Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 650 New Classification!

Chapter 650 New Classification!

"Will you remember tomorrow"

"The diary you wrote yesterday"

"Are you still thinking about tomorrow"

"You who used to cry the most"

"Teachers can't remember"

"You who can't guess the problem"

"I also accidentally flipped through the photos"

"I just remembered you at the same table"

"Who married the sentimental you"

"Who Read Your Diary"

"Who put your long hair up"

"Who made your wedding dress"

cat circle.

The old fans are quiet.

All the old fans, listening to this song "You at the same table", began to be dazed, and for some reason, their thoughts began to fly, as if they had returned to the summer of that year, as if thinking of you at the same table again, the feeling of regret, quietly Stillness flows in everyone's heart.

"You were always careful"

"Ask me to borrow half an eraser"

"You also accidentally mentioned it"

"Like being with me"

"The sky was always blue back then"

“Days go by too slowly”

"You always say graduation is nowhere in sight"

"In a blink of an eye, they went their separate ways"

These lyrics, like old images, quietly evoked the memories hidden in countless people's hearts.I don't know how many people, listening to the song "You at the Same Table", silently lit a cigarette, opened the photo album with traces of time, and found out the you who used to be.

"Who met the sentimental you"

"Who comforts you who loves to cry"

"Who read the letter I wrote to you?"

"Who threw it to the wind"

“Old Days Are Gone”

"I will have my wife too"

"I'll show her the picture too"

"Tell her about you at the same table"

Memories are the most beautiful, but also the most hurtful.

The song "You at the Same Table" silenced countless fans who had already left the campus. They didn't like "Grey Head", they couldn't accept "Crime", and they thought "Little Star" was too greasy.Because they don't belong to that era, because their youth has passed quietly.But this song "You at the Same Table" is different.The melancholy music and the slightly mournful voice make people unconsciously return to the age of the campus at that time.

Who said old fans have no youth?
They don't like popular campus youth songs like "Grey Head"!However, they also have youth!

They also had youth!
Their youth belongs to the previous era!

"You at the same table"?

Many old fans secretly sighed, no one has the heart to comment on the Internet, and the mood is very low at once.

This song shook their spirits. Many people wanted to play it on a loop, but they couldn't help but look at the next four songs.

"those flowers"?
"Life Like Summer Flowers"?
"lifetime with you"?
"Story of Time"?
Looking at these four songs, fans clicked on them one by one. Listening to the soothing music, retro tunes, and full of story content, many people were moved.I don't know how many fans even shed tears unknowingly after listening to it.

I don't know why, but my eye sockets feel moist.

Maybe it's because of the lost youth, maybe it's because of the regretful someone, maybe it's because of the most beautiful campus days.

In short, these five songs made countless old fans who have already stepped out of the campus explode!

Real-time ranking of celebrity circle-music circle-new song list:
Half an hour ago, there was no shadow of the five songs "You at the Same Table".But in just half an hour, the rankings of these five songs went crazy online!
hit the list!

Numerous old fans are crazy for these five songs!
"You at the same table" real-time ranking No. 30 five!
"Story of Time" ranked No.30 in real time!
After 3 minutes, "You at the Same Table" rose seven places!
Five minutes later, "Story of Time" rose to ten places!
The old fans in the cat circle are already boiling!
"Love me so much!"

"These five songs are just amazing!"

"It makes me feel like I'm back in high school, hit the rankings! Must hit the rankings!"

"It's time for us to play, brothers! Let's explode!"

break out!

It really exploded!

Huaye never sees 1000 million flowers for "Story of Time"!
Nuhai Qiantao sent 1000 million flowers to "You at the Same Table"!
Alone and alone, I sent 1000 million flowers to "Life is like a Summer Flower"!
In less than an hour, these five songs directly smashed the charts!
On the new song list in the music circle, "Those Flowers" replaced "Constellation Lovers" and became the tenth on the list!
After 3 minutes, "I Have You" strongly suppressed "A Little Sweet"!
"Life is like a summer flower" has made great strides all the way, pushing "Exclusive Taste" to the third place!

In less than an hour, the new song list has undergone earth-shaking changes!
In particular, "You at the Same Table" and "Story of Time" quickly climbed to the top and second positions in the list at a jaw-dropping speed!
"You at the same table" No. [-]!

"Story of Time" second!
But this ranking changed again within a minute, and "Story of Time" made a strong comeback to reach the top!However, it didn't stay at the top of the list for long, and then it was snatched back by "You at the Same Table"... Back and forth, the real-time rankings of these two songs have been changing!

But no matter how it changes, the number one position is either "You at the Same Table" or "Story of Time"!
Moreover, the gap between these two songs is nearly three times that of No.3!

This is really unshakable!
It can be said that these two songs have completely shocked the music world!
At this moment, the music world has gone crazy!
Wan Ming seemed to have seen a ghost, "Fuck! What the hell is this shit? Huh? One hour? This data? Did she f**k it?" Be very careful, but today he swears directly!

So scary!
It's really frightening!
The sudden rise of the fifteen songs before was enough to make people crazy, but compared with these five songs, it was still a little bit worse!These five songs don't make people crazy, they make people doubt life!

"too exaggerated!"

"How did Su Ning do it? Are her fans crazy? 1000 million flowers of 1000 million flowers? Even a local tyrant is not such a local tyrant!"

"It's not just a problem of local tyrants. Just look at the retweets and listens of these songs. It's terrifying!"

"Hiss! What kind of magical power does this woman have? It can make students crazy, but it can also make these people who have graduated long ago crazy?"

"This is no longer madness, this is madness! This is madness!"

"To be honest... I think "Story of Time" is really good."

"Yes! I didn't say it was bad, but no matter how good a song is, it must have a certain limit, right? Is this song so good that it makes people go crazy?"

At this moment, the entire Chinese music scene was shocked!

Too many doubts!Too many puzzles!
what is the problem?

What kind of magical power does Su Ning have?
No one can explain clearly, let alone understand!
In fact, let alone them, even if it was Ye Feng, he was a little surprised at this moment.

He knew that these five songs would definitely be popular, but in such an exaggerated way, to be honest, when he saw the ranking, he was stunned!This was indeed beyond his expectations.

He himself didn't expect that these songs would cause such an exaggerated reaction.

However, when he reacted, he understood what was going on.

Speaking of which, it can only be explained by chance and coincidence.

Those "non-mainstream" campus youth songs before made those old fans really disappointed, and the conflicts with those new fans afterwards made the old fans of West Zhejiang even more upset.Just at this time, these five songs were born out of nowhere, and they are five songs with the same theme as the previous "Grey Head", but the expression method is completely different!This made the old fans who had been suppressed for a long time explode in an instant!

As a result, it directly shocked the entire Chinese music scene!
However, this is not the most shocking music.

Probably in the evening, the music circle suddenly and silently added a new category-campus youth.And under this category, there is only one singer, one album, and twenty songs.

When seeing this classification, the entire Chinese music scene fell silent.

Facing this new music classification created by the official music circle for Su Ning, no matter if you are a singer or a queen, you can't help feeling a sense of fear in your heart!

This former song queen, I'm afraid it's not just as simple as coming back!

ps: I'm sorry, I drank too much yesterday, and the author has some personal matters today, so I can only rush out a chapter and make it up tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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