in the cat circle is not very pleasant.

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(End of this chapter)

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