Grandma's wanton life

Chapter 651: Midstream 1st Line!

Chapter 651: First-line Midstream!
The next day.


At home, the whole family is there.Lengmei didn't have class today, Lingling didn't go to school, needless to say, Ye Feng, this guy has always been able to go when he wants to, and he's down when he doesn't want to, and Ning Ning and Li Xiang didn't go to the company either.

Today, Ning Ning cooks herself. She has been busy all morning and cooked a sumptuous lunch.

The whole family was not outsiders, and sat at a table in the backyard. Not only these people, but also Mei Pu came over.Of course, if anyone's arrival is more surprising, it should be Zhao Meng and Lin Yi.

Zhao Meng and Lin Yi were also here, invited by Ye Feng, although Ning Ning and the others didn't understand why Ye Feng invited them, but they didn't say much.

It's more than August. Although the weather has turned cold, it is still hot, but it is better in the morning. In addition, there are more shades in the backyard, and there is a little breeze from time to time, which is cool.


Everyone sat around the table with smiles on their faces and toasted together.That's why Zhao Meng and Leng Mei didn't smile anymore. Leng Mei had always been like this. As for Zhao Meng, she was simply upset.Of course, none of this is a big deal.

Lingling smiled and said: "Congratulations to my sister for her great success, another step forward!"

Mei Pu was also giggling, "Sister-in-law has caused a sensation in the entire music world this time. She is much more famous than those queens and singers. It's just around the corner that sister-in-law will reach the top again!"

Sitting beside Ye Feng, Leng Mei held up her wine glass and said softly, "With my brother-in-law escorting me, nothing is impossible."

Li Xiang also said with a smile on his face: "Ye Feng really opened my eyes this time. I didn't expect music to be played like this. It's ups and downs, just like riding a roller coaster."


Everyone laughed.

The little guy sat between Ye Feng and Ning Ning, holding his mother's arm, "Ma Ma, I want to eat that!" The girl pointed at the chicken leg and shouted.

Ning Ning smiled at everyone, then rubbed the little guy's face with a doting smile and said, "Okay." As she spoke, she pinched the little guy over.

Xiaoha under the table has already grown up, and his body is bigger than Yiyi, but Xiaoha is still like before, he is afraid of the little guy, seeing this little baby eating delicious chicken legs, although Xiaoha is greedy She was drooling, but she didn't dare to go forward to ask for it, only dared to whimper anxiously at Xiao Yiyi's feet.

"This guy……"

Ye Feng grinned, "Daughter, take a look~"

Ye Feng saw this precious girl pouted towards Xiao Han, the little guy looked down and understood it, looked at the chicken legs in his bowl, and pursed his lips, although his eyes were full of reluctance, but in the end he gave it to Xiao Han.

Little Ha happily ran to the side to eat chicken legs, but the little baby felt a little wronged, seeing Xiao Yiyi like this, the table was full of laughter again.

The breeze is warm, the wine is strong and the dishes are fragrant, and the family sits together and chats with smiles.

Today's dinner party was proposed by Ye Feng. He thought that Haicheng was the only family members. We have lived in Haicheng for so long, and we have never had a real gathering together.Originally, he wanted to go out and find a restaurant, but Ning Ning was very happy today, so she cooked herself and cooked a table of meals for everyone.

Of course, at today's gathering, Ye Feng originally wanted to celebrate Ningning.

Just last night, the list of singers in the celebrity circle was updated, and Ning Ning rose from the bottom of the first line to the middle of the first line!

This has to be celebrated!

You know, this span is too big!
And it's not just "too big"!

A-line singer!
It is much more competitive than the second and third tiers!
Ning Ning stepped directly from the bottom of the first line to the ranks of the middle of the first line. This span is much more difficult than stepping from the second line to the first line!It can even be said that these two are not of the same magnitude!

Because on the singer ranking list, the higher the singer's ranking, the greater the gap between the rankings.To use a very simple analogy, for example, there are 200 second-tier singers, the first in the second tier gets 1 points, the last in the second tier gets one point, and the last in the first tier gets [-] points!The points of No.[-] in the first line may be [-]!
Maybe from second-tier singers, dozens of points can make you rise dozens of places.But in the first line, this is not the case at all, dozens of points may not be able to make any splashes!Thousands of points are needed to advance one place!
And what about Ningning?

She didn't advance a few ranks, she just crossed from the bottom to the middle!

How terrifying points does this need?

I'm afraid that in the entire music scene, there is still such a span among first-line singers. I guess Ningning is No. 1!

From this, we can also see how exaggerated rating boost the album "That Era" brought to Ningning!

No matter in terms of popularity or traffic, this time Ning Ning can be said to have detonated the music scene and earned enough attention!Of course, the biggest gain is still influence!A piece of "That Era", [-] songs, while attracting countless new fans, it directly formed a new music category!
Campus youth!

In terms of influence on campus students, Ningning is already well-deserved No.1!Whether they are teenagers who are still in school, or those who have already stepped out of campus to work, they are all aroused by Ning Ning's melancholy!Even, the official circle of celebrities has directly opened up a new music category!
This is the best embodiment of influence!

This new album "That Era" can be said to be since Ning Ning's comeback, no, not only since her comeback, it should be since her debut!Since Ning Ning's debut, this new album is the most violent one for her!

This exaggerated rise is simply unbelievable!
Just one album!

Only twenty songs!

Just rely on music!

In the singer circle, how many of them climbed up to the position of first-line singers only by relying on music?

not a single one!

Almost all top singers climbed to this position by relying on variety shows, film and television and other external forces!There are even quite a few people who hype various scandals and rumors all day long in order to earn traffic and increase exposure. There are not a few such people!However, Ning Ning is the only one who rushes to the middle of the first-line singer relying solely on her own music works, looking at the entire music scene!

Not even the youngest and hottest songstress Shui Liuyun today!Shui Liuyun also participated in various variety shows crazily before the first line, in order to exaggerate his popularity!
Ning Ning is like a clear stream in the singer world, she almost never appears in variety shows, let alone participate in any activities that have nothing to do with music!If anyone can compare with Ningning nowadays, it is Ye Feng who is sitting beside her now.

Ye Feng is really weird enough, Ning Ning only focuses on music, like a clear stream in the music world, but Ye Feng is exactly the opposite of Ning Ning!This product is simply a mudslide in the music industry and even the entertainment industry!This guy is not from the entertainment industry, but his influence is more exaggerated than any entertainment star!No matter whether you are an idol school or a powerful school, in front of Professor Ye, you are all younger brothers!Although Ye Feng is not in the entertainment industry, the key point is that Ye Feng's influence on the entertainment industry is too great every time!

When Professor Ye sneezes, maybe the entertainment industry will shake three times!
This is their husband and wife, and they are both "wonderful" enough.

Such a couple, it is estimated that there will be no second couple in the whole world.

But in the face of their husband and wife, no one has to be convinced!

I have to be convinced!
(End of this chapter)

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