Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 649 Who Doesn't Have That Youth?

Chapter 649 Who Doesn't Have That Youth?

Things are getting worse and worse.

Even, many entertainment media followed suit.

"Su Ning Fans Cursed Battle! "

"A Battle of Curses of the Century Sweeping the Music World! "

"The turmoil in the music world caused by Su Ning! "

"Multiple singers were "accidentally injured"!" "

"Famous singer Wang Wanming said that Su Ning's new album "That Era" goes against the trend of the music world! "

"Where does "Campus Youth Songs Go?" "

"Su Ning once again caught in the whirlpool of public opinion! "

Many entertainment media reported that the voices of netizens on the Internet have never stopped.Some people support it, but more people resist it.Many netizens said that if this kind of song becomes mainstream in the music scene, it will destroy the entire Chinese music scene. Many people are worried that this type of song will become popular.

But to be honest, their worries were not without reason. After all, Su Ning's "That Era" was too popular, which moved many singers' minds.

Su Ning can become popular by singing this kind of song, so why can't they?

Many people have even begun to prepare to imitate.

It is precisely because of this that the impact of this matter will become greater and greater.

The discussion on the Internet about whether "campus youth" pop songs should be accepted and recognized by the music scene has lasted for three full days!In the past three days, the celebrity circle in the music section ranked first in the hot search list, and this has always been the case.


in the company.

Li Xiang got angry again these few days, and she hasn't been happy for a long time. It's too bad for her to have such a thing happen again.

"Are you sure it's okay?"

Li Xiang looked at Ye Feng, although he believed Ye Feng a little bit now, but what Ye Feng said just now still felt a bit unreliable, "If you want me to say, let's just spend money to hire a publicist."


Ye Feng shook his head and smiled, "Now the whole music world is discussing this matter, how do you publicize it? How many netizens participated in it, and how much did you spend to hire trolls? Besides, this matter cannot be solved by public relations. Voice can be used for public relations, but what about internal conflicts among fans? This is not something that can be handled by public relations, and there are also such things as solid popularity and reputation. If you want to reach the top, these can’t be a problem.”

What Li Xiang said has no temper, and she actually knows that public relations are a bit unrealistic now, but does she really want to ignore everything like Ye Feng said?No, what Ye Feng said was not to ignore anything, but to post a few more songs.

Li Xiang asked: "Do you think it's something that can be settled by releasing a few songs?"

"Isn't it?"

Ye Feng asked back: "The matter was caused by the song, why can't it end with the song?"


Li Xiang wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Ning Ning, "Okay, Miss Xiang, you can trust Ye Feng." Ning Ning took Ye Feng's arm, looked at Ye Feng and smiled sweetly: "I I think Mr. Ye must have a plan in mind, don't you?"

Ye Feng smiled slightly, "Of course."

"I'm really convinced. Let's do it, let's do it, let's do it." Li Xiang looked at the crooked two people, shivered, rubbed his arms and shook his head, and walked away.

"Cousin is not malicious."

Ningning looked at Li Xiang's back and whispered with a smile.

"I know." Ye Feng nodded slightly, "Give me the phone."


Ye Feng took the phone, clicked on Ding Ning's celebrity circle, and sent all the songs she recorded yesterday.


cat circle.

"What does it mean to be young and not understand love?"

"How much older are you than us? Do you understand?"

"What's wrong with this song? You don't like it and don't allow us to like it?"

"I just think these songs are good!"

"What's wrong with the campus smell?"

"Is the campus youth type superficial?"

"I draft the master!"

"A bunch of rubbish! Eat too much salt? Then why didn't it kill you?"

"Spicy chicken!"

On the other hand, old fans are not to be outdone.

"A bunch of brats learned to swear before they even grow all their hair?"

"Your teachers taught you how to fall in love at school, right?"

"I don't care if you like these songs, but can you stop messing around? Look at the hot eyes!"

"Campus music is so naive, so you guys will like it! I can't imagine what Su Ning has done. If this kind of music becomes the mainstream of the music world, then the Chinese music world will be ruined!"

"Although I am a heartless fan of Her Lady Queen, I have to say this time, you are not worthy of being Her Lady Queen's fans at all!"

"A bunch of brats, they know nothing!"

The battle of scolding in the fan circle is very fierce. Regarding whether the "campus youth" songs can be recognized by everyone, neither side is willing to back down.Although everyone's fan is only one person, but well, it's like meeting an enemy at this time, I'm extremely jealous,

My fans are divided into two groups and fight to the death, this kind of thing has never happened in the entire music world!
And at this moment, Her Lady Queen suddenly updated the news again.

The dynamics this time are much simpler than the previous ones.There are no more literary and artistic lyrics, and no pretentiously melancholic photos, just one sentence:

"Who doesn't have that youth?"

Just such a sentence!

Below are a few connections, other than that, nothing else.

Who doesn't have that youth?
What does this mean?
Seeing this sentence, fans in the cat circle, no matter if they were new fans or old fans, were stunned for a few seconds.

Everyone didn't expect Su Ning to come forward at this time. After all, they had been fighting for a while, but Her Lady Queen had never appeared before, so everyone thought Her Lady Queen would not come forward to mediate this matter.That's right, after all, it's not appropriate for her to help over there.But I didn't expect Her Lady Queen to post a message at this time?

"What does this mean?"

"What is this connection?"

"Click in and take a look."

Although many fans have been very dissatisfied with Ning Ning recently, this is their idol after all. They say they dislike her, but their body is still very honest.

"Huh? "That Time"?"

Everyone clicked in and found that this link turned out to be the music link of "That Era".

"What do you mean?"

Many fans are confused, why is Her Lady Queen posting this link?Isn't the new album already finished?
Could it be that……

Looking at the tracks in this album, countless fans' eyes widened!

"I wipe!"

"what's the situation?"

"Ah? Why is it updated again!"

"Damn it! This is endless, isn't it?"

"My Lady Queen is not addicted, is she?"

"It's almost done! If there are new fans who like it, Her Majesty the Queen doesn't care about the feelings of our old fans? An album of twenty hand songs? Huh? This is too much!"


These old fans are really angry this time!

Five songs!
Her Lady Queen actually updated five more songs?
Is it really because there are new fans who like it, is it really because of the success of those songs, does Her Majesty the Queen no longer need us old fans?

Many old fans felt their hearts were broken at this time!
These five new songs, like five daggers, pierced deeply into their hearts, the pain is heart-wrenching!
These old fans were so sad that they doubted life, but those new fans were happy that they couldn't find North, and they clicked on new songs excitedly.

But, this sounds, something is wrong!

"Oh? Why does this song feel so bad?"

"It's not the same style as before."

"That's right! This one is the same, this one is also... These five songs are all different in style from the previous ones!"

"How could this be?"

The new fans were dumbfounded, this song was wrong when they heard it!
Although it is still a campus type, the difference from the songs of "Grey Head" is obvious, right?

Many new fans have already clamored in the circle, and even have screenshots of the lyrics.

The old fan took a look, huh?Is it different from the style of "Grey Head"?Don't they like to hear it?

Depend on!
If you don't like to hear it, then we must go and listen!

Looking at the reactions of the new fans, these old fans are like a dead tree in spring, and all of them are radiant!
Click in and listen.

"Will you remember tomorrow"

"The diary you wrote yesterday"

Ps: Tomorrow is the college entrance examination, and I would like to borrow the words of a big brother in the group to bless everyone——Three emperors and five emperors competed for the heroes in ten years of hard work;I wish the students of the college entrance examination a successful start and success in no time.

(End of this chapter)

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